Top 100 Mask Face Quotes

#1. The mask-face was very close to the face of Pennywise, the clown in the movie. The

Stephen King

Mask Face Quotes #1432592
#2. Faith pulls the black mask from the face of trouble, and discovers the angel beneath.

Charles Spurgeon

Mask Face Quotes #2418
#3. I knew that good like bad becomes a routine, that the temporary tends to endure, that what is external permeates to the inside, and that the mask, given time, comes to be the face itself.

Marguerite Yourcenar

Mask Face Quotes #25226
#4. That's what violence was: emotion leaking out from consciousness into the physical world, linking up with the muscles of the arms and shoulders and diaphragm and, inevitably, the face. Stifle emotion during an act of violence and the face becomes a blank, unreadable mask.

Ryu Murakami

Mask Face Quotes #57366
#5. Keeping her wild-honey-and-chamomile-soaked hair from falling into her oatmeal-and-yogurt face mask

Emma McLaughlin

Mask Face Quotes #60595
#6. Tarkin had long nursed suspicions about who Vader was beneath the black face mask and helmet, as well as how he had come to be, but he knew better than to give open voice to his thoughts.

James Luceno

Mask Face Quotes #79851
#7. To break one's mask in the presence of someone you reject is an act of permanent separation. To say that you are finished with them in your life, so much so that you do not worry about them seeing your true face. You'll never see them again, so your secrets are nothing in their hands.

Sara Raasch

Mask Face Quotes #100758
#8. Women need to turn their attention from saving their spouse, their mothers, their this, their that, their kids, to putting that financial oxygen mask on their face first. When they're solid, they can pick up the whole world.

Suze Orman

Mask Face Quotes #105358
#9. The mask in which you choose to disguise yourself uncovers who you subconsciously are or want to be. Masks reveal in the eyes the face that lies hidden as if the mask is a dark glass mirroring your soul.

Chloe Thurlow

Mask Face Quotes #111602
#10. Abigail stared suspiciously at Lesley. "Why are you wearing a mask?" she asked.
"Because my face fell off," said Lesley.
Abigail considered this for a moment and then nodded. "Okay," she said.

Ben Aaronovitch

Mask Face Quotes #115633
#11. he pretty much slipped his ass over my face like a Halloween mask. I had never been so happy in my life.

Inman,John. Ben and Shiloh (The Belladonna Arms Book 4) (Kindle Location 1941). Dreamspinner Press. Kindle Edition.

John Inman

Mask Face Quotes #117195
#12. What! Would you make no distinction between hypocrisy and devotion? Would you give them the same names, and respect the mask as you do the face? Would you equate artifice and sincerity? Confound appearance with truth? Regard the phantom as the very person? Value counterfeit as cash?


Mask Face Quotes #139801
#13. A beautiful face can mask great evil...

Francine Rivers

Mask Face Quotes #143102
#14. Feet, wearing a black rubber gas mask that obscured his face. His chest was bare, covered in dried blood. All he wore was stained white underwear, and combat boots, their laces untied.

Jack Kilborn

Mask Face Quotes #168490
#15. What term do you employ when you speak of your progenitor?"
I answered with the term I'd always wanted to employ.
"To his face?" she asked.
"I never see his face."
"He wears a mask?"
"In a way, yes. Of stone. Of absolute stone.

Erich Segal

Mask Face Quotes #174107
#16. The face of sin today often wears the mask of tolerance. Do not be deceived; behind that facade is heartache, unhappiness and pain.. YOU be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow.

Thomas S. Monson

Mask Face Quotes #179253
#17. Celebrity is a mask that eats into the face.

John Updike

Mask Face Quotes #181974
#18. When I was younger, I actually had a ghost face mask, and I stood in my sister's room in the corner for, like, half an hour until she saw in the reflection, me behind her, and she freaked out and started slapping me.

Rory Culkin

Mask Face Quotes #185800
#19. Readers tend to like a character who is at least superficially like themselves. But they quickly lose interest unless this particular character is somehow out of the ordinary. The character may wear the mask of the common man, but underneath his true face must always be the face of the hero.

