Top 100 Quotes About Under The Bed

#1. So maybe it was just as well that my companion was more like Mulder. A coked-out Mulder with a lot of weapons, who knew that the monsters under the bed were real and would gut you.

Karen Chance

Quotes About Under The Bed #125
#2. Because, Dee, I'm the thing in the dark, just like the Viking used to tell me. I'm the creature coming up from the basement, the thing under the bed. I have nothing to feat in the dark. I am the dark.

I am afraid.

Dawn Kurtagich

Quotes About Under The Bed #59001
#3. They no longer panicked when they heard skittering noises in the wall or under the bed. If the noises where in the bed, they allowed themselves some panic. This had happened more than once.

Cassandra Clare

Quotes About Under The Bed #75462
#4. I shall be as brave as a my Toad, he thought, for my Toad never hides under the bed when she is afraid of lightning or bats. She sticks out her tongue and eats them.

Catherynne M Valente

Quotes About Under The Bed #85548
#5. Jason had joked that dust bunnies under the bed were pets he didn't mind keeping: they never whined for food and didn't require a litter box. They also didn't wake you up at night by barking at passing raccoons.

Erik Bundy

Quotes About Under The Bed #87000
#6. Fucking NASA. In a horror movie, when everyone is hugging their shins and shouting for the main character to turn and run, or crawl under the bed, or call the cops, or grab a gun, NASA would be the dude in the back shouting, Go see what made that noise! And take a flashlight!

Hugh Howey

Quotes About Under The Bed #93019
#7. I had tried marijuana several times, but in the words of my friend and longtime assistant Janet Stark, When I smoke pot, it makes me want to hide under the bed with a box of graham crackers and not share.

Linda Ronstadt

Quotes About Under The Bed #106865
#8. Clyde had a theory that women had a book, a homemade, photocopied three-ring binder called "Surprising Things to Do in a Relationship," which they passed around to one another, adding pages from time to time, hiding it under the bed. He figured that Desiree could run home tonight and add a new page.

Neal Stephenson

Quotes About Under The Bed #137675
#9. Ren-Hey ... Anju ... Under the bed ...
Anju-Oh ...
There's a blonde guy with an axe,right?
He's a new friend.
Ren-A ghost?

Yuna Kagesaki

Quotes About Under The Bed #144999
#10. It's not living alone if you keep a rifle under the bed.

Chuck Palahniuk

Quotes About Under The Bed #156501
#11. Hiding under the bed doesn't make the worry stop.

Cynthia Voigt

Quotes About Under The Bed #161705
#12. The way that people feel changes everything. Feelings are forces. They cause us to time travel. And to leave ourselves, to leave our bodies. I would be that kind of psychologist who says, 'You're absolutely right - there are monsters under the bed.'

Helen Oyeyemi

Quotes About Under The Bed #239979
#13. If I had a wish, I would turn you to a pair of shoes to keep you under my feet and you get an opportunity to be under the bed too.

Pushpa Rana

Quotes About Under The Bed #355737
#14. Normal people who weren't raised by mentally ill goats probably took the feeling of safety for granted. They only noticed when they suddenly felt unsafe. When the hands reach up for under the bed and grab their ankles, they scream, whereas I'm like Wait, can you scratch my knee before you kill me?

Augusten Burroughs

Quotes About Under The Bed #420762
#15. Going where no man has gone before is more difficult than it sounds. Our cousins and ancestors were no less curious than we are, and were perhaps bolder. This world is their tomb.
You should look under the bed.

N.D. Wilson

Quotes About Under The Bed #445606
#16. I called, my voice false-sounding and hoarse, slipping the painting into an extra pillowcase and hiding it under the bed before hurrying out of the room.

Donna Tartt

Quotes About Under The Bed #447705
#17. It"s easier to believe there's a monster under the bed if you've spent the last six months arguing with a monster.

Chuck Klosterman

Quotes About Under The Bed #544732
#18. The members of our secret service have apparently spent so much time under the bed looking for communists that they haven't had the time to look in the bed.

Michael Foot

Quotes About Under The Bed #581903
#19. I stay where I am, watching as she lies down on her belly and scoots under the bed beside me. I imagine how different this would feel if we were both on top of the bed instead of underneath it, how easily something childlike could grow adult possibilities.

