Top 100 You Feel Sad Quotes

#1. If one evening you feel sad enough to cry, look up. Your tears will not fall and the starry night may bring joy to your soul.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

You Feel Sad Quotes #1503
#2. when you feel sad, you look sad

Gayle Forman

You Feel Sad Quotes #73822
#3. When you're alone and you feel sad, try reading a book. Try touching someone's heart. Try to imagine what they were thinking, what they wanted to convey. If you do that, you might get something amazing.

Mizuki Nomura

You Feel Sad Quotes #111970
#4. When you feel sad, it's okay. It's not the end of the world. Everyone has those days when you doubt yourself, and when you feel like everything you do sucks, but then there's those days when you feel like Superman. It's just the balance of the world. I just write to feel better.

Mac Miller

You Feel Sad Quotes #230124
#5. The big thing for me is to make films that you feel, whether you feel happy, whether you feel sad, whether you feel sick; it's to make the audience feel so that the next day they remember what they saw.

Asif Kapadia

You Feel Sad Quotes #273273
#6. Two or three notes of music can instantly make you feel sad or tense or afraid or angry. To do that in words is much more difficult.

Anthony Daniels

You Feel Sad Quotes #318106
#7. If everything is noted, all your emotional difficulties will disappear. When you feel happy, don't get involved in happiness. When you feel sad, don't get involved with it. Whatever comes, don't worry, just be aware of it.

Dipa Ma

You Feel Sad Quotes #660542
#8. You know that feeling deep in your tummy where you just don't feel comfy and you feel sad and sort of want to cry but not about anything specific. It's like your entire body is just upset and unnerved all the way to the core almost like your just longing for something but don't know what.


You Feel Sad Quotes #807310
#9. People used to recognize it as mood.
Science has revealed it as cannabinoids.
When you feel sad, just do long running.
Then you will know that even mood can be governed.

Toba Beta

You Feel Sad Quotes #824463
#10. Depression is internal. The upswings and downswings have pretty much nothing to do with what's going on in the external world. It's not like something sad happens to you and then you feel sad. Good things happen, but you feel sad anyway.

Graham Moore

You Feel Sad Quotes #885611
#11. Sometimes you feel sad to be left out of a big debate.

John King

You Feel Sad Quotes #890070
#12. Witnessing the extreme poverty in remote parts of Affrica can make you feel sad and powerless until you realize how little it takes to change these people's lives fundamentally in sustainable ways.

John Legend

You Feel Sad Quotes #939282
#13. When you feel sad, you are participating in a venerable experience, to which I, this monument, am dedicated. Your sense of loss and disappointment, of frustrated hopes and grief at your own inadequacy, elevate you to serious company. Do not ignore of throw away your grief

Alain De Botton

You Feel Sad Quotes #1175152
#14. Then I thought, boy, isn't that just typical? You wait and wait and wait for something, and then when it happens, you feel sad.

Sharon Creech

You Feel Sad Quotes #1274995
#15. There was a small, quiet moment, the kind you just have time to notice, which makes you feel sad for no good reason.

Nick Harkaway

You Feel Sad Quotes #1311229
#16. And you walk or wheel to this place here when you feel sad? On your walks? Or wheels? This is a sad place. More sadder it could turn you.

Andersen Prunty

You Feel Sad Quotes #1612521
#17. It is hard to bear with people who stand still along the way, lose heart, and seek their happiness in little pleasures which they cling to ... You feel sad about all that self-indulgence and self-satisfaction, for you know with an indestructible certainty that something greater is coming.

Henri J.M. Nouwen

You Feel Sad Quotes #1737132
#18. Can I ask what you're reading?" ... She turned the book so the cover faced me. Wuthering Heights. "Have you read it?" She said. I nodded. I could feel the pulsating beat of my heart behind my eyes. "It's a sad story." "Sad stories make good books," She said. "They do.

Khaled Hosseini

You Feel Sad Quotes #2072
#19. The erasure itself became the action. It seemed to suggest a moment in terms of how sad or pessimistic you can feel in a political environment or a historical situation. But it felt like a really hopeful gesture in the painting.

Julie Mehretu

You Feel Sad Quotes #4728
#20. I feel my life is sterile, I am unbloomed, unused, I have nothing I can have that I will ever want, only some love, only dearness and tenderness, to make me weep. I am moved now and sad and unhappy beyond cold unhappiness, beyond any inconvenience that will cause you by my affection.