Orson Scott Card

Mask Face Quotes #223272
#20. I have such freedom when I'm living through a mask, and by contrast, can feel very exposed when a camera is capturing my real face. Kind of like the difference between walking out your front door in a sweater and jeans or in a Speedo.

Doug Jones

Mask Face Quotes #229998
#21. Not what hatches out is the face to the world.

Amit Abraham

Mask Face Quotes #231175
#22. The smug mask of virtue triumphant could be almost as horrible as the face of wickedness revealed.

Terry Pratchett

Mask Face Quotes #281853
#23. I would treat her like an egg, the shell of which we remove before eating it; I would take off her mask and then kiss her pretty face.


Mask Face Quotes #288868
#24. My safe, safe psychosis is broken.
It was hard.
It was made of stone.
It covered my face like a mask.
But it has cracked.

Anne Sexton

Mask Face Quotes #293595
#25. Everything's always changing, Charlie. We become who we are. The mask melts into the face.

Garth Risk Hallberg

Mask Face Quotes #303957
#26. And the day came out... the mask was removed... and who was behind it?
No Face... a person who can't express himself.

Deyth Banger

Mask Face Quotes #311676
#27. We were using ether and oxygen as anaesthetic and she was particularly adept at holding her breath while the mask was on her face then returning suddenly to violent life when we thought she was asleep. We were both sweating when she finally went under.

James Herriot

Mask Face Quotes #332118
#28. I know he sees it, because for the briefest moment he drops his expressionless mask and the look in his eyes shows me he feels the same way. A mirror of every part of myself I can't bear to face.

Sara Raasch

Mask Face Quotes #335028
#29. The face of totalitarianism turned out to be a mask - obviously - but the face of Capitalism has no face at all.

Paul Kane

Mask Face Quotes #335563
#30. In Ronan's hand, the mask was as thin as a sheet of paper, still warm from Adam's gasped breaths. Orphan Girl buried her face in his side, her body shaking with sobs. Her tiny voice was muffled: "Tollerere me a hic, tollerere me a hic ... "
Take me away from here, take me away from here.

Maggie Stiefvater

Mask Face Quotes #338742
#31. I actually have a little routine I do before every shoot. I put a face mask on before bed and make sure I go to sleep early. Then, I get up early and make myself breakfast and get in a workout.

Erin Heatherton

Mask Face Quotes #347915
#32. He wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it.

George Orwell

Mask Face Quotes #352400
#33. A person never knows their own true face. Everybody thinks that the phoney, posed social mask they wear is their real face.

Shusaku Endo

Mask Face Quotes #374487
#34. It was like letting go and falling back into water and seeing yourself grinning up through the water, your face like a mask, and seeing the bubbles coming up as if you were trying to speak from under the water. And how do you know what it's like to try to speak from under water when you're drowned?

Jean Rhys

Mask Face Quotes #374803
#35. Acting is not acting. It isn't putting on a face and dancing around in a mask. It's believing that you are that character and playing him as if it were a normal day in the life of that character.

Haley Joel Osment

Mask Face Quotes #376117
#36. Why does truth carry such a dreadful face? Why does subjugation carry such a happy mask? It becomes sad when people understand that they can lead a better life as long as they bow their heads, ignoring the truth.

Lionel Suggs

Mask Face Quotes #386070
#37. Rhysand's face became a mask of calm fury as he stared and stared at me. "I remember you," he purred. "It seems like you ignored my warning to stay out of trouble.

Sarah J. Maas

Mask Face Quotes #397440
#38. The mirror does not flatter, it faithfully shows whatever looks into it; namely, the face we never show to the world because we cover it with the persona, the mask of the actor.

C. G. Jung

Mask Face Quotes #430340
#39. The Liberal State is a mask behind which there is no face; it is a scaffolding behind which there is no building.

Benito Mussolini

Mask Face Quotes #442574
#40. We're wearing masks, all of us, all of the time. We're presenting a face, a version of ourselves, to the world, to each other. We show a different face depending on who we're with and what they expect of us. Even when we're alone it's just another mask, the version of ourselves we'd prefer to be.

