Top 100 Mitt Romney Quotes

#1. I think when you marry up like I did and Mitt Romney did, your wife says a lot about who you are and I think she humanizes him and brings a different vision of who Mitt Romney is.

Sean Duffy

Mitt Romney Quotes #1451159
#2. If you're not sure about whether to support Mitt Romney, whether you're liberal, or whether you're very conservative, you ought to be excited, because he's been on your side at one time or another. So I'm not completely misunderstood. I'm not as excited as I am desperate.

Louie Gohmert

Mitt Romney Quotes #959796
#3. We don't have to guess what Mitt Romney would have done if he were president. Because he told us. He said we should let foreclosures - and I quote - 'hit the bottom' so the market could - I quote - 'run its course.'

Kamala Harris

Mitt Romney Quotes #959883
#4. If Mitt Romney defeats President Obama in his bid for reelection on Tuesday, it will mark the success of one of the most deeply cynical political campaigns in American history. It is hard to beat an incumbent no matter the economic climate.

Juan Williams

Mitt Romney Quotes #970415
#5. Mitt Romney has a fund-raiser. He's going to get in the ring and fight Evander Holyfield. This is the dumbest thing Republicans have done since they wrote that open letter to Iran.

David Letterman

Mitt Romney Quotes #971935
#6. To distract from the president's disappointing record, Team Obama has decided to base their entire campaign on attacking the private sector and Mitt Romney's career as a successful businessman.

Reince Priebus

Mitt Romney Quotes #978365
#7. Last month Mitt Romney raised $76 million. He found it in an old sport-coat pocket.

David Letterman

Mitt Romney Quotes #980681
#8. We have a country to turn around. This week you will nominate the most experienced executive to seek the presidency in 60 years in Mitt Romney. He has no illusions about what makes America great, and he doesn't confuse the presidency with celebrity, or loftiness with leadership.

Artur Davis

Mitt Romney Quotes #988988
#9. If you're asking me, would I have voted for Mitt Romney, the answer is absolutely not. Emphatically not. I cannot envision a world in which I would have voted for Mitt Romney unless I sustained a massive concussion.

John Oliver

Mitt Romney Quotes #989600
#10. When it comes to letting people marry whomever they love, Mitt Romney says, 'No.'

Julian Castro

Mitt Romney Quotes #1004641
#11. I always liked Mitt Romney. He looks like the salesman who follows you around at Brooks Brothers.

David Letterman

Mitt Romney Quotes #1022400
#12. As his partner on this amazing journey, I can tell you Mitt Romney was not handed success. He built it.

Ann Romney

Mitt Romney Quotes #1030332
#13. He changed his position on virtually everything. I'm a moderate Republican, that's what I am, so I'd be inclined to support someone like Mitt Romney. But all those changes give me pause.

Rudy Giuliani

Mitt Romney Quotes #1030577
#14. My greatest concern is that Mitt Romney seldom addresses the social issues publicly ... I'm referring to the sanctity of human life, the traditional definition of marriage, and religious liberty.

James Dobson

Mitt Romney Quotes #1032102
#15. The nominee is Mitt Romney. Paul Ryan joins Mitt Romney. The budget plan, the approach on Medicare and all of that is going to be the Romney plan. What he has is a man as his number two who understands the details of budgets, who has demonstrated a willingness to take on tough issues.

John Sununu

Mitt Romney Quotes #1034848
#16. Today Mitt Romney is 68 years old. It's kind of sad, a 68-year-old guy with no job, no future - wait a minute, that's me.

David Letterman

Mitt Romney Quotes #1056028
#17. When I hear Governor Mitt Romney in his speech talk about how the Republican Party must stand for legitimate conservative values. They don't.

Rush Limbaugh

Mitt Romney Quotes #1059667
#18. After four years of getting the run-around, America needs a turnaround, and the man for the job is Governor Mitt Romney.

Paul Ryan

Mitt Romney Quotes #1078737
#19. Mitt Romney looks like an American President in a Canadian movie.

David Letterman

Mitt Romney Quotes #1111400
#20. If Mitt Romney is vanilla, Chris Christie is three hefty scoops of Rocky Road topped with whipped cream, Red Bull, and gravel.

