Top 100 You're Special To Me Quotes

#1. I want a clean slate with you, Clare. You're special to me. I don't know what we're doing or where it's going but I've never felt anything like this, and I can't mess that up by doing the same shit I've always done.

J.L. Berg

You're Special To Me Quotes #390000
#2. Dubai was so special to me, Javi. You're special to me."
"Being close to you like this after all these years ... The way you make me feel ... I want to get closer to you, and that scares me.

Pamela Clare

You're Special To Me Quotes #1723270
#3. You're special to me, Anna, and I want to keep you forever," he whispers.

Michelle A. Valentine

You're Special To Me Quotes #113875
#4. You are the woman of my heart. The one I have been awaiting the whole of my life, though I didn't know it until I spied you. there isn't one thing that makes you special to me, but all things ...

Gena Showalter

You're Special To Me Quotes #996265
#5. Some men want to win a gold medal, some want a family, some want to be rich, some want to be free, some want to kill other men, and some men want to do the right thing. Me, I only want you.

Aleksandr Voinov

You're Special To Me Quotes #626072
#6. Oh, Mia. You haven't even begun to find out who you really are, and, believe me, other boys are going to fall in love with you. If a guy can't see how special you are, he isn't good enough for you.

Kristin Hannah

You're Special To Me Quotes #956779
#7. Think of everybody you talk to as having a flashing sign on their chest saying: Make me feel special!

Arthur L. Williams Jr.

You're Special To Me Quotes #933921
#8. Why Lilith?" Cam asked. "Do you craft
everyone's Hell this way?"
Lucifer smiled. "The dull ones make
their own dull hells, fire and brimstone and
all that crap. They need no help from me. But
Lilith - she's special. Not that I have to tell
you that.

Lauren Kate

You're Special To Me Quotes #912362
#9. Share your special soul with me
And I promise to
Give you all of mine

Renee Carlino

You're Special To Me Quotes #884556
#10. I said, you and Jem were very special to me - you were my dream-children, but as Kipling said, that's another story . . . call on me tomorrow, and you'll find me a grave man.

Harper Lee

You're Special To Me Quotes #873385
#11. Abel grabs my shoulders to steady me. "You can do this," he say. "I won't lie. Part of me was hoping you would abandon this but we've come this far. You're special, cousin. You're going to do great things. Just promise me that you won't love it someplace else and leave me here alone.

Celia Mcmahon

You're Special To Me Quotes #871778
#12. Amanda Cardinale, Abby Koons, Emily Sweet, and Sharon Krassney also deserve my thanks. I appreciate all that you do. The Cyrus family deserves my thanks not only for welcoming me into their home, but for all they've done with the film. And a special thanks goes to

Nicholas Sparks

You're Special To Me Quotes #853412
#13. Grayson noticed me next to the lockers. He pointed at me then held his arms out magnanimously. "You're welcome, new girl," he said. "I just saved you from having to find a nice way to say no to the leg dragger.

Laura Anderson Kurk

You're Special To Me Quotes #852990
#14. In terms of directors, great actors make directors - Gary Oldman was great to work with, for me; Tim Roth, too. You work with Scorsese and Spielberg and they were wonderful directors, but for me, working with actor/directors is special.

Ray Winstone

You're Special To Me Quotes #809122
#15. You made it something special. Most of all, I want to thank the fans for your support not through the great times that we shared on the football field, but for the last 17 years of my life. You have supported me through all times.

Michael Irvin

You're Special To Me Quotes #793874
#16. If you put a door marked "Authorized Personnel ONLY" and me in the same building, sooner or later I'll try to jimmy its lock to discover what's so special about it.

Ilona Andrews

You're Special To Me Quotes #780388
#17. Because you'll always be special to me. Because I should have apologized years ago. Because I want you to be happy.

Lex Martin

You're Special To Me Quotes #778850
#18. You're some special kind of hostage, that's for sure. Maybe, well, do you think my purpose in life is to give myself up to the police? Do you think God wants me to spend the rest of my life paying for my sins?

Brian Nichols

You're Special To Me Quotes #768148
#19. If you want me to rule out ever being Manchester United manager, I can't. Special clubs need special managers, so in theory it could work.

Jose Mourinho

You're Special To Me Quotes #760057
#20. Be yourself. Trust me, you don't want to be anyone else because they are not you and you are special.