Allen Ginsberg

You Feel Sad Quotes #32730
#21. You know, I think we Indians are afraid to show and celebrate our happiness, lest things change around. But I feel that it's okay to be sad and okay to show when you are happy.

Shah Rukh Khan

You Feel Sad Quotes #33912
#22. I love food: hamburgers, pizza, gnocci, mashed potatoes, and especially chocolate. I enjoy eating for the sake of eating. Sometimes I feel sad for the models who don't eat. When you love food, you love life. When you love life, you love to love.

Laetitia Casta

You Feel Sad Quotes #34579
#23. I felt like crying but nothing came out. it was just a sort of sad sickness, sick sad, when you can't feel any worse. I think you know it. I think everybody knows it now and then. but I think I have known it pretty often, too often.

Charles Bukowski

You Feel Sad Quotes #48104
#24. I feel like old age in America is a very sad thing. I have been many different places around the world where getting older is something you look forward to.

Alice Waters

You Feel Sad Quotes #83466
#25. If you have experienced an evening more exciting than any in your life, you're sad to see it end; and yet you still feel grateful that it happened.

Arthur Golden

You Feel Sad Quotes #85040
#26. It's sad to think that we've gotten to this that we actually have to think about how to go about finding a man. But what's even sadder is that some men make you feel guilty for looking.

Terry McMillan

You Feel Sad Quotes #103735
#27. It is quite gratifying to feel guilty if you haven't done anything wrong: how noble! Whereas it is rather hard and certainly depressing to admit guilt and to repent.

Hannah Arendt

You Feel Sad Quotes #110638
#28. If you kill a character people feel sad. That's too easy.

David Hare

You Feel Sad Quotes #138679
#29. All around me new love and it makes me sad. All around me feel assured that you'll be back, if I imagine you, body next to another.

Tegan Quin

You Feel Sad Quotes #151046
#30. The last few years have been my happiest. I'm happy in the years that most people are blue and sad and waiting to die. I don't feel that a bit. Smiling has a lot to do with it. You can just lift your spirits by smiling a little bit.

William Proxmire

You Feel Sad Quotes #163861
#31. What will life be like without her? I am dreadfully sad she is leaving. What if she just disappears; gets tired of all this trouble at home? What if she leaves me too? How heavy is a dresser when you're the only one pushing it against the door? I feel truly on my own.

Mira Bartok

You Feel Sad Quotes #179871
#32. You felt a deep sorrow, the kind of melancholy you feel when you're in a beautiful place and the sun is going down

Thrity Umrigar

You Feel Sad Quotes #183270
#33. The blues to me is like being very sad, very sick, going to church, being very happy ... it's sort of a mixed up thing. You just have to feel it.

Billie Holiday

You Feel Sad Quotes #192064
#34. I gotta stop saying "how stupid could you be?" I'm beginning to feel like people are taking as a challenge

Kevin Hart

You Feel Sad Quotes #195688
#35. We all like stories that make us cry. It's so nice to feel sad when you've nothing in particular to feel sad about.

Anne Sullivan

You Feel Sad Quotes #198413
#36. If I do depart this world out here, let it be known that I went out grinning will you, and loving it. LOVING IT.
Steve, are you listening ? I FEEL GREAT. Life's so joyous, so sad, so ephemeral, so crazy, so meaningless, so goddamn funny. This is paradise, and I wish I could give you some.

Robyn Davidson

You Feel Sad Quotes #321449
#37. Something about, 'I love my dad, I love my dad, makes me feel better when I'm sad ... I love you to the moon and back.

Peter Facinelli

You Feel Sad Quotes #330900
#38. The funny thing about a smile is that once you wear a smile, the darkness lightens and one does not feel frightened or sad any more.

Deepak Menon

You Feel Sad Quotes #341597
#39. Mrs O'Leary said, 'Tis the child I feel sorry for', and all the people looked up and saw me, so I looked especially sad, I expect the experience will give me a trauma at some stage in the future. I'm all right at the moment, but you never know.

Sue Townsend

You Feel Sad Quotes #356247
#40. You and I both know that love is for children,' he said. 'We're adults. Compatibility is for adults.'
'Compatibility is for my Bluetooth and my car,' Teresa replied. 'Only they get along just fine, and my car never makes my bluetooth feel like shit.

Maggie Stiefvater

You Feel Sad Quotes #375510
#41. Fangio had once said: 'You should never think of a car as a piece of metal. It's a living being with a heart that beats. It can feel happy or sad. It all depends on how you treat it.

