Top 100 Quotes About Bills To Pay

#1. Tens of thousands of men and women with kids to raise, bills to pay, and dreams that won't die. This is your campaign.

Hillary Clinton

Quotes About Bills To Pay #88543
#2. I know a lot of writers who would much rather be writing the Great American Novel, but they've got bills to pay and alimony, and so they take a job at a less-than-reputable paper. You know, you do what you gotta do.

Eric Stoltz

Quotes About Bills To Pay #247806
#3. Life is just high school all over again, only with bigger bills to pay.

Linda Palmer

Quotes About Bills To Pay #268040
#4. Everybody's got bills to pay. Sometimes you see people just go straight for the money, and that's disappointing.

Kevin Bacon

Quotes About Bills To Pay #321775
#5. That kid ain't got no bills to pay, he ain't got no kids; When you're that young to him it's only all about the sport he's playing. You don't have to worry about nuthin' else!

Boo Weekley

Quotes About Bills To Pay #347405
#6. Of course I have bills to pay, but at the same time, it's more about the passion and the love, and I think that's where music should come from, the heart, not necessarily just to cash a check.


Quotes About Bills To Pay #672381
#7. A paparazzi is merely an extremely nosy nobody with a camera - and bills to pay.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Quotes About Bills To Pay #1123527
#8. Holy One, there is something I wanted to tell you, but there have been errands to run, bills to pay, meetings to attend, washing to do ... and I forget what it is I wanted to say to you, and forget what I am about or why. Oh God, don't forget me please, for the sake of Jesus Christ.

Ruth Haley Barton

Quotes About Bills To Pay #1431422
#9. I'm one of the few adults lucky enough to love their job. And when you've got bills to pay, you get on with it! I like challenges.

Malorie Blackman

Quotes About Bills To Pay #1854322
#10. One way to make health care more affordable is a Flexible Savings Account that allows families to save tax free money to pay for medical bills.

Marco Rubio

Quotes About Bills To Pay #373
#11. I never gave up rapping - it gave up on me. There was no industry and no appetite for UK rap back then and I had a daughter to feed. I couldn't keep doing something full time that didn't pay the bills.

Doc Brown

Quotes About Bills To Pay #11280
#12. Your goal should be to pay off your credit card bills in full at the end of each month and set aside money toward your emergency savings.

Suze Orman

Quotes About Bills To Pay #15241
#13. The human eye is restricted to see the useen, because there's a price to be paid to the rulers of this image and if this image is seen by you, you'll dare not divulge it to others, for others must pay a price

Michael Bassey Johnson

Quotes About Bills To Pay #31812
#14. The ordinary you, the you that has to go to work every morning, the you that has to run a household, pay bills, do all of those things
that you is somehow changed into an exciting, artistic, fully alive you. That's what Paris does.

Alexander McCall Smith

Quotes About Bills To Pay #31813
#15. Theater was always in the backdrop. Nursing was a way to pay the bills. I wasn't a nurse; I had a nursing agency.

Lee Daniels

Quotes About Bills To Pay #37327
#16. Your whole life people tell you to do what you love. But if you gotta do something else to pay the bills, you don't automatically have to be miserable.

Jeph Jacques

Quotes About Bills To Pay #52714
#17. When you're lucky enough to pay your bills through acting, staying healthy and fit is part of the job.

Toby Kebbell

Quotes About Bills To Pay #53562
#18. To this day, I don't love my arms. People want more fit arms, but my arms are too fit. But I'm not complaining. They pay my bills.

Serena Williams

Quotes About Bills To Pay #55997
#19. An actor equals, sometimes, an entitled baby. People take care of things for me, and they pay greater attention to things than I was ever capable of doing. But in the last few years, I have learned a great deal more about taking care of things. I pay my own bills now.

Christian Slater

Quotes About Bills To Pay #56821
#20. At college, I felt frustrated thinking three years was a long time and I just wanted a job but afterwards I was in employment the whole time. I got into a theatre company and started doing stand-up gigs for cash, so I lived hand-to-mouth, but there was always enough to pay the bills.

