Top 88 Pillows With Sayings

#1. The rugs that I picked out and the pillows with the little owls, sort of like whimsical throw pillows - I feel like you can never enough whimsical throw pillows in your house, in your life. My husband probably disagrees.

Busy Philipps

Pillows With Sayings #1875180
#2. Japanese moe relationships socially dysfunctional men develop deep attachments to body pillows with women painted on them.

James Franco

Pillows With Sayings #1347337
#3. Throb
You cut me
into pieces and
put them in separate corners
of the room
each part
placed under pillows
or into water
I grow from this darkness
like starfish
my fingers know the shape to take again

Kathleen Norris

Pillows With Sayings #997248
#4. Stephanie, you jumped off a building." "Yes, but the branches broke my fall. Every one of them." "And how were the branches?" "A lot unlike pillows." "You could have been killed." "But I wasn't.

Derek Landy

Pillows With Sayings #670399
#5. There were twin double beds, each covered with bright-gold spreads that had been tucked under the pillows and then pulled over them, so the pillows looked like the corpses of infants.

Stephen King

Pillows With Sayings #988312
#6. absence
looks like a lake bed flooded with sky
sounds like cotton howling
tastes like tear-stained pillows
smells like churning bile and burnt hair
feels like screaming agony, my heart dying and dying

Beth Morey

Pillows With Sayings #941489
#7. Where will they all sleep and dine? How do philosophers party? What should we print on the pillows and promotional cups?

Thorsten J. Pattberg

Pillows With Sayings #935599
#8. Homework is not an option. My bed is sending out serious nap rays. I can't help myself. The fluffy pillows and warm comforter are more powerful than I am. I have no choice but to snuggle under the covers.

Laurie Halse Anderson

Pillows With Sayings #931702
#9. There's very little about being in a functional-M.R.I. scanner that is natural: you are flat on your back, absolutely still, with your head immobilized by pillows and straps. The scanner makes a dreadful din, which headphones barely muffle.

Robin Marantz Henig

Pillows With Sayings #895075
#10. I want to bury my head in books like in pillows and breathe in stories like air.

Ksenia Anske

Pillows With Sayings #868242
#11. Christ." Evander fell back against the pillows, giving in with a smirk. "What the fuck have I unleashed?"

"The man that you wanted me to be."

Blue eyes burnt on his face as he glanced up at his lover. "The man I always knew you were," he was corrected.

Jae T. Jaggart

Pillows With Sayings #867528
#12. I build an entire fort out of pillows. I need at least four pillows. I need on each side, I need one normal usage pillow for the back of my head, and I need another pillow just in case.

Charlie Worsham

Pillows With Sayings #860443
#13. It is easy to decide on what is wrong to wear to a party, such as deep-sea diving equipment or a pair of large pillows, but deciding what is right is much trickier.

Lemony Snicket

Pillows With Sayings #828955
#14. My favorite room in the house is the living room. We have two big couches, six recliners and over 20 pillows. It's a really comfortable place to hang out with my family.

Cody Linley

Pillows With Sayings #810975
#15. On some nights I take a little laudanum and a few months ago Mrs Abernetty recommended pillows stuffed with camel hair. She was absolutely right.

Anthony Horowitz

Pillows With Sayings #809324
#16. How often do we listen and act to the call of honesty, serenity, humility and generosity?
How many "soft pillows" do we use for a life time?
If only everyone uses a "soft pillow," then what a better world it could be to have many genuine hearts.

Angelica Hopes

Pillows With Sayings #807578
#17. My pillows are dreaming, not me.With my eyes closed I only try to feel how they dream.

Munia Khan

Pillows With Sayings #794702
#18. Dude, pillows don't break. Try something that breaks.

John Green

Pillows With Sayings #773541
#19. Rhea shot up from her pillow, arms extended in front of her, and screamed. Pillows and stuffed animals launched off her bed as if they feared for their lives. In a matter of seconds it was over.

C.L. McCourt

Pillows With Sayings #756620
#20. Edith Ethel with the sweetest possible smile would beg the pillows off a whole hospital ward full of dying ... . She

Ford Madox Ford

Pillows With Sayings #746345
#21. They're still warm, and I burrow into my pillows, catching the faint scent of rosewater. Truly, my bed is the greatest place in the world.

Rae Carson

Pillows With Sayings #695989
#22. A woman without breasts is like a bed without pillows.

Anatole France

Pillows With Sayings #694848
#23. I came home to find him propped up on a stack of pillows, sipping blood through a crazy straw (because it amused Zeb) and wearing Star Wars pajamas (because it amused Dick).

