Top 100 It's All About Money Quotes

#1. Don't get politics mixed up in this. It's all about money and it makes no difference if the Social Democrats or the moderates appoint the ministers

Stieg Larsson

It's All About Money Quotes #277405
#2. In the NFL a lot of times everyone gets caught up in the business side of things. For them it's all about money and it really leaves a sour taste in your mouth.

Brett Favre

It's All About Money Quotes #881534
#3. It's all about money, not freedom. If you think you're free, try going somewhere without money, okay?

Bill Hicks

It's All About Money Quotes #1214773
#4. It's all about money, not freedom, y'all, okay? Nothing to do with fuckin' freedom. If you think you're free, try going somewhere without fucking money, okay?

Bill Hicks

It's All About Money Quotes #1522179
#5. It's all about money, not freedom. You think you're free? Try going somewhere without money.

Bill Hicks

It's All About Money Quotes #1568695
#6. At the end of the day, it's all about money.

Garry Kasparov

It's All About Money Quotes #1645573
#7. It's all about money. Sometimes it is merciful, sometimes it is magnificent and sometimes it is moderate

Bhavik Sarkhedi

It's All About Money Quotes #1706056
#8. For you, it's all about money, money, money. But what about the forests I say? Some of those trees have been there for hundreds of years. What right have you to destroy that?

Emily Arden

It's All About Money Quotes #196701
#9. I am a bit sickie happy. I am prone to black clouds too, but ... I am embarrassed about them. It's like: 'My diamond shoes are too tight. My money clip doesn't fit all my fifties.' I mean - really. Shut up.

Olivia Colman

It's All About Money Quotes #978486
#10. There is not a lot of money in competition dancing. There never has been; it's all about winning the trophies, really. It's not like golf.

Anton Du Beke

It's All About Money Quotes #1124933
#11. If they had won, all they'd have thought about was making more money, the upper class. Abendsen, he's wrong; there would be no social reform, no welfare public works plans - the Anglo-Saxon plutocrats wouldn't have permitted it." Juliana thought, Spoken like a devout Fascist.

Philip K. Dick

It's All About Money Quotes #979850
#12. It's not an option that you have to buy something in my line. You can hang out, take pictures, shoot video, shout out loud all crazy, whatever you want really, because it's not about money for me. I'm happy to do what I do!

Jason David Frank

It's All About Money Quotes #980038
#13. The principles of true hip-hop have been forsaken,
It's all contractual and about money makin'.

Black Thought

It's All About Money Quotes #991953
#14. Silly man, doesn't he know money is imaginary? It's paper that turns into numbers on screens, after all. It's there, then it's gone. I put it places, I take it out, I move it someplace else. Imaginary. Most things are imaginary, when you think about it.

Kiersten White

It's All About Money Quotes #1003012
#15. Sure, it's nice to win. But there's only one thing that's important to me and that's the money we're going to get, win or lose ... I don't love baseball, I like it. And to me, baseball means money, and that's all I care about.

Vida Blue

It's All About Money Quotes #1012176
#16. The education system should teach us about money; it's an incredibly big subject. I run into people all the time that don't have the first clue of what they should do about money.

Ben Stein

It's All About Money Quotes #1034383
#17. One of the reasons we all still read Jane Austen is because her books are about universal things which still matter today - love, money, family. They haven't gone out of fashion, so it's not throwing the baby out with the bathwater to rework her in a contemporary style.

Val McDermid

It's All About Money Quotes #1059671
#18. It was all about the ring. That's where you got your brains shook and the money took.

Joe Frazier

It's All About Money Quotes #1108389
#19. Fashion is more about taste than money - you have to understand your body and tailor clothes to your needs; it's all about the fit. I do the alterations myself - I'm quite a seamstress - it's the influence of my Hungarian mother.

Carmen Dell'Orefice

It's All About Money Quotes #1121884
#20. I'm all about making money. It's the greatest thing, because it means you get money to spend.

Charlie Trotter

It's All About Money Quotes #827180
#21. You know what's truly weird about any financial crisis? We made it up. Currency, money, finance, they're all social inventions. When the sun comes up in the morning it's shining on the same physical landscape, all the atoms are in place.

Bruce Sterling

It's All About Money Quotes #975707
#22. I walked all around it [the Guggenheim Bilbao] and couldn't find one clear, clean shot. To make things worse, the weather was lousy. Nothing about this rang commercial money shot. In a situation like this there's only one thing to do: forget about pleasing editors, please yourself.