Bill Bailey

Quotes About Bills To Pay #67149
#21. I wanted to build up a little nest egg and go back to L.A. and choose roles that I wanted to do instead of roles that I had to do to pay the bills.

Estella Warren

Quotes About Bills To Pay #72384
#22. The life of a singer is you have to pay your bills. You have to take a gig.

Judith Hill

Quotes About Bills To Pay #87159
#23. I went through all my electric bills, the water bills, the phone bills, elevator contracts, and I found enough wasteful spending without reducing any programs anywhere, without reducing any services, I found enough wasteful spending to pay my entire salary for three years.

Thomas Massie

Quotes About Bills To Pay #87235
#24. We're all geniuses. Life is merely overpopulated with singers who play drums, and, drummers who sing, to pay rent.

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Quotes About Bills To Pay #101169
#25. I try to keep in mind that it's a long journey. It's not a race. It's about staying focused, continuing to do good work, make my family and community proud; that's all I really want to do ... and pay my bills.

Gina Rodriguez

Quotes About Bills To Pay #120764
#26. A job is something we do to get a paycheck and pay our bills. Jobs are legitimate, at times, but work is why we are here in the universe. Work and calling often go together.

Matthew Fox

Quotes About Bills To Pay #134984
#27. Nothing wrong with making money or doing what you need to do to sell, but I think it shows when you're writing something to pay the bills and when you're writing something because it's really your version of the world.

Laurell K. Hamilton

Quotes About Bills To Pay #142938
#28. In secondary school, a boy and a girl go out, both of them teenagers with meager pocket money. Yet the boy is expected to pay the bills, always, to prove his masculinity.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Quotes About Bills To Pay #152084
#29. Pride also has a bill! Get ready to pay it!


Quotes About Bills To Pay #188537
#30. I'd been in Hollywood for five years before I started writing 'The Guild.' I worked enough to pay all my bills. So I was very lucky in that respect. Most people don't make a living acting.

Felicia Day

Quotes About Bills To Pay #191366
#31. I know what it's like to be shoveling to pay bills. I know what it's like to not have a job.

Lee DeWyze

Quotes About Bills To Pay #229561
#32. I really love baseball. The guys and the game, and I love the challenge of describing things. The only thing I hate - and I know you have to be realistic and pay the bills in this life - is the loneliness on the road.

Vin Scully

Quotes About Bills To Pay #231759
#33. The homeless dudes on Alameda all have legs any runway model would kill for, and sometimes I think of giving them money, but - I don't know, I've got bills to not pay, and drinks to make people buy for me.

Kris Kidd

Quotes About Bills To Pay #232107
#34. These kids understood what is not immediately obvious; that they were going to pay the bills for tax cuts that had been passed today or in the last 4 years, and for the war in Iraq, because essentially we are borrowing money to do those things.

Tom Allen

Quotes About Bills To Pay #268680
#35. I just felt like I couldn't deal with the everyday responsibilities of life, paying bills and all of that. I'm terrible at all of that. So I knew I had to make enough money to pay someone else to deal with all of that.

Lily Allen

Quotes About Bills To Pay #269920
#36. I was talking to one of the writers about our target audience, and he was insulted that I used that term. But if you're given $60 million to make a film, you'd better know who your target audience is. That's who's going to pay back the bills you run up.

Michael Bay

Quotes About Bills To Pay #270725
#37. Love is fun but, it is not going to pay the bills.

Jessica Martin

Quotes About Bills To Pay #275637
#38. I was so focused at 21, maybe to my own detriment because I didn't allow myself to have fun. I was constantly looking for the next audition and working to pay the bills.

Jayma Mays

Quotes About Bills To Pay #279216
#39. When you commit to being a musician, I don't think you're really sure or care about when you're going to pay the bills. I don't think you care about that as much as you care about playing music.

Adam Levine

Quotes About Bills To Pay #301066
#40. When you grow up middle class, you just always feel like you've got to be working, or you won't be able to pay the bills.

