Top 100 What To Say Next Quotes

#1. My definition of art is whatever an artist calls art. Us speaking could be an artwork, us sitting in the near-dark in your kitchen beside the dirty dishes and smoking, me thinking of what to say next.

Matthew Brannon

What To Say Next Quotes #291973
#2. Well as much as I'm sure the people next door who are pretending they aren't looking at me would like to hear what I have to say, I'd rather say it to just you.

Elizabeth Scott

What To Say Next Quotes #934670
#3. One of the most common mistakes people make in any conversation is to think about what they want to say next instead of actually listening to what the other person is saying.

Max Weiss

What To Say Next Quotes #940122
#4. Try a little experiment. Close your eyes and say to yourself: "I wonder what my next thought is going to be." Then become very alert and wait for the next thought. Be like a cat watching a mouse hole. What thought is going to come out of the mouse hole? Try it now.

Eckhart Tolle

What To Say Next Quotes #930414
#5. I'm hoping that with the high profile that the Go-Go's are going to have over the next year, that if anybody is interested in what else I do, I'll have something I can say that I do.

Kathy Valentine

What To Say Next Quotes #878272
#6. To be perfectly honest, I think that as I'm growing older, I'm just growing more impatient. I'll be very happy if at some point people say, 'Michael's grown wiser and softer in his old age.' But we'll have to wait and see what my next project is.

Michael Haneke

What To Say Next Quotes #869551
#7. Well, when I am fifty-three or so I would like to write a novel as good as Persuasion but with a modern setting, of course. For the next thirty years or so I shall be collecting material for it. If anyone asks me what I work at, I shall say, 'Collecting material'. No one can object to that.

Stella Gibbons

What To Say Next Quotes #869411
#8. It's one thing getting the job of Doctor Who, which is wonderful. And then the next thing they say to you is, 'We're going to announce it live on television!' And you think, 'That's not exactly what I thought I was signing up for!'

Peter Capaldi

What To Say Next Quotes #853807
#9. He beat me when you not here, I say.
Who do, she say, Albert?
Mr , I say.
I can't believe it, she say. She sit down on the bench next to me real hard, like she drop.
What he beat you for? she ast.
For being me and not you.

Alice Walker

What To Say Next Quotes #849473
#10. I was saying to him only yesterday: 'You are imprudent, M. le Comte; for when you go to Auteuil and take your servants the house is left unprotected.' 'Well,' said he, 'what next?' 'Well, next, someday you will be robbed."
"What did he say?"
"He quietly said: 'What do I care if I am?

Alexandre Dumas

What To Say Next Quotes #846104
#11. Well, I didn't really know what to say. So maybe I should say that I have thought about you and I like you, I like seeing you, I care for you and maybe I love you too. And the next time if you tell me you love me, I'll
She stopped.
"You'll what?"
"I'll say I love you too.

Colm Toibin

What To Say Next Quotes #825946
#12. Nowadays, of course, most senators employ a slave or two two out their speeches; I have even heard of some who have no idea of what they are going to say until the next is place in front of them; how these fellows can call themselves statesman defeats me

Robert Harris

What To Say Next Quotes #790550
#13. Have you lost the girl you love?' 'That's what I'm trying to figure out. I can't make up my mind. It all depends what construction you place on the words "I never want to see or speak to you again in this world or the next, you miserable fathead."' 'Did she say that?

P.G. Wodehouse

What To Say Next Quotes #777969
#14. If you would ask me what to study I would say, yourselves; and when you well had studied them, and then would ask me what to study next, I would reply, yourselves.

Levi Dowling

What To Say Next Quotes #774804
#15. What can I say? Love is blind," said Rory, sitting down next to Yamane. "Yamane here is the acknowledged world master of queer fu."
"Oh, no, you did not just say that." Yamane shot him a sour look and drank the last of Rory's beer.

Z.A. Maxfield

What To Say Next Quotes #766884
#16. It's just what I'm born to do, I'm born to entertain people. I could do it for thirty-thousand people or three people, it's just what I know how to do. My soul objective only is for me to have the audience say 'when's the next time I can see him?' That's what I do.