Delano Johnson

You're Special To Me Quotes #759971
#21. Songs are like children. They are all special to me - you can't just pick a favorite. Of course, 'Lucky Man' was a special tune with a wonderful story behind it. They have all done different things.

Greg Lake

You're Special To Me Quotes #749797
#22. You are special. You're the most special person in the world to me.

R.K. Lilley

You're Special To Me Quotes #724935
#23. It gives me comfort to know that people like you have a special place in hell waiting for them."
"Tell me something I don't already know.

Sarah J. Maas

You're Special To Me Quotes #689609
#24. I'd say people recognize me, but having children recognize me is the best. It is a very special thing. Suddenly you feel like you have the power to make the children's dreams come true, and it's better than anything else.

Ludivine Sagnier

You're Special To Me Quotes #655503
#25. If you experience this feeling once, you will want to go back and do it again. This was the first time it happened to me, and like the first kiss, it was very special. I knew then that I could call myself mathematician.

Edward Frenkel

You're Special To Me Quotes #627783
#26. I meet these kids in the street and they're shaking. But I' saying, 'I'm honored to met you.' It makes me cry. It's beyond special

Noel Gallagher

You're Special To Me Quotes #627422
#27. You lit all these candles ... " She glanced at them, then back at him.
"I wanted it to be special."
"Any time we're naked in a bedroom together is special to me.

Laurann Dohner

You're Special To Me Quotes #1872215
#28. Hear me, honey, I get what you're doing, but I need you to know that you have nothing to make up for. You gave me you and that's all the special I need.

Kristen Ashley

You're Special To Me Quotes #1200891
#29. Abstinence for me is about romance. It has nothing to do with my relationship with God. It's definitely a bonus in that department, but it's nothing spiritual. It's about giving something special to that person you're going to spend the rest of your life with.

Jessica Simpson

You're Special To Me Quotes #1864620
#30. You're my special angel, sent from up above. The Lord smiled down on me, and sent an angel to love.

Bobby Helms

You're Special To Me Quotes #1784315
#31. This birthday verse is little and I want you to know and see, that you're someone very special especially to me.

Susan Smith

You're Special To Me Quotes #1686241
#32. What an encouragement to realize that God has reserved you and me for a special task in His great work. In His hands we're not only useful, but priceless.

Joni Eareckson Tada

You're Special To Me Quotes #1676085
#33. You're it for me, baby. Just you. You're not going to be your mother. You're special and unique and we're going to get you help. But I will be right by your side the entire time. I'll never leave you. I swear it.

Abbi Glines

You're Special To Me Quotes #1634813
#34. I want to be really special, I want to be really good. It's not enough to be famous for me. Famous is empty so quickly, it's not what people think it is. It's wonderful, but if you're famous and you feel that you're an artist inside and everyone thinks you're just a celebrity, it's really painful.


You're Special To Me Quotes #1582099
#35. Often people ask, "How can you say you're blessed to have a son with Down syndrome?" My outlook on life has forever changed. I see my own challenges differently. He's always showing me that life is so much bigger than self.

Yvonne Pierre

You're Special To Me Quotes #1426187
#36. When you're lucky enough to have a good film made of your novel - and 'Never Let Me Go' is, believe me, a heartbreakingly good film indeed - you get wonderfully talented individuals each focusing on their special area.

Kazuo Ishiguro

You're Special To Me Quotes #1394337
#37. This shouldn't be possible," he whispered, "but somehow, it's happening. You're something special to me, and I can only hope that I'm something special to you.

Samantha Young

You're Special To Me Quotes #1347813
#38. To me, my biggest fear is getting a big head, and that is when I get the hammer. Because it's very easy in this game to believe you're something special.

Keith Richards

You're Special To Me Quotes #1302270
#39. It's a tremendous honor. It really is a privilege, not just a right. You're in the NFL and you wear the shield now. It means the world to me; it really is a special feeling, and my family's gotten a real kick out of it.

Mark Sanchez

You're Special To Me Quotes #1206151
#40. Thank you, Edward. You really are special. Being able to create something so wonderful ... But it's too bad ...
... You couldn't put me back together too.
Trisha Elric

Hiromu Arakawa

You're Special To Me Quotes #998829
#41. People said to me, "You know, when you record a special, you're going to regret it. The one thing you'll regret because you're a comic is you'll think of better tags."

Jen Kirkman

You're Special To Me Quotes #1193136
#42. It makes me feel special. I find that I love it. I find that I love everything you do to me.