Ron Fournier

Mitt Romney Quotes #1123661
#21. Mitt Romney has a proven job creation record as governor and in the private sector.

Gordon Smith

Mitt Romney Quotes #1124328
#22. You can say that I endorse Mitt Romney, but that's not just because I'm a white man. We all have things which we're for and ideas which we support.

Pete Sessions

Mitt Romney Quotes #1135087
#23. During his runs for the GOP presidential nomination, Mitt Romney has done a good job of mimicking Reagan's anti-government diatribes and 'better days ahead' rhetoric.

Jackson Katz

Mitt Romney Quotes #1137893
#24. At the end of the day, Mitt Romney and Ann Romney are two fine people.

Lindsey Graham

Mitt Romney Quotes #1142697
#25. According to a new poll, nearly six out of 10 Republicans want Mitt Romney to run for president. So do 10 out of 10 Democrats.

Conan O'Brien

Mitt Romney Quotes #1150022
#26. Well I'm sure now that the press is going to tell you (Mitt Romney) isn't perfect. Now my friends for the past four years, we've tried the one that the press thought was perfect and that hasn't worked out all that well for us.

Mike Huckabee

Mitt Romney Quotes #1150601
#27. To those like Mitt Romney who want to take us backwards, let's send a strong message in November: as we say in Brooklyn, 'Fuhgeddaboutit.'

Chuck Schumer

Mitt Romney Quotes #1151211
#28. Remember, many Republicans didn't vote for Mitt Romney. He didn't inspire people.

Donald Trump

Mitt Romney Quotes #1153579
#29. Mitt Romney, you can criticize him for a lot of things, and that's fair, but he knows how the economy works.

Mario Diaz-Balart

Mitt Romney Quotes #1154830
#30. I think Mitt Romney is a good man.

Ted Cruz

Mitt Romney Quotes #1155658
#31. I learned that the problems that we have are not solved by blaming somebody else, and that our hope is not in who governs us as a nation. It's not in Mitt Romney or Barack Obama or Ron Paul. Our hope is in the power of God and his gospel working in the hearts of people.

Kirk Cameron

Mitt Romney Quotes #1166918
#32. Mitt Romney speaking to a $50,000-a-plate Republican fundraiser says he doesn't have to worry about the 47 per cent of Americans who don't pay tax. He was not counting on the smart phone recording his speech and then posting it on YouTube.

Malcolm Turnbull

Mitt Romney Quotes #1190402
#33. If Mitt Romney was Santa Claus, he would fire the reindeer and outsource the elves.

Ted Strickland

Mitt Romney Quotes #1195187
#34. Mitt Romney saying that Barack Obama gets an F is one of the most ridiculous things that he has said in this race.

Stephanie Cutter

Mitt Romney Quotes #1195349
#35. Mitt Romney is saying his comments about liking to fire people were taken out of context. Yeah, what he actually said was he likes to set poor people on fire.

Conan O'Brien

Mitt Romney Quotes #1214098
#36. I mean, I'd like to see (Mitt Romney's) house burn, one of his millions of houses burning down. It would be kind of cool - the Mormon fire patrol.

Joy Behar

Mitt Romney Quotes #1214457
#37. Today Mitt Romney visited a firehouse here in New York City. Of course, he was disappointed when he learned that the firehouse is not where you get to fire people.

Jimmy Fallon

Mitt Romney Quotes #1222604
#38. I thought it was very unfair. I thought what happened to Mitt Romney was very unfair in the third debate. So, I'd want to be. I'd want to have somebody that I think could be fair.

Donald Trump

Mitt Romney Quotes #1241242
#39. The question is what will Mitt Romney do as president if his policy is simply to be hands off and let the government be made so small it can be drowned in a bathtub. In the 21st century global economy, no state alone has the ability to compete against China.

Jennifer Granholm

Mitt Romney Quotes #1254863
#40. Mitt Romney comes from a family of builders.

John Boehner

Mitt Romney Quotes #1265378
#41. Mitt Romney was a guest on 'The Tonight Show' on NBC. It's interesting - you have an empty suit trying to please everyone, and then Romney comes out.

