Top 100 Size Up Quotes

#1. Take your situation and pretend it is not happening to you. Pretend it is not important, that it doesn't matter. How much easier would it be for you to know what to do? How much more quickly and dispassionately could you size up the scenario and its options? You could write it off, greet it calmly.

Ryan Holiday

Size Up Quotes #517066
#2. In life we have to size up the chances and calculate the possible risks and our ability to deal with them and then make our plans accordingly.

Freya North

Size Up Quotes #539314
#3. I talk as I sketch, too, in order to keep their minds off what I'm doing so I'll get the most natural expression I can from them. Also, the talking helps to size up the subject's personality, so I can figure out better how to portray him.

Norman Rockwell

Size Up Quotes #615161
#4. I keep on 5 to 10 pounds above my jeans weight, as the ultimate no-filler-needed refresher, and buy a size up on jeans.


Size Up Quotes #703278
#5. Clothes that are too tight make you look bigger. If you've been trying to shed pounds, and it doesn't go, buy the next size up. I never care what size my clothes are.

Joanna Lumley

Size Up Quotes #713677
#6. They call me Ricky Fatton. Mind you I've had a lot on my plate recently. I got measured for this suit the other week. They measured my pants, jacket, top to bottom. Bloody hell Ricky you're a Mark F they said, a size up from a marquee.

Ricky Hatton

Size Up Quotes #965135
#7. First impressions matter. Experts say we size up new people in somewhere between 30 seconds and two minutes.

Elliott Abrams

Size Up Quotes #1183833
#8. You size up someone physically in less than one second - too tall, too short, too fat, too thin, too old, too young, too stuffy, too scruffy.

Helen Fisher

Size Up Quotes #1195653
#9. Nobody can really guarantee the future. The best we can do is size up the chances, calculate the risks involved, estimate our ability to deal with them and then make our plans with confidence.

Henry Ford II

Size Up Quotes #1407019
#10. His feet were swollen to twice their size, besides being cut here and there. Yet they were the only feet he had, and after dozing for an hour in the sun, he got up and hobbled on.

Larry McMurtry

Size Up Quotes #37861
#11. I'm kind of a dirty guy, a little Bill Laimbeer-ish. Those are the guys I used to watch growing up. I used to watch Karl Malone; now I watch Boozer and Elton Brand and try to emulate those guys as much as possible because those guys are about the same size as me.

Kevin Love

Size Up Quotes #53185
#12. I know with my size, a lot of people might think I'm like a slasher, a make-you-miss guy, which I can do that. But I also like to lower my shoulder and get the tough yards, too. I like contact. I like to mix it up.

Javon Ringer

Size Up Quotes #59287
#13. So what if you end up buying a size 6 instead of a 4? You can always cut out the label at home, and you'll pretty soon forget whatever that number was because you'll be too busy admiring how fantastic you look.

Victoria Beckham

Size Up Quotes #62746
#14. People automatically estimate a mom's IQ at around her children's ages, maybe dividing by the number of kids, rounding up to the nearest pajama size.

Barbara Kingsolver

Size Up Quotes #67157
#15. So how did you end up making a fool of yourself in front of twenty thousand people?
I had a bigger hole to fill.
What do you mean?
A rock star is someone with a hole in his heart almost the size of his ego.

Michka Assayas

Size Up Quotes #85110
#16. Part of growing up is narrowing your life choices to a manageable size.

Amy E. Spiegel

Size Up Quotes #89735
#17. I'm still a size 10, but it's the toning that's getting me down, and I think it can only get more difficult as I get older. Either one gets very thin and scrawny, or one puts on poundage; I'm definitely not going to pile on the pounds, so I can expect to end up scrawny.

Kate O'Mara

Size Up Quotes #98311
#18. Thumbs up to the buxom woman. Size zero is boring!

Vidya Balan

Size Up Quotes #105393
#19. I'm always striving to lose weight. And it's not a matter of wanting to be a size 3 again - I brought out my leotards, and a friend thought they were doll clothes. Being heavy isn't good for you. How long can your heart take the strain? So, I never give up, but it's hard.

Liz Torres

Size Up Quotes #115438
#20. And, more important, for all those years that I was sure that boys could tell when I had a loaf-of-bread-size maxi pad going up the back of my pants, they actually had no idea.

Tina Fey

Size Up Quotes #118345
#21. I thought for a change I would give up drinking, and it was a great mistake, and, although I reduced the size of my nose and improved my beauty, my stomach suffered.

