Top 100 Zero With Quotes

#1. Every morning the cuisinier must start again at zero, with nothing on the stove. That is what real cuisine is all about.

Fernand Point

Zero With Quotes #243771
#2. The Internet destroyed most of the barriers to publication. The cost of being a publisher dropped to almost zero with two interesting immediate results: anybody can publish, and more importantly, you can publish whatever you want.

Dick Costolo

Zero With Quotes #902702
#3. Markov died while trying to fit a small, slippery shotgun shell into a narrow gun barrel, in the dark, at thirty below zero - with a tiger bearing down on him from ten yards away.

John Vaillant

Zero With Quotes #1031787
#4. Virtue is not photogenic. What is it to be a nice guy? To be nothing, that's what. A big fat zero with a smile for everybody.

Kirk Douglas

Zero With Quotes #1716266
#5. I'm a fast foodie - like, a foodie, but with food courts. I'd love to go with all my friends to a food court that's also a buffet - with unlimited orange chicken from Panda Express, curly fries from Arby's, Hawaiian pizza from Sbarro, and Coke Zero. I'm a simple man with simple pleasures.

Tyler Oakley

Zero With Quotes #21309
#6. What happens when it's 2 a.m. and you're alone in a hotel room with the devil's minibar? Minibar - one; Marissa - zero.

Marissa Jaret Winokur

Zero With Quotes #21986
#7. If I know you're very good in music, I can predict with just about zero accuracy whether you're going to be good or bad in other things.

Howard Gardner

Zero With Quotes #26511
#8. Charlie snorted. Sure. Insta-friends with one of the world's most famous rock stars. ZERO weirdness. Check. And you're not my type either, dude.

Anne Eliot

Zero With Quotes #54630
#9. I have zero idea of what my involvement with 'The Lying Game' is going to be. I'm a character that may or may not be permanently involved.

Tyler Christopher

Zero With Quotes #60733
#10. In America, on the ordinate plane of faith versus reason, the x-axis of faith intersects with the y-axis of reason at the zero point of "I don't give a damn what you think".

Sarah Vowell

Zero With Quotes #67887
#11. There was absolutely zero discourse between me or anybody at the studio with the NFL. None. The only exchange was one-sentence e-mails trying to arrange a meeting, before deciding to cancel the meeting. Period. End of story.

Peter Landesman

Zero With Quotes #72401
#12. We wanted to be in great shape, we wanted to be able to cope with zero gravity, we wanted to be able to cope with accelerations and decelerations and so on. So all of us trained so that we were probably in the best physical condition we had ever been in up until that point.

Alan Shepard

Zero With Quotes #107506
#13. Making the decision to leave Valve strikes me as right up there with turning down the throne to Narnia, but then call me an idealist, and I guess I probably wouldn't want to spend my whole life making new hats for Team Fortress 2 either.

Yahtzee Croshaw

Zero With Quotes #108640
#14. Eve: Shut up, we have zero time for you and your bullshit dramatics
Monica: Or what, you'll bleed on me, Emo Princess of Freakdomonia?
Claire: Fine. You come with us. If you get in my way, I'll kill you.

Rachel Caine

Zero With Quotes #113933
#15. I support mosques, obviously. We need churches, temples, mosques. Whatever people use to speak with their god or to receive spiritual inspiration is good for the country. But the symbolism of it at ground zero, within two blocks or three blocks, I believe is wrong.

Peter T. King

Zero With Quotes #144388
#16. The zero-sum world [the movie The Social Network] portrayed has nothing in common with the Silicon Valley I know, but I suspect it's a pretty accurate portrayal of the dysfunctional relationships that dominate Hollywood.

Peter Thiel

Zero With Quotes #153864
#17. With small-town America it's always either zombies or communists isn't it.

Yahtzee Croshaw

Zero With Quotes #157582
#18. I learned very quickly that when you emigrate, you lose the crutches that have been your support; you must begin from zero, because the past is erased with a single stroke and no one cares where you're from or what you did before.

Isabel Allende

Zero With Quotes #170317
#19. With photography, you zero in; you put a lot of energy into short moments, and then you go on to the next thing.

Robert Mapplethorpe

Zero With Quotes #182856
#20. I am a brave and bold businesswoman with zero fucks to give for men in scrubs.