Anna Kendrick

Quotes About Bills To Pay #302149
#41. he asks me what i do i tell him i work for a small company that makes packaging for - he stops me midsentence no not what you do to pay the bills what drives you crazy what keeps you up at night

Rupi Kaur

Quotes About Bills To Pay #314974
#42. Tonight, more Americans are out of work and more are working harder for less. More of you have lost your homes and even more are watching your home values plummet. More of you have cars you can't afford to drive, credit card bills you can't afford to pay, and tuition that's beyond your reach.

Barack Obama

Quotes About Bills To Pay #334429
#43. It became apparent to me really fast that I wasn't going to be able to make a living and pay my bills playing on Broadway.

Gretchen Wilson

Quotes About Bills To Pay #345927
#44. I try to pay bills as efficiently as I can, and work hard, and be comfortable in what I've achieved at the end of each day. And I try, most of all, to be a little easier on myself.

Chelsea Fagan

Quotes About Bills To Pay #346921
#45. I have some cops in my family. I understand the predicament that they're in. Sometimes they go into it just to pay the bills or because they don't have other choices, or sometimes they just want to get the gun.

Wesley Snipes

Quotes About Bills To Pay #359704
#46. We are a business, and you do a little of what you think's right, pay your bills, and attract ... a single record attracts attention to your concerts and your albums.

Bruce Johnston

Quotes About Bills To Pay #367781
#47. This customer service person doesn't understand that this bill was paid and I am not going to pay it again.

Jon Jones

Quotes About Bills To Pay #375632
#48. I was inspired to do anything I could to get out of what I was doing ... today, I'm motivated to pay the bills.

Terry Zwigoff

Quotes About Bills To Pay #385972
#49. We don't need to have somebody that's gonna make sure they pay for our market bills. It's like we have only one reason to love and that is for the real idea of love.

Stevie Nicks

Quotes About Bills To Pay #386117
#50. I am one of those artists who knows where their money is. I pay my bills; I take care of my mama. I handle my business. I am a businessman. I go to meetings and take care of things, so it's a lot more than just partying and turning up.

Juicy J

Quotes About Bills To Pay #387588
#51. In FY 2006, interest payments alone on the national debt cost us $406 billion ... What a waste ... That $406 billion is pathetically squandered on interest, just because we lacked the discipline to pay our bills when due.

Bill Press

Quotes About Bills To Pay #390133
#52. My family and I are just regular folks, just trying to get through the day and do the best you can and pay the bills, and that's who we're singing to.

Rodney Atkins

Quotes About Bills To Pay #425957
#53. Hilmar operates at the level of the sublime. The quotidian - parking his car, paying his bills - doesn't interest Hilmar at all. So invariably he parks poorly and forgets to pay his bills.

Eric Weiner

Quotes About Bills To Pay #435276
#54. I have to pay the bills just like everybody else, but it also pays my soul to work.

Kathy Bates

Quotes About Bills To Pay #442491
#55. I'm just proud that I created something that helped me pay my bills because I was so flat broke. I was borrowing money from my mother to stay afloat, and that was kind of uncomfortable.

Marc Cherry

Quotes About Bills To Pay #443565
#56. There is no denying that auto-bill pay is easier and more convenient than keeping track of and remembering to pay all of your bills each month, so it makes sense to use it for fixed expenses that you have approved and that you're 100% comfortable with.

Alexa Von Tobel

Quotes About Bills To Pay #451311
#57. There are bills being discussed to raise the amount that Members of Congress pay in to their benefits and I support these pieces of legislation.

Rob Woodall

Quotes About Bills To Pay #463220
#58. I have my own dance and production companies, and acting is my creative outlet. It's what I'm passionate about. I've actually created a lifestyle where I could act for free. I could get a job to pay the bills and act on the weekends to make me smile.

Brian J. White

Quotes About Bills To Pay #464979
#59. I'll probably have to open a recording studio at some point because I won't be able to pay the bills.

Mac DeMarco

Quotes About Bills To Pay #475519
#60. To defer anything to the Greek Calends is to defer it sine die. There were no calends in the Greek months. The Romans used to pay rents, taxes, bills, etc., on the calends, and to defer paying them to the "Greek Calends" was virtually to repudiate them. (See NEVER.)