Winslow Homer

Size Up Quotes #130844
#22. Towards that small and ghostly hour, [Mr. Cruncher] rose up from his chair, took a key out of his pocket, opened a locked cupboard, and brought forth a sack, a crowbar of convenient size, a rope and chain, and other fishing tackle of that nature.

Charles Dickens

Size Up Quotes #137454
#23. Bosses run things. The rest of us get run. It's the only rank that matters these days. You can dress it up as baronies or boyars or caliphates, but that's just sticking lace and ribbons on the dinosaur and hoping he'll take you to town. Is you a boss or isn't you? That's about the size of it.

Catherynne M Valente

Size Up Quotes #141453
#24. The Ultimate Day really begins the night before, when you sit up until one o'clock trying to get things into trunk and bags. This is when you discover the well-known fact that summer air swells articles to twice or three times their original size.

Robert Benchley

Size Up Quotes #155264
#25. I don't think there is one size that fits all [] I've been to too many meetings with journalists who spent the first 10 minutes of the meeting setting up iPad to look like a laptop.

Steve Ballmer

Size Up Quotes #162565
#26. Uh- If you could put the universe into a tube, you'd end up with a-uh-very long tube. Uuum probably extending uh twice the size of the universe because because when you... collapse the universe, it expands, and it would be uh... You wouldn't wanna put it into a tube.

Eric Wareheim

Size Up Quotes #170987
#27. ISSERLEY ALWAYS DROVE straight past a hitch-hiker when she first saw him, to give herself time to size him up. She was looking for big muscles: a hunk on legs. Puny, scrawny specimens were no use to her.

Michel Faber

Size Up Quotes #174346
#28. Blue was standing over her, shaking out his wet hair like an annoying blue dog. Beads of water clung to the muscle of his chest. He was wiry, not buff like Henley, but his body made up for size with definition.
Nothing could make up for his personality.
"Stop dripping on me," Mira snapped.

Sarah Cross

Size Up Quotes #198740
#29. I am dying a thousand cruel and unusual deaths as fifty pairs of eyes take me in, size me up like something that should be hanging over a fireplace in a gentleman's den.

Libba Bray

Size Up Quotes #211667
#30. Pia was chopping up an enormous cabbage, a cabbage big as a basketball. The cabbage was of an extraordinary size. It was a big cabbage. "That's a big cabbage," Edward said. "Big," Pia said.

Donald Barthelme

Size Up Quotes #215316
#31. You ought to realize, you take up very little space in the world as a whole - your body, that is; in reason, however, you yield to no one, not even to the gods, because reason is not measured in size but sense. So why not care for that side of you, where you and the gods are equals?


Size Up Quotes #222114
#32. Bonnie laughed, and I mean she threw her head back and cackled up into the rain.
They say it only takes a tablespoon of water to drown a person. I was hoping they were right. But Bonnie didn't drown, which was an amazing shame considering the size of her mouth.

Devon Monk

Size Up Quotes #274519
#33. Strange, but I actually wished I was hungover. Because when you're so busy thinking about how awful you feel you forget for a moment how awful you are. Because pain can be its own relief. Because throwing up is a super-effective way to stay a size 0.

Elizabeth Little

Size Up Quotes #282708
#34. It is our job to lift others up, not to size them up.

Neal A. Maxwell

Size Up Quotes #306090
#35. I feel that America is like a child that grew up so strong and so fast and so tall that it became self-conscious about its size and started to stoop over so as not to offend anyone.

Sylvester Stallone

Size Up Quotes #317604
#36. Otulissa swelled up to twice her normal size. 'Well, SPRINK ON YOUR SPRONK!

Kathryn Lasky

Size Up Quotes #343552
#37. Not that I want to be thin. Heaven forbid. I do not want to take up less space in the world. I should like to take up more...

Ellen Hart

Size Up Quotes #350757
#38. I want to stay away from politics, or else I'll probably end up putting my size fifteen foot into my mouth.

Peter Steele

Size Up Quotes #361058
#39. When I travel, I always take my Winsor & Newton watercolor kit, which is the size of a pack of cigarettes when folded up. I bought my first one in the 1980s. It was handy to bring on trips, and I packed it into a leather pouch along with a couple of brushes, a pencil, an eraser and paper.

