Top 100 Eric Weiner Quotes

#1. It is this kind of resourcefulness, I think, that explains how this hardy band of Vikings managed to survive more than one thousand years on an island that is about as hospitable to human habitation as the planet Pluto - if Pluto were a planet, that is, which it's not.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #50293
#2. We need to a new word to describe Swiss happiness.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #61338
#3. Haydn, Beethoven, Mozart, none of them were born in Vienna. They all moved there. It became a magnet, but what made it magnetized in the first place? There has to be a seed there. In the case of Vienna of about 1780, it was this deep-seated love of music.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #100069
#4. Perhaps love and attention are really the same thing. One can't exist without the other. The British scholar Avner Offer calls attention "the universal currency of well-being." Attentive people, in other words, are happy people.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #125131
#5. We help other people because we can, or because it makes us feel good, not because we're counting on some future payback. There is a word for this; love.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #129393
#6. You look around the world at geniuses, and they don't appear randomly, they appear in genius clusters. Athens in 50 BC, Florence 1500, Silicon Valley today. This is not a coincidence.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #150574
#7. It's not the crime per se that makes places unhappy. It's the creeping sense of fear that permeates everyone's lives, even those who have never been - and probably never will be - victims of crime.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #178931
#8. Religion is like a knife. If you use it the wrong way you can cut yourself.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #184343
#9. The creator of Bambi was secretly writing pornographic novels on the side. This single fact tells you everything you need to know about turn-of-the-century Vienna, and why it was the perfect place for Sigmund Freud and his far-fetched theories about the human psyche.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #197040
#10. A confused mind is one that is open to the possibility of change.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #236016
#11. God is not an exclamation point. He is, at his best, a semicolon, connecting people, and generating what Aldous Huxley called "human grace." Somewhere along the way, we've lost sight of this.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #243498
#12. Paradise is a moving target.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #249051
#13. Perhaps it is not the belief of God that makes us happier but belief in something, anything. How else to explain the fact that the happiest countries in the world--Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, the Netherlands--are hardly religious at all?

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #289275
#14. Don't forget that Mozart worked on commission. He almost always would write something if he knew exactly who was paying for it and where it would be performed. So you can't really separate the creation of genius from the appreciation of it.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #293872
#15. Toward the end of his life, Fred Terman wrote that he had no regrets: "If I had my life to live over again, I would play the same record.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #304047
#16. As I railed on and on, I became increasingly energied and excited by my own misery and misanthropy until I reached a kind of orgasm of negativity.' ... The Brits don't merely enjoy misery, they get off on it.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #308517
#17. Happiness doesn't require words.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #312908
#18. Money matters but less than we think and not in the way that we think. Family is important. So are friends. Envy is toxic. So is excessive thinking. Beaches are optional. Trust is not. Neither is gratitude.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #320299
#19. Thai culture, while rare in its distrust of thinking, is not unique. The Inuit frown upon thinking. It indicates someone is either crazy or fiercely stubborn, neither of which is desirable.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #335897
#20. The British academic Richard Schoch, in his book The Secrets of Happiness, put it this way: "Your imagination must, to some extent, be found in a realm beyond reason because it begins with imagining a future reality: the self that you might become.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #345279
#21. Civic life, though, was not optional, and Aristotle tells me the Athenians had a word for those who refused to participate in public affairs: idiotes. It is where we get our word idiot.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #381536
#22. People don't go to Starbucks for the coffee - of that I'm pretty sure - they go for the atmosphere, they go for the 70 decibels, they go for the Starbucks effect.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #403243
#23. Compassion arises spontaneously from wisdom.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #421297
#24. Einstein, like myself, found Bern pleasant but boring. And so I wonder: If the Swiss were more interesting, might he never have daydreamed as much as he did? Might he never have developed the Special Theory of Relativity? In other words, is there something to be said for boredom?

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #426938
#25. Hilmar operates at the level of the sublime. The quotidian - parking his car, paying his bills - doesn't interest Hilmar at all. So invariably he parks poorly and forgets to pay his bills.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #435276
#26. Another thing that Denis likes about Thailand is the concept of jai yen, cool heart. The worst thing one can do in Thailand is to lose one's jai yen. This is why Thais have no patience for uppity foreigners, which is pretty much all foreigners.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #446782
#27. Khaldoun believed that the great curse of civilization is not war or famine but humidity: "When the moisture, with its evil vapors ascends to the brain, the mind and body and the ability to think are dulled. The result is stupidity, carelessness and a general intemperance.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #450178
#28. You can be as good as Rembrandt, but if no one discovers you, you will only be a genius in theory.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #463946
#29. Genius is not only a what or a who, it is a where. It is grounded in a place every single time.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #474987
#30. What doesn't kill you not only make you stronger, but also more honest.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #481812
#31. The problems we discover on our own are the ones that motivate us the most

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #487895
#32. Every country has its cocktail-party question. A simple one-sentence query, the answer to which unlocks a motherlode of information about the person you just met ... In Switzerland it is, Where are you from? That is all you need to know about someone.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #509066
#33. Some places are like family. They annoy us to no end, especially during the holidays, but we keep coming back for more because we know, deep in our hearts, that our destinies are intertwined.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #523571
#34. The act of underlining always contains an element of self-recognition.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #560542
#35. Europeans love conferences. Get three Europeans together, and chances are quite high a conference will break out. All that's needed are those little name tags and many, many gallons of Perrier. Geneva

