Top 91 Save Women Quotes

#1. Men will not save women for nothing, but themselves. Women have to save themselves.

M.F. Moonzajer

Save Women Quotes #167712
#2. The offspring of the woman, Jesus Christ, came into the world to save women who have dethroned God, taken His place, defined personhood as tissue, and willed the death of their own child. It can't be reversed, but it can be forgiven. That is why Christ died.

John Piper

Save Women Quotes #172132
#3. My dream is to save women from nature.

Christian Dior

Save Women Quotes #483556
#4. If on a sinking ship out at sea, the moral law is to always help save women & children first ... Why can't we apply the same morals here in our nation?

Timothy Pina

Save Women Quotes #1666165
#5. He didn't save women. He damned them.

Madeline Martin

Save Women Quotes #1736808
#6. If we could muster the same determination and sense of responsibility that saves a country like Japan - or a company like Xerox - then investing to save women and children who are dying in the developing world would be very good business.

Anne M. Mulcahy

Save Women Quotes #1858494
#7. You guys on the white horses keep trying to save women in distress, not realizing you just end up with a distressed woman.

Laura Schlessinger

Save Women Quotes #118707
#8. I'm tired of watching as men destroy all the world. Everything used to be beautiful when women were in charge, and now I, working as the physical manifestation of the goddess Isis and the reincarnation of Cleopatra, have decided to save the world.

Roseanne Barr

Save Women Quotes #1005110
#9. There is no greater insight into the future than recognizing ... when we save our children, we save ourselves

Margaret Mead

Save Women Quotes #1315955
#10. You constantly felt like you wanted to protect her and that you wanted to save her and that's what made her attractive more so to women than even to men. That's why she's still with us. Marilyn Monroe never offended a woman.

Lawrence Schiller

Save Women Quotes #1037616
#11. We want women leaders today as never before. Leaders who are not afraid to be called names and who are willing to go out and fight. I think women can save civilization. Women are persons.

Emily Murphy

Save Women Quotes #1161493
#12. Or maybe when she realized that he was never going to come and rescue her, she did what all strong women do. She found a way to save herself.

Adriana Trigiani

Save Women Quotes #1202871
#13. Many vivisectors still claim that what they do helps save human lives. They are Iying. The truth is that animal experiments kill people, and animal researchers are responsible for the deaths of thousands of men, women and children every year.

Vernon Coleman

Save Women Quotes #1208022
#14. I like stories where women save themselves.

Neil Gaiman

Save Women Quotes #1214370
#15. So long as State constitutions say that all may vote when twenty-one, save idiots, lunatics, convicts and women, you are brought down politically to the level of those others disfranchised.

Susan B. Anthony

Save Women Quotes #1225442
#16. The education of women is the best way to save the environment.

E. O. Wilson

Save Women Quotes #1257095
#17. Snape looked horrified. 'You have kept him alive so that he can die at the right moment?'
'Don't look shocked, Severus. How many men and women have you watched die?'
'Lately, only those whom I could not save', said Snape.

J.K. Rowling

Save Women Quotes #1271374
#18. For good days one should save money, women should be protected even if it takes the money saved. But for self preservation the money and the women should be sacrificed!!


Save Women Quotes #826929
#19. I was living in Germany in the thirties, and I knew that Hitler had made it his mission to exterminate all Jews, especially the children and the women who could bear children in the future. I was unable to save my people, only their memory.

Roman Vishniac

Save Women Quotes #994108
#20. Marry me and make an honest man of me in my butler's
eyes." He kissed her. "Marry me and save me from having to chase loose women for the rest of my life."
He kissed her again. "Marry me, darling," he said once more against her lips. "Because I adore you.

Laura Lee Guhrke

Save Women Quotes #993327
#21. I was reminding myself of the one basic rule for experts on females: confine yourself absolutely to explaining why she did what she has already done because that will save the trouble of explaining why she didn't do what you said she would.

Rex Stout

Save Women Quotes #951824
#22. On the 25th anniversary of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, let us remember that we have a chance to save lives! If we don't take it, we may regret it!

Widad Akreyi

Save Women Quotes #939468
#23. The female rock-'n'-roll-country-pop songwriter is back, and her name is Taylor Swift. And it's women like her who are going to save the music business.

Stevie Nicks

Save Women Quotes #933431
#24. Little girls think their fathers will save them. Women know better.