Molly Harper

Pillows With Sayings #673696
#24. What does good in bed mean to me? When I'm sick and I stay home from school propped up with lots of pillows watching TV and my mom brings me soup - that's good in bed.

Brooke Shields

Pillows With Sayings #1842317
#25. If we want to fight people in the world, we should fight them with pillows - pillows stuffed with food, medicine, music ... That would be so much cheaper than bombs.

Alice Walker

Pillows With Sayings #1242764
#26. love
wounds me
with soft pillows
with tender lips
and fingers

Sanober Khan

Pillows With Sayings #1797122
#27. The females of this planet, raised with pillows and primping and perfumes, had no recourse when the lowlife scumbags, suddenly free of all the rules and restrictions of society, started doing things like forming 'tribes,' 'claiming' women and taking 'slaves.

Sara King

Pillows With Sayings #1567439
#28. Cursed Mammon be, when he with treasures To restless action spurs our fate! Cursed when for soft, indulgent leisures, He lays for us the pillows straight.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Pillows With Sayings #1494838
#29. I said, I don't want to paint things like Picasso's women and Matisse's odalisques lying on couches with pillows. I don't want to paint people. I want to paint something I have never seen before. I don't want to make what I'm looking at. I want the fragments.

Ellsworth Kelly

Pillows With Sayings #1448824
#30. I hope we left you with something to put under your pillows.

Dexter Gordon

Pillows With Sayings #1441131
#31. Is it a mausoleum, and I, the Egyptiab, mummified with pillows and my own flesh, through some oversight enbalmed alive? There must be some mistake.

Margaret Laurence

Pillows With Sayings #1403875
#32. I always like my trailer or hotel room to have fresh flowers or pillows I find at a local flea market - anything to personalize the environment.

Chloe Sevigny

Pillows With Sayings #1294261
#33. We old folks have to find our cushions and pillows in our tankards. Strong beer is the milk of the old.

Martin Luther

Pillows With Sayings #1280381
#34. V settled back against the pillows and measured the hard line of her chin.
"Take off your coat."
"Excuse me?"
"Take it off."
"I want it off."
"Then I suggest you hold your breath. Won't affect me in the slightest, but at least the suffocation will help pass the time for you.

J.R. Ward

Pillows With Sayings #1268242
#35. Ahh! Lady Pillows. So much fluffier than mine." He took a giant whiff. "Why does everything girlie smell so delightful?" "Because we acknowledge the importance of basic hygiene. And periodically clean our bathrooms." "Brilliant. I should write that down. After all, it takes a village.

Kathy Reichs

Pillows With Sayings #1260292
#36. Think about kissing boys all the time. Me and all my friends. We even practice making out with our pillows.

Susan Wiggs

Pillows With Sayings #1097233
#37. You can't stay in bed forever."
"Why not? It's warm. And comfy. And it's got all these great pillows.

Tammy Blackwell

Pillows With Sayings #1159854
#38. A knight can fight. As you well know, I fight about as well as a pillow."
"That's an insult to pillows. At least they can take a beating.

Eli Brown

Pillows With Sayings #1151283
#39. I am tearing the feathers out of the pillows,
waiting, waiting for Daddy to come home
and stuff me so full of our infected child
that I turn invisible, but married,
at last.

Anne Sexton

Pillows With Sayings #1136641
#40. A brick could create a clear winner in a fight if instead of fighting pillows against blankets, you fought bricks against blankets.

Amy Summers

Pillows With Sayings #1128090
#41. There are as many pillows of illusion as flakes in a snow-storm. We wake from one dream into another dream.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Pillows With Sayings #1121351
#42. Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stone.


Pillows With Sayings #1114854
#43. (The coconut tree was a machine: a solar-powered, self-building factory that required no maintenance and cost no money - a clean-running, noiseless manufacturer of useful things. In went soil, air, and water; out came food, drink, fuel, building materials, rope, medicine, and, yes, pillows.)

Peter Rudiak-Gould

Pillows With Sayings #1114737
#44. I lay back against the pillows and stared up at the ceiling. I hated myself. I thought, I am just a destructive force in the world. Look at all the bodies I leave behind me. *

Augusten Burroughs

Pillows With Sayings #1111704
#45. At meetings you have to explain what you've accomplished, so naturally you fluff up your work a bit, like pillows on a couch.

