Top 100 Study Quotes
#1. Of all the studies by which men acquire citizenship of the intellectual commonwealth, no single one is so indispensable as the study of the past.
Bertrand Russell
#2. Study, therefore, to withdraw the love of your soul from all things that are visible, and turn it to things that are invisible.
Thomas A Kempis
#3. I've always been fascinated with knowing the self. This fascination led me to submerge myself in art, study neuroscience, and later to become a psychotherapist.
Ariel Garten
#4. In many respects I have gone out of my way to avoid the usual approach adopted in crime novels. I have used some techniques that are normally outlawed - the presentation of Mikael Blomkvist, for instance, is based exclusively on the personal case study made by Lisbeth Salander.
Stieg Larsson
#5. A lifetime is so little a time that we die before we get ready to live. I should like to study at a college, but then I have to say to myself: "You will die before you can do anything else".
John Muir
#6. Most of us made a rather extensive study of heterosexuality before leaving it behind. -Pat Califia
Carol Queen
#7. I am interested in study, reflection, philosophy - but always as a dilettante. I also consider myself a dilettante as a painter.
Antoni Tapies
#8. The scientific study of labor economics provided the opportunity for me to unite theory with evidence my lifetime intellectual passion.
James Heckman
#9. The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator.
Louis Pasteur
#10. I grew up in Haifa and enjoyed the wonderful beaches and Mount Carmel that rolls into the Mediterranean Sea. From my early days at home, I remember a strong encouragement to study.
Aaron Ciechanover
#11. I studied physical therapy, and I started to study theater because my aunt is a theater director.
Miguel Angel Silvestre
#12. Very many researchers, including the front runners in gallium nitride, abandoned the development of gallium nitride-based devices. I have devoted myself to the study of crystal growth, aiming at the development of the p-n junction of gallium nitride.
Isamu Akasaki
#13. I honestly think anthropology is one of the most useful fields a fantasy writer can study, more so even than history.
Marie Brennan
#14. I love going out for any audition. I'm very professional, I study my stuff, I work on it, and even if I'm not right for the job, so what? I know I did my best.
Kellan Lutz
#15. The interactions of business and culture, one upon the other, form one of the least explored phases of history. For such a study, no city would appear better fixed than Florence, so richly dowered with both economic and spiritual vitality.
Mary Ritter Beard
#16. I would definitely like to direct at some point. I've been very fortunate to work with some amazing talent and study them. But when the right time and the right story arrives, and I feel like I'm compelled to tell it, then I'll do that.
Mark Wahlberg
#17. Forget boys and read a good book. Or study. When you're twenty-five and ranking in the big bucks, men will be falling all over you're a successful professional woman.
Stephie Davis
#18. Some years ago there was a study to discover the most stressful occupation. It turned out not to be the head of a large business, football manager or prime minister, but rather: bus driver.
Jonathan Sacks
#19. There is more value in a little study of humility and in a single act of it than in all the knowledge in the world.
Teresa Of Avila
#20. Men always say there is no female Shakespeare.' 'Humph! You study the fellows who say that, and you'll see they are a long way from being Shakespeares themselves. Why shouldn't women have the same privilege?
Miles Franklin
#21. Thus, after finishing high school, I started with high expectations and enthusiasm to study chemistry at the famous Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.
Richard Ernst
#22. The arts community is generally dominated by liberals because if you are concerned mainly with painting or sculpture, you don't have time to study how the world works. And if you have no understanding of economics, strategy, history and politics, then naturally you would be a liberal.
Mark Helprin
#23. John Kerry has apologized for saying those who do not study hard and do their homework will get stuck in Iraq. Now, those that do not campaign well and are boring, will end up stuck in the Senate.
Jay Leno
#24. Knowledge comes by revelation through the study of the Scriptures
Pedro Okoro
#25. study: The reading of books or examination of other materials to gain knowledge. Page 5.
Sean Clouden
#26. This is an opportunity for failure as much as it is one to succeed. Do not block out the voices of opposition, study them and defeat their words and prejudices through brilliant action.