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #561303
#36. If you've ever had a rational thought or asked Why? or gazed at the night sky in silent wonder, then you have had a Greek moment.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #568871
#37. Thinking about happiness makes us less happy.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #626928
#38. If you walk into a coffee shop in 1903 Vienna, you might find at the same table the artist Gustav Klimt, Sigmund Freud, Leon Trotsky and possibly Adolf Hitler, who lived in Vienna at the same time.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #637727
#39. A simple question to identify your true home: where do you want to die?

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #673520
#40. Places of genius challenge us. They are difficult. They do not earn their place in history with ethnic restaurants or street festivals, but by provoking us, making demands of us. Crazy, unrealistic, beautiful demands.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #680804
#41. I've spent most of my life trying to think my way to happiness, and my failure to achieve that goal only proves, in my mind, that I am not a good enough thinker. It never occurred to me that the source of my unhappiness is not flawed thinking but thinking itself.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #686360
#42. Conversely, the biophilia hypothesis, as Wilson calls it, also explains why we find natural settings so peaceful. It's in our genes. That's why, each year, more people visit zoos than attend all sporting events combined.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #694524
#43. Nothing kills creativity faster than a wall.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #702376
#44. Yes, there is something higher than happiness. Love is higher than happiness. Not only does love trump happiness, but in a competition between truth and love, love wins. We must strive for a love that does not bring distortions.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #705678
#45. What doesn't kill you not only makes you stronger but also more honest. Laurey

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #708195
#46. Hinduism - indeed, most eastern religions - tells us that striving, even striving for happiness, is self-defeating. The moment you try to improve yourself, you've failed. Game over. Yet just lie there like a zombie and you lose, too. What to do?

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #721780
#47. Psychologists call it "defocused attention," where you broaden your horizons, let your mind float and drift a bit. Coffee keeps us sharp and alert. It's great if you're driving at 3 o'clock in the morning. It's not so great if you're trying to come up with the next violin concerto.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #741243
#48. Studies have found that creative people have an especially high tolerance for ambiguity. I suspect this holds true for places of genius as well. Cities such as Athens and Florence and Edinburgh created atmospheres that accepted, and even celebrated, ambiguity.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #752589
#49. See what is before you, the thing itself. Analyze later.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #816515
#50. All genuinely creative ideas are initially met with rejection, since they necessarily threaten the status quo. An enthusiastic reception for a new idea is a sure sign that it is not original.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #831311
#51. Who travels widely needs his wits about him. The stupid should stay at home. And

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #848934
#52. The good life . . . cannot be mere indulgence. It must contain a measure of grit and truth," observed geographer Yi-Fu Tuan. Tuan

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #899134
#53. Until the eighteenth century, people believed that biblical paradise, the Garden of Eden, was a real place. It appeared on maps
located, ironically, at the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in what is now modern-day Iraq.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #903637
#54. Misery is like a gamy piece of meat: not particularly nourishing, certainly not tasty, but still it's something to chew on, and that's better than nothing. I've been chewing on my misery for about forty years now.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #905044
#55. A Mozart symphony is very much like a Pixar movie - in the sense that Pixar movies are hugely successful because they operate on several levels at the same time.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #907173
#56. What is the ideal audio atmosphere for creativity and it turns out it is not complete silence, and it is not a very loud atmosphere, it's something about 70 decibels.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #919687
#57. Nevertheless, a few brave researchers have bellied up to the laboratory.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #922535
#58. The point is, the "best" technology or idea doesn't always prevail. Sometimes chance and the law of unintended consequences win out.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #950149
#59. The coffeehouse is good for genius, and the Viennese coffeehouse is a classic case. Freud had his favorite coffee shop, and so did Gustav Klimt.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #959091
#60. You need some reason why Beethoven, Mozart and Haydn in the 18th century all flocked to Vienna. What was it about Vienna? They must have known on some level that that is where they would flourish. It's what biologists call "selective migration."