R.K. Lilley

You're Special To Me Quotes #1164407
#43. You're fucking special and if I want to act all possessive over you when some stupid art guy hits on you right in front of me, I'm going to. Either that or I'm going to have Ethan chase him down right now so I can punch him in the face.

Jessica Sorensen

You're Special To Me Quotes #1152396
#44. I love book signings: kids waiting in line for you to scribble on their new books, haha!

Brian Jacques

You're Special To Me Quotes #1108308
#45. I swear to much for this to be a television special. Did you guys ever have your mouth washed out with soap? My mom did that to me a lot. I think I swear more because of it. I started liking the taste of soap, I would eat it just to spite her. (pause) I'd bite off bars of soap.

Andrew McMahon

You're Special To Me Quotes #1091224
#46. She'd long since tried to teach me that we should embrace who we were, even, or maybe especially, what she called the special things, buttercup, the things no one else has, but you.

Kristen Ashley

You're Special To Me Quotes #1089283
#47. If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then would you realize how special you are to me.


You're Special To Me Quotes #1080439
#48. There are people who've enjoyed my work in the theater, and they let me know that it was special for them. I'm not going to say, 'Well, you should have seen me as Gandalf!'

Ian McKellen

You're Special To Me Quotes #1063833
#49. Why do you always come in to kiss me while I'm on the toilet?" I asked.
"Makes us feel close to you," Chuck said, surprised I would ask. "Peeing is one of the special things we share.

Merrill Markoe

You're Special To Me Quotes #1044702
#50. I think when you take away all, like, the premieres and press stuff and all the special effects, then you just come down to the fact that it's all about acting, and I think that has been the best bit for me.

Emma Watson

You're Special To Me Quotes #1034769
#51. Listen to me," he said, and to her dismay he stepped closer. "When I first met you," he said, "I had no idea you were one of us. How could I? But I knew that you were different than that phony friend of yours. Not just another pretty girl, but somebody special.


You're Special To Me Quotes #1029109
#52. And for any agents or proxy of the regime interested in asking me questions face to face, I've got some bullets slathered in pork fat to make you feel extra special welcome.

Eric S. Raymond

You're Special To Me Quotes #137051
#53. That concerns me. You're either getting better or you're getting worse. I don't think you stay the same in sports. If we want to achieve something special in the game, then these players have to recognize that they're responsible every day for getting better.

Russ Rose

You're Special To Me Quotes #283249
#54. You okay, Ford? You might at well say something to let me know you're all right, at least physically, otherwise I'm capable of annoying you until you do. It's one of my special skills. So one more time. Are. You. Okay?

Karen Rose

You're Special To Me Quotes #279773
#55. I'm shocked and appalled that you would dare to suggest I might not be completely original and unique in every way. I'll have you know that I'm a very special snowflake, Ms. Cavanaugh. There's no one like me anywhere in the world. I know, because I checked.

Louisa Edwards

You're Special To Me Quotes #271273
#56. Being a star just means that you just find your own special place, and that you shine where you are. To me, that's what being a star means.

Dolly Parton

You're Special To Me Quotes #266713
#57. You say you're not special because the world doesn't know about you, but that's an insult to me. I know about you.

John Green

You're Special To Me Quotes #266174
#58. For me, acting goes to a special place; it's almost mystical. You have to let go of what you think is good; it's a jump into trust, and trying to reach without wanting too much.

Juliette Binoche

You're Special To Me Quotes #254995
#59. Perfect! Now we're being chased by hoards of monkeys! Perhaps you would care to name their species as we're attacked, just so I can appreciate the special traits of said monkey as it kills me!"
"At least when the monkeys are harassing you, you dont have any time to harass me!

Colleen Houck

You're Special To Me Quotes #243686
#60. Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad, and that's why I call you dad, because you are so special to me. You taught me the game and you taught me how to play it right.

Wade Boggs

You're Special To Me Quotes #242571
#61. I would honestly say that with all the awards and all the other things that I've done in my life, Dollywood is one of the greatest dreams that I've ever had come true - I am so proud of that I can't even begin to tell you, Dollywood is real special to me.

Dolly Parton

You're Special To Me Quotes #239938
#62. Melody always comes to me first before words - cadence and melody. When you're humming the melody and it's incredible and words start coming out it can build into something special.


