Top 80 Drown Myself Quotes

#1. I no longer know If I wish to drown myself in love, vodka or the sea.

Franz Kafka

Drown Myself Quotes #87167
#2. Indeed, if I have yet to join the hosts of the suicides, it is because (fatigue apart) I find it no meaningfuller to drown myself than to go on swimming.

John Barth

Drown Myself Quotes #55002
#3. my bleeding heart. I want to crawl inside of his skin and drown myself in his blood. I want to swim in his marrow.

E.K. Blair

Drown Myself Quotes #1752015
#4. Don't untie me," she said, "no matter what happens or how much I plead. I'll want to go straight over the edge and drown myself."
"Are you trying to tempt me?"

Rick Riordan

Drown Myself Quotes #1710346
#5. If I have unjustly wrested a plank from a drowning man, I must restore it to him though I drown myself.

Henry David Thoreau

Drown Myself Quotes #1554822
#6. I am in love, and the river is beginning to ice over. I'd better go drown myself before I freeze to death.

Dark Jar Tin Zoo

Drown Myself Quotes #1416313
#7. I give up," Baz whined. "I'm going to go drown myself in the moat. Tell my mother I always knew she loved me best.

Rainbow Rowell

Drown Myself Quotes #1357149
#8. There are so may ways to kills yourself, they're just old-fashioned with their permanganate: do you think I'd take permanganate? I wouldn't want to burn my insides out and live to tell the tale as well: idiots! It's simple, I'd drown myself ... Why be in misery at the last?

Christina Stead

Drown Myself Quotes #1325049
#9. Literature is a vast ocean, in which one has to drown themselves to be able to conquer it. Those on shore can see a side of it or have tasted a part of it. And I choose to drown myself in it than just to see it.

Nikita Dudani

Drown Myself Quotes #1273464
#10. I held the power to crush him right at this moment. The knowledge was humbling and terrifying. Didn't he know I'd rather drown myself in the ocean than use that power?

Natasha Boyd

Drown Myself Quotes #1128256
#11. I don't need extra hours to clear my mind. I just need to stop taking everything seriously and drown myself in worry. All I need is to be a child again. To be free. And, start living again!

Saru Singhal

Drown Myself Quotes #1047132
#12. I would rather drown myself in the waters of the Sabarmati than harbour hate or animosity in my heart.

Mahatma Gandhi

Drown Myself Quotes #486789
#13. What are you talking about?" Narcissus demanded. "I am amazing. Everyone knows this."
"Amazing at pure suck," Leo said. "If I was as suck as you, I'd drown myself. Oh wait, you already did that.

Rick Riordan

Drown Myself Quotes #430654
#14. Let them think what they liked, but I didn't mean to drown myself. I meant to swim till I sank
but that's not the same thing.

Joseph Conrad

Drown Myself Quotes #292216
#15. He came like he meant to drown the world.

Emma Holly

Drown Myself Quotes #115786
#16. Nd it occurs to me how fragile our lives are, how at any moment the sky can open and drown us, the earth can open and swallow us. I think of all the intricate ways our bodies can betray us, the accidents and the atrocities, the missteps and the misunderstandings.

A. Manette Ansay

Drown Myself Quotes #76897
#17. Billionaires like the Koch brothers, casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, and political puppet master Karl Rove should not be able to buy our elections. Secret money should not be able to drown out the voices of the American people and sell our Democracy to the highest bidder.

Hank Johnson

Drown Myself Quotes #111623
#18. If 30 Australians drowned in Sydney Harbour, it would be a national tragedy. But when 30 or more refugees drown off the Australian coast, it is a political question.

Richard Flanagan

Drown Myself Quotes #111559
#19. Nahum bobbed again. 'My crest is cropped by croaking cranes. I go to drown in doleful dumps, dead-drunk with drearihead.

John Bellairs

Drown Myself Quotes #109000
#20. I don't want easy. I want the impossible. I want love so thick, I drown in it; it's the only thing worth having and, I'm sorry Kona, you're a nice guy when you're not acting like an entitled jackass, but I really don't think you're capable of being anything more than that.

Eden Butler

Drown Myself Quotes #105658
#21. That was the ballad of suburbia: give me loud to drown out the silence.

Stephanie Kuehnert

Drown Myself Quotes #97846
#22. Trying to walk away from something you love is like trying to drown yourself. You want to, but it's unnatural to not crave air.

Tarryn Fisher

Drown Myself Quotes #96894
#23. I seek you like the waves seek the shore. I cannot stay, and too, I cannot stay away from you. When I push against the drift, I choke! I gasp for air! I drown within my love for you. So I will ebb and I will flow and let the tide direct my course and see where it will go.

Kate McGahan

Drown Myself Quotes #95209
#24. I was always into music. I think everyone is when they're a teenager, as a way to drown out the world.

Penelope Spheeris

Drown Myself Quotes #94881
#25. Maybe your past isn't perfect. Maybe it was brutal. Maybe you were brutal. Maybe you've got more scars than you thought one skin could hold. You can't linger on those thoughts. You will drown in them. After all, it's only an interesting backstory if you can get past it.