Rafael Yglesias

Save Women Quotes #923100
#25. Black scientists and technicians, many of them women, used cells from a black woman to help save the lives of millions of Americans, most of them white. And they did so on the same campus - and at the very same time - that state officials were conducting the infamous Tuskegee syphilis studies.

Rebecca Skloot

Save Women Quotes #899603
#26. Women want love, peace, unity, and shit like that. Men are tribal. I ain't tryna save the world. I'm just tryna get my piece for my crew, that's all. That's all it's about and that's the most you can ask for. What you know about that?

Sister Souljah

Save Women Quotes #886394
#27. Stranger inside me, when you are born, I will give you
a closed book and ask you never to read it, never rest,
never forgive a man who wants to save you.

Traci Brimhall

Save Women Quotes #884932
#28. I am serving the Lord and helping women save babies.

Norma McCorvey

Save Women Quotes #1876257
#29. A glad zest and hopefulness might be inspired even in the most jaded and ennui-cursed, were there in our homes such simple, truthful natures as that of my heroine, and it is in the sphere of quiet homes - not elsewhere - I believe that a woman can best rule and save the world.

T.C. Boyle

Save Women Quotes #1497950
#30. The men and women on the front lines of the war on terror continue to risk their lives to save ours - and for that we owe them a debt that we can never truly repay. Thanks to their efforts we have made tremendous progress. Yet, the job is not done.

Doc Hastings

Save Women Quotes #1863302
#31. Save the Children, an organization whose research has proved repeatedly that money in women's hands benefits families much more than money flowing to men.

Geraldine Brooks

Save Women Quotes #1858287
#32. It seemed pathetic and terrible to me and it still does, that men and women work eight hours a day at jobs that bring them no joy, no reward save a few dollars.

Hortense Odlum

Save Women Quotes #1718055
#33. You have a chance to save lives! If you don't take it, you may regret it!

Widad Akreyi

Save Women Quotes #1703658
#34. Girls with poison necklaces
to save themselves from torture.
Just as women wear amulets
which hold their rolled up fortunes
transcribed on ola leaf.

Michael Ondaatje

Save Women Quotes #1695325
#35. In the arena of friendship and in sharp contrast to today, men were perceived to be far superior to women at forging bonds with members of the same sex, in part because women were expected to save their empathy and relational resources for their husbands.


Save Women Quotes #1640652
#36. The Purpose of life is to thrive and save lives with passion! Save Yazidis today with love and compassion!

Widad Akreyi

Save Women Quotes #1579864
#37. Yes," said Will, "you two don't seem to have much in common, save for a penchant for demon women and evil.

Cassandra Clare

Save Women Quotes #1565182
#38. I've pushed several women in front of violent situations. My rule is save myself first.

Kevin Hart

Save Women Quotes #1555644
#39. No nation, savage or civilized, save only the United States of America, has confessed its inability to protect its women save by hanging, shooting, and burning alleged offenders.

Ida B. Wells

Save Women Quotes #1511981
#40. The militancy of men, through all the centuries, has drenched the world with blood. The militancy of women has harmed no human life save the lives of those who fought the battle of righteousness.

Emmeline Pankhurst

Save Women Quotes #1323032
#41. Virginity is such a personal thing. You can't judge anyone on it. A lot of young women feel they want to save themselves for the man who they think they'll love forever.

Joyce Brothers

Save Women Quotes #1474770
#42. Cursed luck! - said he, biting his lip as he shut the door, - for man to be master of one of the finest chains of reasoning in nature, - and have a wife at the same time with such a head-piece, that he cannot hang up a single inference within side of it, to save his soul from destruction.

Laurence Sterne

Save Women Quotes #1464817
#43. I've always idealized women I've loved - they all fell short, save one - the one God chose for me - she lights up a room by walking into it ...

John Geddes

Save Women Quotes #1381601
#44. All women deserve access to care that can save their lives.

Christy Turlington

Save Women Quotes #1376201
#45. Americans of faith should try as hard to save the lives of African women as the lives of unborn fetuses.

Nicholas D. Kristof

Save Women Quotes #1369083
#46. I suppose that we women are such cowards that we think a man will save us from fears, and we marry him.

Bram Stoker

Save Women Quotes #1368001
#47. Most women wish to feel that their spirit has been violated. Do they not, indeed, flatter themselves on never yielding save to force?