Stacey Jay

Quotes About Under The Bed #593801
#20. You can't kill the thing under the bed. You can only keep it outside the covers.

Peter Watts

Quotes About Under The Bed #620995
#21. I was never afriad of what was under the bed. I wanted it but never got it. I became it.

Marilyn Manson

Quotes About Under The Bed #638109
#22. Over the years, I'd learned that under the bed was the best place to keep anything I didn't want found, because there was so much crap - papers, magazines, dirty socks, grocery bags - that no one would ever suspect that anything of value was under there. Sort of like hiding in plain sight.

Kristin Walker

Quotes About Under The Bed #640494
#23. There were no toys under the bed
that wasn't why he liked it. Why he liked it was that there wasn't anything under the bed
no chickens, no Joey, no Eloise, no sheep, no "no"s. He could lie under the bed and not be told anything at all

Jane Smiley

Quotes About Under The Bed #660462
#24. Reactionary nostalgia for the proprieties of Victorian England is unfortunate, like a whore looking under the bed for her virginity.

Bruce Robinson

Quotes About Under The Bed #669824
#25. There is a simple, logical explanation,' I said to myself. And because you never know who else is listening, I added, 'And there is nothing under the bed.'

Jeff Lindsay

Quotes About Under The Bed #675793
#26. He slid his saxophone under the bed before we got naked on it, and I think it made the whole thing better. I really do.

Charlie Close

Quotes About Under The Bed #696402
#27. Really, boy, unless you're ready to deal with the monster, you shouldn't go looking under the bed.

Stefan Petrucha

Quotes About Under The Bed #712996
#28. Spring can still be felt
even if you lay under the bed
Frozen heart can melt
in coldness when wintry love misled

Munia Khan

Quotes About Under The Bed #716629
#29. If he had not been a small degree civilized, he very probably would not have troubled himself with boots at all; but then, if he had not been still a savage, he never would have dreamt of getting under the bed to put them on.

Herman Melville

Quotes About Under The Bed #732803
#30. I take a grave view of the press. It is the weak slat under the bed of democracy.

A.J. Liebling

Quotes About Under The Bed #759982
#31. Young Reinette: Monsieur, be careful!
The Doctor: It's just a nightmare, Reinette, don't worry, everyone has nightmares. Even monsters under the bed have nightmares!
Young Reinette: What do monsters have nightmares about?
The Doctor: Me!

Steven Moffat

Quotes About Under The Bed #859474
#32. I hid my heart under my bed because my mother said if you're not careful someday somebody's going to break it. Take it from me, under the bed is not a good hiding spot.

Shane Koyczan

Quotes About Under The Bed #866244
#33. Evie says, "It's not living alone if you keep a rifle under the bed."
I write:
i know girls who say that about their dildos.

Chuck Palahniuk

Quotes About Under The Bed #895080
#34. No matter where you came from, there was something, someone out in the world or under the bed that frightened you as a child. The dark shapes that lurked on the edge of the world, the ones you knew were real because even adults feared them
because the adults had grown up fearing them.

Erin M. Evans

Quotes About Under The Bed #925400
#35. True monsters are not those lurking under the bed, but the ones sleeping in it.

Silje Akselberg Iversen

Quotes About Under The Bed #931664
#36. We are not afraid to look under the bed, or to wash the sheets; we know that life is messy. We know that somebody has to clean it up, and that only if it is cleaned up can we hope to start over, and get better.

Marsha Norman

Quotes About Under The Bed #933540
#37. Fireworks: we shoot them off gaily while our dogs hide under the bed. Philosophers are dogs!

Anthony Marais

Quotes About Under The Bed #942090
#38. Mr. Bumpy from Bump in the Night was this funky little guy who lived under the bed and thought eating dust bunnies was a delicacy. He was as cool as he could be, and ate dirty socks.

Jim Cummings

Quotes About Under The Bed #1022097
#39. A little boy who's discovered the monster under the bed is actually real, and it's screwing Mommy.

Laurell K. Hamilton

Quotes About Under The Bed #1071555
#40. It would be nice if all the Republicans could put poetry in a little box and put the box under the bed and sit on it, but they can't.

Sam Hamill

Quotes About Under The Bed #1093111
#41. When in doubt, head under the bed, Tamani said with a grin.