Anthony Horowitz

You Feel Sad Quotes #386278
#42. If you're feeling really sad, there is only one reason: it's because you're deleting all the reasons you could be feeling good. And if you're feeling good, it's because you're deleting all the bad things you could be focusing on.

Tony Robbins

You Feel Sad Quotes #389048
#43. No matter what happens, I don't think that anyone will remember me when I disappear. It will be like I was never here. There will be no proof that I ever existed ... you can't be sad if you disappear, because disappeared people can't feel sad. They can only be remembered or forgotten.

Matthew Green

You Feel Sad Quotes #394874
#44. Happiness is an illusion, Natalie. It doesn't actually exist."
"Of course it does," I said. "It's what you feel when you're not sad."
"That's unconsciousness. And I'm pretty sure that I'm miserable when I am unconscious, too.

Lee Goldberg

You Feel Sad Quotes #404063
#45. This view of a living nature where man is nothing is both odd and sad. Here, in a fertile land, in an eternal greenness, you search in vain for traces of man; you feel you are carried into a different world from the one you were born into.

Alexander Von Humboldt

You Feel Sad Quotes #413286
#46. But when you're sad and the walls feel like they're closing in, I want you to remember that the only way to get out of the tunnel is through it.

Joelle Charbonneau

You Feel Sad Quotes #440827
#47. The moment you realise and feel sad that the world does not hear and see you when you are in a small village, your marvellous journey starts towards the universal infinity! If you can be universal, everyone sees you, everyone hears you! Leave your local position!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

You Feel Sad Quotes #489699
#48. I couldn't decide if the dream was a good dream or a bad dream. Maybe a good dream because when I woke I wasn't sad. Maybe that's how you measured whether a dream was good or bad. By the way it made you feel.


You Feel Sad Quotes #511704
#49. Soon I am seeing the blue-and-yellow flags that line the campus streets, and it makes me feel happy and sad at the same time to be back at La Salle
almost like looking at old pictures of people who have either died or with whom you have lost contact.

Matthew Quick

You Feel Sad Quotes #520234
#50. I think some women try to make you feel you're not all female because you haven't given birth. There are a lot of prejudices. Some women think women who have animals are deeply sad, because what they really want is a child. Mind you, there's probably an element of truth in that.

Alison Goldfrapp

You Feel Sad Quotes #525135
#51. When I am happy I feel like crying, but when I am sad I don't feel like laughing. I think it is better to be happy; then you get two feelings for the price of one.

Lily Tomlin

You Feel Sad Quotes #539003
#52. Because sometimes you just feel sad and you can't explain it.

Jenny Han

You Feel Sad Quotes #548725
#53. Well, this is how I see it - every tune tells a tale, nearly always a sad one. When I turn the handle I imagine I'm the hero of that tale and I try to feel at one with its melody. But at the same time it's as if I'm pretending, do you see?

Andres Neuman

You Feel Sad Quotes #561249
#54. I'm having a bad day. I am not size six. My legs are not skinny as sticks, and dammit, someone's got to pay. I'm afraid that I can't satisfy myself and that my happiness depends on someone else. I feel weak, so you're gonna take the fall. You're so shallow.


You Feel Sad Quotes #570023
#55. You don't rest well as long as you're seeking vengeance. I feel sad justice wasn't done, but it's time to move on and sleep well.

James Cameron

You Feel Sad Quotes #575800
#56. When Black and White are colors and not races, people will still fall in love and discriminate between partners and feel sad and bad and need art that breaks your heart and takes you to those places where pain becomes beauty.

Marlene Dumas

You Feel Sad Quotes #576080
#57. It's disappointing to feel sad for no reason. Sadness can be almost pleasantly indulgent when you have a way to justify it.

Allie Brosh

You Feel Sad Quotes #578710
#58. I didn't know my mother had it. I think a lot of women don't know their mothers had it; that's the sad thing about depression. You know, you don't function anymore. You shut down. You feel like you are in a void.

Marie Osmond

You Feel Sad Quotes #579663
#59. Discomfort and awkwardness are places where you feel things. I'm a big advocate for being happy. We can choose to live in a happy bubble. But part of being happy is understanding how sad things can be.

Laurel Nakadate

You Feel Sad Quotes #606203
#60. I'm a human being. I feel all emotions. I'm not just happy all the time. Sometimes, I'm sad and feel the blues. Sometimes I even want to feel the blues. Sometimes, you want to feel down.