David Letterman

Mitt Romney Quotes #1269396
#42. As we go from Abraham Lincoln to Theodore Roosevelt to Mitt Romney, I now understand why the Republicans don't believe in evolution.

Andy Borowitz

Mitt Romney Quotes #1270719
#43. Barack Obama seems intent on enrolling more people on food stamps. Mitt Romney's focus is going to be on generating more jobs that will make food-stamps unnecessary for them.

Mike Huckabee

Mitt Romney Quotes #1274543
#44. Mitt Romney's energy policy is a relic of the 19th century. We need a 21st century plan. The fate of the planet is at stake.

Bernie Sanders

Mitt Romney Quotes #1276611
#45. The American people probably aren't going to fall in love with Mitt Romney.

John Boehner

Mitt Romney Quotes #1284375
#46. All it takes is Harry Reid saying a friend told him [Mitt] Romney hadn't paid his taxes in ten years and it's over. But these kinds of things aren't gonna work on [Donald] Trump.

Rush Limbaugh

Mitt Romney Quotes #1296941
#47. A worker voting for Mitt Romney is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders,

Richard Trumka

Mitt Romney Quotes #1302690
#48. Hookers in Times Square, God bless 'em, are offering a Mitt Romney Special. For an extra $20 they'll change positions.

David Letterman

Mitt Romney Quotes #1328177
#49. Republicans always try to paint Democrats as weak on defense. This time, they can't. After all, Mitt Romney's idea of an overseas accomplishment is sending U.S. jobs there.

Chuck Schumer

Mitt Romney Quotes #1329655
#50. Unlike Mitt Romney, President Obama is standing up for Planned Parenthood.

Bev Perdue

Mitt Romney Quotes #1339158
#51. I dont know of one group of people thats more disliked than politicians
it may be the folks who gave us the Wall Street bailout. And thats where Mitt Romney comes from.

Rick Santorum

Mitt Romney Quotes #1341733
#52. I personally - if I were designing the tax code - would have a tax code in which Mitt Romney paid more than 13 percent, given what I know about the kind of investments he made money from.

Bill Kristol

Mitt Romney Quotes #1348033
#53. Newt Gingrich was campaigning at a zoo this week and he was bitten by a penguin. Newt Gingrich is always campaigning at zoos. Mitt Romney once did a photo op at a zoo. That was a big mistake, because he stood next to the chameleon, and HE changed colors.

Bill Maher

Mitt Romney Quotes #1358247
#54. The Tea Party isolated Mitt Romney from mainstream voters, linking him to a rabid ideology that he could not shake as he desperately tried to move to the middle in the closing weeks of the campaign. Lesson: The loudest voices don't often command the votes needed to win in November.

Eliot Spitzer

Mitt Romney Quotes #1358792
#55. When Mitt Romney talked about Putin expanding his sphere of influence, Obama mocked and said, 'The Cold War has been over 20 years, nothing to be worried about' ... We keep making that mistake with Putin.

Ted Cruz

Mitt Romney Quotes #1394158
#56. The president has declared that the debate over government-controlled health care is over. That will come as news to the millions of Americans who will elect Mitt Romney so we can repeal Obamacare.

Paul Ryan

Mitt Romney Quotes #1420822
#57. With the presidential debates right around the corner, John Kerry is going to play Mitt Romney to help the President prepare for the debates. That's kind of a stretch; a rich white guy from Massachusetts playing a rich white guy from Massachusetts.

Jay Leno

Mitt Romney Quotes #1425511
#58. Just days after Mitt Romney suggested he might run for president, there's been a backlash. The backlash is led by Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, and just to hedge his bets on every issue, Mitt Romney.

Conan O'Brien

Mitt Romney Quotes #1427110
#59. The G.O.P. is desperately seeking someone who can save the party from the fate of nominating Mitt Romney. But every time a non-Mitt throws his hat in the ring, the hat explodes.

Gail Collins

Mitt Romney Quotes #1444587
#60. Why is Mitt Romney not bragging: 'I covered all these people'? Why can't the Democrats sell the idea, we're trying to make you well? Is that such a hard sale?