You're Special To Me Quotes #216291
#63. That's what love is. It's some power greater than you and me, that draws us to one special person

Jodi Picoult

You're Special To Me Quotes #210749
#64. Keep smiling at me like that, though, and I'm liable to commit at least three sins with your mouth alone. You'll have to make a special trip to church once I'm done with you.

Samanthe Beck

You're Special To Me Quotes #201117
#65. Prayer of Thanks Father, help me to love and appreciate the person You created me to be. I thank You that I don't have to compare myself to others in order to be accepted. You created me with a unique and wonderful purpose. I'm thankful that to You, I am special and beyond compare.

Joyce Meyer

You're Special To Me Quotes #312591
#66. There are different kinds of love, Sarah. I feel one kind of love for your father. A special kind. Another kind for Warren. And still a different kind for you children.' She smiled at me. 'Heaven rue the day we can't feel love for one another. I wouldn't want to live in such a world, would you?

Ann Rinaldi

You're Special To Me Quotes #131521
#67. Whenever I get to talk to young girls like me I always say, 'The only difference between you and I is that I know that I'm special and you just don't know that you are yet.'

Keke Palmer

You're Special To Me Quotes #110895
#68. Dizzy Gillespie, the jazz trumpet player, once said, "It's taken me all my life to learn what not to play." He was one of my special ones. And he was quite correct. Silence enhances music. What you do not play can sweeten what you do. But

Mitch Albom

You're Special To Me Quotes #98517
#69. I'm not in the clubs; I'm a homebody. I go out when I feel I have to for work or if there's a special function. You might catch me at the grocery store, but you won't see me out and about in Atlanta.

Keith Sweat

You're Special To Me Quotes #78946
#70. When they offered me 'Wayne's World 2,' they said: 'We were going to give this to another actor, then we thought we'd see you'. I just thought: 'Surely you always had me in mind for that just in the way that it's written?', but they never admitted it. It was a wonderful gig to do. Really special.

Ralph Brown

You're Special To Me Quotes #75925
#71. To me, ballads are special, because you can have a pop song that'll be know for three weeks and then you'll hear nothing else about it. Nobody else will record it and it'll just be gone. But if you do a good ballad, it'll be in the world forever.

Michael Jackson

You're Special To Me Quotes #74846
#72. I'm not worth it. But I want you to know, in case I ever do give you this letter and you read it first before you burn it or something, that for just a little while, you made me feel like I was really alive. Like I was special.

Cynthia Hand

You're Special To Me Quotes #68532
#73. But you're the most special to me, because you're the girl I love, Lara Jean

Jenny Han

You're Special To Me Quotes #55519
#74. What I want you to try and find out is, is there anything special going on or is it all just as crazy as it looked to me ?

Kurt Vonnegut

You're Special To Me Quotes #32750
#75. Come with me, Douglass; I will defend you with my life. I want you for a special purpose. When I strike, the bees will begin to swarm, and I shall want you to help hive them.

John Brown

You're Special To Me Quotes #28440
#76. One hardly need believe that the events in your life are actually planned as bolts from the blue, sent special delivery from a deity who is testing and training you like a lab rat! And that is what we are saying when we fretfully ask, What can God be trying to teach me through this tragedy?

Robert M. Price

You're Special To Me Quotes #18214
#77. Hi, Princess. Sorry I'm late. Traffic was a bitch." He winked at me, then shot a glance at the winter sidhe, standing in the doorway. "Hey, Shard." He waved. "Nice place you've got here. I'll have to remember it, so I can give it the special 'Puck touch'.

Julie Kagawa

You're Special To Me Quotes #448970
#78. I use a special tool. I make it myself; very sharp steel point and a handle like a pencil. For me it is a pencil. Maybe I have a special talent, a feeling you might say that lets me control it, to express my ideas as though I were sketching black on white.

Ugo Mochi

You're Special To Me Quotes #608897
#79. You know, I've occasionally tried to watch other shows besides Scrubs, but comparing them is a bit like me competing in the special Olympics. Obviously I would win without contest, but the point is that they are trying their best.

Zach Braff

You're Special To Me Quotes #589017
#80. I enjoy my life. The fame part of it freaked me out for a little while, and there are definitely times when it's not so great to be special and known by everybody - you know, when you're wearing the wrong thing, or just in a vulnerable place. But I'm good with my life now.

Jim Carrey

You're Special To Me Quotes #572885
#81. But, you know, when I choose a film I need to believe in it and believe I can do something special with it, and after a while that means not trying to judge or analyze why I should do it. You have to follow this intuition thing, which is a mystery to me.