S.J. Watson

Mask Face Quotes #494252
#41. Remove them." Stuck in masks - for nearly fifty years. I would have gone mad, would have peeled my skin off my face. "You didn't have a mask as a beast - and neither did your friend." "The blight is cruel like that." Either live as a beast, or live with the mask. "What - what sort of sickness is it?

Sarah J. Maas

Mask Face Quotes #503531
#42. I liked to use my face mask more than the diving helmet for most occasions. I was learning to hold my breath longer now and could go down almost as deep without the helmet which limited my movements ...

Eugenie Clark

Mask Face Quotes #508868
#43. I've learned to wear my face as a mask, and generally I can write what I choose on it.

Mark Lawrence

Mask Face Quotes #541048
#44. I studied the shape of my friend's hands, and how he clasped them. I could smell his skin and hair in the cold air of the church, and stood aching, my face a devout mask stretched over a rotten soul. On

Maria McCann

Mask Face Quotes #546601
#45. There stood Dan alone, with a ninja mask pulled over his face. Fifteen hissing bottle rockets were pointed right them.
"Screaming bottle of death-jutsu!" Dan yelled.

Clifford Riley

Mask Face Quotes #552969
#46. I want my son to wear a helmet 24 hours a day. If it was socially acceptable I'd be the first one to have my kid in a full helmet and like a cage across his face mask.

Will Arnett

Mask Face Quotes #559806
#47. He loves me without having to say it. He cherishes me without having to prove it. When he touches me I know what he's thinking, how he truly feels beneath that mask he wears in the face of others. I'm the only soul he's ever let into his life completely. And the only one he'll never let go.

J.A. Redmerski

Mask Face Quotes #563437
#48. You're used to having a camera in your face when you're playing a character - it's like having a mask on. But when you have to be you, you're so worried you'll make an idiot of yourself. Acting is a kind of escapism.

Sheridan Smith

Mask Face Quotes #567061
#49. I saw a stony mask come upon her lined face as she slew the weak houswife she had been and gave birth to the warrior that is buried inside every woman's heart,one who is unleased when her children's lives are at stake.

Kamran Pasha

Mask Face Quotes #572702
#50. He looks down at them and arranges his face. Erasmus says that you must do this each morning before you leave your house: put on a mask, as it were.

Hilary Mantel

Mask Face Quotes #581326
#51. If you wear a mask for too long, there will come a time when you cannot remove it without removing your face.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Mask Face Quotes #581854
#52. If I'm not working and getting my makeup done, that's my chance to do a hair mask and a face mask and my plucking and waxing and all of that.

Rita Ora

Mask Face Quotes #582544
#53. I like the masks; because the real face of the mask is again itself!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Mask Face Quotes #592148
#54. her smile was always to me like the shining out of an angel's face from behind a mask where brave struggles with heavy sorrows had left deep imprints of mortality.

Megan Marshall

Mask Face Quotes #608801
#55. His face, illuminated by the lights, is blank, like someone vacuumed away all his personality, leaving only a mask

Gayle Forman

Mask Face Quotes #609448
#56. That men saw his mask, but the bishop saw his face. That men saw his life, but the bishop saw his conscience.

Victor Hugo

Mask Face Quotes #610918
#57. Every individual's face is no more and no less than a mask.

L.E. Modesitt Jr.

Mask Face Quotes #620584
#58. The black mask, with its slittled forehead and thick, snoutlike breathing apparatus, covered the face of the man he knew as Kylo Ren. Once, he had known the face behind the mask. Once, he has known the man himself. Now, to Lor San Tekka, only the mask was left. Metal instead of a man.

Alan Dean Foster

Mask Face Quotes #621183
#59. A rogue does not laugh in the same way that an honest man does; a hypocrite does not shed the tears of a man of good faith. All falsehood is a mask; and however well made the mask may be, with a little attention we may always succeed in distinguishing it from the true face.

Alexandre Dumas

Mask Face Quotes #621478
#60. A private face behind every public mask, a hidden meaning peeking through whatever words they choose to share with you.

Simon R. Green

Mask Face Quotes #622634
#61. Tell me, when you are alone with him [ Max Beerbohm ] Sphinx, does he take off his face and reveal his mask?