Douglas Coupland

Pillows With Sayings #1101693
#46. Satan called - he's changed the sheets, fluffed the pillows and laid out the complimentary chocolate. Hell is ready for John Edwards.

Christopher Titus

Pillows With Sayings #125105
#47. I don't need to have three feather pillows in my trailer. I just don't work that way.

Dominic Monaghan

Pillows With Sayings #259302
#48. With a remainder of that brotherly compassion which is never totally absent from the heart of a drinker, Phoebus rolled Jehan with his foot onto one of those poor man's pillows which Providence provides on all the street corners of Paris and which the rich disdainfully refer to as heaps of garbage.

Victor Hugo

Pillows With Sayings #253878
#49. So much is yet to come. Soon will be blankets and pillows, and books by the bed to make the stuff of dreams. And then tomorrows.

Jim McCann

Pillows With Sayings #212604
#50. I stood there watching Phoebe arrange the pillows and the sheets. She isn't thinking that I ... I mean, she doesn't think that she and I would ... WHAT?

James Patterson

Pillows With Sayings #209286
#51. Star, pillows don't attack dogs," Sam said.
"Or anything else," Turtle added.

Jennifer Priester

Pillows With Sayings #181719
#52. Words are like pillows: if put correctly they ease pain.

James Hillman

Pillows With Sayings #176115
#53. For the rest of the night, all I could think about was how many heads had lain on those pillows before my own.

Sara Gruen

Pillows With Sayings #164693
#54. Step one, accept she was a damn boss. Step two, hide all the knives, guns, and maybe the pillows, too.

J.J. McAvoy

Pillows With Sayings #154355
#55. So the idea of being able to shop cross-category to buy the beach bag, the summer lip gloss, and the pillows for your pool house makes it into very focused, easy life.

Aerin Lauder

Pillows With Sayings #146544
#56. When you are alone and too tired even to turn on any of your devices, you let yourself linger in a past stacked among your pillows.

Claudia Rankine

Pillows With Sayings #136938
#57. I love being outdoors and think a tan is very sexy. I'll lie out on white towels strewn with pillows. I don't like to hide under hats. If anyone knows about spending lots of the time on the beach, with kids and dogs in tow, it's me.

Pamela Anderson

Pillows With Sayings #261119
#58. I'm going to find whoever is responsible for me sleeping out side with outside without pillows and kick them in the shins!-Enna

Shannon Hale

Pillows With Sayings #87864
#59. The convent of the sacred order of the Blessed Ladies of the Lobster had once been a dank and dark medieval castle but was now, after a lick of paint and a few throw pillows, a dank and dark convent.

Jasper Fforde

Pillows With Sayings #83592
#60. One of my keys to success is a lot of pillows. I feel like a lot of pillows is important to relax each piece of your body.

DJ Khaled

Pillows With Sayings #81302
#61. Back home, he sleeps in Clarence's bed. Then he moves across and arranges the pillows beside the ghost of his wife. All three of them lie down together. The pulse of Louis Armstrong sounds out from the record player, the notes moving tenderly through his torment.

Colum McCann

Pillows With Sayings #71217
#62. Cole stood in a living room of chicken hell. Wallpaper with chickens on it. Chicken clock. Chicken pillows. Framed plates with chickens on it.

Alessandra Torre

Pillows With Sayings #68902
#63. He leaned closer and his lips found hers, pressing her into the soft pillows. She gasped and dug her fingers into his shirt, afraid he would pull away before she could memorize this moment. But he didn't pull away, and Cress gradually dared to kiss him back.

Marissa Meyer

Pillows With Sayings #51279
#64. I grab the pillows off the bed and chuck them at the reflection in the mirror of the girl I no longer know. I watch as the girl in the mirror stares back at me, sobbing pathetically. The weakness in her tears infuriates me.

Colleen Hoover

Pillows With Sayings #26961
#65. I sleep on my stomach with my head under a bunch of pillows so if someone wants to come in and try to kill me they can't tell if I'm there or not, so they'll just leave.

Wiz Khalifa

Pillows With Sayings #19770
#66. Life Lesson 3: You can't rush grief. It has its own timetable. All you can do is make sure there are lots of soft places around
beds, pillows, arms, laps.

Patti Davis

Pillows With Sayings #6684
#67. Daniel stretched his arm around her and guided her head toward his shoulder. Little - known fact about angels: We make excellent pillows.

Lauren Kate

Pillows With Sayings #3876
#68. he cannot sleep on Helen's side, which is where he has secretly arranged three of her embroidered pillows, and sleeps facing them, one arm around the middle pillow, the other curled under his head, his hand resting on his brow as if for protection.