Aprilynne Pike

Quotes About Under The Bed #1097410
#42. The big bad monster wasn't green and hiding under the bed, it wore tasteless floral prints, bright scarlet lipstick and sat in the kitchen smoking and saying 'bollocks' alot.

Jo Brand

Quotes About Under The Bed #1140442
#43. The main thing I sense is...darkness." As soon as the words were out I realized how awful they sounded, so I rushed to clarify, "But it's not a bad darkness. It's more like a warm-summer-night kind of darkenss, not the monster-under-the-bed kind of darkness.

Kristen Day

Quotes About Under The Bed #1177028
#44. It's the time to run away an' hide under the bed, an' hope the world's still in one piece when you come out again.

Garth Ennis

Quotes About Under The Bed #1198138
#45. In the silence I heard Bastet, who had retreated under the bed, carrying on a mumbling, profane monologue. (If you ask how I knew it was profane, I presume you have never owned a cat.)

Elizabeth Peters

Quotes About Under The Bed #1203727
#46. She distracted him by pulling her gift for him out from under the bed. It was two-tiered and beautifully wrapped, with an exquisite card she had made herself - she was an artist, after all. He read the message inside, felt a catch in

Barbara Delinsky

Quotes About Under The Bed #1238795
#47. My father was predisposed to drunken rages. I would hide under the bed. My sister and I were talking just the other day about the terror a drunken man in a rage can create in a child.

Antonio Villaraigosa

Quotes About Under The Bed #1255858
#48. Kolya threw his shoes under the bed and went to the window. There was a full moon, light green and ugly, in the sky. It seemed to be hiding behind the treetops, spying. Its light was soft and lifeless, and its rays were tremulous and mesmerizing, as they penetrated through the branches ...

Fyodor Sologub

Quotes About Under The Bed #1263459
#49. Never walk near the bed; to a ghost your ankle is your most vulnerable part-once in bed, you're safe; he may lie around under the bed all night, but you're safe as daylight. If you still have doubts pull the blanket over your head.

F Scott Fitzgerald

Quotes About Under The Bed #1362432
#50. Other people imagined demons and monsters under the bed. Robert had actually seen them.

Kenneth Eade

Quotes About Under The Bed #1428500
#51. I bet it's never happened to you.
She was right. But that was only because I'd been five years old when Grandpa had started my training. When I'd thought there were monsters under the bed, he taught me how to do a proper sweep to get rid of them.

Alyxandra Harvey

Quotes About Under The Bed #1470763
#52. Furniture!" bellowed the witch. "Tables, bathtub, the lot of you. It's time to go out in the world and seek your fortunes, if that's your hope." There was a crashing sound as all the furniture went and tried to hide under the bed, and the bed tried to hide under itself.

Gregory Maguire

Quotes About Under The Bed #1488618
#53. Life Lesson 8: Change is always hard, but time softens the rough edges and eases the pull of the past. Eventually, we all climb out from under the bed, and even the most unfamiliar places begin to feel like home.

Patti Davis

Quotes About Under The Bed #1523032
#54. At night, when i go to bed i still am at pains to be sure that my legs are under the blankets after the lights go out. I am not a child anymore but .. Because if a cool hand ever reached out from under the bed and grasped my ankle, i might scream.

Stephen King

Quotes About Under The Bed #1545819
#55. It was more like two scared kids huddling in the dark when they knew the monster under the bed wasn't just real, but was holding a grudge.

Laurell K. Hamilton

Quotes About Under The Bed #1563033
#56. The pain has left but I know that it has not gone far, that it is sulking somewhere in a corner or under the bed and it will jump out when I least expect it.

Audrey Niffenegger

Quotes About Under The Bed #1590207
#57. I spent my whole life afraid of you. You were the monster under the bed and the devil who stole my soul.

B.B. Reid

Quotes About Under The Bed #1631284
#58. Anyone who is not an anarchist agrees with having a policeman at the corner of the street; but the danger at present is that of finding the policeman half-way down the chimney or even under the bed.

G.K. Chesterton

Quotes About Under The Bed #1639512
#59. The monsters aren't always in the closet or under the bed. Sometimes they're right in front of you, only everyone thinks they're the good guys.

Barbara Freethy

Quotes About Under The Bed #1639540
#60. If this were a made-up story, it would begin at night, with a storm blowing and owls hooting and rattling noises under the bed.

Darren Shan

Quotes About Under The Bed #1640383
#61. Warren made bursting noises under the bed. A rancorous stench. Dog Farts Fell Family of Four.