Oscar Wilde

Mask Face Quotes #633071
#62. My face is a mask. I hide my thoughts. My words are calculated to please, charm, or undermine. I can sound smarter or dumber, depending on what you expect to hear. My actions further my self- interest.

Lisa Scottoline

Mask Face Quotes #656375
#63. Who was Amanda Knox? Was she a fresh-faced honor student from Seattle who met anyone's definition of an all-American girl - attractive, athletic, smart, hard-working, adventuresome, in love with languages and travel? Or was her pretty face a mask, a duplicitous cover for a depraved soul?

Tina Brown

Mask Face Quotes #658939
#64. The Manuka honey face mask is another favorite of mine that I actually do. I know there are these people that recommend crazy masks, and I'm like, 'There is no way you're putting that on your face!' But I do put Manuka honey on my face. I take a teaspoon and warm it up.

Michelle Phan

Mask Face Quotes #696362
#65. The demonic face stared up at him. It had horns, a Snidely Whiplash mustache and a nasty grin.

Pamela K. Kinney

Mask Face Quotes #697481
#66. You reach a moment in life when, among the people you have known, the dead outnumber the living. And the mind refuses to accept more faces, more expressions: on every new face you encounter, it prints the old forms, for each one it finds the most suitable mask.

Italo Calvino

Mask Face Quotes #714190
#67. The problem was the mask... couldn't be taken off... so much time has been on my face...

Deyth Banger

Mask Face Quotes #717498
#68. A good pump is a silhouette, like the bone structure of the face. It's like a beautiful face with no make-up. You can cover a not-so-beautiful face with make-up, but it is just a mask - it is the same with shoes.

Christian Louboutin

Mask Face Quotes #727751
#69. Blake climbed in her passenger seat and pushed his mask up to reveal his face - even with the sun out! Livia kissed him and kissed him and kissed him. When she started her car, she was sure her cheeks would crack from smiling so much.

Debra Anastasia

Mask Face Quotes #736670
#70. I try to imagine keeping something like that a secret for my whole life. It would be like always wearing a mask over your face, which everyone believed was the real you. You would be the only person who knew it wasn't
and who knew that you could never take it off.

Liz Kessler

Mask Face Quotes #749150
#71. I say what other people only think, and when all the rest of the world is in a conspiracy to accept the mask for the true face, mine is the rash hand that tears off the plump pasteboard, and shows the bare bones beneath.

Wilkie Collins

Mask Face Quotes #753621
#72. Style is the physiognomy of the mind. It is more infallible than that of the body. To imitate the style of another is said to be wearing a mask. However beautiful it may be, it is through its lifelessness insipid and intolerable, so that even the most ugly living face is more engaging.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Mask Face Quotes #755774
#73. Get out." Marcus' eyes went freezing cold, his face as hard mask, the cleaned but unstitched slash making him look far more dangerous. "I don't want to deal with this carp right now."
"I've never gotten in, so how the hell can I get out?

Joey W. Hill

Mask Face Quotes #768860
#74. Without wearing any mask we are conscious of, we have a special face for each friend

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Mask Face Quotes #773349
#75. Because when you wear a mask long enough, it gets really hard to take it off. The mask becomes your face.

Simon R. Green

Mask Face Quotes #773565
#76. Because the mask is your face, the face is a mask, so I'm thinking of the face as a mask because of the way I see faces is coming from an African vision of the mask which is the thing that we carry around with us, it is our presentation, it's our front, it's our face.

Faith Ringgold

Mask Face Quotes #782641
#77. The face of an innocent child is just a mask; if not properly taken care of, a beast can just be unleashed".

Abdulazeez Henry Musa

Mask Face Quotes #791227
#78. Back in the NBA's pre-mask era, ballers with busted noses or orbital bones had two unappealing options: Sit out and heal, or strap on a Michael Myers-looking opaque face shield closely related to that worn by hockey goalies.

Brendan I. Koerner

Mask Face Quotes #795129
#79. Yet birth, and lust, and illness, and death are changeless things, and when one of these harsh facts springs out upon a man at some sudden turn of the path of life, it dashes off for the moment his mask of civilization and gives a glimpse of the stranger and stronger face below.