Colleen Hoover

Zero With Quotes #183610
#21. The problem I have with carbon as a bad thing issue, is that people go out and say they want to be zero carbon. You see it everywhere.

William McDonough

Zero With Quotes #198809
#22. You convinced me that you're a good kisser, that doesn't mean you like me."
"I'm here pretending to be your boyfriend with the possibility of getting zero benefits from you. Trust me kitten, I like you. I like you a whole lottle, remember?

L.A. Casey

Zero With Quotes #203441
#23. Irrespective of whether you are sexually active of not, being sexually empowered is a vital element of being able to create a society with zero tolerance for sexual violence.

Miya Yamanouchi

Zero With Quotes #224359
#24. A panel at a beautiful annual literary festival in Brazil, held in the almost Utopian coastal town of Parati, found me matched with Fernando Gabeira. This comparison reduced my own limited charisma value to something like zero: Gabeira has excelled at every cultural activity in Brazil.

Christopher Hitchens

Zero With Quotes #228562
#25. We have this interesting problem with black holes. What is a black hole? It is a region of space where you have mass that's confined to zero volume, which means that the density is infinitely large, which means we have no way of describing, really, what a black hole is!

Andrea M. Ghez

Zero With Quotes #241675
#26. With English literature, if you do a bit of shonky spelling, no one dies, but if you're half-way through a maths calculation and you stick in an extra zero, everything just crashes into the ravine.

Mark Haddon

Zero With Quotes #245398
#27. I probably had 150 meetings with Trent Lott. He has said exactly as many racist things to me as Bill Clinton has, which is to say zero.

Dick Morris

Zero With Quotes #252572
#28. Try to live with as few regrets as you can short of zero. A life with no regrets at all was never really lived.

D.X. Logan

Zero With Quotes #283982
#29. I have zero tolerance for people with zero tolerance.

Tim Heaton

Zero With Quotes #328987
#30. I went to graduate school with zero expectation. I kind of backed into it. I wanted to go back to school because I felt gaps in my literary background. I studied mostly twentieth-century English literature in college, so I thought, 'Maybe I'll go back for my writing.'

Susan Minot

Zero With Quotes #330925
#31. I've used the Phoenix Centrifuge to replicate what the body's going to go through on the flight up. I've also done some gravity tests with ZERO-G [a charter-flight service in Arlington, Va., that uses modified Boeing 727s to simulate weightlessness], which went great.

Richard Branson

Zero With Quotes #341050
#32. First, we believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns
in America's schools, period ... with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained se
curity personnel.

Wayne LaPierre

Zero With Quotes #342328
#33. When the dog is repeatedly teased with the sight of objects inducing salivary secretion from a distance, the reaction of the salivary glands grows weaker and weaker and finally drops to zero.

Ivan Pavlov

Zero With Quotes #363281
#34. The ledger of my life can lean heavy with a prolific array of stellar investments, yet in the tallying I would be wise to remember that an investment that is not of God will leave a zero balance on the ledger of my life no matter how many different ways I try to add it up.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

Zero With Quotes #367278
#35. I have always struggled, with the sole intention of ceasing to struggle. Result: zero.

Emil Cioran

Zero With Quotes #377861
#36. I have spent too long with too many people who have lost loved ones to healthcare-associated infections not to be determined to act on this. There is no tolerable level of preventable infections. The only acceptable strategy is a zero-tolerance strategy.

Andrew Lansley

Zero With Quotes #391326
#37. My history as a manager cannot be compared with Frank Rijkaard's history. He has zero trophies and I have a lot of them.

Jose Mourinho

Zero With Quotes #396842
#38. Worry means tormenting yourself with disturbing thoughts or fretting about things we have zero control over. If you live in the north there is no need to worry about the snow. You will get plenty each year. If you live in California or Texas you needn't worry about rain because we won't receive any.

Jack White

Zero With Quotes #400173
#39. The hydrogen powered car, with its high fuel mileage and zero emission rate, is just one example of the products under development that will help increase our energy independence.

Dan Lipinski

Zero With Quotes #402093
#40. The main problem I always have with multiplayer is that human beings are grabby, entitled, selfish, ugly, stupid, evil cockstoppers.

Yahtzee Croshaw

Zero With Quotes #405237
#41. The freedom of any society varies proportionately with the volume of its laughter.