Juliette Binoche

You're Special To Me Quotes #557203
#82. Sanguine: Shackles can't hold me, pretty lady. I'm immune to just about every binding spell I reckon you ever heard of, and a few more you haven't. That's what makes me special
Tanith: That and your psychopathic tendencies
Sanguine: Oh, they don't make me special. They just make me fun.

Derek Landy

You're Special To Me Quotes #539628
#83. To me it's the best trophy you can win and to bring it back for all them fans that have supported us right through would be something special.

Steven Gerrard

You're Special To Me Quotes #523937
#84. It can be so boring being you sometimes, and if you were the most special thing like that, it could be really great, but maybe some people say the same thing about you, and you want to tell those people: 'No, you're stupid, it's no fun being me.

James Franco

You're Special To Me Quotes #489538
#85. You conquered me, got to this Special Forces bloke well and truly." His voice husky and low. "You could betray and kill me now and I wouldn't give a shit as long as you'd stay close until I died.


You're Special To Me Quotes #477851
#86. Jaime, dear, forgive me, but I don't think you are man enough to take care of my Cass. She's a special kind of difficult.

Mercy Celeste

You're Special To Me Quotes #471008
#87. Who you are as a person is more special than trying to be someone you're not. Don't get me wrong - I have bad days, everyone does, but I know if I'm feeling insecure today, I'll move on tomorrow. I'd tell girls to realise it's OK to have bad days to get to the good ones.

Hayley Hasselhoff

You're Special To Me Quotes #469649
#88. Holding you close to my heart makes me feel special.
In this moment, I am free to be me.

Zarina Bibi

You're Special To Me Quotes #465208
#89. Motherhood is an amazing feeling, and if you get to relive those special moments while working, it works as an icing on the cake. Kids have always been close to my heart, and working with them is a pleasure for me.


You're Special To Me Quotes #625734
#90. God makes something special and unique about each person that sets them apart from every other person, and to me that's is what artistry is about, whether you are a plumber, a pinter, a musician whatever it is that is unique about you that is translated into your art.

Bubba Sparxxx

You're Special To Me Quotes #430914
#91. The power and influence of a movie star is curious: I didn't ask for it or take it; people gave it to me. Simply because you're a movie star, people empower you with special rights and privileges.

Marlon Brando

You're Special To Me Quotes #422853
#92. We're not conventional, baby. But we're special. What we have is really special. You belong to me, and I belong to you. It just is. It's not natural for us to be apart, Ava.

Jodi Ellen Malpas

You're Special To Me Quotes #406464
#93. So if you choose me, then you have declared me more special to you than anyone else, because only one man can have that honor.

Zack Love

You're Special To Me Quotes #400624
#94. Music makes us want to live. You don't know how many times people have told me that they'd been down and depressed and just wanted to die. But then a special song caught their ear and that helped give them renewed strength. That's the power music has.

Mary J. Blige

You're Special To Me Quotes #395901
#95. Don't you want to fall into bed and let me pay special attention to you all day?

Jodi Ellen Malpas

You're Special To Me Quotes #373480
#96. You don't know how special you are, Abby, and you truly don't get how special you are to me. I would move Heaven for you.

Ashlan Thomas

You're Special To Me Quotes #351085
#97. Clasping her to him, he hugged her for a long while and she felt his guilt and fear subside. "Do you want to see something very special - something magical?"
Giggling she whispered, "You already showed me that this morning."
He swatted her bottom. "Minx! Not that!

Charlotte Featherstone

You're Special To Me Quotes #350344
#98. I'll tell you what, I love my daddy. And he's so special. He's meant so much to me, so it's not a thorn in my side to be known as Billy Graham's daughter. It's a privilege.

Anne Graham Lotz

You're Special To Me Quotes #345875
#99. When I first started, the very first body of music I made when I got signed to Atlantic were songs with titles like 'Unify' and 'You're Special.' And there's this song that reminds me of Meghan Trainor that I wrote, about a woman's body and not conforming, when I first started in music.

Wynter Gordon

You're Special To Me Quotes #334036
#100. It's hard for your mom to tell you she has an oral fixation and has to have something in her mouth. My step dad is in the kitchen winking at me. You down with OPP, yeah you know me. Exciting is and a special ... What? Easy, and why do you know all the words? That's weird.

David Spade

You're Special To Me Quotes #330004

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