Annie Proulx

Quotes About Under The Bed #1657832
#62. Monsters did exist. They didn't hide under the bed, though. They stormed through the fucking door and stole away everything we loved.
To defeat a monster, I had to become one.

Keri Lake

Quotes About Under The Bed #1659250
#63. Don't you, when strangers and friends come to call, straighten the cushions, kick the books under the bed and put away the letter you were writing? How many of us want any of us to see us as we really are? Isn't the mirror hostile enough?

Jeanette Winterson

Quotes About Under The Bed #1687548
#64. If anyone else comes after your friends, you know what you have to do. Crush them. Make them an example that no one will forget. Hellequin's turned into a nursery rhyme to be told to naughty children - you need to make sure it's the adults who start checking under the bed.

Steve McHugh

Quotes About Under The Bed #1690049
#65. Converts have it soft," said Mary. "They come to it late, without ever having had the Devil under the bed. They sail in and admire the stained-glass windows. All the dirty work has been done.

Mavis Gallant

Quotes About Under The Bed #1703470
#66. Some days the competition would beat me and I'd go home thinking awful thoughts, want to hide under the bed, depressed. But of course, in the news business, when you're working a daily news broadcast, you get your victories and defeats every day.

Sam Donaldson

Quotes About Under The Bed #1708128
#67. The chamber-maid had left no ******* *** under the bed: - Cannot you contrive, master, quoth Susannah, lifting up the sash with one hand, as she spoke, and helping me up into the window seat with the other, - cannot you manage, my dear, for a single time to **** *** ** *** ******?

Laurence Sterne

Quotes About Under The Bed #1768520
#68. Writing monsters is fun, and it's easy. When I want one, I just reach under the bed and pull it out, kicking and screaming.

Rob Thurman

Quotes About Under The Bed #1783321
#69. Just before I look under my bed, I always get a little cold feeling, as if part of me expects to find something staring back at me.
I've probably seen too many Hollywood movies to have any hopes of ever cultivating a healthy relationship with the underside of my bed.

Graham Parke

Quotes About Under The Bed #9930
#70. Cold be hand and heart and bone, and cold be sleep under stone: never more to wake on stony bed, never, till the Sun fails and the Moon is dead. In the black wind the stars shall die, and still on gold here let them lie, till the dark lord lifts his hand over dead sea and withered land.

J.R.R. Tolkien

Quotes About Under The Bed #28218
#71. Note, however, that you cannot simply add temperatures the way you can add volumes or weights. Two people in bed, each with body temperatures of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, do not normally create a 197.2 degree under-the-cover oven.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Quotes About Under The Bed #70306
#72. She was alive, and she was stuck in this fucking tunnel, and she had just broken a fuck of a hex ward, and now she was going to have to walk through the toad-door into who-the-fuck-knew-what with someone who touched her only under duress. Some days it just didn't pay to get out of bed.

Stacia Kane

Quotes About Under The Bed #73982
#73. Tapping a finger against the flesh of her elbow, she deadpanned, Jacin Clay, there is an assassin under my bed.

Marissa Meyer

Quotes About Under The Bed #82584
#74. The bed under my back is filled with broken clouds and freshly fallen snow; it's too soft, too comfortable.

Tahereh Mafi

Quotes About Under The Bed #89739
#75. Before I could retrieve the bullet off the floor, Helsing jumped down, grabbed it in his mouth, and raced to tuck it under the purple pillow in his bed, where he also kept Gloria's feathers. Then he crouched, glowering, as if daring any of us to take it away. Great. My cat was a hoarder.

A&E Kirk

Quotes About Under The Bed #101589
#76. You just have to learn not to care about the dusty mites under the beds.

Margaret Mead

Quotes About Under The Bed #112006
#77. I'm like the monster that hides under your bed, waiting till the moment your breath evens out, and your eyes close to attack.

J.L. Beck

Quotes About Under The Bed #143031
#78. I wanted to structure a day where a hypothetical random snapshot of me looked like Carrie Bradshaw in her kimono, totally relaxed, not Brittany Murphy in Girl, Interrupted, diddling an old chicken under her bed. The

Jessi Klein

Quotes About Under The Bed #147071
#79. A monster's worst fear is of being found.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Quotes About Under The Bed #147364
#80. And I wondered if that was the problem with literature - it made sense only in theoretical situations and didn't often help in real life, where it took a hell of a lot more courage to live than to turn pages all alone, hidden away from the world in a corner or a bed or under a tree.