Robert Polidori

It's All About Money Quotes #972127
#23. If you do get married, get a prenup. It's not about money at all. It's about having a document that states how you'll dissolve your marriage while you still have a shred of respect for each other.

Alec Baldwin

It's All About Money Quotes #957341
#24. Life is not about making money. It is about enhancing the quality of life for every single being so that they go from physical satisfaction to astral satisfaction to mental satisfaction to growing spiritual satisfaction, up and up and up, all the way. It's all spiritual.

Benjamin Creme

It's All About Money Quotes #924808
#25. What matters is that you enjoy doing something creative. And I'm more and more seeing that as the key. That success and money or any sort of accolades are really not the experience of the journey. It's all about the process of building something.

Josh Lucas

It's All About Money Quotes #912035
#26. The music is fun and all that, but first and foremost it is a business, it's about money.

Steve Brown

It's All About Money Quotes #907521
#27. See, a marriage needs love. And God. And a little money. That's all. The rest you can deal with. It's not about black or white. It's about God and don't let anyone tell you different. All this Jungle fever! Shoot! The Jungle fever goes away, honey, and then what are you gonna do?

James McBride

It's All About Money Quotes #907012
#28. To me, hip-hop's been dead for years. We all should know that. With that being said, then, the object of the game now is to make money off of exploiting it. That's what it's all about - get this money. That's basically what I'm saying.


It's All About Money Quotes #891054
#29. Alex: Rosie, I wanted you to be the first person to no that I've decided to
become a heart surgeon!
Rosie: Cool, does it pay well?
Alex: Rosie, it's not about the money.
Rosie: Where I come from, it's all about the money. Probably because I
don't have any.

Cecelia Ahern

It's All About Money Quotes #889844
#30. Who says that money don't matter?
If you are Rich all the world will know about you, if you are poor no one give a crap about what it's happening to you!
Life It's Short, enjoy this moment.

Ebelsain Villegas

It's All About Money Quotes #873742
#31. That's what you should be worrying about. Idiots with all the money, plowing it into building a thing just because they can.

Warren Ellis

It's All About Money Quotes #1731636
#32. Putting on a movie is like going to war - for me, at least. It's all about time; time is money, and we don't have it. So it's all about getting to know each other intimately quickly. You are with family members that you like or don't like, but you can't leave them because you're stuck with them.

Lee Daniels

It's All About Money Quotes #1452285
#33. I think television's become a downright dangerous thing. It has no moral barometer whatsoever. If you want to talk about something that is all about money, just watch the television.

Tom Petty

It's All About Money Quotes #1722311
#34. It's all about the money. Write a check, and you can build anything you want.

Greg Brenneman

It's All About Money Quotes #1686010
#35. This is all about knowing a market, ... and it's so thorough that even if you don't have personal experience in that market you can still go into it and find out, what are the things that people will pay money for!

Perry Marshall

It's All About Money Quotes #1683127
#36. Whatever you are passionate about, there is some skill associated with it and there's some service associated with it. Go for it, and don't worry about the money all the time.

Deepak Chopra

It's All About Money Quotes #1677803
#37. I don't want to sound like Catherine Cookson but I've worked since I was eight, with a paper round and in a fruit and veg shop. Taking a pay cut won't demotivate me, not at all. It's not about money in the first place. It's about the job.

Paul O'Grady

It's All About Money Quotes #1674625
#38. Temporary is all you're going to get with any kind of health care, except the health care I'm telling you about. That's eternal health care, and it's free ... I've opted to go with eternal health care instead of blowing money on these insurance schemes.

Phil Robertson

It's All About Money Quotes #1659096
#39. How sick I am of thinking about money all the time. It's like and hideous disease destroying
It's depressing how money is always at the beginning and end of things.

Victoria Clayton

It's All About Money Quotes #1619367
#40. It's all about bucks, kid. The rest is conversation.

Michael Douglas

It's All About Money Quotes #1610965
#41. For some reason our priorities in America are all screwed up! It's now all about making money ... instead of standing up for what's right!

Timothy Pina

It's All About Money Quotes #1554677
#42. All about the fucking money... money... money... thinking it's for the good for your generation... but so far it's neither and for that and neither and for that... It's mostly for the worst of your generation and other's generations.

Deyth Banger

It's All About Money Quotes #1552531
#43. Actually, I never liked the idea of bags. I would say, 'Why do so many of my friends spend so much money on these bloody bags?' But once I started designing them, I was completely hooked. There are all of these blogs about bags. It's a whole other industry, and I'm really excited to be a part of it.