Mike Tyson

What To Say Next Quotes #759961
#17. If we had to take a million immigrants in, say Zulus, next year, or Englishmen, and put them up in Virginia, what group would be easier to assimilate and would cause less problems for the people of Virginia?

Pat Buchanan

What To Say Next Quotes #758774
#18. As I say, all all he wanted from the manuscript was the string. That was the way he was. Nobody could predict what he was going to be interested in next. On the day of the bomb it was string. [ ... ] He had no use at all for tricks and games and rules that other people made up.

Kurt Vonnegut

What To Say Next Quotes #754194
#19. As soon as I accomplish one goal, I replace it with another one. I try not to get too far ahead of myself. I just say to myself, 'All right, well, I'd like to headline a tour,' and then when I get there, we'll see what my next goal is.

Taylor Swift

What To Say Next Quotes #739917
#20. I'm only a little ashamed to say I outsprinted the boy. Old habits die hard. It's good to be faster than what's chasing you, but really the important thing in running away is to be faster than the slowest of those being pursued. Rule number one: be ahead of the next man. Or child.

Mark Lawrence

What To Say Next Quotes #729172
#21. Wordsworth's particular grace, his charisma, as theologians say, has been granted in equal measure to so very few men since time was
to Plato and who else?
The crucial thing is never what we do, but always what we do right after that. What matters is always the next step!

Robert Musil

What To Say Next Quotes #724641
#22. The next summer we went to France for six weeks, and I added another 420 words, most of them found in the popular gossip magazine, 'Voici'. "Man-eater", I'd say. "Gold digger, roustabout, louse".
"Who are you talking about?" my neighbors would ask. "What social climber? Where?

David Sedaris

What To Say Next Quotes #710236
#23. I remember, in elementary school, being asked what my father does and not knowing how to answer. When I asked my mom what I should say next time, she replied, "Just say he's self-employed." I love that.

Yoshi Wada

What To Say Next Quotes #697971
#24. The theatre only knows what it's doing next week, not like the opera, where they say: What are we going to do in five years' time? A completely different attitude.

Harrison Birtwistle

What To Say Next Quotes #674102
#25. Everything is going to be fine.
I hate it when people say that, people who have absolutely no idea of what's coming next. They turn you into an idiot for even asking.

Jenny Valentine

What To Say Next Quotes #670784
#26. I'm constantly trying to keep people guessing as to what I'm doing, and I will spend enormous amounts of time looking at manuscripts and asking questions, and people will say, 'I know what his next book is about.'

Dan Brown

What To Say Next Quotes #666677
#27. I'm too busy thinking what I'm going to say next to remember what I've said, but my staff tells me I'm sometimes funny. Not always on purpose, though.

Jared Polis

What To Say Next Quotes #1088643
#28. He could probably even guess what Harry would say next in that calm, amused voice of his that seemed to mimic every adult you never wanted to meet.

Patrick Ness

What To Say Next Quotes #1252284
#29. I only listen to my music. I'm just analyzing it. Critical. Seeing what I like what I don't like. Say what I should have said. What I could say next time, what I should have said, things like that.

Lil' Wayne

What To Say Next Quotes #1234854
#30. Conformity has been a devastating thing. Its ill effects continue right to this day. Customers still look at the woman in the next chair and say, 'I'll have what she has.' That's all right for ordering at a restaurant - but not in a beauty parlor.

Virginia Graham

What To Say Next Quotes #1225069
#31. Every single time it was grand. I loved the moment when you announce the stickup and everything suddenly goes brighter and sharper and the world seems to spin faster. You show them the gun and say hand it over and there's no telling what's going to happen in the next tick of the clock.

James Carlos Blake

What To Say Next Quotes #1221819
#32. Was he an alcoholic? What was that? Someone who drinks all the time? Who can't say no to a drink? Who drinks in secret? Somebody who anticipates the next drink before he's finished with the one in front of him?

