Top 100 Release It Quotes

#1. Even before I knew I was gay, I knew I didn't want to have a child. I knew I didn't want to have one. I never want to have to release it from me. Listen, I love babies. I love children. And I melt when I'm around them. I also love my freedom and I love that I can sleep at night.

Ellen DeGeneres

Release It Quotes #55205
#2. Carbon in your body - that's good thing. In a tree, it's good. In the atmosphere, it's a bad. Nature wants to sequester carbon in biota. And when we burn it, we release it. It's the wrong system.

William McDonough

Release It Quotes #72374
#3. I can't express how wonderful it is to get feedback when you've been sort of in a bubble working on something and then you release it to the world and hope for the best. It's like the birth of a musical baby.

Susanna Hoffs

Release It Quotes #90483
#4. If your addiction lingers, ask yourself if you really want to release it, because in your heart you do not.

Gary Zukav

Release It Quotes #107515
#5. It's hard to carry a weight of news with none to tell and days ahead before you can release it. Good news weighs just as heavy as bad.

Mark Lawrence

Release It Quotes #110217
#6. Every time your faith is strengthened as you hear the Word, release it through your mouth to receive your miracle, for God's Word is out to prosper you!

Joseph Prince

Release It Quotes #164264
#7. You can blow into a balloon and watch it inflate, and then release it and see it deflate. You can take that same balloon and blow into it again, and observe it inflating. That's what my heart is doing in this moment, inflating and holding the air.

Candace Robinson

Release It Quotes #202999
#8. It could seem like you are losing something right now, but do not be fooled. This is simply a turnaround orchestrated by your soul. Let it go. Release it. If it was not supposed to be removing itself from you now, it would not be doing so.

Neale Donald Walsch

Release It Quotes #231329
#9. It's one of my short-term goals, to be able to actually record music and release it simultaneously and not just hold on to it.

Joe Budden

Release It Quotes #232852
#10. I wouldn't make it through the day without singing. It is my solace and my meditation and my release. It lets me know how I'm processing things, what I'm processing, if I'm out of touch in some area.

Bellamy Young

Release It Quotes #244553
#11. Life and death- what paltry words, what tarnished bookends,what unjust summation for drawing breath one moment and failing to release it the next.

Rebecca Rasmussen

Release It Quotes #272637
#12. When I first heard bands like Tortoise, it seemed to come off the back of that world, like let's make a record with three vibraphones and release it on a seven-inch with black-and-white artwork.

Kieran Hebden

Release It Quotes #298608
#13. You must always focus on and pursue the good, but when that darkness surges up from within, you need to know how to handle it, use it, and release it wisely, not just deny its presence or acceptability as you suppress it within you.

A.J. Darkholme

Release It Quotes #309393
#14. Knowledge, you may get from books but wisdom is trapped within you, release it.

Ismat Ahmed Shaikh

Release It Quotes #366400
#15. And each time I pressed the shutter release it was a shouted condemnation hurled with the hope that the picture might survive through the years, with the hope that they might echo through the minds of men in the future - causing them caution and remembrance and realization.

W. Eugene Smith

Release It Quotes #367856
#16. His heart is too full, and no words to release it.

Gabrielle Zevin

Release It Quotes #403193
#17. It takes so long to make a record and then it takes so long again to release it.

Colin Greenwood

Release It Quotes #429339
#18. We are proposing buildings that, like trees, are net energy exporters, produce more energy than they consume, accrue and store solar energy, and purify their own waste, water and release it slowly in a purer form.

William McDonough

Release It Quotes #483663
#19. I never ever see a film of mine after I release it to the public. I see it when I shoot it in my dailies and while I'm editing it, re-editing it and reshooting it and all that. By the time it's finished I never want to see it again.

Woody Allen

Release It Quotes #517238
#20. I don't remember a lot of what I write. I try to release it after it's out there so that I can be fresh again.