E. Cobham Brewer

Quotes About Bills To Pay #475898
#61. How does the richest country in the history of the world fail to pay its bills?

Rick Perry

Quotes About Bills To Pay #493901
#62. I go on expeditions for the same reason an estate agent sells houses - to pay the bills.

Ranulph Fiennes

Quotes About Bills To Pay #494098
#63. Education provides you a profession. But not vocation. You do it only because you need to work to earn money to buy your food, buy your clothes, pay the bills. Our life has a greater meaning, and a greater purpose.

Satish Kumar

Quotes About Bills To Pay #499556
#64. I was a writer for hire. I wrote to pay the bills.

Damien Chazelle

Quotes About Bills To Pay #516870
#65. Until 1869, when they were banned, debtors' prisons were the great incinerators of British reputations. Those who were unable to pay their bills were jailed until their creditors were paid - an unlikely event, given that the prisoner was unable to work.

Tina Brown

Quotes About Bills To Pay #522829
#66. My husband gave up all his work to stay at home with the kids, and we split all the duties at home. I do all the boring stuff - like pay the bills, and he does all the exercising for both of us, which I'm very grateful for ... I thank him for it regularly.

Erika Slezak

Quotes About Bills To Pay #527051
#67. Give a person a job you help them pay some bills, teach them how to find a career and you provide them with sustenance for life!

Mark W. Boyer

Quotes About Bills To Pay #532181
#68. When you have a pile of bills that you have no idea how you are going to pay, you cannot focus on the bills, because you will continue to attract more bills. You have to find a way that works for you to focus on prosperity, despite the bills around you.

Rhonda Byrne

Quotes About Bills To Pay #539501
#69. But while we can never predict where events will take us or the unavoidable bills we will have to pay as a consequence, we must confront the ghastly truth of Labour's legacy.

Liam Fox

Quotes About Bills To Pay #553829
#70. My cell phone bill and my cable gets cut off all the time. Not because I don't have the money, but because I just forget to pay my bills.

Erin Cummings

Quotes About Bills To Pay #565950
#71. Because I've lived in one room my entire life, working at the same table that you use to pay bills at and eat at. It's going to be nice to have actual space.

Augusten Burroughs

Quotes About Bills To Pay #569902
#72. Let me tell you something: I have members in my charter who, after paying their rent and house bills and taking care of their families, don't even have enough money left over to pay the fifteen dollars a week dues.

Chuck Zito

Quotes About Bills To Pay #583048
#73. It's fun to have money, but the more money I get, the less interesting it becomes. If you don't have very much, you have to think about it. If you are starving, you become interested in food. If you are struggling to pay the bills, money becomes tragically important.

Sebastian Junger

Quotes About Bills To Pay #605488
#74. Your greatest asset is your paycheck. Disability insurance protects you and your family if you are unable to work by providing income which will help pay your bills and take care of your family. It's just as important as life insurance.

Dave Ramsey

Quotes About Bills To Pay #619884
#75. Everywhere we look, technology has changed our daily lives - from the way we pay our bills, to the way we buy plane tickets or keep in touch with friends and family.

Peter Roskam

Quotes About Bills To Pay #622033
#76. One thing about being famous is the people around you, you pay all their bills so they very rarely disagree with you because they want you to pick up the check.

Charles Barkley

Quotes About Bills To Pay #637370
#77. My parents believed in education and economic security, and I thank them for it. Because I think that's part of what's made my life stable. It was instilled in me. You have to be able to pay your bills. You do not get into debt. And I never have been.

Helen Mirren

Quotes About Bills To Pay #671313
#78. You got to pick one - pay your medical bills or pay the mortgage. Most people can't do both, and I'm no different.

Levon Helm

Quotes About Bills To Pay #688003
#79. I'm a working mother ... You try to pay the bills, you try to keep your life going and there's pressure.

Carnie Wilson

Quotes About Bills To Pay #700500
#80. I never have goals or dreams. My sister says it's pathetic and lazy, but I had a goal, to tell jokes to pay bills and not have to live in a trailer. So, I think I'm living my fantasy. I don't have another.

