Top 100 Still Enough Quotes

#1. Never think that someone else knows what's best for you. Trust your way and don't ask for so much advice. Learn how to be quiet and still enough to hear your own voice. It's up to you: Your voice will either be silenced or will get to roar.

Maria Shriver

Still Enough Quotes #113352
#2. It goes on, he thought. The internecine hate. Perhaps the seeds are there, in that. They will eat one another at last, and leave the rest of us here and there in the world, still alive. Still enough of us once more to build and hope and make a few simple plans.

Philip K. Dick

Still Enough Quotes #239116
#3. Because I want to see. I've got to know what's going to happen while I'm still enough in control to be able to do something about it.

Daniel Keyes

Still Enough Quotes #290747
#4. Prayer is the Word of God which comes to you when you are silent enough, still enough and expectant to receive it.

Joel S. Goldsmith

Still Enough Quotes #672569
#5. Gratitude- not only for once loving her, but loving her still, enough to forgive...

Jane Austen

Still Enough Quotes #779601
#6. You can't realise love or yourself until you are still enough to drop down through the restlessness and frustrations into that deeper level of your being

Barry Long

Still Enough Quotes #909593
#7. When my muffin top makes an appearance after a dedicated weekend of pizza indulging, when I feel too tired to write and all my words sound boring, when my students aren't laughing at my jokes, I am still enough.

Michelle Elaine Kennedy

Still Enough Quotes #1138826
#8. Sometimes I wake up and lie still enough to hear a petal drop from the vase of flowers. Sometimes I lie awake and wish there was someone to hear my falling.

Simon Van Booy

Still Enough Quotes #1192347
#9. The truth is, until you know any different, the island is enough.
Actually, I know different. And it's still enough.

Maggie Stiefvater

Still Enough Quotes #1194212
#10. Those secrets are things that most people don't learn, because they are not enthusiastic enough, or bright enough, or patient enough, or funny enough; or still enough.

Frederick Lenz

Still Enough Quotes #1350856
#11. If you can be still enough and common enough, then it's really easy to be invisible.

Ally Carter

Still Enough Quotes #1466877
#12. Her plea was the music that the soul could hear at sunrise, if the mind was still enough to hear it.

Joey W. Hill

Still Enough Quotes #1500595
#13. My great-grandmother grew up in a sod house in Nebraska. When she was a tiny girl - in other words, only four human generations ago - there were still enough wild bison on the Plains that she was afraid lightning storms would spook them and they would trample her home.

Derrick Jensen

Still Enough Quotes #1702316
#14. Everyone is psychic. People just don't know that. They think so much. They worry so much. They're so caught up in unhappy emotions. They're not still enough.

Frederick Lenz

Still Enough Quotes #1708571
#15. There is time, and then there is timelessness. And if you're lucky, and if you can be still enough, observant enough, you may be able to know and speak about that intersection of time and timelessness, or time and eternity.

Wendell Berry

Still Enough Quotes #1811787
#16. If time stood still for a moment, what would you be grateful for? And will it be enough to allow time to have meaning when it begins?

Steven Cuoco

Still Enough Quotes #2792
#17. Nothing more powerfully excites any affection than to conceal some part of its object, by throwing it into a kind of shade, whichat the same time that it shows enough to prepossess us in favour of the object, leaves still some work for the imagination.

David Hume

Still Enough Quotes #3045
#18. God is gracious enough to let us know, in due time while we're here and the fact that I'm still around and I'm still singing, it is really to his glory.

Gladys Knight

Still Enough Quotes #8166
#19. I have come far, but not far enough. It is still a man's world.

Lesley Ann Warren

Still Enough Quotes #13072
#20. In France, that let down the barriers more than a hundred years ago, the feeling of antipathy is still strong enough to sustain an anti-Jewish political party.

Franz Boas

Still Enough Quotes #13456
#21. Waking, dreaming. She felt as if a woman torn between two lovers - one of them calm, and sweet, and still and good, and the other magnificent, stone-muscled and taciturn and bold enough to seize her and pull her close to him in the darkness of the night.

Gord Sellar

Still Enough Quotes #23135
#22. I'm not so in with the prescriptive avant-garde agenda. I can do that sort of thing, but I feel that I'm still interested enough in song structure. When I look at a lyric on the page, the lyric is alive to me, looking like soldiers in a field. I can move it around, and it's very black-and-white.