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #976898
#61. Getting someone behind the wheel of a car is like putting them into deep hypnosis; their true self comes out. In vehicle veritas. Israelis, for instance, drive both defensively and offensively at the same time, which is, come to think of it, the way Israelis do pretty much everything.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #996176
#62. When you're stuck on something creatively, you can't solve a problem, you go to a coffee shop.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1069207
#63. Unlike the Man with No Cell Phone, the Man Who Can See around Corners owns several, which he places on the table, like talismans. So far, so good. But you can imagine my disappointment when he promptly disabuses me of this seeing-around-corners stuff. "That's all bullshit," he says.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1076614
#64. It's a silly argument, and unnecessary. Creativity doesn't happen "in here" or "out there" but in the spaces in between. Creativity is a relationship, one that unfolds at the intersection of person and place.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1078361
#65. When you drink coffee, you become very focused, and in fact, the key to creative genius is to be defocused.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1080449
#66. Hotels are wonderful inventions, but they are not the ideal window to the soul of a nation.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1082962
#67. The problem with finding paradise is that others might find it, too.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1118006
#68. I think we should have more coffeehouses, more cafes, more "third places." More places where people can get together that's not work, not home, and where they can interact with people who are different from them.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1122464
#69. Normally, we think of the religious as people who care more, not less than the rest of us. This is not true, not exactly. The truly religious care more deeply about fewer things and do't give a hoot about the rest.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1136043
#70. ."The Swiss are uptight and happy. The Thais are laid-back and happy. Icelanders find joy in their binge drinking, Moldovans only misery. Maybe an Indian mind can digest these contradictions, but mine can't.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1158601
#71. Joseph Campbell, who when asked what spiritual practice he followed said, "I underline books." Me too.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1164555
#72. Philosophy is like wine. There are good years and bad years but, in general, the older the better.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1174296
#73. Here is more to life than just pleasure. We want to achieve our happiness and not just experience it.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1184896
#74. Later, someone explained that in Moldova the relationship between host and guest is reversed. It is the guest's obligation to make the host feel at ease. Reverse hospitality. One of the many peculiar customs in this country.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1257330
#75. Everyone has their own idea of happiness.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1280156
#76. Why do we lose our temper? Because we love perfection. Create a little room for imperfection in your life.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1313839
#77. All around me I hear the pleasant chortle of Dutch. It sounds vaguely familiar, though I can't imagine why. Then it dawns on me. Dutch sounds exactly like English spoken backward! ...
I wonder if I recorded someone speaking Dutch and played that backward, it would sound like regular English!

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1316901
#78. Another pitfall: Utilitarianism is interested only in making the majority of people happy. It is concerned with the happiness of the many, not the misery of the few, which is fine if you are lucky enough to be among the happy many, but not so fine if you find yourself among the miserable few.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1340306
#79. Perhaps it's true you can't go back in time, but you can return to the scene of a love, of a crime, of happiness, and of a fateful decision; the places are what remain, are what you can possess, are what is immortal.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1359780
#80. Yes, failure is part of the mix, he says, but it is a means, not an end. If you fail repeatedly, and in the same manner, you're an idiot, not a genius.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1393082
#81. The expectation of a reward or evaluation, even a positive evaluation, squelched creativity.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1427593
#82. Compromise is a skill, and like all skills it atrophies from lack of use.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1436460
#83. I've always believed that happiness is just around the corner. The trick is fining the right corner.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1453356
#84. I would love to think there is a direct relationship between coffee and genius, but they've done studies, and if anything, caffeine probably makes you a little less creative.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1473296
#85. messiness stimulates creative thought.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1473890
#86. Believing in everything looks a lot like believing in nothing.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1482999
#87. It's not what we believe that makes us happy but the act of believing. In anything.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1504791
#88. Socrates pioneered conversation as a means of intellectual exploration, of questioning assumptions, ones so deeply ingrained we dont even know we have them.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1505354
#89. Part of positive psychology is about being positive, but sometimes laughter and clowns are not appropriate. Some people don't want to be happy, and that's okay. They want meaningful lives, and those are not always the same as happy lives.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1517792
#90. [Happiness is] a ghost, it's a shadow. You can't really chase it. It's a by-product, a very pleasant side effect to a life lived well.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1540444
#91. Our happiness is completely and utterly intertwined with other people: family and friends and neighbors and the woman you hardly notice who cleans your office. Happiness is not a noun or verb. It's a conjunction. Connective tissue.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1606224
#92. We are shaped not only by our current geography but by our ancestral one as well. Americans, for instance, retain a frontier spirit even though the only frontier that remains is that vast open space between the SUV and strip mall. We are our past.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1685493
#93. the Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Krishna tells Arjun that his actions, not his beliefs, will set him free. Or, as Guru-ji put it, "When you're in the bathtub, you need to move a little to feel the warmth.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1775144
#94. Tell me, Comrade, what is capitalism?" "The exploitation of man by man." "And what is communism?" "The reverse." Okay,

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1787097
#95. We are more willing to offend someone with whom we have weak ties, and a willingness to offend is an important part of creativity. Strong ties make us feel good, make us feel that we belong, but they also constrict our worldview.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1790869
#96. My favorite theory is one I call the Get-Along-or-Die Theory. In warm places, this theory states, life is too easy; your next meal simply falls from a coconut tree. Cooperation with others is optional. In colder places, though, cooperation is mandatory.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1793674
#97. Happiness is a choice. Not an easy choice, not always a desirable one, but a choice nonetheless.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1830866
#98. thambos, "that reverential terror and awe aroused by the proximity of any supernatural force or being which one discerns,

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1832987
#99. In the former Soviet republics, there are three staples of life: vodka, chocolate, and corruption. I know someone who once survived in Uzbekistan for two weeks solely on these three items.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1840884
#100. he believes it is, overall, a wiser approach to life's problems. After all, how can you pick up something new - a new career, a new relationship, a new outlook on life - without first letting go of the old? It's like trying to pick up a bag of groceries when your hands are already full.

Eric Weiner

Eric Weiner Quotes #1860704

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