Arthur Conan Doyle

Mask Face Quotes #795462
#80. Her face a mask of fury and determination.

Jody Hedlund

Mask Face Quotes #811852
#81. The world now has a new kind of hero, one who listens more than speaks, who preaches in riddles not in certainties, a leader who doesn't show his face, who says his mask is really a mirror. And in the Zapatistas, we have not one dream of a revolution, but a dreaming revolution.

Naomi Klein

Mask Face Quotes #814629
#82. That boy hardly needed a mask when his naked face was already impenetrable.

Lionel Shriver

Mask Face Quotes #820376
#83. Maurice," she croaked one last time, as loudly as she could. His eyes widened. "Rosalind?" he murmured. Then his face went red in a mask of rage and fury. "ROSALIND!" He

Liz Braswell

Mask Face Quotes #856132
#84. Behind every face lies a mask. Behind it lies another onion layer of mask. If you peel the skins, you may cry.

Khang Kijarro Nguyen

Mask Face Quotes #909611
#85. The Vampire Masquerade
Mask of jewels across a pale face
Disguise the evil that makes no mistakes
Drops of red blood on delicate white lace
The body lies still and only time awaits.

S.L. Ross

Mask Face Quotes #922843
#86. My mother was a trained nurse, and she'd tell me that patients would fight as they were administered anaesthetic, grappling to get the gas mask off their face.

Maeve Binchy

Mask Face Quotes #932511
#87. Not longer loved or fostered by religion, beauty is lifted from its face as a mask, and its absence exposes features on that face which threaten to become incomprehensible to man.

Hans Urs Von Balthasar

Mask Face Quotes #934538
#88. Because no retreat from the world can mask what is in your face.

Gregory Maguire

Mask Face Quotes #939157
#89. There is a face beneath this mask, but it isn't me. I'm no more that face than I am the muscles beneath it, or the bones beneath that.

Steve Moore

Mask Face Quotes #948391
#90. The only proper mask to wear in life is your own damn face.

Toni Cade Bambara

Mask Face Quotes #958310
#91. No, the true face is wretchedly simple and empty. The absolute joy in life, in friendship, in love, is learning about a person, deciphering them, taking each and every mask off to find a new one, waiting to be explored and understood.

Tarun Shanker

Mask Face Quotes #970986
#92. What's that thing when someone gets a knock on the head and suddenly can't remember anything about himself?'
Death,' said the barman, his face a mask of disapproval.

Steve Aylett

Mask Face Quotes #979819
#93. You are a soulless monster whose fright mask is incapable of capturing human expressions.

Colson Whitehead

Mask Face Quotes #983426
#94. The living room was still dark, because of the heavy growth of the shrubbery the owner had allowed to mask the windows. I put a lamp on and mooched a cigarette. I lit it. I stared down at him. I rumpled my hair which was already rumpled. I put the old tired grin on my face.

Raymond Chandler

Mask Face Quotes #993100
#95. Are we not like the actor of old times, who wore his mask so long his face took its likeness?

Letitia Elizabeth Landon

Mask Face Quotes #1014330
#96. I'm like the female version of George Clooney in 'Up in the Air.' I have to have an eye mask, and Amore Pacific has this cream face mask that's moisturizing. Moisture is so important in the stuffy, dry air on a plane.

Nina Dobrev

Mask Face Quotes #1046395
#97. The eye of danger and the face of fear are what really pull off a person's mask.

Criss Jami

Mask Face Quotes #1049433
#98. Life is but a mask worn on the face of death. And is death, then, but another mask? 'How many can say,' asks the Aztec poet, 'that there is, or is not, a truth beyond?'

Joseph Campbell

Mask Face Quotes #1052114
#99. long, pointed nose jutted forth from its cheeks, its face more leather than stone. Like a mask. Rye did not come from a home with many rules, but the ones she lived by were absolute and unbreakable. The first House Rule flashed through her mind. HOUSE

Paul Durham

Mask Face Quotes #1062647
#100. I watched his face put on that mask of bluff, goodnatured tolerance which is the mask of corruption in this particular time (for

Doris Lessing

Mask Face Quotes #1070107

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