Matthew Quick

Quotes About Under The Bed #154682
#81. I woke up when my pillow was yanked out from under my head and Chloe mumbled something incoherent about spinach and hot dogs. The woman was a sleep-talking, restless bed hog.

Christina Lauren

Quotes About Under The Bed #166389
#82. She would turn from him in bed, her hands under the pillow, the digital clock peeling back the old skins of numbers.

Lorrie Moore

Quotes About Under The Bed #188302
#83. You need to put easy, nice, tranquil thoughts in your head before you go to bed. You know what I do? I read metaphysical books. The good stuff stays in your brain once you go under.

Cristina Saralegui

Quotes About Under The Bed #221355
#84. The monsters were never under our bed, but in the forest our future.

Crystal Woods

Quotes About Under The Bed #234896
#85. The truth is that I hate to think about other people reading my books," Miranda said. "It's like watching someone go through the box of private stuff that I keep under my bed.

Madeleine L'Engle

Quotes About Under The Bed #286148
#86. The trombones crunched redgold under my bed, and behind my gulliver the trumpets threewise silverflamed,

Anthony Burgess

Quotes About Under The Bed #325926
#87. The monsters were never
under my bed.
Because the monsters
were inside my head.

I fear no monsters,
for no monsters I see.
Because all this time
the monster has been me.

Nikita Gill

Quotes About Under The Bed #341624
#88. Why has the pleasure of slowness disappeared? Ah, where have they gone, the amblers of yesteryear? Where have they gone, those loafing heroes of folk song, those vagabonds who roam from one mill to another and bed down under the stars?

Milan Kundera

Quotes About Under The Bed #370387
#89. I have pleasures, and passions, but the joy of life is gone. I am going under: the morgue yawns for me. I go and look at my zinc-bed there. After all, I had a wonderful life, which is, I fear, over.

Oscar Wilde

Quotes About Under The Bed #398050
#90. I'm a fan of the old 'Creature Features' like 'Critters,' and 'Gremlins' and 'Tremors.' 'Jaws' is classic. It's funny that I still like those films because I remember my mom would tease me about getting a pet Critter to keep under my bed.

Brooke Nevin

Quotes About Under The Bed #404054
#91. I didn't want to know that the monster that lived under your bed when you were a kid not only really is there but used to have a few beers with your dad.

Robin McKinley

Quotes About Under The Bed #447126
#92. As a kid, I pretty much got nothing but scorn, and occasionally active animus, for writing fantasy and squirreling it away in my closet and, later, under the mattress supports in my bed.

Sherwood Smith

Quotes About Under The Bed #467818
#93. Traveling anywhere in the world involves some risk. You could always opt to spend your life cowering under your bed.

Joe Haldeman

Quotes About Under The Bed #483339
#94. That chick makes the monsters under my bed have nightmares.

Dan Wells

Quotes About Under The Bed #489236
#95. The thing under my bed waiting to grab my ankle isn't real. I know that, and I also know that if I'm careful to keep my foot under the covers, it will never be able to grab my ankle.

Stephen King

Quotes About Under The Bed #500514
#96. Never tell to much. The monster is always scarier when it is still under the child's bed.

Stephen King

Quotes About Under The Bed #512899
#97. I do have odd habits. I check under my bed every night for the bogeyman. That's just a little thing, though.

Tori Spelling

Quotes About Under The Bed #524315
#98. When I was a kid, afraid of the Boogieman, I would hide motionlessly under my bed covers for hours on end. Not much has changed since then.

Torre DeRoche

Quotes About Under The Bed #608251
#99. I'm sorry," he tells me.
I sit down on the bed. He returns to the view of the street below. I follow his gaze and I see the infected walking slowly back and forth.
"It's okay," I say.
"Okay," he says. He nods. "Good."
He puts the gun under his chin and pulls the trigger.

Courtney Summers

Quotes About Under The Bed #644724
#100. I'm very well known for hiding my phone in really weird places. I can hide it in a refrigerator during a scene or under that bed. It's pretty bad, but at the end of the day we can all laugh at it.

Cierra Ramirez

Quotes About Under The Bed #664262

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