Honore De Balzac

Save Women Quotes #1344600
#48. Neither gender is routinely more jealous - although women are more willing to work to win back a lover, while men tend to flaunt their money and status and are more likely to walk out to protect their self-esteem or save face.

Helen Fisher

Save Women Quotes #1331891
#49. My lady, don't you think you might be over-extending yourself? You've decided to confront the gyorn, liberate the court women from masculine oppression, save Arelon's economy, and feed Elantris. Perhaps you should just let this man's subterfuge go unexplored.

Brandon Sanderson

Save Women Quotes #1324256

Widad Akreyi

Save Women Quotes #131856
#51. I think the most important thing people can do to save our planet and the human race is to empower women!

Robert Ballard

Save Women Quotes #323478
#52. Women-in-jeopardy movies are, in essence, the updated versions of men dying to save the princess from the dragon to earn her love. They are modern-day training films for teaching women to select the best protectors while weeding out the rest.

Warren Farrell

Save Women Quotes #276642
#53. You don't fight to protect warships or old men. Like the book says, you fight to save your civilization. And so often it seems that civilization is composed mainly of the things women and children want.

James A. Michener

Save Women Quotes #243669
#54. No woman should build her life waiting for a man to come along and save her. It's a tragic waste of brains and talent.

Stephanie Grace Whitson

Save Women Quotes #232609
#55. Herb nodded. "Problem is, you knocked up your girl. That's the only way women'll allow you to get away with a Justice of the Peace." Herb looked back to Hank as many of the men coughed to hide their laughter. "That's the ticket, son, only way to save us all. Start workin' on makin' a baby.

Kristen Ashley

Save Women Quotes #227861
#56. Men are going to go out on the road and they're going to find other women. So if you really want to save yourself a whole lot of heartache, do not fall in love with somebody in a band. Just don't.

Stevie Nicks

Save Women Quotes #209870
#57. The key to the trap is, of course, education. The feminine mystique has made higher education for women seem suspect, unnecessary and even dangerous. But I think that education, and only education, has saved, and can continue to save, American women from the greater dangers of the feminine mystique.

Betty Friedan

Save Women Quotes #206236
#58. All right people, listen up! If you've got a family back home waiting for you or if you just want to save your own skin, turn around and walk away. Also, women! I have no intention of fighting any women!

Hiromu Arakawa

Save Women Quotes #190870
#59. The old equation has changed. Most families no longer save money by keeping wives at home. They lose by not having wives in the workplace, where women have more opportunities than in the past to earn decent wages.

Stephanie Coontz

Save Women Quotes #168084
#60. The only defense is offense, which means that you have to kill more women and children more quickly than the enemy if you wish to save yourselves.

Stanley Baldwin

Save Women Quotes #144243
#61. She was mined for the children
in her, one daughter, then another,
a short seam, quick to clay,
and not a single son to save them.

Robert Wrigley

Save Women Quotes #387835
#62. Don't you just hate it, when you are in bed with three beautiful women, and the least attractive one whispers: save it for me!

Jim Carrey

Save Women Quotes #131212
#63. Marriage orients men and women toward the future, asking them not just to commit to each
other but to plan, to earn, to save, and to devote themselves to advancing their children's prospects.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Save Women Quotes #115569
#64. A woman is soft, kind, and loving. When you are in danger, she is always ready to sacrifice herself to save you. So never forget to respect her.

Debasish Mridha

Save Women Quotes #107354
#65. On the other side of the curtain, two separate wars were being fought. One was to save the life of a women who'd been beaten to near death by her husband. The other was to allow her child to have any kind of a life at all.

Jodi Picoult

Save Women Quotes #96805
#66. I do not demand equal pay for any women save those who do equal work in value. Scorn to be coddled by your employers; make them understand that you are in their service as workers, not as women.

Susan B. Anthony

Save Women Quotes #90436
#67. In 'Deadliest Catch,' we have men in ships in rough seas catching crabs. With 'Whale Wars,' we have men and women from a dozen different nations going out to sea in rough weather to help save the whales. We also have icebergs, whales, penguins, and dramatic ship-to-ship confrontations.

Paul Watson

Save Women Quotes #86737
#68. Step out of your comfort zone, and then applaud yourself for your bravery.

Caroline A. Shearer

Save Women Quotes #63341
#69. I think women can save civilization.

Emily Murphy

Save Women Quotes #21267
#70. It lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it. While it lies there, it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save it.