Susan Minot

Size Up Quotes #369428
#40. There are two things that turn a boy into a man; the size of his dick and the level of his patience.

M.F. Moonzajer

Size Up Quotes #372492
#41. I grew up in Texas, but that was 20 years ago. Last year, in Fort Worth, they had hail the size of softballs. We're seeing more and more powerful storms, of all types, almost on a biblical level.

Bill Paxton

Size Up Quotes #387066
#42. We talked about many issues, like welfare, is it the way of life or hand up? Talked about size of government, how much should it tax families and small businesses? And when we left that lunch, we got in the car and I looked over at Chuck and said, 'I'll be damned. we're Republicans.'

Susana Martinez

Size Up Quotes #387886
#43. I always felt my emancipation into truly being a grown-up was when I had to figure out how to fold up a king-size fitted bottom sheet on my own.

Emily Procter

Size Up Quotes #400027
#44. Did he use tongue? Did he growl? Was he shirtless? Did he motorboat you? Did you touch his abs? Did you lick his sharp jaw? Is he the size of a horse? Did you giddy up? Did you find his Nemo? Did you Grace his Frankie? Did you Justin his Timberlake?

Brittainy C. Cherry

Size Up Quotes #410083
#45. Because wrapped up in conceit the size of Jerar was my Darren. Somewhere. Deep, deep down. And that part I loved. With every bit of my being.
I just vehemently hated the rest.

Rachel E. Carter

Size Up Quotes #414939
#46. The sheer size too, the excessive abundance, scale, and exaggeration of dreams could be an infantile characteristic. The most ardent wish of children is to grow up and get as big a share of everything as the grown-ups; they are hard to satisfy; do not know the meaning of 'enough.

Sigmund Freud

Size Up Quotes #423752
#47. When I was 41, I found a lump the size of a grape in my right breast. I ended up bald, sick and exhausted from surgeries, chemo and radiation treatments. Ah, but I got to live.

Regina Brett

Size Up Quotes #436117
#48. Wizened and white, with brown blotched on her face the size and complexity of unshelled peanuts, Midge had a jitter in her head that made her pew like a chicken trying to make up its mind what to peck.

John Irving

Size Up Quotes #443638
#49. Mexican food is far more varied than people think. It changes like dialects. I was brought up in Jalisco by the sea on a basic diet - tomatoes, chillis, peppers of every size and rice, which is a Mexican staple. The Pacific coast has a huge array of seafood.

Gael Garcia Bernal

Size Up Quotes #446187
#50. I was always trying to make up for my size, to compensate. So to get people to take you seriously, you have to come at things with a great deal of strength. You have to emphasize that the way you are is unusual. That you don't come along every day.

Linda Hunt

Size Up Quotes #468740
#51. Reverb does that thing where you make one sound and it grows to 20 times its original size and fills everything up.

Alex Scally

Size Up Quotes #477226
#52. The explosion would be just the right size to maximize the amount of paperwork your lab would face. If the explosion were smaller, you could potentially cover it up. If it were larger, there would be no one left in the city to submit paperwork to.

Randall Munroe

Size Up Quotes #526098
#53. Men of genius are not quick judges of character. Deep thinking and high imagining blunt that trivial instinct by which you and I size people up.

Max Beerbohm

Size Up Quotes #565727
#54. The original WAS a fun film. [Paul] Verhoeven made a couple of 'Robocops' that were so great, too. I think the level of excitement is great and Arnie [Schwarzenegger] was particularly charismatic with that chopped up English, and the size of the man with his confidence and sense of humor.

Colin Farrell

Size Up Quotes #627921
#55. If you want to change who you are, begin by changing the size of your dream. Even if you are broke, it does not cost you anything to dream of being rich. Many poor people are poor because they have given up on dreaming.

Robert Kiyosaki

Size Up Quotes #637288
#56. I was amazed at the house that I grew up in; it looks practically identical to the way it was, but I couldn't recognize it because of the size of the trees.

Jim Fowler

Size Up Quotes #638438
#57. Margaery, you're clever, be a dear and tell your poor old half-daft grandmother the name of that queer fish from the Summer Isles that puffs up to ten times its own size when you poke it."
"They call them puff fish, Grandmother."
"Of course they do. Summer Islanders have no imagination.

George R R Martin

Size Up Quotes #642633
#58. You've fought off a gang of men twice your size, killed an angel warrior, stood up to an archangel, and wielded an angel sword." Raffe cocks his head. "But you scream like a little girl when you see a maggot?

