Top 48 Owe Me Money Quotes
#1. You owe me money."
"No, I'm pretty sure I won that square."
"You stole it."
"You were drinking maybe a little," Robert suggested.
"You were stealing maybe a little," Abraham said.
"Wasn't I just?" Robert grinned.
Devon Monk
#2. I'm looking into my past lives. I'm convinced some of them still owe me money.
Graham Parke
#4. You owe me."
"What do I owe you? All the things I gave you. How I took care of you. Money, information ... pleasure. I denied you nothing. If I could give it to you, I did."
"You gave me things that cost you nothing. It certainly didn't seem to be a hardship to fuck me.
Caroline Hanson
#5. When I get asked the question, "Do I want to loan you money?" I want to know, how much do you earn? How much do you owe? What is your net worth? When people talk about countries for some reason they only ask how much did you earn and what's your debt?
George Friedman
#6. I'm not going to take any special interest money or any PAC money ... when I get to Washington I want to be the voice for the people of Connecticut and not owe special favors.
Linda McMahon
#7. I'm not broke. Like everybody else, I owe money.
Marlee Matlin
#8. To me it seemed that the teaching of God's Word was unmistakably clear: 'Owe no man anything.' To borrow money implied to my mind a contradiction of Scripture
a confession that God had withheld some good thing, and determination to get for ourselves what He had not given.
James Hudson Taylor
#9. I think money is pretty straightforward. Get some money in; pay off what you owe, the rest is yours.
#10. America is the brokest country in history. We owe more money than anyone has ever owed anyone. And Obama and Reid say relax, that's no reason not to spend more - because the world hasn't yet concluded we have no intention of paying it back. When they do, the dollar will collapse.
Mark Steyn
#11. Apart from its ill-fated name and frightening body, everything about the crab as a creature is creepy. It only moves sideways. To the right and then jerking to the left. It always looks like it's trying to avoid an awkward situation. "Uh-oh. I owe that guy money," as he sidesteps away.
Jim Gaffigan
#12. I owe everything to golf. Where else could a guy with an IQ like mine make this much money?
Hubert Green
#13. We are never quits with those who oblige us," was Dantes' reply; "for when we do not owe them money, we owe them gratitude.
Alexandre Dumas
#14. As you have to pay more interest and amortization on what you owe, you're left with less and less money to buy goods and services - unless you borrow even more and go further into debt.
Michael Hudson
#15. The less money you owe, the less income you'll need and the less you'll have to save for tomorrow.
Suze Orman
#16. Parents do not owe their progeny an inheritance no matter how much money they have. One of the surest ways to produce loafers and freeloaders is to let children know that their future is assured.
Ann Landers
#17. If time is money and you wasted my time, then give me back my money!
Ljupka Cvetanova
#18. With Twitter, you just want to make people laugh in their meeting; on stage, people have paid for their tickets with their hard-earned money, so I owe them the truth as I experience it.
Rob Delaney
#19. Jimmy put in a word and told them that if I made it, I wouldn't be able to live with myself without paying them back. That I'd sooner die than owe anyone money for helping me.
Apparently Jimmy knew more about me at that point than I knew about myself.
Craig Ferguson
#20. You have to understand that you are not making the film for yourself; you're making it for the audience. If I am asking my audiences to buy tickets, I owe them the worth of their money, and I owe them entertainment.
Abhishek Bachchan
#21. Money was invented
so we could know exactly how much we owe.
Cullen Hightower
#22. God's everywhere, but I gotta go down (to church) to see him? Really? And he's mad at me down there, and I owe you money?
Bill Burr
#23. I'm a proud person. I'm not vain. I look at it like it is. If you've got the money and you're going to be out there, you owe it to people not to look like a dog if you can help it.
Dolly Parton
#24. If there is anyone to whom I owe money, I'm prepared to forget it if they are.
Errol Flynn
#25. We owe every student in every neighborhood in New Jersey an equal opportunity to succeed. We know that more money, alone, is not the answer. We need to redefine success, and how we pursue that success, by the outcomes obtained by students.
Thomas Kean Jr.
#26. A guy who makes a new chair doesn't owe money to everyone who ever built a chair.
Mark Zuckerberg
#27. England and America owe their liberty to commerce, which created a new species of power to undermine the feudal system. But let them beware of the consequences: the tyranny of wealth is still more galling and debasing than that of rank.
Mary Wollstonecraft
#28. When you owe money to people, you're always going to owe money to people, so you should take care of it as soon as possible. It doesn't go away just because you ignore it.
Sophia Amoruso
#29. The amount of money you owe doesn't matter; as long as you use it for good
Sandra Chami Kassis
#30. We have one of the highest interest rates in the world, and we owe more money per capita than any other country. All we need is a nail hole in the bottom of the boat and we're sunk.
Pauline Hanson
#31. Depressing realization sets in. Writing was invented not by human beings but by accountants. Most of the early writing systems are records of how much crap people own, how much money they have, how much money they owe, and other lowering/boastful facts of human life.
Philip Hensher
#33. No, I don't want your money. The world moves less by money than by what you owe people and what they owe you. I don't like to owe anybody anything, so I keep to myself as much on the lending side as I can.
Haruki Murakami
#34. Owe money at Easter and Lent will seem short to thee.
James Howell
#35. Credit default swap gives you something to do. You can buy some credit default swaps from them to protect yourself against the bankruptcy of people who owe you money.
Robert F. Engle
#36. The people who are taking these loans because it's the only way they can afford their house are exposing themselves to a lot of risk. They're not saving money and they're not building equity, which means they could find themselves in a scenario where they owe more money than their house is worth.
Ric Edelman
#37. There's an unwritten compact between you and the reader. If someone enters a bookstore and sets down hard earned money (energy) for your book, you owe that person some entertainment and as much more as you can give.
Frank Herbert
#38. You can call me 10 times a day to pay this bill but, I do not owe your company any money.
Jon Jones
#39. The government says they have loaned over One Billion dollars to the Farmers. In other words, we can't help you make any money, but we will show you where you can owe some more.
Will Rogers
#40. Families out there know that if they get in trouble and they've spent up a bunch of money and they've borrowed and they are up to hock to their necks, the thing they've got to do is start paying off what they owe and cut back their spending.
Mike Huckabee
#41. It's never good to owe money to a guy with a cellar full of military hardware. Especially not when he rides with an outlaw biker gang.
Craig Schaefer
#43. Who owns the assets of our Nation? Increasingly, foreign interests own our assets, and we owe them money. No wonder people think our country is headed in the wrong direction. It is.
Marcy Kaptur
#44. If we think we have ours and don't owe any time or money or effort to help those left behind, then we are a part of the problem rather than the solution to the fraying social fabric that threatens all Americans.
Marian Wright Edelman
#45. I haven't had a big-ass feature, somebody put me on a label, cash money didn't come scoop me up. I've literally put myself into millionaire position. All the stuff I've done and I'm doing has nothing to do with nobody. I don't owe anybody anything. No wife, no kids - I don't owe nobody nothin'.
Riff Raff
#46. To give money to a sufferer is only a come-off. It is only a postponement of the real payment, a bribe paid for silence, a creditsystem in which a paper promise to pay answers for the time instead of liquidation. We owe to man higher succors than food and fire. We owe to man.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
#47. Bump in my hoopty hoopty hoop. I own that. And I aint payin my rent this month. I owe that.
Nicki Minaj
#48. China is now expected to surpass Japan as the 2nd richest country in the world. They could become the richest, but that's only if we pay them the money we owe them, and that's not going to happen.
Jay Leno
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