Tracy Morgan

You Feel Sad Quotes #634743
#61. You don't just turn off your feelings for someone, and that's a very hard, sad truth for people. When you're drawn to someone, even if they're not good for you, you feel connected. In a lot of ways.

Amy B. Harris

You Feel Sad Quotes #647924
#62. Why feel blue when there's sooooo many other colors you can feel.

Karen Salmansohn

You Feel Sad Quotes #654270
#63. This sad, extreme example is more common than you might think. I have known daughters who felt tremendous relief when their narcissistic mothers passed away. They feel delivered out from under a huge burden, but guilty about admitting it.

Karyl McBride

You Feel Sad Quotes #659190
#64. O, that's what troubles me, papa. You want me to live so happy, and never to have any pain, - never suffer anything, - not even hear a sad story, when other poor creatures have nothing but pain and sorrow, all their lives, - it seems selfish. I ought to know such things, I ought to feel about them!

Harriet Beecher Stowe

You Feel Sad Quotes #667702
#65. Since it's based on my parents, it's more emotionally close to me than some of my more surreal plays. And then I like the balance of the comic and the sad. It should play as funny, but you should care about the characters and feel sad for them.

Christopher Durang

You Feel Sad Quotes #707710
#66. I like these streets ... I always feel as though it's a performance being staged for me; as though the second I've passed they'll all stop leaping and laughing and, instead grow very sad, remembering how poor they are, and retreat with bowed heads into their houses. You often get that effect abroad

F Scott Fitzgerald

You Feel Sad Quotes #735556
#67. And then I say to myself that we should believe in that which we felt when we were strong and happy rather than in that which we feel when we are sick and sad. Do you not think, Judith, that one is more truly oneself in times of joy than in times of sorrow?

Elizabeth Goudge

You Feel Sad Quotes #738509
#68. You want people to feel something when you tell a story, whether they feel happy or whether they feel sad.

Harry Dean Stanton

You Feel Sad Quotes #748984
#69. I'm a comedian, and I definitely see the humor in a lot of things. I am also sad a lot. I cry often and easily. I think you're supposed to feel all kinds of things.

Ellen DeGeneres

You Feel Sad Quotes #763063
#70. Laughter keeps you healthy. You can survive by seeing the humor in everything. Thumb your nose at sadness; turn the tables on tragedy. You can't laugh and be angry, you can't laugh and feel sad, you can't laugh and feel envious.

Bel Kaufman

You Feel Sad Quotes #787333
#71. I feel lost." "Let me find you." "I feel sick." "Let me heal you." I kissed her head. "I feel sad." "Let me be your happiness.

Rachel Van Dyken

You Feel Sad Quotes #794966
#72. I love sad. Sadness makes you feel more than anything.

Jeff Ament

You Feel Sad Quotes #824325
#73. Experiencing sadness and anger can make you feel more creative, and by being creative, you can get beyond your pain or negativity.

Yoko Ono

You Feel Sad Quotes #837077
#74. Don't ever feel sad about who you are. Don't wish to be a daughter or son to a wealthy home, just because you think you're poor. Look! Everybody's poor, i discovered it when i realized that its not everything that President Barrack Obama has.

Michael Bassey Johnson

You Feel Sad Quotes #882850
#75. You ever feel like you're sending out a light but no one sees it?

Matthew Quick

You Feel Sad Quotes #886321
#76. The more you start to love someone, the more you ache when they're gone, and maybe it's that middle ground that hurts the most, when you can see them and still not feel like you're near enough.

Robin Benway

You Feel Sad Quotes #886673
#77. Where were you then?
Who else was there?
Saying what?
Why will the whole of love come on me suddenly
when I am sad and feel you are far away?

Pablo Neruda

You Feel Sad Quotes #901986
#78. It's nice to be with someone, but I don't think you need to be in a relationship to feel complete. That would be really sad.

Kristin Davis

You Feel Sad Quotes #906337
#79. I think you have to know how you feel when you're sad and it's healthy to mourn if a relationship ends.

Leighton Meester

You Feel Sad Quotes #910293
#80. Don't you ever get sad?' she asked.
"Sad? No, but what's the point of sadness. It's not like is makes you feel better or changes anything."
'No one chooses to be sad, Dylan.'
"Yeah, but you can choose not to be.

Jessica Bucher

You Feel Sad Quotes #913125
#81. I like to listen to sad music when I'm sad. It seems honest. It makes me cry, and sometimes a
good cry is the only thing that can make you feel better.