Scott Walker

Still Enough Quotes #24660
#23. As always, I was too aware of Edythe sitting close enough to touch, but still so far away she might as well have been a product of my imagination.

Stephenie Meyer

Still Enough Quotes #26405
#24. Don't try to be young. Just open your mind. Stay interested in stuff. There are so many things I won't live long enough to find out about, but I'm still curious about them. You know people who are already saying, 'I'm going to be 30 - oh, what am I going to do?' Well, use that decade! Use them all!

Betty White

Still Enough Quotes #28121
#25. Only philosophy can go deep enough to show that literature goes still deeper than philosophy

Michel Serres

Still Enough Quotes #28500
#26. At one point I wanted to work for NASA and be an astrophysicist, so I did physics, math, and chemistry before realizing I probably wasn't quite smart enough to do that. But I am still hugely interested in cosmology and astrophysics. That is my geeky subject area.

Gemma Chan

Still Enough Quotes #31145
#27. Mal: We're still flying.
Simon: That's not much.
Mal: It's enough
- from Firefly

Joss Whedon

Still Enough Quotes #34703
#28. Nelson's famous signal before the Battle of Trafalgar was not: "England expects that every man will be a hero." It said: "Englandexpects that every man will do his duty." In 1805 that was enough. It should still be.

Johan Huizinga

Still Enough Quotes #35122
#29. Because she was seventeen, and still alive, against thousands of years' worth of odds.Because she knew enough to fear what the future would bring.

Lauren Kate

Still Enough Quotes #44815
#30. ... the kids, they took us places we never would have gone to on our own. Some times were great... some times were wretched... And there was still no guarantee, no bulletproof glass, safety net, steel-toed boots, anything at all that would promise more good moments... so was it enough? It was.

Mary J. Koral

Still Enough Quotes #45627
#31. Redeemed humanity is still young, it has hardly come to its full strength. But already there is joy enough in the little finger of a great saint such as yonder lady to waken all the dead things of the universe into life.

C.S. Lewis

Still Enough Quotes #46854
#32. The debris of her married life was enough to sever the tie between reality and dreams, the fine line between desire and temptation. Where did she draw the line? When did she admit defeat and surrender?

Callie Hunter

Still Enough Quotes #49498
#33. To her amazement,Ellie breaks into an ear-to-ear smile.Oddly enough, it's this moment I realize that despite her husky voice and Parisian attire,she's sort of...plain. But friendly-looking.
That still doesn't mean I like her.

Stephanie Perkins

Still Enough Quotes #50771
#34. You can work for other people and still be a #GIRLBOSS; it's more about a state of mind and knowing yourself well enough to know when you're making decisions for yourself or because the world expects them of you. And guess what? It's okay to do that sometimes, too.

Sophia Amoruso

Still Enough Quotes #52228
#35. You try as a parent. You love beyond reason. You fight beyond endurance. You hope beyond despair.
You never think, until the very last moment, that it still might not be enough.

Lisa Gardner

Still Enough Quotes #59707
#36. I like to think that somewhere out there, on a planet exactly like ours, two people exactly like you and me made totally different choices and that, somewhere, we're still together. That's enough for me.

Iain Thomas

Still Enough Quotes #60886
#37. Focused ultrasound therapy is still in its early stages, still experimental, but there is enough research to date to be very optimistic.

John Grisham

Still Enough Quotes #63523
#38. Customers are willing to try new things, and if you can survive, you will have fewer competitors. It's like entering the eye of the storm. As long as you are strong enough to survive, you can end up in still water by yourself.

Brian Chesky

Still Enough Quotes #66205
#39. I wanted to be as authentic as possible because, first of all, Jean Shrimpton is still alive. And, she's interesting enough to be played accurately. I didn't need to add things.

Karen Gillan

Still Enough Quotes #66981
#40. This book seeks to remove the obstacles that prevent you from clearly knowing yourself and your children. You will still have to walk the path yourself. It is your journey after all. Just remember: you are already enough.

Lea Page

Still Enough Quotes #70111
#41. The HISPANIOLA still lay where she had anchored; but, sure enough, there was the Jolly Roger
the black flag of piracy
flying from her peak.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Still Enough Quotes #75058
#42. Shirley Jackson enjoyed notoriety and commercial success within her lifetime, and yet it still hardly seems like enough for a writer so singular. When I meet readers and other writers of my generation, I find that mentioning her is like uttering a holy name.

