Top 56 Quotes About Not Having A Dog

#1. I can't imagine not having a dog as a companion. They know when it's play time or walking time and they know when it is working time and they are content to catch up on their sleep knowing you are close by.

Ted Martinez

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #399503
#2. The feeling of being an underdog, not belonging, is very much me. You harbour a little feeling of resentment towards the 'upper dog'.

Asa Larsson

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #15918
#3. No town-bred dandy will compare with a country-bred one- I mean a downright bumpkin dandy- a fellow that, in the dog-days of summer, will mow his two acres in buckskin gloves for fear of tanning his hands.

Herman Melville

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #12103
#4. There are conservative values where certain lifestyles are imposed and everybody should have 2.4 children and a dog and a cat and a house and you should feel like God and you should believe in God and you should be a capitalist. I don't buy any of that.

Steve Coogan

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #12140
#5. The sun, like a boil on the bright blue ass of day, rolled gradually forward and spread its legs wide to reveal the pubic thatch of night, a hairy darkness in which stars crawled like lice, and the moon crabbed slowly upward like an albino dog tick striving for the anal gulch.

Joe R. Lansdale

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #12494
#6. Why do organizations need to mark everything with their insignia? It's like a dog peeing on every tree. Google is the same way. So was NewBagel. Using

Robin Sloan

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #12583
#7. The dog is a religious animal. In his savage state he worships the moon and the lights that float upon the waters. These are his gods to whom he appeals at night with long-drawn howls.

Anatole France

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #12895
#8. Along with the evidence of common sense, researchers have proven scientifically that humans are all one people. We're a lot like dogs in that regard. If a Great Dane interacts (can we say interact?) with a Chihuahua, you get a dog.

Bill Nye

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #13519
#9. I should take my dog for a walk now. i can only handle one bitch at a time

Rosemary Clement-Moore

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #13870
#10. Annika called back, "Never would I give my daughter to a dog." Good luck with that one, Lachlain.

Kresley Cole

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #14154
#11. To be sure, the dog is loyal. But why, on that account, should we take him as an example? He is loyal to man, not to other dogs.

Karl Kraus

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #14188
#12. If you never leave me, I won't eat your stuff. - Belle, Dog Only Knows

Terry Kaye

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #14576
#13. Sometimes you don't need words to feel better; you just need the nearness of your dog.

Natalie Lloyd

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #15292
#14. Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone. Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

W. H. Auden

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #15321
#15. Dogs serve people, but people serve cats.

Temple Grandin

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #15828
#16. Dogs are here to remind us life really is a simple thing. You eat, sleep, take walks, and pee when you must. That's about all there is. They are quick to forgive trespasses and assume strangers will be kind.

Jonathan Carroll

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #11326
#17. You can play jacks, and girls do that with a soft ball and do tricks with it. Oh, Oh, dog Biscuit, and when he is happy he doesn't get snappy.

Dutch Schultz

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #16641
#18. In debating the respective merits of dogs and cats, not having to walk a cat when it's 20 below zero deserves consideration.

Doug Larson

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #36609
#19. I grew up around animals [seven horses, dogs and now a pet goldfish named Leila] and I'm rebelling against them not having a natural existence.

Isabel Lucas

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #46728
#20. With a dog, it's almost like having a kid." "No, it's not like having a kid," she said. "It's preferable in every possible way. That makes it like having a dog.

J. Ryan Stradal

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #296664
#21. I like to make big decisions when I am at home living a routine life, getting up, walking my dog, having breakfast, when I have no pressure. I do not like doing it when I making a film. It is too stressful.

Paul Walker

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #446779
#22. The impetus behind going to graduate school was a year after graduating from college spent in Dallas working at the dog food factory and Bank America and not having met success in my chosen field, which at that point was being an actress.

Beth Henley

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #577504
#23. I'm not into having a pedigree dog.

Agnes Obel

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #721843
#24. I'm just totally into being strong. There's something about wanting to get a jar or whatever out of a high cupboard, or moving a sofa over because my dog's bone rolled under it, and not having to call anyone for help. There's comfort in that.

Maggie Q

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #960762
#25. There's the conforming 9-to-5-lifestyle thing. Then there's, like, settling down, trying to find a balance in a relationship sense, or having a dog and having a house. All these things, like, they're not really gonna make you happy.

Ty Segall

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #1015621
#26. If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.

Woodrow Wilson

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #1167252
#27. Growing up in the fifties, having to wear a dog tag, having to take shelter in a bomb shelter. That turned me toward the road, I did not want to live in fear of that, I was gong to work somehow against what that vision was, and what that horror was. It was poetry, art, music.

Anne Waldman

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #1381550
#28. Getting straight A's for having lots of tests is not the same as getting A's on the tests. Weighing a malnourished dog every day doesn't make him any better.

Dan Gelber

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #1504452
#29. It's almost entirely waste. regret is mostly caused by not having done anything. the mind barks like a dog.

Charles Bukowski

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #1606396
#30. Whatever else happened, she wanted a dog in her life.