Zero Mostel

Zero With Quotes #429314
#42. Yuki (in a standoff with Zero): We're going to stay like this until vol. 10? Why ... don't we sit down ... Zero?
Zero: I can't. If I sit down, I won't be able to get up again. (I've reached my limits in many ways).
Yuki: Well, I'm going to sit ...

Matsuri Hino

Zero With Quotes #439989
#43. So, schools will say they have a 'zero tolerance' for bullying, but they really don't want to deal with anything.

Nancy Jo Sales

Zero With Quotes #455073
#44. I feel awful for women who are trying to raise kids on their own, with zero income and no fathers present - that's single motherhood.

Natascha McElhone

Zero With Quotes #457790
#45. The problem in child care, which really all of us are going to have to think hard on, is that there is no really great solution that we can come up with for ages zero to three.

Edward Zigler

Zero With Quotes #471692
#46. I lose faith in mathematics, logical and rigid. What with those that even zero doesn't accept?

Dejan Stojanovic

Zero With Quotes #486365
#47. There's a lot of evidence that shows that if we push as hard as we need to for net-zero emissions, we'll find ourselves with cities that are more secure, healthier, and have more economic opportunity - are frankly better cities to live in - than if we settle for the status quo.

Alex Steffen

Zero With Quotes #492164
#48. When you surrender and accept the beautiful stillness around you, when you give up all thoughts of the past, all worries and anxieties of the future, when you surround yourself with similarly positive people, when you tame the mind, when you keep healthy, there is zero chance of burnout.

James Altucher

Zero With Quotes #492807
#49. I glance over at Raffe for the hundredth time as I huddle with Pooky Bear beneath a coat that someone gave me. I'm shivering as if it's zero degrees, and no matter how much I hug myself, I can't get warm. I

Susan Ee

Zero With Quotes #495098
#50. Big deal ... the only cats that don't have three legs are the ones with two through zero legs.

Doug Benson

Zero With Quotes #503322
#51. The worst thing about this modern world is that people think you get killed on television with zero pain and zero blood. It must enter into kids' heads that it's not very messy to kill somebody, and it doesn't hurt that much. That's a real sickness to me. That's a real sick thing.

David Lynch

Zero With Quotes #505954
#52. Before 'Final Fantasy VII,' I would have told you that I had zero interest in RPGs with turn-based combat. But that game was so well done, I didn't care what genre it was. Any genre can be done poorly or done well.

Tim Schafer

Zero With Quotes #508535
#53. I'm fairly certain the state of California wants its residents to die. Why else make curvy roads with no guardrails on the side of a cliff with zero shoulder? One false move and we're plummeting over the edge and into the rocky Pacific. Yay for bloody vacations and adventures.

Sarah Noffke

Zero With Quotes #516866
#54. I think the age of the universe has zero to do with how our economy is going to grow.

Marco Rubio

Zero With Quotes #535720
#55. I'm just a normal guy with some good solid common sense who has zero tolerance for those with zero intelligence.

Adam Carolla

Zero With Quotes #542037
#56. When I was running across the country, I was doing 40 or 50 miles a day in sleeting snow with zero visibility for five or six days in a row. Ten to 12 hours of running in that is monotony beyond belief.

Dean Karnazes

Zero With Quotes #556085
#57. I've got an electric little motorcycle that I go to the supermarket with every day, and it's powered by the solar panels, so it's really got a zero carbon footprint.

Roger McGuinn

Zero With Quotes #572872
#58. In Russia, less than one percent of trials end with an acquittal. With trials that were initiated for political reasons those chances are zero.

Lyudmila Alexeyeva

Zero With Quotes #590520
#59. The art of making love, muffled up in furs, in the open air, with the thermometer at Zero, is a Yankee invention.

John Quincy Adams

Zero With Quotes #595569
#60. I found it peculiar that those who wanted to take military action could - with 100 per cent certainty - know that the weapons existed and turn out to have zero knowledge of where they were.

Hans Blix

Zero With Quotes #596570
#61. When you etch your moral code in stone, you have no room for editing. You leave open the possibility that, as our ethical views evolve, your code becomes less relevant. You could find yourself with four of ten divine moral laws describing how to treat God and zero that prohibit rape or slavery.