Irvine Welsh

What To Say Next Quotes #1204520
#33. I don't really have a structured path of wanting to say, "This is what I'll do next." I'm just going to read a bunch of scripts and see which one I love. There are so many things I would love to play, in all different genres.

Selena Gomez

What To Say Next Quotes #1202041
#34. I've done a lot of talk shows where you can tell that the host is just thinking about what he wants to say next while you're answering him and that's really uncomfortable.

Dave Navarro

What To Say Next Quotes #1188002
#35. What kind of a world are we going to leave the next generation? I, at least, want my children to look back and say, "My daddy was being arrested at the White House fence and booed off commencement stages. He was trying."

Chris Hedges

What To Say Next Quotes #1175616
#36. It's funny when people ask an actor what they want to play next, because you don't get to decide what you play. I don't know. I can only say this: I don't want to and have no interest in playing a plastic surgeon. That's for sure. I'm open to anything else.

Dylan Walsh

What To Say Next Quotes #1164726
#37. What I wonder is what would happen in California, say, if all the Mexicans left from one day to the next?

Alma Guillermoprieto

What To Say Next Quotes #1131503
#38. I'm the kind of person who likes to focus on one thing at a time. I'll focus on my skiing and then when I get to the bottom of my run and the cameras are on me, I'll focus on what I need to say, and then I'll focus that night on recovering and getting ready for the next day.

Nick Goepper

What To Say Next Quotes #1124979
#39. With a regular venture fund, you raise, let's say, a billion dollars, and then over the next three or four years, you've got to invest that money; otherwise, the people who invested with you will say, 'What are you doing? You're just collecting fees on our money.'

Bill Maris

What To Say Next Quotes #1110425
#40. How does anyone know from moment to moment what to say or do next until he senses the reaction to what he just did? He doesn't know. Life is always action/reaction. No monologues. No prepared speeches. An improvisation no matter how we mentally rehearse our big moment.

Robert McKee

What To Say Next Quotes #658785
#41. It just goes to show, never say never, or the next thing you know, you'll be doing what you said you never would, owning a dog you swore you didn't want and walking (or carrying) a tiny, totally enchanting little dog on a rhinestone-studded pink leash.

Danielle Steel

What To Say Next Quotes #1085832
#42. I had to learn quick, because I was performing in Cinco de Mayo festivals with babies crying and people lifting their beers, and you know the feather dancers would come, and they'd say, "What are you, a poet? You're next".

Sandra Cisneros

What To Say Next Quotes #1073718
#43. And one of the things I want to say, Wolf, is we're 100 days from hurricane season, and we've got to start focusing on what we're going to do to make ourselves ready for the next hurricane.

Michael Chertoff

What To Say Next Quotes #1032511
#44. Clary knew what he was going to say next before he said it. That weapon. I want it.

Cassandra Clare

What To Say Next Quotes #1028363
#45. I believe that President Obama is here for a reason, but that doesn't mean that he has to stay there next year. The American people have an opportunity to have a say and so I think we just have to do what we think is right - and see what the outcome is. God's got a plan.

Vicky Hartzler

What To Say Next Quotes #1026927
#46. Take all the fullness out of this skirt," they say. "Ok," we say, "but you'll feel awfully silly in it next year." "What do I care about next year?" they answer. "Any dress which isn't in style for at least three years isn't any good to begin with," we say.

Elizabeth Hawes

What To Say Next Quotes #1026370
#47. You have to be careful what you say in front of comedy writers because they will absolutely make fun of it in the next episode.

David Alan Basche

What To Say Next Quotes #995299
#48. You should be constantly asking yourself: What do I want to say next? What do I believe in? Who am I? What is my image? To be a successful photographer, you have to have a unique point of view otherwise you'll get lost in the mix.

Mario Sorrenti

What To Say Next Quotes #995185
#49. People know that I am a very good author. But they would rather read what I have to say about the next election.