Amy Bloom

Pillows With Sayings #548477
#69. She was tired hugging pillows, counting on blankets for warmth, and reliving romantic moments only in her dreams. She was tired of hoping that everyday would hurry so she could get on to the next. Hoping that it would be a better day, an easier day. But it never was.

Cecilia Ahern

Pillows With Sayings #647563
#70. It is weird to see how people sometimes doesn't value and ignore the love and effort of the people who love them and try to stay. They push them away only to realise everything they did after they leave and make their memories as pillows to sleep over and cry upon it later.

Akshay Vasu

Pillows With Sayings #633806
#71. I knew that alpaca wool, with its cashmere-soft weave, had been transformed into cuddly knick-knacks ranging from pillows to teddy bears. But through selective breeding over the past 6,000 years, alpacas have so diverged from their llama cousins as to become quite different animals.

David Roberts

Pillows With Sayings #620855
#72. I read The Bell Jar, and then I read her memoir and her diaries, and a third book, an outside opinion. Just the way she made the pillows so neat on the oven door. It just seems to be the opposite of, if you're going to take your life, in a horrible rage it happens.

Paul Westerberg

Pillows With Sayings #620790
#73. Lying on a pile of pillows and smaller cushions, slurping her coffee and playing with her cigarette smoke, she felt briefly that her thoughts were growing more subtle and expansive.

Edward St. Aubyn

Pillows With Sayings #616232
#74. I reached this one, said my friend, by sitting upon five pillows and consuming an ounce of shag. I think, Watson, that if we drive to Baker-street we shall just be in time for breakfast.

Arthur Conan Doyle

Pillows With Sayings #606183
#75. For a while we lived in a tent we'd pitched inside his parents' house and we slept on pillows.

Shelley Duvall

Pillows With Sayings #604920
#76. ...and we have compiled what we so delicately refer to as... THE TRUTH. (Because of the danger, we considered changing our names. But we didn't. Still, we sleep with swords under our pillows.)

Brodi Ashton

Pillows With Sayings #595764
#77. The government cannot put a chocolate on every one of their pillows and tuck them in at night.

John Mica

Pillows With Sayings #574051
#78. He smells like night-blooming flowers
Crushed, juicy petals on the pillows
His voice is full of ocean
Humming like the surf
He kneels before me like I am his goddess
He is a god

Francesca Lia Block

Pillows With Sayings #574046
#79. Appreciate the people around you. Don't replump their pillows until they return safely in the evening.

Sara Baume

Pillows With Sayings #657708
#80. I sleep best when my head is resting on your delicate pillows of love.

Helena Hunting

Pillows With Sayings #508023
#81. When our bed is made, it's covered in 40 pillows-like we're stockpiling ammo for the global pillow fight.

Jim Gaffigan

Pillows With Sayings #493346
#82. Softness was for kittens, pillows and pretty cashmere sweaters. Sex needed to be hard, hot and oh-so-rough around the edges.

Lauren Blakely

Pillows With Sayings #471816
#83. My arm clutched one of my other pillows to my chest like a child with a teddy bear, a soul pressing its missing lover to her bosom.

Alyse M. Gardner

Pillows With Sayings #468603
#84. My home has a split personality. Some of the rooms are very French antique. Think Aubusson rugs, turquoise ceramic jugs, sandbag pillows, and broken birdcages. The other half is very Aztec. Neon ikat fabric pillows, vintage books piled up to the ceiling, and shutters from Bali.

Poppy Delevingne

Pillows With Sayings #439318
#85. My first memory is of the brightness of light ... light all around. I was sitting among pillows on a quilt on the ground ... very large white pillows ...

Georgia O'Keeffe

Pillows With Sayings #421909
#86. Sawyer watched Rex from the hospital bed. The man was fucking fluttering. Fluffing pillows. Pouring water. Talking to doctors and nurses. Checking on Sawyer without actually talking to him. When

S.E. Jakes

Pillows With Sayings #409600
#87. kisses will blossom on the pillows,
and sheets will rise over bodies
entangled like vines
nocturnal and perfumed.

Miguel Hernandez

Pillows With Sayings #371381
#88. My mom told me I could have sheets, towels, and a few pillows, but I wanted leopard drapes, carpeting, and a comforter, too. I think maybe my obsession had something to do with my grandmother - she told me the best print to buy is leopard because it always stays in style.

Kim Kardashian

Pillows With Sayings #363338

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