Kathleen Madigan

Quotes About Bills To Pay #709383
#81. Thirteen thousand dollars a year is not enough to raise a family. That's not enough to pay your bills and save for their future. That's barely enough to provide for even the most basic needs.

Thomas Carper

Quotes About Bills To Pay #715877
#82. You can call me 10 times a day to pay this bill but, I do not owe your company any money.

Jon Jones

Quotes About Bills To Pay #721753
#83. Most of what bein human's about is making choices and payin the bills when they come due. Some of the choices are pretty goddam nasty, but that don't give a person leave to just walk away from em ... In a case like that, you just have to make the best choice you can n then pay the price.

Stephen King

Quotes About Bills To Pay #736344
#84. When Demetrie got sick, we knew it was our responsibility to take care of her and pay her medical bills. And we embraced that. But the tricky part is, like so many families in the South, we also expected her to use a separate bathroom, to use separate utensils.

Kathryn Stockett

Quotes About Bills To Pay #743865
#85. Government schools can go for decades delivering low-quality services, and what's the result? The people who manage it earn higher pay. It's nearly impossible to fire the incompetents. And, taxpayers, who support the service, are given higher tax bills.

Walter E. Williams

Quotes About Bills To Pay #746870
#86. If I can transport audiences for the three or four hours they're at the opera, to make them forget all of their worries, the bills they have to pay and all that, then I've done my job. That, for me, is very gratifying.

Sondra Radvanovsky

Quotes About Bills To Pay #748671
#87. There are so many of us that just do things to pay bills, but I never wanted that to be me.

Mehcad Brooks

Quotes About Bills To Pay #763135
#88. You have girls that sing about guys ain't paying their bills and men are this and men are that and I write about women who want to go out for free, they don't want to pay for the dinner, they try to get over, they wanna leave.

Kool Keith

Quotes About Bills To Pay #774668
#89. Credit cards have been extremely profitable to banks. They're profitable not from the fees they collect from the retailers that use the credit cards, that pays the bills, but the real profits come from the interest payments and the charges to users that are unexpected.

Richard Thaler

Quotes About Bills To Pay #789799
#90. Face your financial issues head on. Open your bills, pick up the phone, call your lender. If applicable, tell them you're struggling and explain why. If you lost your job or took a pay cut, be ready to prove it.

Jean Chatzky

Quotes About Bills To Pay #792777
#91. Our nation suffers when Congress fails to pay America's bills on time.

Jim Cooper

Quotes About Bills To Pay #802447
#92. I just like to keep working and being able to pay my bills.

Emma Stone

Quotes About Bills To Pay #810984
#93. If you borrow money to make money, you've done something magical. On the other hand, if you go into debt to pay your bills or buy something you want but don't need, you've done something stupid. Stupid and short-sighted and ultimately life-changing for the worse ...

Seth Godin

Quotes About Bills To Pay #812013
#94. No one ever expects a great lay to pay all the bills.

Jean Harlow

Quotes About Bills To Pay #820438
#95. No one will pay you for planning an expedition at first: you have to work in pubs at weekends so you can pay the gas bills. I joined the Territorial Army, which paid me when I turned up to drill nights, and so did my wife.

Ranulph Fiennes

Quotes About Bills To Pay #837386
#96. I don't believe we are supposed to go through life defeated and not having enough money to pay our bills or send our kids to college.

Joel Osteen

Quotes About Bills To Pay #853612
#97. I pay all my own bills ... I want to choose the man. I do not permit men to choose me.

Zsa Zsa Gabor

Quotes About Bills To Pay #854465
#98. The rich know that savings are only used to create more money, not to pay bills. I

Robert T. Kiyosaki

Quotes About Bills To Pay #865853
#99. I had a friend at college who took being poor very personally. He started showering in the sports centre next door and said he wasn't going to pay for the hot water in our flat any more because he didn't use it. He made me and my other friend pay the bills on our own.

Robert Webb

Quotes About Bills To Pay #873295
#100. We need to make sure middle-class people are able to pay the bills. We need to make sure that poor people don't starve. Those are values, too.

Chuck Schumer

Quotes About Bills To Pay #880363

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