Learned Hand

Save Women Quotes #6495
#71. There is always one woman to save you from another and as that woman saves you she makes ready to destroy

Charles Bukowski

Save Women Quotes #511406
#72. Anna is the sort of woman who writers write about, Tom. Somewhere in the third act, women like her save characters like you and me from ourselves. She's the loveliest literary device in the world.

Matthew Norman

Save Women Quotes #815119
#73. Never ask anyone if you should do something, if ultimately you are afraid to do it. You'll save yourself a lot of trouble.

Laura Schlessinger

Save Women Quotes #794431
#74. The status of women up to now has been compared to that of a slave; women have been tied to the home, and only socialism can save them from this. They will only be completely emancipated when we change from small-scale individual farming to collective farming and collective working of the land.

Vladimir Lenin

Save Women Quotes #765137
#75. Women are as brave as any man. They save their own without a second thought. But that's love isn't it? Loyalty. Women never give up, not when it's someone they love. Many a child wouldn't be here if they did.

Ann Perry

Save Women Quotes #731326
#76. What culture worth the name would deny women the right to safe motherhood? What value system would send young people ignorant into the world, when a little knowledge might save their lives?

Nafis Sadik

Save Women Quotes #704565
#77. What is it about women and luggage? You don't have to bring everything you own, and it shouldn't take this long to throw some clothes into a bag. In fact, if it will save you any time, just leave the underwear out all together.

Rachel Vincent

Save Women Quotes #681610
#78. What I do see in New York and I am amazed is how many rich women will complain about the cost of something and get things for free.I would never want to be like them, but I can see why they save money.

Dana Perino

Save Women Quotes #624748
#79. You don't need princes to save you. I don't have a lot of patience for stories in which women are rescued by men.

Neil Gaiman

Save Women Quotes #589436
#80. We're three women from two different centuries, trying to save the world from oblivion. I don't know about you, but that's way above my pay grade.

G.G. Collins

Save Women Quotes #588261
#81. You don't have time to chitty-chat with loose women. We have work to do. And you have to save humanity. That's a lot of shit to get done.

Peter Bognanni

Save Women Quotes #578735
#82. I write for these women who do not speak, for those who do not have a voice because they were so terrified, because we are taught to respect fear more than ourselves. We've been taught that silence will save us, but it won't.

Audre Lorde

Save Women Quotes #821499
#83. The chief attraction of the opposite sex for all of us, old and young, men and women: we need someone to save us from the sympathetic smiles in the Sunday-night cinema queue, someone who can stop us from falling down into the pit where the permanently single live with their mums and dads.

Nick Hornby

Save Women Quotes #480026
#84. The man that lays his hand upon a woman, Save in the way of kindness, is a wretch Whom't were gross flattery to name a coward.

John M. Tobin Jr.

Save Women Quotes #467377
#85. We know what to do and we know how to do it, these investments save lives, empower women and girls, strengthen health systems and have a profound and lasting impact on development.

Babatunde Osotimehin

Save Women Quotes #450632
#86. My mother? My own mother told my lady governess that if the baby and I were in danger then they should save the baby.

Philippa Gregory

Save Women Quotes #438380
#87. The most powerful men of the kingdom have dragged a duchess down and sent her out to be a marvel to the common people of London. They are so deeply afraid of her that they took the risk to dishonor their own. They are so anxious to save themselves that they thought they should throw her aside.

Philippa Gregory

Save Women Quotes #421958
#88. She had to save herself from every last one of them. All of them, the people at the orphanage, the foster care system, the middle school, they were all outsiders and strangers and a possible threat.....The counselor couldn't prove otherwise.


Save Women Quotes #420489
#89. Gentle Mother, font of mercy,
save our sons from war, we pray,
stay the swords and stay the arrows,
let them know a better day,
Gentle Mother, strength of women,
help our daughters through this fray,
soothe the wrath and tame the fury,
teach us all a kinder way.

George R R Martin

Save Women Quotes #414304
#90. Women must begin to "save" themselves and their daughters before they "save" their husbands and their sons; before they "save" the whole world.

Phyllis Chesler

Save Women Quotes #414011
#91. The bomber will always get through. The only defense is in offense, which means that you have to kill more women and children more quickly that the enemy if you want to save yourselves.

Stanley Baldwin

Save Women Quotes #401847

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