David G. McAfee

Zero With Quotes #602240
#62. I was diagnosed with a severe temporal spatial deficit, a learning disability that means I have zero spatial relations skills. It was official: I was a genius trapped in an idiot's body.

Sloane Crosley

Zero With Quotes #609459
#63. Make yourself invisible, or get busy with something.

Robert Walser

Zero With Quotes #641300
#64. You have to revisit anyway The fact is that everyone has scalability issues, no one can deal with their service going from zero to a few million users without revisiting almost every aspect of their design and architecture. -Dare Obasanjo, Microsoft

Jason Fried

Zero With Quotes #654244
#65. To give up on a person you care for who is trying and failing is a bad thing, but to cut ties with an individual who is giving zero effort, yet doing a number on your heart makes sense.

Christopher Hudspeth

Zero With Quotes #656459
#66. [The Joker is a] psychopathic, mass murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy ... Last week I probably slept an average of two hours a night. I couldn't stop thinking. My body was exhausted, and my mind was still going.

Heath Ledger

Zero With Quotes #663362
#67. 'Zero problems with neighbors' is a value. But another equally important value is to establish peace.

Ahmet Davutoglu

Zero With Quotes #667597
#68. Every transportation department at schools thought that there should be a bike buddy program. They thought that bicycle commuters wanted to find another buddy to bike with to campus, which is a nice idea. But the consumer demand for that was about zero.

Logan Green

Zero With Quotes #677218
#69. I always considered, with every shoot, I was on trial; every time I pick up my camera and start out on the relationship, I am at degree zero. There is no coasting.

Douglas Kirkland

Zero With Quotes #678529
#70. I'm a point guard, so I want to see everybody else score and be happy. I don't necessarily need to score at all. I could be happy with zero points as long as it was a team game and everybody contributed.

Rajon Rondo

Zero With Quotes #721002
#71. With each passing year, experimental observations further undermine the claim of a large positive feedback from water. In fact, observations suggest that the feedback is close to zero or may even be negative.

William Happer

Zero With Quotes #722179
#72. The combination of a healthy body and a stable relationship with a self-reliant woman who takes zero shit from me or anyone else has made the continuity of my working life possible.

Stephen King

Zero With Quotes #727748
#73. Even the successful 1985 Bret Easton Ellis book (and 1987 film) Less Than Zero, which tracks the falling from grace of wealthy Los Angeles teens, could not be imagined with the logically equivalent title: Negative.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Zero With Quotes #733805
#74. When you have to kill the same terrorist twice in one week, then there's either something wrong with your skills or something wrong with your world.
And there's nothing wrong with my skills.

Jonathan Maberry

Zero With Quotes #736652
#75. I have reached zero tolerance for the cruelty against our animal brothers. If we are to nuture our culture, let's begin with the animals who have been nothing but our beasts of burden for so long.

Rikki Rockett

Zero With Quotes #740386
#76. As a kid I was always writing and directing plays in my basement with my neighborhood cronies. But please don't get me wrong, I have zero regrets when it comes to the acting stuff. I think it's made me a better director.

Coley Sohn

Zero With Quotes #745005
#77. Let's take some extra time to talk about one: Only the number one can create all numbers with this simple equation, 111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321. One, expressed nine times, multiplied by itself, produces all subsequent numbers progressively and then inversely. Zero is not a number.

Michael Ben Zehabe

Zero With Quotes #750930
#78. The zero-income-tax-rate states have far faster growth in tax revenues than did the states with highest income tax rate over the same period.

Arthur Laffer

Zero With Quotes #752936
#79. Writers aren't in competition with one another. It isn't a zero sum game. If you have a good book, a good cover, a good product description, and a low price, you can sell well.

J.A. Konrath

Zero With Quotes #753911
#80. Difference making, by its very nature, is the art of taking something good and making it better. It's an act of fine-tuning, improving, and refining, not starting from zero.

David Sturt

Zero With Quotes #756568
#81. I suggest we bring some normality back to this country and say if you are carrying a knife, there must be zero tolerance. If it was up to me, everyone caught with a knife would get an automatic ten year sentence.

Simon Cowell

Zero With Quotes #762403
#82. The longer I stay clean, the better my beats are getting and the easier it is to zero in on one idea. Because I really want to, often, try to get an idea across. I can really get to the essence of a song better if I'm clean and I'm not waking up with a hangover.