Gayle Tzemach Lemmon
#27. You are not educated if all you have achieved is the study of ten books.
Sai Baba
#28. Stop judging how everyone else treats their faith and study your own, George had counseled.
Robyn Carr
#29. The study of the past with one eye upon the present is the source of all sins and sophistries in history. It is the essence of what we mean by the word "unhistorical".
Herbert Butterfield
#30. So you faked it to give Zimbardo a better study?" I asked. "It was completely deliberate on my part," he replied. "I planned it. I mapped it out. I carried it through. It was all done for a purpose. I thought I was doing something good at the time.
Jon Ronson
#31. My study of chess was accompanied by a strong attraction to music, and it was probably thanks to this that from childhood I became accustomed to thinking of chess as an art, for all the science and sport involved in it.
Vasily Smyslov
#32. You can study orchestration, you can study harmony and theory and everything else, but melodies come straight from God.
Quincy Jones
#34. Positive psychology is the study of what constitutes excellence in individuals, communities, and workplaces. It incorporates the study of productivity, resilience, motivation, emotions, strengths, team dynamics, and more.
Margaret Greenberg
#35. If language is intimately related to being human, then when we study language we are, to a remarkable degree, studying human nature.
Charlton Laird
#36. It is now clear to me that the family is a microcosm of the world. To understand the world, we can study the family: issues such as power, intimacy, autonomy, trust, and communication skills are vital parts underlying how we live in the world. To change the world is to change the family.
Virginia Satir
#37. I have learned as much in the last three years as in any other comparable period of my life, but with an added realisation of how little over a half century of study one has in fact managed to learn of the whole range of economic policy issues.
James Meade
#38. In the course of her education she had gone through the history usually put into the hands of young people ... now her ripened reason gave to her present study at least the advantage of novelty.
Charlotte Smith
#39. We can study files for decades, but every so often we are tempted to throw up our hands and declare that history is merely another literary genre: the past is autobiographical fiction pretending to be a parliamentary report.
Julian Barnes
#40. Instinct and study, love and hate;
Audacity-reverence. These must mate,
And fuse with Jacob's heart,
To wrestle with the angel
Herman Melville
#41. This house was our dream-the gardens, the study, even the swimming pool. Even though I can't see John when I wake up in the morning, I can always feel him here with me.
Shirley Knight
#42. Losing is only temporary and not encompassing. You must simply study it, learn from it, and try hard not to lose the same way again. Then you must have the self-control to forget about it.
John Wooden
#43. I weigh my words before I say them. They're one thing I do have control over. And so I am purposeful with them. Deliberate. I decide what to give and what to hide. I watch for reactions. I study their impact.
Megan Miranda
#44. Is it not dangerous to have students study together for years, copying the same models and approximately the same path?
Theodore Gericault
#45. My life may be encapsulated by one of Graham Greene's "entertainments" titles: 'Loser Takes All'. Since I was thrown out of highschool for political reasons, I was free to study on my own and develop my own ways of thinking.
Israel Gelfand
#46. The study showed that physical clutter in your surroundings competes for your attention, resulting in decreased performance and increased stress. In other words, clutter in your surroundings correlates to clutter in your mind.
Eileen Rose Giadone
#47. It is impossible for someone to dispel his fears about the most important matters if he doesn't know the nature of the universe but still gives some credence to myths. So without the study of nature there is no enjoyment of pure pleasure.
#48. I think my best teacher and my best study was theater in general. It taught me a lot of patience and a lot of hard work, and I think that theater teaches you that you've got to know your stuff because you only get one chance.
Chelsea Kane
#49. Most chess players know, thanks to the study of master games, that two bishops are stronger than two knights or than bishop and knight, though very few know the reason for this advantage and how to turn it to account.
Richard Reti
#50. Nor was I following how someone who seemed so sweet and genteel at Bible study was acting like someone who'd contracted mad cow disease. Or maybe politics made people act slightly demon-possessed.