Victor LaValle

Still Enough Quotes #84701
#43. You think it can't get worse than wanting someone and not having them, but it can. You can want someone, have them, and want them more. Still. Always. You can never get enough.

Michelle Hodkin

Still Enough Quotes #86230
#44. If you're lucky enough to have captured maybe two hundred memorable pictures, you still haven't captured that much experience, have you?

Phil Stern

Still Enough Quotes #90927
#45. You promised me a kiss," she whispered.
"A rash comment in the heat of the moment." His face was so close she could feel electricity snapping between them.
"I think I'm still feeling that heat."
She tilted her hips. He groaned. It was enough. His mouth captured hers.

Brynn Kelly

Still Enough Quotes #91836
#46. If I've learned anything from my past and my present, it's the power of fear. You can give your subjects all the generosity in the world, and still they will demand more. But those who are afraid don't fight back. I know this well enough.

Marie Lu

Still Enough Quotes #92670
#47. Sensei says funerals are not really for the dead. They are for those left behind. "The dead are long gone by the time a funeral is held," he told us. "Who would wait when the doors of Heaven are open? Only the living would be foolish enough to still hang around on earth.

Sandy Fussell

Still Enough Quotes #92685
#48. Whether Neil left today or tomorrow or next week, he'd leave alone. Two, five, ten years from now, if Neil was even still alive, he'd still be alone. He could be anyone, anywhere in the world, but he'd be alone until the day he died. He'd never trust anyone enough to let them in.

Nora Sakavic

Still Enough Quotes #93692
#49. We have penetrated far less deeply into the regularities obtaining within the realm of living things, but deeply enough nevertheless to sense at least the rule of fixed necessity ... what is still lacking here is a grasp of the connections of profound generality, but not a knowledge of order itself.

Albert Einstein

Still Enough Quotes #97869
#50. I haven't any language weak enough to depict the weakness of my spiritual life. If I weakened it enough it would cease to be language at all. As when you try to turn the gas-ring a little lower still, and it merely goes out.

C.S. Lewis

Still Enough Quotes #102138
#51. Everyone belongs somewhere. Some of us are just lucky enough to figure out where it is while there's still time for us to find a way to get there. And once we arrive, we will never, ever leave.'
Juliet Seghers-Ward

Mira Grant

Still Enough Quotes #103006
#52. I enjoy watching football on TV. Many times I can visualize the whole field, even on the TV screen, because I still know enough about what the teams are doing.

Tony Dungy

Still Enough Quotes #106972
#53. I can't say that I deserve longlife; I don't. I've just been around long enough. They say, "My God, she's still here."

Angela Lansbury

Still Enough Quotes #107378
#54. You don't have to be rich and famous. You just have to be an ordinary person, doing extraordinary things. I'd like more people to know that it's there. Women's achievements still aren't recognised enough in many areas.

Joan Armatrading

Still Enough Quotes #107674
#55. I press my eyes shut and will the thoughts away. But they refuse to comply, and instead, they lodge themselves in the crevasses of my brain, poking out just enough that I know they're still with me, like a tiny splinter in your baby toe that gnaws away at you with every step you take.

Allison Winn Scotch

Still Enough Quotes #108456
#56. At your absolute best, you still won't be good enough for the wrong person. At your worst, you'll still be worth it to the right person.

Karen Salmansohn

Still Enough Quotes #109010
#57. I had a perfect confidence, still unshaken, in books. If you read enough you would reach the point of no return. You would cross over and arrive on the safe side. There you would drink the strong waters and become addicted, perhaps demented - but a Reader.

Helen Bevington

Still Enough Quotes #113049
#58. Even the water, grey and listless as it tossed against the harbour wall, seemed fixed in time; as if peering hard enough into its depths would reveal the tips of Peter's fingers, himself still swaying underwater, cradled in the sea's mouth.

Ava Bloomfield

Still Enough Quotes #118891
#59. There is room enough for an awful lot of people to be right about things and still not agree. The

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Still Enough Quotes #120644
#60. He reads every book in his home but it is not enough. The country boy craves stories. He devours every poem and fable in his school and library. Still he hungers. For stories.

Jennifer Lanthier

Still Enough Quotes #121998
#61. The Spirituality and Self-Help industry wants you to be empowered enough to buy their products, but disempowered enough to still think you need them.