Larry Tee

Zero With Quotes #765059
#83. Labeling and diagnosis is a catastrophic way to communicate. Telling other people what's wrong with them greatly reduces, almost to zero, the probability that we're going to get what we're after.

Marshall B. Rosenberg

Zero With Quotes #765149
#84. Merit. Have you finally decided to ditch the zero and get with the hero? Ethan cleared his throat - loudly - while I bit back a smile.
I didn't see anything wrong with reminding Ethan that I had other options. Even if they were slightly goofy options I'd never actually take advantage of.

Chloe Neill

Zero With Quotes #775240
#85. I'm asking Congress to pass my Zero Down Payment Initiative. We should remove the 3 percent down payment rule for first time home buyers with FHA-insured mortgages.

George W. Bush

Zero With Quotes #777886
#86. Most financiers, corporate lawyers, lobbyists, and management consultants are competing with other financiers, lawyers, lobbyists, and management consultants in zero-sum games that take money out of one set of pockets and put it into another.

Robert Reich

Zero With Quotes #778318
#87. So, what are we going to do with you? Jamie asked.
"In what sense?"
"IN the sense that you go from zero to homicidal in sixty seconds."
"I'm passionate."
You're maniac," Jamie said

Michelle Hodkin

Zero With Quotes #814770
#88. I think you just have to take everything that happens on a TV show with a grain of salt. You sign up for a show for six years having zero idea where they're going to go with the character, so you just have to get on the ride of the show and go with wherever they take you.

Gillian Jacobs

Zero With Quotes #851530
#89. With novels, you're sitting at a desk, alone, going slightly crazy, for anywhere from six months to a year with zero feedback.

Duane Swierczynski

Zero With Quotes #877363
#90. Male social conditioning encourages boys and men to aim to bed as many women as much so, that their self esteem and self worth become intertwined with the number of sexual partners they have; and when that number is low or even zero, so too is their self-confidence.

Miya Yamanouchi

Zero With Quotes #896905
#91. What's at the end of a million dollars? Zero, zero, zero ... nothing. A circle with a hole in it.

Humphrey Bogart

Zero With Quotes #904565
#92. For me to put a look together, if it's going to be a boy look or a girl look or whatever, is quite a tricky thing to do. I'm not doing drag because drag is seen in a certain way and my comedy has got zero to do with what I'm wearing. I could wear an elephant suit and say the same thing.

Eddie Izzard

Zero With Quotes #909384
#93. No human ever became interesting by not failing. The more you fail and recover and improve, the better you are as a person. Ever meet someone who's ALWAYS had EVERYTHING work out for them with ZERO struggle? They usually have the depth of a puddle. Or they don't exist.

Chris Hardwick

Zero With Quotes #911703
#94. How about we get rid of separate bathrooms for boys and girls? Gays and straights share the bathroom with zero issues. We need to put an end to the sexist pooping policies of yesterday. The only way to achieve gender equality is to start crapping in front of each other.

Daniel Tosh

Zero With Quotes #922717
#95. So what I have said with regard to Boeing and GE and other multinationals that pay zero taxes, you know what we're going to do? We're going to end that loophole. They are going to pay their fair share of taxes.

Bernie Sanders

Zero With Quotes #932482
#96. The more New Yorkers like something, the more disgusted they are. The kitchen was all Sub-Zero: I want to kill myself. The building has a playroom that makes you want to break your own jaw with a golf club. I can't take it.

Tina Fey

Zero With Quotes #943278
#97. Deal with email in batches, during limited, fixed times every day Process your inbox to zero at least once a day Constantly create filters, opt-out and delete faster Think before you send Plan filing maintenance once a month

Joost Wouters

Zero With Quotes #955882
#98. I think there is no defending a title. You don't go into a season with a points advantage over anyone. So I don't think it's ever a title defence. I think you've got a different number on your bike, if you choose so, but everyone starts at zero again.

Casey Stoner

Zero With Quotes #962483
#99. The real story of the Ground Zero mosque is that the project only became feasible because of the appalling and astonishing fecklessness of the officials who were charged with the reconstruction of the site and the neighborhood all the way back in 2001.

John Podhoretz

Zero With Quotes #983369
#100. I used to play golf with a guy who cheated so badly that he once had a hole in one and wrote down zero on the scorecard.

Bob Bruce

Zero With Quotes #987108

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