George Meyer

Release It Quotes #530614
#21. The way you engage someone's pain either reinforces their pain or helps to release it.

Bryant McGill

Release It Quotes #546662
#22. Forgive yourself first. Release the need to replay a negative situation over and over again in your mind. Don't become a hostage to your past by always reviewing and reliving your mistakes. Don't remind yourself of what should have, could have or would have been. Release it and let it go. Move on.

Les Brown

Release It Quotes #586362
#23. His gaze held mine so long it felt as if he would never release it. And something deep inside me did not want him to.

Tess Oliver

Release It Quotes #666597
#24. Spirit cannot fulfill any desire until you release it.

Deepak Chopra

Release It Quotes #686591
#25. I'm the most sampled and stolen. What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine, too ... I got a song about that ... But I'm never gonna release it. Don't want a war with the rappers. If it wasn't good, they wouldn't steal it.

James Brown

Release It Quotes #687043
#26. I remember what I was like as a teenager, with an enormous amount of energy and hormones. You have to be able to release it, and dancing is really an innocent way.

Andie MacDowell

Release It Quotes #692748
#27. I wish I could bottle up the expression on his face and release it any time I need a good laugh.

Colleen Hoover

Release It Quotes #696956
#28. When it's a bad movie you want to release it quietly. You try to keep it a secret like an STD.

Jack Black

Release It Quotes #697490
#29. Even if I don't release it myself, somebody else might hear it and want to record it. When you write a song, it gives it that potential.

Smokey Robinson

Release It Quotes #750376
#30. When you sign with a major label there is no guarantee that they are going to release it either unless you have a guarantee clause or a marketing clause.

Michael Sweet

Release It Quotes #760146
#31. I'm just going to write my books and do my work and release it. Let the world decide what it is, and if it's any good or not.

James Frey

Release It Quotes #769671
#32. I'm recording freely, and if I make a song, I release it immediately, so I'm more likely to believe in one song at a time as opposed to albums.

Chuck D

Release It Quotes #806631
#33. It was the first time that he'd cried in a very long time. All of his emotions poured out now, in a great rush of release: it was sadness tinged with bitterness, but mostly an intensely deep feeling of loss.

EXO Books

Release It Quotes #839380
#34. Especially on 'Taken,' 'Taken' was not a big success the day of its release. It was released in France first, and it didn't do bad, but not as good as it did in the U.S.

Olivier Megaton

Release It Quotes #844760
#35. They'll get my Kindle when they pry it from my cold dead hands, if my corpse will release it.

Elizabeth Horton-Newton

Release It Quotes #854775
#36. My previous movie before 'Life Is Beautiful' was the same; they didn't release it so much in United States.

Roberto Benigni

Release It Quotes #870271
#37. A dragon killer, he was, a rescuer of damsels, and his small sins seemed so great to him that he felt unfit and unseemly. She wished her father were here. Her father had felt greatness in Tom. Perhaps he would know now how to release it out of its darkness and let it fly free.

John Steinbeck

Release It Quotes #879934
#38. My hand no longer trembled out of fear, but out of anticipation. I knew I was addicted to the rush it provided, to the release it provided from the emotional mess I had become, but I didn't care. It wasn't drugs. It was just a few cuts on my arm.

S.M. Koz

Release It Quotes #889925
#39. I made that first record in 2008, alongside the EP, but my label at the time waited three years to release it. They thought maybe someone bigger would buy it, but they didn't, so in the end they just released it themselves.

Lana Del Rey

Release It Quotes #891851
#40. It's hard as a person to just put your life out there for the world to judge. That's what music is and what you're supposed to do with the art, live and release it to the world.


Release It Quotes #911836
#41. If a deadly snake slithering around in a pre-school bit a child, would you box it up for a month as punishment, and then release it to prey upon the children once again?

Edward M. Wolfe

Release It Quotes #946871
#42. Fear is a thing. You can recognize it and work to release it or you can keep it and try to hide from it.