Steve Maraboli

Still Enough Quotes #129354
#62. Here Nanny had taken the biggest thing God ever made, the horizon - for no matter how far a person can go the horizon is still way beyond you - and pinched it in to such a little bit of a thing that she could tie it about her granddaughter's neck tight enough to choke her.

Zora Neale Hurston

Still Enough Quotes #132497
#63. I guess the more you start to love someone, the more you ache when they're gone, and maybe it's that middle ground that hurts the most, when you can see them and still not feel like you're near enough. So close and yet so far.

Robin Benway

Still Enough Quotes #136295
#64. Your brother is young enough to believe that the past still exists, he said. That the injustices within it await his remedy. Perhaps you believe this also?

Cormac McCarthy

Still Enough Quotes #137220
#65. A life time is still not enough to show how much you love, But a moment is hardly enough to show how much you hate.

Jitendra Anne

Still Enough Quotes #139379
#66. You can write the best book you can, and that might still not be enough. Appeal isn't something that most writers can't strive for or identify. It's something even the best agents and editors can't always identify.

M.J. Rose

Still Enough Quotes #140735
#67. But I still has enough longing for that concept that I didn't want to dispel it completely. Meaning: I didn't want to tell Lily that I felt we'd all been duped by Plato and the idea of a soul mate. Just in case it turned out that she was mine.

David Levithan

Still Enough Quotes #143498
#68. I know it's a lot harder for women who don't have enough help, but the truth is, no matter how much money you have, if you want to stay involved with your children and don't want to lose being a primary parent to them, you're still in the game.

Patricia Richardson

Still Enough Quotes #145289
#69. We still talk in terms of conquest. We still haven't become mature enough to think of ourselves as only a tiny part of a vast and incredible universe.

Rachel Carson

Still Enough Quotes #145482
#70. Do you ... still believe?'
'Our very presence here, a Polynesian goddess sitting next to a Zulu thunder god, listening to the song of a Greek siren, should be proof enough that religions can and do coexist.' He looked back at the cross over the entryway. 'And I still do not know.

Karsten Knight

Still Enough Quotes #151711
#71. We all know what we should have done as we look backward. Yet looking backward further still, we may say that all goes as the Wild Magic wills. And we must look forward if we are to live long enough to look backward.

Mercedes Lackey

Still Enough Quotes #153158
#72. Three reasons not to have a [spending] plan: 1. You're rich enough to buy anything you want and still have plenty of money left over. 2. I forget the other two.

Jane Bryant Quinn

Still Enough Quotes #153561
#73. In her experience, the places one set off for were usually still there no matter when one arrived; it would be different, naturally enough, if towns, villages, houses moved - then one might have a real reason to hurry - but they did not.

Alexander McCall Smith

Still Enough Quotes #174444
#74. I might not of told you enough that I loved you but I didn't expect for you to cheat, I loved you and you knew that and I still do, I might of argued with you, pushed you away but I still loved, I still do, you walk away as I cry with my hand on my chest because my heart feels like it will tear.

Harriet Morgan

Still Enough Quotes #178034
#75. Truth is, I didn't know what the hell I was doing when I got out of Cal Arts. I think I wasted a lot of time not being bold enough, or still engaged in the questioning that you get into at school.

David Salle

Still Enough Quotes #188164
#76. It will reward enough for me if, by the publication of the present experiment, I have directed the attention of investigators to this subject, which still promises much for physical optics and appears to open a new field.

Joseph Von Fraunhofer

Still Enough Quotes #188362
#77. It was gratitude; gratitude, not merely for having once loved her, but for loving her still well enough to forgive all the petulance and acrimony of her manner in rejecting him, and all the unjust accusations accompanying her rejection.

Jane Austen

Still Enough Quotes #188832
#78. Poison is a coward's weapon' the king complained. Ned had heard enough. 'You send hired knives to kill a fourteen-year-old girl and still quibble about honor?

George R R Martin

Still Enough Quotes #191630
#79. It's hard enough to track many simultaneous changes, let alone join in with them! However, we must embrace the fact that code changes: any code that stands still is a liability. No code is beyond modification. Treating a section of code as avoidably scary is counterproductive.


Still Enough Quotes #193275
#80. For me, the battle is finding the balance between wanting to spend time with my boys and then having enough perspective to still be the disciplinarian and, like, not be in the best friend business.