Jonathan Franzen

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #5944
#31. When TJ and I got to the bottom, we found Hope staring terrified at Molly. The dog had something long and horrible and meaty in her jaws. It took me a moment to register that it was a very fresh-looking human spine. Damn, she was hungry.

David Wong

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #75
#32. Good people don't spend their time being good. Good people want to spend their time mowing the lawn and playing with the dog. But bad people spend all their time being bad. It is all they think about.

Alan Furst

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #510
#33. In a voice that sounds the way a can of cheap dog food would sound if a can of cheap dog food could speak, he tells you you are looking well.

Tom Robbins

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #1099
#34. It was a small town: Ferguson, Ohio. When you entered there was a big sign and it said, "Welcome to Ferguson. Beware of the Dog." The all-night drugstore closed at noon.

Jackie Vernon

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #1313
#35. It is apparent that nations cannot exist for us. They are the playthings of children, such toys as children break from boredom and weariness. The branch of a tree is my country. My freedom sleeps in a mulberry bush. My country is in the shivering legs of a little lost dog.

Sherwood Anderson

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #2054
#36. When dogs and humans make eye contact, that actually releases what's known as the love hormone, oxytocin, in both the dog and the human.

Brian Hare

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #2748
#37. I felt shame for living in a nation of unprecedented prosperity-a nation that spends a smaller percentage of income on food than any other civilization has in human history-but in the name of affordability treats the animals it eats with cruelty so extreme it would be illegal if inflicted on a dog.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #3154
#38. Whiskey doesn't mix well with toothpaste, but I already filled the glass, and once whiskey's been let loose you have to deal with it, like love or a rabid dog.

Richard Kadrey

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #3252
#39. Rule number one for kids: They must ask to play with the dog. Ultimately, your

Dawn Sylvia-Stasiewicz

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #3456
#40. My favorite type of pet has always been a dog. They're loyal, kind, and offer endless affection. My friend Eric says, 'The more people I meet, the more I like my dog.' Funny thought.

Brendon Urie

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #3993
#41. Hello from the gutters of NYC, which is filled with dog manure, vomit, stale wine, urine,and blood. Hello from the sewers of NYC which swallow up these delicacies when they are washed away by the sweeper trucks.

David Berkowitz

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #4009
#42. I like animals, all animals. I wouldn't hurt a cat or a dog - or a chicken or a cow. And I wouldn't ask someone else to hurt them for me. That's why I'm a vegetarian.

Peter Dinklage

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #4041
#43. There's a vulnerability about Rose, even a sweetness in her eyes, but there's no mistaking her priorities. Smart, tough, determined, she is essential, but rarely the dog that people melt over or want to take home. Yet she's a great dog.

Jon Katz

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #5756
#44. For years he'd strived to make a difference in the world, and he'd worked like a dog to make that happen, and yet here he was, a man sitting on a dock with his children, and never had he felt more certain that his words mattered.

Kristin Hannah

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #10962
#45. Properly trained, a man can be dog's best friend.

Corey Ford

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #6269
#46. She's an amazing dog and really inspired everything that's in this book.

Gloria Estefan

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #6963
#47. Once there was a moose, a very poor, thin, lonely moose who lived on a rocky hill where only bitter leaves grew and bushes with spiky branches. One day a red motor car drove past. In the backseat was
a grey gypsy dog wearing a gold earring.

Annie Proulx

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #6977
#48. He knew you were a warrior. He called you a brute. He said you were like a dog that attacks a bull. You had no fear because you had no sense.

Bernard Cornwell

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #7174
#49. Who wouldn't want to watch an averagely attractive guy kick a three legged, one eyed dog in the face as it urinates all over itself? The correct answer is no one.

David Bowick

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #7802
#50. Since Pawlow and his pupils have succeeded in causing the secretion of saliva in the dog by means of optic and acoustic signals, it no longer seems strange to us that what the philosopher terms an 'idea' is a process which can cause chemical changes in the body.

Jacques Loeb

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #8325
#51. Both humans and dogs love to play well into adulthood, and individuals from both species occasionally display evidence of having a conscience.

Jon Winokur

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #8647
#52. I miss my dog."
"What was his name again?"
"That was very unkind of you."
"Naming him mouse?"
"Isn't he a greyhound?"
"I could have named hum Turtle."
"Frederick!" ...
"It's better than Frederic," Annabel said, "Good heavens, that's my brother's name.

Julia Quinn

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #8690
#53. I have a theory that you get the right dog, the dog you need, for a particular stage in your life.

Meg Donohue

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #9602
#54. He's weak, afraid and dumber than your dog.
Besides, you gonna bet the farm on a pig?

The Alien Club

Trel Sidoruk

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #9992
#55. My dog's a gentleman.

Todd Phillips

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #10686
#56. "I've done your dog. It's got nine eyes down the side, I made his head all square, 15 legs. What do you think of that?" "Fido looks a bit weird."

Eddie Izzard

Quotes About Not Having A Dog #10742

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