Jessica Hagy

Drown Myself Quotes #93837
#26. Tears shall drown the wind

William Shakespeare

Drown Myself Quotes #91638
#27. Marina sighs. "Love's a tidal wave," she says. "Because it sweeps you off your feet?" I ask. "No. Because it sucks you under and you drown.

Jodi Picoult

Drown Myself Quotes #90604
#28. But leave me to my beer! Gold is dross, love is loss, so if I gulp my sorrows down, or see them drown in foamy draughts of old nut-brown, then I do wear the crown, without the cross!

George Arnold

Drown Myself Quotes #88999
#29. I'm going to pull you under and drown you in me until you can't forget.

Ella Frank

Drown Myself Quotes #79273
#30. Sometimes I float along the river
For its surface I am bound
And there are times stones done fill my pockets
And it's into this river I drown

T.J. Klune

Drown Myself Quotes #77926
#31. she also had a little dog that ran round yapping. One of those Mexican cockroaches that you could drown in a teacup.

Leif G.W. Persson

Drown Myself Quotes #1878547
#32. And so Mort came at last to the river Ankh, greatest of rivers. Even before it entered the city, it was slow and heavy with the silt of the plains, and by the time it got to The Shades even an agnostic could have walked across it. It was hard to drown in the Ankh, but easy to suffocate.

Terry Pratchett

Drown Myself Quotes #116918
#33. Okay, Fine. I'm glad you didn't drown. Sort of. Good luck with whatever it is you're doing out here.

Frankie Rose

Drown Myself Quotes #118321
#34. I left then too, more confused and hurt than ever and with a sadness tugging on my heart like a sinking anchor. If I wasn't careful, I would drown.

Mindee Arnett

Drown Myself Quotes #119521
#35. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.
[Stanford University commencement speech, 2005]

Steve Jobs

Drown Myself Quotes #120602
#36. Shall I tell you our secret? We are charming thieves who steal hearts and never fail because we are the friends of the One.
Blessed is the poem that comes through me but not of me because the sound of my own music will drown the song of Love.


Drown Myself Quotes #121681
#37. My pillow is as good as any ocean
to drown in the nightmare of myself.
I swam all the way here from the moon.

Casey Renee Kiser

Drown Myself Quotes #213335
#38. I told myself that once I was done ripping the seagull's head off, I would turn around and give a speech so saccharine that even Eddie wouldn't be able to console them when I was finished. I would destroy them, and they would drown in an ocean of their tears.
But first the seagull.

T.J. Klune

Drown Myself Quotes #234789
#39. It would be easy to stay in the dark, to drown. Slowly, I lower my hands and force myself to look at the sunlight.

Victoria Aveyard

Drown Myself Quotes #580869
#40. I wanted to drown inside a woman in the feeling and drooling of the love I could give her. I wanted her pulse to crush me with its intensity. That's what I wanted. That's what I wanted myself to be.

Markus Zusak

Drown Myself Quotes #790995
#41. Life's hard and when you know there are ways to drown it out, it's hard to stay on the right path. It's a constant struggle. For a long time, I did it by myself.

Lisa De Jong

Drown Myself Quotes #859817
#42. My world is about FEELings. Sometimes, these feelings run so deep i fear i will drown.
Creatively, it's a dream to be so sensitive. In real life, it's exhausting, as i tread water to keep myself from sinking.

Jaeda DeWalt

Drown Myself Quotes #905089
#43. Ocean?""Yeah baby." "Please don't leave me like everyone else, don't let me drown Ocean." "I hugged her tighter. "Livie I won't let you drown. If you drown, I drown baby." I held onto her and closed my eyes, and silently cried myself to sleep. *Ocean Hawthorne*


Drown Myself Quotes #1297282
#44. I don't let myself 'surf' on the Web, or I would probably drown.

Aubrey Plaza

Drown Myself Quotes #1465523
#45. In the bar, the jukebox comes on. Molley must be trying to drown out the sounds of raised voices. I move toward her, unable to resist; her eyes are wet, her face flushed, and I can finally look at her, want her, let myself touch her without grief turning everything to ashes in my mouth.

Amie Kaufman

Drown Myself Quotes #1710576
#46. There's an old saying in swimming - "Don't drown." At least there should be. I may have just Michael Phelpsed myself, but it's all gold.

Jarod Kintz

Drown Myself Quotes #1759494
#47. Oh my love,
pure and divine love,
I want to drown in you
and then get lost,
to find myself again and again,
as a symbol and source of love,
pure, blissful and divine.

Debasish Mridha

Drown Myself Quotes #1791266
#48. There are many cultural scenes in Lahore, just as there are in London. And there is a celebrity culture here, just as there is in London. But in Lahore, the celebrity scene doesn't drown out the rest quite so much.

Mohsin Hamid

Drown Myself Quotes #18428
#49. It is so hard to stay afloat in a world
that just wants to drown you.

Schuyler Peck

Drown Myself Quotes #34136
#50. She never answered. She couldn't. All she could do was stare, reaching toward him with her gaze alone, pulling him to drown in the sorrow of those depthless black pools.