Bill Maher

Mitt Romney Quotes #1622355
#61. Mitt Romney and I know the difference between protecting a program, and raiding it. Ladies and gentlemen, our nation needs this debate. We want this debate. We will win this debate.

Paul Ryan

Mitt Romney Quotes #1874216
#62. Mitt Romney knows America's prosperity didn't happen because our government simply spent more. It happened because our people used their own money to open a business.

Marco Rubio

Mitt Romney Quotes #1871523
#63. It only cost Mitt Romney $76.6 million to defeat a serial adulterer and a mental patient in a sweater vest.

Andy Borowitz

Mitt Romney Quotes #1859656
#64. I think what's going to hurt the Republicans enormously is the extremist position of Mitt Romney on the immigration issue and states like New Mexico, states like Colorado, Nevada, Arizona - and I think it's going to be the margin of victory for President Obama, a very narrow victory.

Bill Richardson

Mitt Romney Quotes #1858817
#65. Mitt Romney talks a lot about all the things he's fixed. I can tell you that Massachusetts wasn't one of them. He's a fine fellow and a great salesman, but as governor he was more interested in having the job than doing it.

Deval Patrick

Mitt Romney Quotes #1852316
#66. Mitt Romney is not going to be running for president. So you know what that means. We are getting closer and closer to 'President Trump.'

David Letterman

Mitt Romney Quotes #1849219
#67. I do not yet know if I will find a Romney presidency more acceptable on foreign policy. But I do know that I must oppose the most recent statements made by Mitt Romney in which he says he, as president, could take us to war unilaterally with Iran, without any approval from Congress.

Rand Paul

Mitt Romney Quotes #1831621
#68. Facts matter. Science matters. Reason matters. Mitt Romney has shown an inability to respect any of the three. President Barack Obama not only respects them, he relies on them. He is an overwhelming and unquestioned choice to continue as president.

Eliot Spitzer

Mitt Romney Quotes #1825867
#69. With so much at stake in this election, both Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan should 'go rogue.'

Sarah Palin

Mitt Romney Quotes #1825131
#70. Mitt Romney's email was hacked! So if you start getting messages that sound like they're from a bot, he's fixed the problem.

Stephen Colbert

Mitt Romney Quotes #1816376
#71. The media cannot come separate [Donald] Trump from his supporters. Only Trump can do that. They're trying, they're gonna keep trying because they think they can. They did it with [George W.]Bush. They did it with [Mitt] Romney. They did it with [John] McCain. They did it with Bob Dole.

Rush Limbaugh

Mitt Romney Quotes #1801437
#72. I'd want to have a fair moderator. I thought that Mitt Romney was treated very unfairly in the third debate [in 2012].

Donald Trump

Mitt Romney Quotes #1800694
#73. If Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan get elected to the White House, Medicare will be bankrupt by the end of their first term.

Stephanie Cutter

Mitt Romney Quotes #1786260
#74. I was a Mitt Romney Republican because he was pro-business.

John Catsimatidis

Mitt Romney Quotes #1747518
#75. Why did Mitt Romney strap his dog to the roof of his car? Could it be because his station wagon was full of wives?

Bill Maher

Mitt Romney Quotes #1744222
#76. Mitt Romney comes from a Mormon background. I don't know how many wives he has. I'm not saying that I believe in that, I'm just saying he was born on a Mormon compound. I'm not a 'Wifer' but for some reason he's never shown his original marriage certificate.

Bill Maher

Mitt Romney Quotes #1742979
#77. The Republican Party has moved so far to the right, you can't recognize Mitt Romney. What Mitt Romney will appear in October? Mitt Romney has changed positions more often than a pornographic movie queen,

Arlen Specter

Mitt Romney Quotes #1735701
#78. Mitt Romney says he believes in America and that he will restore American exceptionalism. I have news for him, we already have an exceptional American as president and we believe in Barack Obama.

John F. Kerry

Mitt Romney Quotes #1732670
#79. They're saying now that Rick Santorum is gaining momentum because he's not Romney. And Mitt Romney was furious. He replied, 'Well, I can do that.