Rob Lowe

Still Enough Quotes #197818
#81. Millions and millions of years would still not give me half enough time to describe that tiny instant of all eternity when you put your arms around me and I put my arms around you.

Jacques Prevert

Still Enough Quotes #200937
#82. I am growing old of course, but I am still in the early stages of disintegration, and regarded as just about cool enough by some fashionable young ppl to be permitted to think aloud.

Pete Townshend

Still Enough Quotes #209390
#83. Practicality continues to be a challenge for me - it's at odds with being an artist. I actually had a career on stage in New York - not a brilliant career or I'd still be doing it - but I got enough work to keep my agent and my union health insurance.

Debra Dean

Still Enough Quotes #210340
#84. It's important to be honest enough about your work, and the areas in which you can improve. I'm still learning every day and I'm still Hungry to create more and better work, hence the name.


Still Enough Quotes #215399
#85. I'd known enough people for every minute of the day, and yet still didn't have anyone as my two a.m.

Sarah Dessen

Still Enough Quotes #220271
#86. I'm healthy enough to still skate, so I gotta go because growing up I didn't have - I mean, I grew up in Montana so ... there was kind of a little half-pipe in my yard, and that was the extent of the skate terrain in Montana. So I've got to go out and make up for lost time.

Jeff Ament

Still Enough Quotes #229735
#87. My boarding school experience was the only thing I had strong enough feelings to write about for hundreds and hundreds of pages. I can still smell the formaldehyde of the fetal pigs in biology.

Curtis Sittenfeld

Still Enough Quotes #231180
#88. In many professions, what used to matter most were abilities associated with the left side of the brain: linear, sequential, spreadsheet kind of faculties. Those still matter, but they're not enough.

Daniel H. Pink

Still Enough Quotes #231476
#89. Listening to the siren song of more, we are deaf to the still small voice waiting in our soul to whisper, 'You're enough.

Julia Cameron

Still Enough Quotes #237433
#90. But he tightened his grip so he could kiss my mangled middle finger. Yes, yes, I know. He put his mouth on a part of my body. I'm surprised I'm still conscious enough to talk about it.

Linda Kage

Still Enough Quotes #241076
#91. Still, I could not imagine how being poor could be worse than being rich and hating yourself. I had seen enough of what it was like to be dead. It was time to try living.

James Patrick Kelly

Still Enough Quotes #244072
#92. I had asked him many times why he stayed, and he always said the same thing: "Because I love you, and I wanted to, and I knew you were in there." No matter how damaged I had been, he had loved me enough to still see me somewhere inside.

Susannah Cahalan

Still Enough Quotes #250312
#93. I'm not deluded enough to think that everyone who knows my name is a listener. You know, I hope that part of that interest - part of that public interest - has to do with me still making records that people like.

John Mayer

Still Enough Quotes #251284
#94. I was raised by the Indian community, and those families are still very close to us. We used to go to each others' houses one Sunday a month, so we got to know everyone well. Also, we love Indian food and can't get enough of it.

Nikki Haley

Still Enough Quotes #252740
#95. The more I lose, the more they believe they can beat me. But believing is not enough, you still have to beat me.

Roger Federer

Still Enough Quotes #258369
#96. The rush of adrenaline helped. Not a lot. I still needed a caffeine fix, but at least I was awake enough to realize I quite possibly had my underwear on inside out. Something didn't feel right down yonder.

Darynda Jones

Still Enough Quotes #259345
#97. Starvation does not occur because of a world food shortage. If everyone ate a vegetarian, or better still, a vegan diet there would be enough food for everyone. The only sane way forward is to grow food for humans rather than to feed it to farmed animals..

Jeremy Rifkin

Still Enough Quotes #264042
#98. If you are blessed enough to still have your parents, honor them. And do it today.

Robin S. Sharma

Still Enough Quotes #265105
#99. No one knows, incidentally, why Australia's spiders are so extravagantly toxic; capturing small insects and injecting them with enough poison to drop a horse would appear to be the most literal case of overkill. Still, it does mean that everyone gives them lots of space.

Bill Bryson

Still Enough Quotes #271747
#100. ... It truly didn't matter if my flesh and bone never returned; the treasures of life could still be salvaged if I was brave enough to look.

Fred Venturini

Still Enough Quotes #272264

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