Kelly Creagh

Drown Myself Quotes #33833
#51. As soon as you stop being humbled by the creation process, Little One, it is so much bigger than you are. And when you think it is you and you are it, it will drown you or burn you alive.

Tori Amos

Drown Myself Quotes #33172
#52. Old godheads sink in space and drown Their arks like foundered galleons sucked down.

Don Marquis

Drown Myself Quotes #32799
#53. You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there.

Edwin Louis Cole

Drown Myself Quotes #30299
#54. I enjoy performing, always, but when you're taping a gig, you've got to blank out this mass apparatus of self-consciousness that's surrounding you, this invitation to drown in self-consciousness. Otherwise you just won't be able to do anything.

Dylan Moran

Drown Myself Quotes #26155
#55. And every moment one expects the sky to fling a barrage from clouds so leaden they hang low across the city roofs and drown the horizon.

Anne Perry

Drown Myself Quotes #22720
#56. You're more likely to drown in the sea of sameness than get eaten by a shark while navigating new waters.

Amy Jo Martin

Drown Myself Quotes #19773
#57. With better gear, firefighters no longer surround and drown a fire - they go in.

Bill Dedman

Drown Myself Quotes #37052
#58. If you had to jump six or seven feet or certainly drown, it's surprising how far even older people will jump.

Erik Larson

Drown Myself Quotes #17257
#59. Let's get loose with Compassion. Let's drown in the delicious ambience of Love.


Drown Myself Quotes #13832
#60. Raysel, you told me yourself that your father wasn't my liege anymore. I don't have to obey his wishes, spoken or unspoken, and so I can finally say this: go drown yourself, you self-righteous little bitch.

Seanan McGuire

Drown Myself Quotes #12824
#61. When the oceans drown the world, women will take time for jealousy.

Robert E. Howard

Drown Myself Quotes #9216
#62. The rain continued. It was a hard rain, a perpetual rain, a sweating and steaming rain; it was a mizzle, a downpour, a fountain, a whipping at the eyes, an undertow at the ankles; it was a rain to drown all rains and the memory of rains.

Ray Bradbury

Drown Myself Quotes #7308
#63. The great move mountains;
the cowardly hide behind them.
The extraordinary walk on water;
the mediocre drown on land.
The excellent perform miracles;
the inferior carry out mischief.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Drown Myself Quotes #3386
#64. Take that, you scum-sucking snipes. Eat your words and your cruelty. May you drown in it and die. (Nick)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Drown Myself Quotes #2854
#65. When you have lost your inns, you may drown your empty selves. For you have lost the heart of England.

Hilaire Belloc

Drown Myself Quotes #73885
#66. And pity, like a new-born babe,
Striding the blast, or heaven's cherubim, horsed
Upon the sightless couriers of the air,
Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye,
That tears shall drown the wind.

William Shakespeare

Drown Myself Quotes #41078
#67. Our goal is to shrink government to the size where we can drown it in a bathtub.

Grover Norquist

Drown Myself Quotes #42489
#68. Would I drown saving him?

Ellen Hopkins

Drown Myself Quotes #43213
#69. Huge mammals surrounded us, any one of whom could easily overturn our stupid little boat. Tripod would drown. I would drown. Joe would undoubtedly be rescued by mermaids seduced by his beauty.

Kristan Higgins

Drown Myself Quotes #45576
#70. He was struck by what a glorious and fearless animal Blue Sargent was, and he made a mental note to tell her that very thing, if she didn't drown getting whatever the second thing was.

Maggie Stiefvater

Drown Myself Quotes #45897

John Irving

Drown Myself Quotes #54170
#72. He tried to drown his troubles but they knew how to swim.

Rita Mae Brown

Drown Myself Quotes #59526
#73. No one wants to drown. Drowning would be the worst. Cause everyone knows that feeling. That feeling, oh it's the worst ... when you think you're drowning.

Dane Cook

Drown Myself Quotes #62608
#74. Set boundaries and keep them. People will drown you with their need, and demonize you for not filling their emptiness.

Colleen Doran

Drown Myself Quotes #63323
#75. We cling to words like drowning men to straws. But still we drown, we drown.

Anna Kamienska

Drown Myself Quotes #64288
#76. The Christians are always singing about the blood. Let us give them enough of it! Let us cut their throats and drag them over the altar! And let them drown in their own blood! I dream of the day when the last priest is strangled on the guts of the last preacher.

Gus Hall

Drown Myself Quotes #66958
#77. The train blows through town
delivering reality,
slapping my face and screaming,
"You are alone"
Rose colored memories drown,
taking their last breath.

Kellie Elmore

Drown Myself Quotes #68474
#78. When it comes to the crusty behavior of some people, give them the benefit of the doubt. They may be drowning right before your eyes, but you can't see it. And you'd never ask someone to drown with a smile on his face.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Drown Myself Quotes #68773
#79. By gnawing through a dike, even a rat may drown a nation.

Edmund Burke

Drown Myself Quotes #71251
#80. You like to act as if you care about nothing and if you carry on like that then you're going to drown in the abyss you have imagined for yourself.

Alice Oseman

Drown Myself Quotes #71971

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