Susan Ee

Size Up Quotes #645844
#59. I used to have to pick up the phone and talk to people who placed orders for the car. When you reach a certain size, you need to have processes in place.

Henrik Fisker

Size Up Quotes #668750
#60. The letters I really love are from young actresses who were worried they had to fit a certain look. They say I've opened it up. And I don't just mean plus-size girls. You can push things now. With all the great performances in 'Bridesmaids', it changed how people see funny women.

Melissa McCarthy

Size Up Quotes #744754
#61. And he always stood up for the underdog--never realizing that because of his size he was one himself.

Eric Blehm

Size Up Quotes #754556
#62. He was half again my size, but when we embraced, I felt like I was holding him up, and it was all I could do to remain standing. He buried his face in my hair, his body shaking against me with the spasmodic rhythm of unrestrained sobs. It was almost more than I could bear gracefully.

Rachel Vincent

Size Up Quotes #765021
#63. There would be nothing but darkness, same darkness as everywhere else, an enormous darkness that swallowed up the road two steps ahead of us, only a little sliver of road about the size of your tongue was spared by the darkness.

Louis-Ferdinand Celine

Size Up Quotes #774576
#64. Youre not weak. Your life is not defined by a letter grade, a dress size, your sexuality or anything else. You have every chance at happiness. You were not meant to suffer. You are loved. Never, ever give up.

Chris Colfer

Size Up Quotes #794064
#65. Unusually rapid growth cannot keep up forever; when a company has already registered a brilliant expansion, its very increase in size makes a repetition of its achievement more difficult.

Benjamin Graham

Size Up Quotes #798194
#66. I know at one point I had bright red hair and I had bracelets from my wrist up to my elbow and I was wearing size 50 pants. I wouldn't wear that today, but I'm not embarrassed about wearing it back then any more.

Mike Shinoda

Size Up Quotes #799639
#67. I cannot live without flowers everywhere. I grew up having a big garden, the size of a city block, in Rombas.

Mireille Guiliano

Size Up Quotes #829059
#68. But there is a limit to thinking about even a small piece of something monumental. You still see the shadow of the whole rearing up behind you, and you become lost in your thoughts in part from the panic of realizing the size of that imagined leviathan.

Jeff VanderMeer

Size Up Quotes #853733
#69. She had grown up knowing you cared for the one who had fallen and couldn't get up. She had also grown up knowing you ate no shit - not about your hosses, your size, your line of work, or your sexual preferences. Once you started eating shit, it had a way of becoming your regular diet.

Stephen King

Size Up Quotes #864235
#70. We like the size of the company today given the environment and have no plans to split it up and make it smaller.

Bob Iger

Size Up Quotes #876328
#71. You ought not to be rude to an eagle, when you are only the size of a hobbit, and are up in his eyrie at night!

J.R.R. Tolkien

Size Up Quotes #878483
#72. When I was 11, I burned a field down by mistake. It was an empty field, probably about 10 acres in size. Me and my friend were lighting firecrackers, and we ended up burning down the entire field. We got found out, and I think I was grounded for about three months.

Christopher Masterson

Size Up Quotes #886495
#73. If you could blow the brain up to the size of a mill and walk about inside, you would not find consciousness.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Size Up Quotes #888992
#74. You really expose yourself when you try and go to up the volume and up the size of your performance.

Alexander Siddig

Size Up Quotes #891536
#75. If you took the entire internet and laid it end to end, it would weigh more than the other thing. It would weigh more than it would if it wasn't laid end to end. Like, if it was a ball of rolled up internet it would weigh less. I'm pretty sure. It depends on the size of the scale, I think.

Marissa Mayer

Size Up Quotes #901822
#76. Yeah, I had everything. Which was, of course, why I now reclined on a rented, rock-hard, queen-size bed, waiting for a male prostitute to show up.

Lauren Gallagher

Size Up Quotes #904527
#77. Too tall, standing up. In bed he was very much the right size.

Eileen Wilks

Size Up Quotes #943905
#78. The vampires weren't the only ones who thought you were dead," Sig observed as she cut her double order of French toast into dainty little bite-size portions. "I'm going to shove a cell phone so far up your ass that you're going to burp ringtones.

Elliott James

Size Up Quotes #946316
#79. The myth of true love is one of the greatest self-deceptions ever embraced by the female sex. It's right up there with the ridiculous notion that money can't buy happiness and size doesn't matter.