Tatyana Tolstaya

What To Say Next Quotes #988674
#50. Let's say you go to a friend's wedding, or Thanksgiving, or Halloween. It'd be great the next day to see what went on with your friends' Thanksgiving weekend, or all the costumes they wore on Halloween, and be able to look back and see what they wore the year before, and the year before that.

Mike McCue

What To Say Next Quotes #987074
#51. There's never any telling what you'll say or do next, except that it's bound to be something astonishing. By God, sir, you are a character.

John Huston

What To Say Next Quotes #941094
#52. I think that if I have one hope, 1 ambition, 1 aspiration for the next 4 or 5 years it would be that I can improve as a writer and just be able to say more of what I want to say throught the music.

Neil Diamond

What To Say Next Quotes #203812
#53. Sometimes I think to myself, what should James Franco say next? And then it comes to me. Boobs.

James Franco

What To Say Next Quotes #386530
#54. I don't write with a scheme or a plan. I write word to word, so whatever that first sentence is, having said that, one more or less had to say what comes next and next and next. Guilty of no cogitation or forethought.

Padgett Powell

What To Say Next Quotes #375171
#55. You know how you always expect someone to think the same as you and then your like, really shocked when they don't? Like when it's a cold day and you turn to the person next to you and say, 'Its so cold, aren't you cold?' and then they say 'no.' It's kinda like, 'what, are you a communist?

Ellen DeGeneres

What To Say Next Quotes #282264
#56. Between your brain and your mouth (or your fingers) is magic: your power to choose what you say next. Use that magic.

Chris Brogan

What To Say Next Quotes #266136
#57. When the news you don't want to hear is looming before you like Everest, two things can happen. Tragedy can run you through like a sword, or it can become your backbone. Either you fall apart and sob, or you say, 'Right. What's next?

Jodi Picoult

What To Say Next Quotes #249639
#58. Yeah, ESP," Juvenal said. "You know how you do it? You listen to the other person instead of thinking of what you're gonna say next. That's all, and you learn things.

Elmore Leonard

What To Say Next Quotes #244377
#59. Folklore used to be passed by word of mouth, from one generation to the next; that's what makes it folklore, as opposed to, say, history, which is written down and stored in an archive.

Jill Lepore

What To Say Next Quotes #240091
#60. What do I say to a man who knows how I think and still sleeps next to me with the lights off?

Gillian Flynn

What To Say Next Quotes #234749
#61. Reputation is what people expect us to do next. It's their expectation of the quality and character of the next thing we produce or say or do.
We control our actions (even when it feels like we don't) and our actions over time (especially when we think no one is looking) earn our reputation.

Seth Godin

What To Say Next Quotes #221884
#62. I think now we have a very unique opportunity, thanks to the election result, thanks to such a big vote for the Greens, to say you know what, we have to face it. Otherwise this generation will be robbing the next generation of their future, and that's immoral and unethical.

Tim Costello

What To Say Next Quotes #217998
#63. Great events, but it all seemed of small importance compared to what happened now, in this room. Who knew? The course of his life might turn on the next few moments if he could find the right words, and make himself say them.

Joe Abercrombie

What To Say Next Quotes #213324
#64. And also ... well ... i told them I want to get an apartment with him next year rather than live in the dorms."
What'd they say?"
Over their dead bodies."
What did you say?"
I asked whether they wanted to be burie or cremated.

Carolyn Mackler

What To Say Next Quotes #204652
#65. We're like drunks in a barroom. No one's listening because everyone is too busy thinking about what they're going to say next, and absolutely prove that the current speaker is so full of shit he squeaks.

Stephen King

What To Say Next Quotes #402432
#66. Trouble with a long journey like this,' continued the Captain, 'is that you end up just talking to yourself a lot, which gets terribly boring because half the time you know what you're going to say next.

Douglas Adams

What To Say Next Quotes #199619
#67. He shook his head. The next time I hear a women going on about how neurotic men are, I'm going to remember this. You tell me you like my body, and what do I say? I say, thank you. Then I tell you I like yours and what do I hear? A long lists of grievances.