Christy Barritt
#51. Ballet isn't pop culture, after all; it is an art of the chosen few, a selected elite, for those who understand it; and it is also an art that you have to learn and study.3
Catherine E. Pawlick
#52. it is difficult to solve a problem that you are almost entirely ignorant about. You cannot work for peace while ignoring violence any more than a doctor can create treatments while refusing to study disease.
Rory Miller
#53. When I finished high school, it was clear to me that I would study mathematics, even if I also considered economics and psychology.
Reinhard Selten
#54. Any change in customs ... takes generations to accomplish, and must come about by general consent. Even a superficial study of sociology shows the futility of past efforts to make a lasting change in manners by an act of will or authority.
Millicent Fenwick
#55. study revealed that sleep helps us to produce new and creative ideas and thinking. This means that problem solving improves with sleep quality.
M. Chris Wolf
#56. If a man's wit be not apt to distinguish or find differences, let him study the schoolmen; for they are cymini sectores, splitters of hairs.
Francis Bacon
#57. Make the time to connect to your more playful side, the child within you. Take the time to study the positive qualities of children and model their ability to stay energized, imaginative and completely in the moment no matter what might be going on around them.
Robin S. Sharma
#58. Find a model of great education in history and you will find a great teacher who inspired students to make the hard choice to study. Wherever you find such a teacher, you will also find self-motivated students who study hard. When students study hard, learning occurs.
Oliver DeMille
#59. To change bad habits, we must study the habits of successful role models.
Jack Canfield
#61. Our learning ought to be our lives' amendment, and the fruits of our private study ought to appear in our public behavior.
Thomas Nashe
#62. The object of Sufi preparatory study, however, being to illustrate, expose and out-manoeuvre superficial ambition.
Idries Shah
#63. Truth gains more even by the errors of one who, with due study and preparation, thinks for himself, than by the true opinions of those who only hold them because they do not suffer themselves to think ...
John Stuart Mill
#64. The study a posteriori of the distribution of consciousness shows it to be exactly such as we might expect in an organ added for the sake of steering a nervous system grown too complex to regulate itself.
William James
#65. A recent study of three thousand New England high-school kids shows that students with B averages or better enjoyed seventeen to thirty-three minutes more sleep and went to bed ten to fifty minutes earlier than students with C averages.
Roger Angell
#66. Study your lessons, don't settle for less.
Tupac Shakur
#67. If you study your own struggles, the struggles of others, even in movies or novels you'll see the root of all their suffering is always attachments
Yasmin Mogahed
#68. A related study by Licette Peterson confirmed that girls are more fearful than boys are. For example, they brake sooner when riding their bikes. They react more negatively to pain and try not to make the same mistake twice.
James C. Dobson
#70. I'm not a visionary, but I've spent half my life drawing things Imagined, Remembered, and Observed, comparing the differences between them, and my study confirms that "the difference between night and day / is not as great as people say."
Peter Blegvad
#71. We can extrapolate from the study that for the long term individual investor who maintains a consistent asset allocation and leans toward index funds, asset allocation determines about 100% of performance.
Roger G. Ibbotson
#72. well-documented findings in the study of attributions is that we are more likely to ascribe traits to others, whereas we explain our own actions according to the situations we are in.
Brian Little
#74. I intend to study love as well as medicine, for it is one of the most mysterious and remarkable diseases that afflict mankind, and the best way to understand it is to have it. I may catch it someday, and then I should like to know how to treat and cure it.
- Mac (Rose In Bloom)
Louisa May Alcott
#75. Before beginning [to try to prove Fermat's Last Theorem] I should have to put in three years of intensive study, and I haven't that much time to squander on a probable failure.
David Hilbert
#76. Many persons have been confused and discouraged at the very outset of the study by the great variety and the delicate distinctions of the openings: and this has constituted a fault in many otherwise excellent manuals for the learner.
Howard Staunton
#77. I always knew when I graduated from high school, I'd go to college. I never thought about what I was walking away from ... I just wanted to study literature and writing.
Gaby Hoffmann
#78. I have always thought that these two ways of talking, one is the fantastic, the fable, the fairy tale, and the other being history, the scholarly study of what happened, I think they're both amazing ways to understand human nature.