J.T. Geissinger

Size Up Quotes #947998
#80. I went up a pants size during my pregnancy.

Ellen Pompeo

Size Up Quotes #960840
#81. Gradually, at the concerts, I began to hear calls for 'the fat girl' ... Then I would jump up for the piano stool, forgetting about my size [145 lbs at age 13], and work to get all the laughs I could get.

Sophie Tucker

Size Up Quotes #963257
#82. Who said anything about getting involved? I'm talking about some hot and heavy fucking. You and me and a king-size bed that I guarantee will be banging up against the wall in seconds flat once I lay you down.

Felice Stevens

Size Up Quotes #965857
#83. A centipede the size of a Pontiac had once lived in the bottom-right corner of the trunk but had long since moved on once he realized that no one was ever going to bother him, so he could stand up on his hind hundred feet, hiss like a pissed cat, and deliver a deadly bite to a naked foot.

Christopher Moore

Size Up Quotes #968438
#84. After spending the 1980s building up Saddam's Iraq as a counterweight to Iran, U.S. policy abruptly reversed course with his invasion of Kuwait and has since tried to cut him down to size. The policy is called 'containment,' but the question is, containment of what?

Michael Ignatieff

Size Up Quotes #976475
#85. No one person could have broken up a band, especially one the size of the Beatles.

Yoko Ono

Size Up Quotes #983240
#86. Growing up as a little kid, I wasn't always this size. I got picked on a lot.

Terrell Owens

Size Up Quotes #986544
#87. The only difference between a grown-up's mistake and a child's is the size of the consequence.

Teresa R. Funke

Size Up Quotes #987738
#88. I may not be the smartest fellow in the world, but I can sure pick the smartest people to do business with and size them up very fast.

Ziad K. Abdelnour

Size Up Quotes #1002450
#89. The federal government is far larger than the Founding Fathers ever intended it to be. We have racked up over $16 trillion of debt through wasteful spending, and it is time that we cut that waste and start reducing the size of our government.

Matt Salmon

Size Up Quotes #1023892
#90. (...)books, pocket-size jewels, open up like doors to worlds you never knew existed.

Antonio D'Alfonso

Size Up Quotes #1034812
#91. They got all the size over there, and the teams are really good, so, I think night after night you're just going to have to be ready to lace them up and be ready to play. The teams out there are really good.

Latrell Sprewell

Size Up Quotes #1035293
#92. When I was 18, I was halfway up the Eiffel Tower with my friend, Tom, when we decided to stick our heads through the railings. The gap between the railings was exactly the right size to be able to put your head through and nearly get stuck. Which is exactly what happened.

Robert Webb

Size Up Quotes #1051104
#93. When Johnny Depp saw it, he was so excited he fluffed up to twice his normal size.

Diane Messidoro

Size Up Quotes #1060706
#94. The next day we were all shooting up.
"Jeez. Look at the size of the cotton he just threw in the spoon."
"Yea. What are you trying to prove?"
They had a good laugh at my expense.

Carl-John X. Veraja

Size Up Quotes #1082147
#95. Every four weeks I go up a bra size ... it's worth being pregnant just for the breasts.

Natasha Hamilton

Size Up Quotes #1099074
#96. Sizeism = like racism, only against people who aren't a size two or four.

Lauren Barnholdt

Size Up Quotes #1101260
#97. Women slave for their hair! It's all about how we compare ourselves to other women, how we size ourselves up.

Halle Berry

Size Up Quotes #1106645
#98. Fear runs our lives. It doesn't matter who you are. You have to understand your relationship with fear. Whether you're scared of getting into a relationship; or taking the new job; or a confrontation - you have to size fear up.

Chris Pine

Size Up Quotes #1117017
#99. Windows Server 2012 can now support: Up to 64 virtual processors per VM (with a maximum of 2,048 virtual processors per host) Up to 1 terabyte (TB) of random access memory (RAM) per VM (with up to 4 TB RAM per host) Virtual hard disks (VHDs) up to 64 TB in size

Mitch Tulloch

Size Up Quotes #1142221
#100. Whenever I meet people for the first time, I get them to talk for ten minutes. Then I size them up from the exact opposite perspective of all they've told me. Do you think that's crazy?
"No," I said, shaking my head, "I'd guess your method works quite well.

Haruki Murakami

Size Up Quotes #1151362

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