Michael Singer

Release It Quotes #1054908
#43. The darkness agrees with me. It asks me to release it, as loud as a roar and as quiet as a whisper. I remember what my sister said long ago: You must control the darkness. You can't ever give in to it. But the shadows want to make me happy, and I deserve a little happiness

Justina Ireland

Release It Quotes #1055681
#44. The anger welled inside me, with no where to go. I could feel it eating away at me. I knew if i didn't find a way to release it, it would destroy me.

Kami Garcia

Release It Quotes #1100301
#45. Once you become aware of what stands in your way and become willing to release it, you signal the universe that you are ready to manifest the life you were meant to live.

Cherie Carter-Scott

Release It Quotes #1106788
#46. Do what boxers do, sway with the punches. Don't resist. If any of what happens at work gets to you, just let it. You won't be able to shut it out in the long term anyway. Take it bit by bit, release it like a dam, don't let it collect until the wall develops cracks.

Jo Nesbo

Release It Quotes #1115840
#47. A few years ago, there were requests to me, Can we make this? I said that I have no rights. Contact the Hitchcock estate, which won't release it for a remake.

Patricia Highsmith

Release It Quotes #1153183
#48. The crux of the biscuit is: If it entertains you, fine. Enjoy it. If it doesn't, then blow it out your ass. I do it to amuse myself. If I like it, I release it. If somebody else likes it, that's a bonus.

Frank Zappa

Release It Quotes #1173189
#49. This was released I think in February and so it is a great deal of fuss being made, it hasn't in fact been given public release, it was released in February ...

John Prescott

Release It Quotes #1183698
#50. Because the human experience involves loss, we need to feel it, express it, and then release it. Only then do we achieve healing.

Laura Greenwald

Release It Quotes #1191270
#51. With films, you completely immerse yourself in a character, get into who they are, live it and then release it.

Columbus Short

Release It Quotes #1193001
#52. Music is just such ... it's not therapy, but it's a release, it's a joy, it's a pleasure. And it's a job - which is weird, because I don't think of it as a job.

Bryan Adams

Release It Quotes #1196055
#53. When I am excited about a song I want to release it rather than wait to build up an album.

Jackson Harris

Release It Quotes #1223634
#54. Despite the obstacle, when a strong passion within yearns for life, begs to thrive, we must find a way to release it. To set free that which creates, that which inspires, for passion is the driving force behind all that is great.

Rico Lamoureux

Release It Quotes #1227209
#55. Dad. What a word. What a little big word. What a word and what a world! He is crying. His heart is too full, and no words to release it. I know what words do, he thinks. They let us feel less. "No,

Gabrielle Zevin

Release It Quotes #1247395
#56. Hate is a lot like love. It's warm and fills you up until every part of you is tingling to release it.

Heather Demetrios

Release It Quotes #1266088
#57. I have a freedom that's incredibly valuable. Obviously my freedom is far smaller in scale than people like Zemeckis and Spielberg have here. But it's comparable. I can dream up a project, develop it, make it, control it, release it.

Peter Jackson

Release It Quotes #1267868
#58. I suffer from depression. Severe cases of it. Not one case of depression, not a severe case, but severe cases of depression. Music is my only outlet, it's therapeutic to me. It's a release. It's how I vent emotionally.

Kevin Gates

Release It Quotes #1293103
#59. Success is an inner energy only winners can release it.

Mohammed Sekouty

Release It Quotes #1302760
#60. People who tap the kundalini and are able to release it are more successful. Anyone who is really on top has some access to the kundalini. They have learned somewhere down the line, in this or other lives, ways of releasing power.

Frederick Lenz

Release It Quotes #1317111
#61. At some point, you really just have to finish your work and release it as is-if only so you can go on and make other things with a glad and determined heart.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Release It Quotes #1325140
#62. Writing is the same as music. It's in how you phrase it, how you hold back the note, bend it, shape it, then release it. And what you don't play is as important as what you do say.