Salman Rushdie
#79. Study rather to fill your mind than your coffers; knowing that gold and silver were originally mingled with dirt, until avarice or ambition parted them.
Seneca The Younger
#80. When a problem seems intractable, it is often a good idea to try to study "toy" versions of it in the hope that as the toys become increasingly larger and more sophisticated, they would metamorphose, in the limit, to the real thing.
Doron Zeilberger
#81. Chemistry is, well technically, chemistry is the study of matter. But I prefer to see it as the study of change.
Walter White
#82. In The Woman Reader Kate Flint argues that "the study of reading...involves examining a fulcrum: the meeting-place of discourses of subjectivity and socialization." Reading has traditionally been "a prime tool in socialization" and is "centrally bound in with questions of authority".
Ann Romines
#83. I try to study the background of the country I am in and what were my hits there, so I can at least give them some of what they want. It's like a wedding - give them something old, something new, something borrowed and definitely something blue!
Betty Wright
#84. I'd like to study the drawings of kids. That's where the truth is, without a doubt.
Andre Derain
#85. I actually took them all on quite handily, although I learned when I came to study the issue that I was completely wrong. I also came to believe that the war on drugs is one of the last vestiges of institutionalized racism in our society.
Harvey Pekar
#86. In a study, scientists report that drinking beer can be good for the liver. I'm sorry, did I say 'scientists'? I meant Irish people.
Tina Fey
#87. The scientific study of Nature tends not only to correct and ennoble the intellectual conceptions of man; it serves also to ameliorate his physical condition.
John William Draper
#88. I did study the art of being a barber because I wanted to figure out what my routine would be. Do you start in the front or back? Top or bottom? Swivel the chair or walk around? What I did discover is there's no such thing as the perfect haircut!
Sean Patrick Thomas
#89. Then suddenly the humour of the situation came into my mind: the thought of the years I had spent in study and toil to get into the future age, and now my passion of anxiety to get out of it.
#90. I'll be at charges for a looking-glass And entertain a score or two of tailors To study fashions to adorn my body: Since I am crept in favor with myself, I will maintain it with some little cost.
William Shakespeare
#91. If you study the Talmud you please God even more than you do by praying or fasting.
Abraham Cahan
#92. It's a staggering transition for high school students that found they could study five hours a week and make As and Bs.
John W. Gardner
#93. Mom put a note in my lunch again, I see ... Dear son, I hope you will study hard in summer school ... Do not look upon it as a punishment, but rather as a privilege ... We are very proud of you, and want you to have a good education. This note will self-destruct in five seconds.
Charles M. Schulz
#94. But on those Friday afternoons, ambition did not spread its wings to embrace the study of medicine. We all wanted to be masters like our teachers. Their life appeared to be so enjoyable. All they had to do was learn the lessons set, by heart, and sit and hear boys repeat them by rote.
Austin Clarke
#95. Queston 1. "On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 meaning 'not the least bit ready' and 10 meaning "totally ready", how ready are you to study?
- After she offers her answer, move to: -
Question 2. "Why didn't you pick a lower number?
Daniel H. Pink
#96. From semantics to shipbuilding, from dream theory to propositional logic, any specialist ... is invariably astonished to discover that modern knowledge was foreshadowed at the time ... Should we not replace these foreshadowings by the study of the influences of Hellenistic thought on modern thought?
Lucio Russo
#97. Success is the study of the obvious. Everyone should take Obvious 1 and Obvious 2 in school.
Jim Rohn
#98. Until I was eighteen, I did not know that you could study fashion design or art. I really didn't know. I already had my nose in the art world; I was already looking at things, but I didn't really get it that you could study that because my school was a very different environment.
Raf Simons
#99. Steamy day, and though the windows of the oval study were open, the room was oppressively hot. You know Captain Henry, of course, Admiral? His boy's just gotten his wings at Pensacola.
Herman Wouk
#100. The study of evolution is an evolution in itself.
Hendrik Poinar
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