Susan Elizabeth Phillips

What To Say Next Quotes #189526
#68. Could there be a cowgirl in my future? You know, I never know what character is going to come and tap me on the shoulder and say, 'Hey, tell my story.' So maybe the next one will have boots.

Susan Isaacs

What To Say Next Quotes #176909
#69. Let me tell you, people go on and on about what a great idea electricity was, but I'm going to put toilet paper right next to the wheel and say those are the best ideas anyone's ever had. Scoff at it if you will, but try living for two millennia without it and then we'll talk.

Kevin Hearne

What To Say Next Quotes #134044
#70. I see Hillary [Clinton] as a calculating politician without any vision. It depends what the next thing is that they calculate she needs to say.

John Kasich

What To Say Next Quotes #127412
#71. So what I'm trying to say is you should text me back. Because there's a precedent. Because there's an urgency. Because there's a bedtime. Because when the world ends I might not have my phone charged and If you don't respond soon, I won't know if you'd wanna leave your shadow next to mine.

Marina Keegan

What To Say Next Quotes #93925
#72. Physicists like to think that all you have to do is say, these are the conditions, now what happens next? - RICHARD P. FEYNMAN

James Gleick

What To Say Next Quotes #55666
#73. What would happen if you allowed a bug to slip through a module, and it cost
your company $10,000? The nonprofessional would shrug his shoulders, say
"stuff happens," and start writing the next module. The professional would
write the company a check for $10,000!

Robert C. Martin

What To Say Next Quotes #45315
#74. Memorial Day orators will say that a G.I.'s life is priceless. Don't believe it. I know what value the U.S. government assigns to a soldier's life: I've been handed the check. It's roughly what the Yankees will pay Roger Clemens per inning once he starts pitching next month.

Andrew Bacevich

What To Say Next Quotes #39572
#75. When I get home and people ask me,'Hey, Hoot, why do you do it, man? What are you? Some kind of war junkie? I won't say a goddamn word. Why? They won't understand. They won't understand why we do it. They won't understand that it's about the men next to you. And that's it. That's all it is.

Black Hawk

What To Say Next Quotes #36650
#76. A minute later he (Brady) collapsed next to me. "What do you say to the person who gave you the best orgasm of your life?"
"Thank you, Keanu (Reeves)?

Michele Bardsley

What To Say Next Quotes #33605
#77. For many of us, the opposite of talking isn't listening. It's waiting. When others speak, we typically divide our attention between what they're saying now and what we're going to say next - and end up doing a mediocre job at both.

Daniel H. Pink

What To Say Next Quotes #560867
#78. People stand themselves next to the righteous They believe the things they say are true They speak in terms of what divides us To justify the violence they do But it is one, it is one One world spinning 'round the sun Wherever it is you call home Whatever country you come from It is one

Jackson Browne

What To Say Next Quotes #653828
#79. Levi kicked her chair. "Cath. Read me your fan fiction. I want to know what happens next."
She opened her computer slowly, as if she were still thinking about it. As if there were any way she was going to say no. Levi wanted to know what happened next. That question was Cath's Achilles' heel.

Rainbow Rowell

What To Say Next Quotes #650482
#80. I have several things that I'm working on and trying to put together. It's hard to say exactly what's next. I think I know what it is, but until I'm actually doing it, I never want to say because things change.

David Robert Mitchell

What To Say Next Quotes #638039
#81. When they saw me walking down the street smoking a cigar, they'd say, 'Hey, that 14-year-old kid may be going places.' Of course it's also a good prop on the stage ... When you can't think of what you're supposed to say next, you can puff on your cigar until you think of your next line.

George Burns

What To Say Next Quotes #635883
#82. What was she to say? The prodigal has returned? The mutineer wishes to be reinstated? The subordinate, having gone to a great deal of trouble to prove her commander wrong, has come back and promises to be a good little subordinate hereafter, or at least until next time?