Robert Creeley

Release It Quotes #1352110
#63. None of my books has been ever in my head; after they're finished, they go. It's like being a sort of medium; you just grab it when it's there then just release it when it's time to go. There's a lot of instinct, not planning.

Peter Ackroyd

Release It Quotes #1357263
#64. Of course we all suffer,' Priya often told her. 'But if you cling to suffering or fight it then it will hold on like a rat. If you accept it's existence and the pain it causes you, then you can release it'.

Kate Elliott

Release It Quotes #1363705
#65. The pain of your loss will return. Less, but still considerable. I know you've worked hard to release it, but it can still take hold of you. I will help you sing away the fury, but I will not bear it for you.

Alex Bledsoe

Release It Quotes #1372352
#66. Insanity is coasting through life in a miserable existence when you have a caged lion locked inside and the key to release it.

Morgan Freeman

Release It Quotes #1383580
#67. Even if you may be down to the worst, the best is potentially within you. You only have to find it, release it, and rise up with it. This requires courage and character, to be sure, but the main requirement is faith. Cultivate faith and you will have the necessary courage and character.

Norman Vincent Peale

Release It Quotes #1450014
#68. Breathing is a lot like creativity. Like an inhale, you receive an inspiration, you let it run through the unique magnificence of who you are, and then you release it into the world, letting it go, unattached to the way it needs to look.

Jill Badonsky

Release It Quotes #1511467
#69. Morrissey wrote to me and said, I have a song for you and if we release it as a single, you'll be on the charts for the first time since 1972, I said, what time, where?

Nancy Sinatra

Release It Quotes #1514179
#70. Give me your past, all your pain, all your anger, all your guilt. Release it to me, and I will be a safe harbor for the life you need to leave behind.

Jewel E. Ann

Release It Quotes #1520031
#71. There's a built-up tension in religion, and if you can release it, you'll get a huge and satisfying laugh.

George Meyer

Release It Quotes #1559727
#72. When delivering something like an important letter or other written materials, grasp it firmly in your hand as you go and do not release it once, but hand it over directly to the recipient.

Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Release It Quotes #1599356
#73. I like to catch fish and release them. I probably haven't killed a fish that I've caught in sport fishing for 20 years. No reason to kill it. You know, just take it and release it.

Jack Nicklaus

Release It Quotes #1615642
#74. Horror films don't create fear. They release it.

Wes Craven

Release It Quotes #1636129
#75. Songwriting is a great release. It helps me work through things.

Jo Dee Messina

Release It Quotes #1652379
#76. Rap records don't make you feel good no more. Six months after release, it can't come back as a classic.

Wyclef Jean

Release It Quotes #1673985
#77. People think that forgiveness is for the person who wronged you, but it's not. Because when we allow things to bottle up inside of us and we don't release it, or forgive the people who may have caused hurt to come in our lives, we just become bitter. And God can't use bitter people.

Vanessa Miller

Release It Quotes #1687351
#78. A baby could be trained to view a glorious sunny day as depressing. A child could be trained to see a puppy as a vicious animal. An adult could be trained to see a drug as a pleasant vehicle for release. It's all a matter of conditioning, isn't it?

Robin S. Sharma

Release It Quotes #1689886
#79. I was never particularly gregarious. I was quite shy, closed in. It's a classic isn't it, your psychiatrist will tell you, that's how I release it, through music.

David Gilmour

Release It Quotes #1716824
#80. If it's an abomination, Dad, you're just doing it wrong. Bear down hard, then release. It'll fit better.

Tiffany Reisz

Release It Quotes #1808547
#81. I successfully chloroformed a hedgehog that was entangled in the tennis net and so managed to release it.

Agatha Christie

Release It Quotes #1824680
#82. I don't think I've ever worked so hard on something, but working on Macintosh was the neatest experience of my life. Almost everyone who worked on it will say that. None of us wanted to release it at the end. It was as though we knew that once it was out of our hands, it wouldn't be ours anymore.