David Letterman

Mitt Romney Quotes #1690446
#80. Mitt Romney and his family have a big two-day weekend plan. They're going to hike to the top of his money.

David Letterman

Mitt Romney Quotes #1689036
#81. My dream part would be to play Mitt Romney's sarcastic black maid. We could call it 'Mammy & Me.'

Natasha Leggero

Mitt Romney Quotes #1680524
#82. Well, let me tell you, after three years of Obama, we are hopeless and changeless, and we need Mitt Romney to bring us back, to bring America back.

Chris Christie

Mitt Romney Quotes #1671916
#83. Things are not getting better. They are getting worse. We need to elect Mitt Romney to turn things around.

Rob Portman

Mitt Romney Quotes #1671439
#84. I have a problem with Mitt Romney. And it's big problem - one that extends beyond our ideological differences. My big concern is that Mitt Romney wants to become president for no other reason than because there's a possibility he can win.

Jennifer Granholm

Mitt Romney Quotes #1667573
#85. Both Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich supported the Wall Street bailout.

Michele Bachmann

Mitt Romney Quotes #1651033
#86. President Obama and Mitt Romney both gave commencement speeches over the last few days. Obama was like, 'You can be whatever you want to be,' while Romney was like, 'I can be whatever you want me to be.'

Jimmy Fallon

Mitt Romney Quotes #1649900
#87. When it comes to America's economy, the truth is that Mitt Romney believes that the key to our country's economic future lies in the failed policies of the past, the same ones that put banks before people, Wall Street before Main Street, plunging us into recession and devastating the middle class.

Charlie Gonzalez

Mitt Romney Quotes #1642560
#88. A storybook marriage? No, not at all. What Mitt Romney and I have is a real marriage.

Ann Romney

Mitt Romney Quotes #1634706
#89. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan understand that government does not create jobs. Entrepreneurs do.

Ted Cruz

Mitt Romney Quotes #1634633
#90. Billions have been spent for one purpose and one purpose only: to obscure and distract from the fact that Mitt Romney is backing the identical agenda George W. Bush did.

Adam McKay

Mitt Romney Quotes #1500309
#91. Mitt Romney is quite a guy. At one point he and his wife bought a zoo and fired all the animals.

David Letterman

Mitt Romney Quotes #1533974
#92. Rick Santorum beat Mitt Romney in three states on Tuesday. Got a huge amount of fundraising. That's the good news for Rick Santorum. The bad news: people are now Googling 'Santorum.'

Bill Maher

Mitt Romney Quotes #1529824
#93. Mitt Romney is coming under fire because even though he is a multimillionaire, he only paid 15 percent in taxes. That's not a tax, that's barely a tip.

Jay Leno

Mitt Romney Quotes #1522218
#94. Women in America ... cannot trust Mitt Romney to protect our health.

Nancy Keenan

Mitt Romney Quotes #1512744
#95. Mitt Romney said that he liked to fire people. Well, there's a pretty good message to send to Middle America. When Rick Perry heard that, he said, 'Well that's nothing. I like to execute people.'

David Letterman

Mitt Romney Quotes #1506878
#96. In the end, that's what it comes down to with Mitt Romney. He's running as the non-Barack Obama.

Howie Carr

Mitt Romney Quotes #1505187
#97. Over the weekend Mitt Romney went body surfing. He has not body surfed since the '90s when he starred on 'Baywatch.'

David Letterman

Mitt Romney Quotes #1503864
#98. I predict, that if they can't stop [Donald] Trump in the primary process, they will make an effort to stop him at the convention. I mean, Governor [Mitt] Romney has pretty much telegraphed this.

Rush Limbaugh

Mitt Romney Quotes #1473784
#99. Anybody who thinks factory jobs were good jobs needs to go visit somebody on a line," she said. "Most people wouldn't survive in a factory. Mitt Romney would die in a week.

George Packer

Mitt Romney Quotes #1485293
#100. Something tells me that Mitt Romney's sex face is the same as his regular face.

Dana Gould

Mitt Romney Quotes #1486769

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