Top 32 Face Mask On Quotes

#1. I actually have a little routine I do before every shoot. I put a face mask on before bed and make sure I go to sleep early. Then, I get up early and make myself breakfast and get in a workout.

Erin Heatherton

Face Mask On Quotes #347915
#2. I didn't have to wear a mask on Halloween to scare people, so I didn't need one to cover my face on the field!

Tommy McDonald

Face Mask On Quotes #1301732
#3. What's that thing when someone gets a knock on the head and suddenly can't remember anything about himself?'
Death,' said the barman, his face a mask of disapproval.

Steve Aylett

Face Mask On Quotes #979819
#4. The living room was still dark, because of the heavy growth of the shrubbery the owner had allowed to mask the windows. I put a lamp on and mooched a cigarette. I lit it. I stared down at him. I rumpled my hair which was already rumpled. I put the old tired grin on my face.

Raymond Chandler

Face Mask On Quotes #993100
#5. I'm like the female version of George Clooney in 'Up in the Air.' I have to have an eye mask, and Amore Pacific has this cream face mask that's moisturizing. Moisture is so important in the stuffy, dry air on a plane.

Nina Dobrev

Face Mask On Quotes #1046395
#6. Life is but a mask worn on the face of death. And is death, then, but another mask? 'How many can say,' asks the Aztec poet, 'that there is, or is not, a truth beyond?'

Joseph Campbell

Face Mask On Quotes #1052114
#7. I watched his face put on that mask of bluff, goodnatured tolerance which is the mask of corruption in this particular time (for

Doris Lessing

Face Mask On Quotes #1070107
#8. You know you're walking around with a mask on, and you desperately want to take it off and you can't because everybody else thinks it's your face.

Pat Barker

Face Mask On Quotes #1156622
#9. Like the dandelion clocks, all blown and dispersed on the wind, my life has evaporated into the emptiness of a dream; for which I blame my betrayer, that dubious stranger wearing the mask of a once-loved face.

Anna Kavan

Face Mask On Quotes #1204265
#10. Not longer loved or fostered by religion, beauty is lifted from its face as a mask, and its absence exposes features on that face which threaten to become incomprehensible to man.

Hans Urs Von Balthasar

Face Mask On Quotes #934538
#11. The smile on my face is only there to mask what I'm feeling inside.

Neal Shusterman

Face Mask On Quotes #1342285
#12. I love the fact that, one time, my face was on the back of a cereal box - probably 3-CPO's - and it was a mask where you cut out the eye holes and put a string through the side. It makes me feel like I'm 11 years old all over again.

Mark Hamill

Face Mask On Quotes #1503553
#13. If you spent your life concentrating on what everyone else thought of you, would you forget who you really were? What if the face you showed the world turned out to be a mask ... with nothing beneath it?

Jodi Picoult

Face Mask On Quotes #1544087
#14. One day you wake up and realize the world can be conquered ... I'm going to put a mask on and scrawl my name across the face of the world, build cities of gold, come back and stomp this place flat, until even the bricks are just dust. So you can just shut up. All of you. I'm going to move the world.

Austin Grossman

Face Mask On Quotes #1771543
#15. Age plays cruel tricks on the human face; all our repressed feelings become visible on the surface, where they harden like a mask.

Sue Grafton

Face Mask On Quotes #1774319
#16. Anyone who has a continuous smile on his face conceals a toughness that is almost frightening.

Greta Garbo

Face Mask On Quotes #1806456
#17. Tom's great yellow bronze mask all draped upon an iron framework. An inhibited, nerve-drawn; dropped face - as if hung on a scaffold of heavy private brooding; and thought.

Virginia Woolf

Face Mask On Quotes #1832181
#18. The Vampire Masquerade
Mask of jewels across a pale face
Disguise the evil that makes no mistakes
Drops of red blood on delicate white lace
The body lies still and only time awaits.

S.L. Ross

Face Mask On Quotes #922843
#19. Back in the NBA's pre-mask era, ballers with busted noses or orbital bones had two unappealing options: Sit out and heal, or strap on a Michael Myers-looking opaque face shield closely related to that worn by hockey goalies.

Brendan I. Koerner

Face Mask On Quotes #795129
#20. The problem was the mask... couldn't be taken off... so much time has been on my face...

Deyth Banger

Face Mask On Quotes #717498
#21. You reach a moment in life when, among the people you have known, the dead outnumber the living. And the mind refuses to accept more faces, more expressions: on every new face you encounter, it prints the old forms, for each one it finds the most suitable mask.

Italo Calvino

Face Mask On Quotes #714190
#22. The Manuka honey face mask is another favorite of mine that I actually do. I know there are these people that recommend crazy masks, and I'm like, 'There is no way you're putting that on your face!' But I do put Manuka honey on my face. I take a teaspoon and warm it up.

Michelle Phan

Face Mask On Quotes #696362
#23. My face is a mask. I hide my thoughts. My words are calculated to please, charm, or undermine. I can sound smarter or dumber, depending on what you expect to hear. My actions further my self- interest.

Lisa Scottoline

Face Mask On Quotes #656375
#24. He looks down at them and arranges his face. Erasmus says that you must do this each morning before you leave your house: put on a mask, as it were.

Hilary Mantel

Face Mask On Quotes #581326
#25. You're used to having a camera in your face when you're playing a character - it's like having a mask on. But when you have to be you, you're so worried you'll make an idiot of yourself. Acting is a kind of escapism.

Sheridan Smith

Face Mask On Quotes #567061
#26. I studied the shape of my friend's hands, and how he clasped them. I could smell his skin and hair in the cold air of the church, and stood aching, my face a devout mask stretched over a rotten soul. On

Maria McCann

Face Mask On Quotes #546601
#27. I've learned to wear my face as a mask, and generally I can write what I choose on it.

Mark Lawrence

Face Mask On Quotes #541048
#28. We're wearing masks, all of us, all of the time. We're presenting a face, a version of ourselves, to the world, to each other. We show a different face depending on who we're with and what they expect of us. Even when we're alone it's just another mask, the version of ourselves we'd prefer to be.

S.J. Watson

Face Mask On Quotes #494252
#29. Acting is not acting. It isn't putting on a face and dancing around in a mask. It's believing that you are that character and playing him as if it were a normal day in the life of that character.

Haley Joel Osment

Face Mask On Quotes #376117
#30. We were using ether and oxygen as anaesthetic and she was particularly adept at holding her breath while the mask was on her face then returning suddenly to violent life when we thought she was asleep. We were both sweating when she finally went under.

James Herriot

Face Mask On Quotes #332118
#31. Everything's always changing, Charlie. We become who we are. The mask melts into the face.

Garth Risk Hallberg

Face Mask On Quotes #303957
#32. Women need to turn their attention from saving their spouse, their mothers, their this, their that, their kids, to putting that financial oxygen mask on their face first. When they're solid, they can pick up the whole world.

Suze Orman

Face Mask On Quotes #105358

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