Steve Jobs

Release It Quotes #1870748
#83. I think summer, at least as I've experienced it, can be joyous but it can also be tough emotionally. Physically, it can be hot to the point of being unbearable and I think you want to capture that frustration, but also the release.

Rostam Batmanglij

Release It Quotes #644
#84. I have a solo deal with Columbia Records. So it's about, do I want to release an album, when can we do it, what kind of album should it be, how should it be released and marketed and what's the right timing? Do I have time to do it? It's all about questions.

Cory Monteith

Release It Quotes #37661
#85. I don't want to put any pressure on the music; it's my hobby and my release - a thing that I love.

Iwan Rheon

Release It Quotes #42084
#86. The burden you are carrying around is the burden of self. You seek release from that. You want to let it all go. You want to forget who you are and what you are. You wish to be the whole universe, infinite, endless.

Frederick Lenz

Release It Quotes #61042
#87. I could never release something on the label I didn't personally love. The label's really an extension of my own musical career, and I'm intensely involved with every aspect personally, so it'd be a betrayal to myself if I released something simply because I thought it would make money.

Michael Gira

Release It Quotes #71077
#88. The near touch of death may be a release into life; if only it will break the egoistic will, and release that other flow.

D.H. Lawrence

Release It Quotes #76340
#89. There's no doubt that there's certain songs and arrangements of music that release a chemical reaction in my brain. This sounds a little goofy, but I really believe that. It's such a euphoric experience that I sort of want to chase that experience as often as possible.


Release It Quotes #86210
#90. His voice was cloves and nightingales, it took us to spice markets in the Celebs, we drifted with him on a houseboat beyond the Coral Sea. We were like cobras following a reed flute.

Janet Fitch

Release It Quotes #90867
#91. The natural beauty of the earth made hard for me to consider the pathetic struggle of humans on the face of it. The great release of death, I thought, was not from the bondage to our lovely planet- who could ever wish to leave this extraordinary place?- but from one another.

Valerie Martin

Release It Quotes #90973
#92. Death
If he is a good man, death will be a release;
If he is a bad one, it will release others from him.

Idries Shah

Release It Quotes #95603
#93. The original American dream wasn't about wealth, but freedom - freedom to worship and freedom from tyranny. It was also about partnering with God to release the light of His word to all nations, and exporting His glorious gospel to the ends of the earth.

Dutch Sheets

Release It Quotes #100613
#94. Youth is beautiful; its friendship is precious; the intercourse with it is a purifying release from the worn and stained harness of older life.

Nathaniel Parker Willis

Release It Quotes #122294
#95. No one person can take credit for the success of a motion picture. It's strictly a team effort. From the time the story is written to the time the final release print comes off the printer, hundreds of people are involved - each one doing a job - each job contributing to the final product.

Walt Disney

Release It Quotes #129490
#96. Happiness is not about hiding the past, it's accepting today and making it last, You should not fear who you have become, have pride in yourself for all you have done. Stand tall and be proud to be who you are, Release your fears and brighten your star.

Kylie Abecca

Release It Quotes #136765
#97. The desire for perfect release and the real-world impossibility of perfect, whenever-you-want-it release had together produced a tension they could no longer stand.

David Foster Wallace

Release It Quotes #157241
#98. I wanna get rich enough in life that I can afford to release a dozen doves every time I walk into a room. You know people would be like, 'Did you see that guy come out of the bathroom? The one with doves, it was beautiful.'

Daniel Tosh

Release It Quotes #166139
#99. Requests for mustache rides were the big common theme, around the time of the release of the season. People were saying how much they hated him, obviously, and how they would kill him or choke him. There were just all kinds of things. You name it, I got it.

Pablo Schreiber

Release It Quotes #176560
#100. Not that painting would have been a release. The reason for doing it is the desire to create. I've got to do it! I've seen that, I can still remember it, I've got to paint it.

Otto Dix

Release It Quotes #199878

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