Robin McKinley

What To Say Next Quotes #622071
#83. I wished to God the doctor had handed me a pamphlet that said, 'Hey, sorry about the autism, but here's a step-by-step list on what to do next.' But doctors don't do that. They say 'sorry' and move you along.

Jenny McCarthy

What To Say Next Quotes #621185
#84. A lot of times, good improv is when both people, or however many people are in the scene, really have no idea what the next thing you're going to say is.

John C. Reilly

What To Say Next Quotes #614038
#85. And then, when he's been underwater so long I feel certain he's drowned, his head pops up right next to me and I start. "Don't do that," I say. "What? Come up or stay under?" he says. "Either. Neither. Whatever

Suzanne Collins

What To Say Next Quotes #585814
#86. What did she say?" Eve asked when they got into the car. "Here's love, she said, to hold until next we meet and I give you more.

J.D. Robb

What To Say Next Quotes #582904
#87. I can't get myself to say what happened next. I cannot cope with even thinking about this let alone living with it."
"It is so degrading and I try to forget, it hurts so much because she is my mother."
- Graham talks about being sexually abused by his mother

Carolyn Ainscough

What To Say Next Quotes #566545
#88. What about Ella's nightmares?"
It's Ella, who has been listening quietly, that responds. "I'll tough them out. The next time that big freak gets into my head, I'm going to punch him in the balls."
"All right," I say, grinning. "Meeting adjourned.

Pittacus Lore

What To Say Next Quotes #561324
#89. What I like to say is that we're trying to develop a new generation of technologies that are worthy of the next generation of kids.

Mitchel Resnick

What To Say Next Quotes #656006
#90. You talk to some people who are opposed to same sex marriage, and they'll say, 'If we allow that, what's next? Will people want to marry animals?' ... You have to wonder about people who go straight to that idea
and they think WE'RE weird!

Ellen DeGeneres

What To Say Next Quotes #558250
#91. Would we prefer to be lifting it? Of course we would. You can't look back, we have to look forward and say what are we going to do get it back next year.

David Gill

What To Say Next Quotes #553236
#92. I love girls when I never know what there going to do next or what they're going to say.

Chris Kirkpatrick

What To Say Next Quotes #542343
#93. The biggest mistake most people make when it comes to listening is they're so focused on what they're going to say next or how what the other person is saying is going to affect them that they fail to hear what's being said.

Travis Bradberry

What To Say Next Quotes #541147
#94. Joe spent quite some time hopping up and down next to me, saying "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" when what he meant to say was, "I see you have a chocolate croissant on your desk. Any chance of handing it over?

Keris Stainton

What To Say Next Quotes #514162
#95. There are things that I won't do on the radio. I mean, the next logical question is, what won't you do. I say, well, you know, you've got to find out when you're on the air.

Howard Stern

What To Say Next Quotes #509961
#96. It's a really cool time for artists who want to strive for a little more depth in what they want to say to come forward. We live in a very fast world right now. We've got all this media and music which is so accessible to us, it's here one minute gone the next.


What To Say Next Quotes #482194
#97. We have a chance to wind down and expedite the removal of 96 percent of the world's nuclear weapons. What an achievement it would be, if at the end of the next administration, we could say that the nuclear arsenals of both Russia and the United States had been reduced to the barest minimums.

Dianne Feinstein

What To Say Next Quotes #450026
#98. I'm a strange person. Sometimes I hardly know what I'm going to do or say next. Sometimes I seem a stranger to myself. Sometimes what I do surprises me and I can't understand why I do it.

Philip K. Dick

What To Say Next Quotes #430097
#99. Next time you're faced with a credit-purchase decision, wait. Don't say no necessarily. Just wait. I challenge you to present your need to the Lord before presenting it to a bank, and see what He does with it.

Charles R. Swindoll

What To Say Next Quotes #420367
#100. The true test of any scholar's work is not what his contemporaries say, but what happens to his work in the next twenty-five or fifty years. And the thing that I will really be proud of is if some of the work I have done is still cited in the text books long after I am gone.

Milton Friedman

What To Say Next Quotes #406399

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