Elizabeth Berg

You Feel Sad Quotes #915363
#82. Everyone's pain is different," Reece went on. "I don't like when people compare. I don't like when people marginalize their feelings because they think they're not allowed to have them. Someone will always have a tougher go than you. Does that mean you're not allowed to feel hurt? To be sad?

S. Walden

You Feel Sad Quotes #929780
#83. To all the broken-hearted and anyone feeling sad, may your hearts heal and may you feel happy in your lives.Flutter as the butterflies do.


You Feel Sad Quotes #957276
#84. I allow myself to not feel the need to be some sort of wonder woman. You can't do everything at once and tear your hair out when you miss your baby using a potty for the first time, although my son was obviously very sad that his mum was not there on his big day.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

You Feel Sad Quotes #975010
#85. So pathetic," he said, with a grunt. "So sad. Such a cliche. You can be so fond of cinema, of world literature, the classics, but then, when you find yourself playing out a classic scene, you don't feel ennobled, linked to that greatness. You feel...pathetic.

David Cronenberg

You Feel Sad Quotes #999957
#86. I know I can feel bad, when I get in a bad mood, and the world can look so sad, only you make me feel good.

Madonna Ciccone

You Feel Sad Quotes #1002114
#87. I think you're bound to feel guilty, and you're going to feel sad. You have to simply feel it. Don't hate yourself. It is what it is.

Mhairi McFarlane

You Feel Sad Quotes #1044226
#88. Say I feel all sad and self-indulgent, then get stung by a wasp, my misery feels quite abstract and I long just to be in spiritual pain once more - 'damn you tiny assassin, clad in yellow and black, how I crave my former innocence where melancholy was my only trial'.

Russell Brand

You Feel Sad Quotes #1060165
#89. Lara: Because sometimes you just feel sad and you can't explain it.
Kitty: PMS?
Lara: No.It's not PMS. Just because a girl is sad, it doesn't mean it has anything to do with PMS.

Jenny Han

You Feel Sad Quotes #1066205
#90. It doesn't matter if you're sad or hung-over or lazy or tired - a workout will get your endorphins pumping, and you'll feel like a new person almost instantly.

Rachel Nichols

You Feel Sad Quotes #1072496
#91. You could ask for hugs if you were feeling sad or you'd hurt yourself, but when it happened spontaneously it made you feel warm inside.

Mark Haddon

You Feel Sad Quotes #1093510
#92. Face falling, her sister pushed a crumb around her plate. 'I feel dumb now. I shouldn't have called you - I know you must be sad and busy because of the Falling.' She squashed the crumb, staring at it as if it were the most important thing on the planet.

Nalini Singh

You Feel Sad Quotes #1102717
#93. I can feel myself holding a child, thought Joanna. Sleep, my child, sleep, I tell you. The child is warm and I am sad.

Clarice Lispector

You Feel Sad Quotes #1112635
#94. Rain makes me feel less alone. All rain is, is a cloud- falling apart, and pouring its shattered pieces down on top of you. It makes me feel good to know I'm not the only thing that falls apart . It makes me feel better to know other things in nature can shatter.

Lone Alaskan Gypsy

You Feel Sad Quotes #1119019
#95. You've got a beautiful country with so many beautiful people and so many beautiful things happening and stuff like that lets it down. I feel sad for them.

Robbie Williams

You Feel Sad Quotes #1120262
#96. I don't know what hurts more...those moments I ache for you to be here or those moments when you are here and I wonder if it is the last time I will feel you.

Kat Daughtry

You Feel Sad Quotes #1122975
#97. It's impossible to feel sad or have any negative feeling when you're grateful. If you're in the midst of a difficult situation, look for something to be grateful for.

Rhonda Byrne

You Feel Sad Quotes #1167242
#98. It's OK to feel sad, cry, be who you are. If you are happy smile. If you are sad, cry. This is the beauty of life. Allow yourself to feel it

Brian E. Miller

You Feel Sad Quotes #1179018
#99. I collect my thoughts, I choose my words,
Whenever I decide to talk to you.


I feel like a dumb, without a tongue,
Whenever I reach in front of you.

I wonder why it happens to me?
even when my feelings are genuine and true.

Saad Salman

You Feel Sad Quotes #1185683
#100. Rejection, though
it could make the loss of someone you weren't even that crazy about feel gut wrenching and world ending.

Deb Caletti

You Feel Sad Quotes #1188886

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