Nicola Formichetti

It's All About Money Quotes #1543082
#44. When money comes into play then that's all it's about wanting money, who's making the most who can get the most, me, me me ... and in the end it screws up the person and the sport.

Alexis Arguello

It's All About Money Quotes #1128114
#45. Birds sing, wolves howl, crickets chirp. But why? Money? Fame? Record contracts? Endorsements? What's it all for? They do it because they're alive. They do it because life is about making things.

Danny Gregory

It's All About Money Quotes #1414747
#46. If we don't know ourselves, our essence, where our true power comes from, we will believe our power comes from collecting victories, trophies, money, or recognition. And these are all fine, but it's not ultimately what life is about. When we think it is, we really waste our greatest possibilities.

Arianna Huffington

It's All About Money Quotes #1377242
#47. I think technology has advanced so far now that there are some cameras on the market that give film a run for its money. It's all about flexibility in capturing images, and digital or film, it doesn't matter to me.

Roger Deakins

It's All About Money Quotes #1358794
#48. Forget the credit, they (male actors) take all the money as well. We don't get paid even one-third of what male actors get. It's not so much about the money, but it's about (being a) woman.

Kangana Ranaut

It's All About Money Quotes #1323585
#49. It's not about the fame and the money because if you do good work all that stuff comes.

David Cassidy

It's All About Money Quotes #1316303
#50. Have fun, that's what it's all about. People get stressed over it ... Let competition eat them up. That's not me, I just get in and have fun. That's what I'm here to do: Have fun and make some money doing it.

Conor McGregor

It's All About Money Quotes #1306568
#51. As a developer, it's a great feeling knowing you have made an impact. There's also a lot of responsibility that goes with that: you have to really put the city's needs first. It's not all about making money.

Stephen M. Ross

It's All About Money Quotes #1288527
#52. That's what PGA Tour golf is all about. It's a partnership with the community to help people to raise money for charity and to do it using golf as a platform.

Tim Finchem

It's All About Money Quotes #1263406
#53. There are people out there hiding all kinds of things. People who have all this success and all this fame and all this money, and yet there are secrets that they think if we found out about, it would be over for them. And it's a horrible way to live whether you're famous or not.

Ellen DeGeneres

It's All About Money Quotes #1156144
#54. It's not about how skinny you are or how much money or how many diamonds you have - that's the fluff that people sometimes look at as being the main thing. It's about understanding that the things that make you fabulous are all inside of you.

Kimora Lee Simmons

It's All About Money Quotes #1146562
#55. Well, we don't take money from people and then show the product. It has to be a product that we like anyway, and that's true for all five of us, which is one of the really nice things about the way we make the show.

Ted Allen

It's All About Money Quotes #204987
#56. But in a tournament, you can be said in for all your money at any point so you can't make any mistakes so you have to, it's all about where you're sitting at the table.

Al Alvarez

It's All About Money Quotes #434762
#57. I think most importantly the reason we've been on the upswing is Ring of Honor has been very smart about the speed of its growth. ROH is not a company that says ok we're going to throw all this money in and let's just go for it. ROH has the business approach of slow but steady.

Adam Cole

It's All About Money Quotes #383190
#58. What life really is all about is happiness. It's not money, or stature, or the amount of cars you have in your driveway. Life, a really successful life, is one in which you are loved and love somebody else, or some other people.

Steve Guttenberg

It's All About Money Quotes #363860
#59. It's all about the money.

Joseph Jackson

It's All About Money Quotes #340055
#60. I can pour myself into Bon Iver. It's a thing about self- and mental discovery, and those are all important things. But it's not 148-shows-over-a-year-and-a-half important, though. It's a machine, and it's money, and you just get put on this indie rock cart, and it's embarrassing.

Justin Vernon

It's All About Money Quotes #316314
#61. The thing about a real economy is that it actually is like the game of Monopoly in the sense that when one person has all the money, the game is over. And in a game of Monopoly, of course, that's quite charming, but in a real economy, it's much more problematic.

Nick Hanauer

It's All About Money Quotes #279291
#62. It's all about the fungibility and money. If Planned Parenthood accesses hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money and they use that for other purposes, then they can use other dollars to fund abortion.

Eric Cantor

It's All About Money Quotes #277679
#63. Because of the way I've made my money or the way I've conducted myself in public to get success, it doesn't make me any better a person. So I always thought money and achievement would make me a more legitimate person, where my family seems to think it's all about actions.

Jim Jefferies

It's All About Money Quotes #257348
#64. Why did I rob banks? Because I enjoyed it. I loved it. I was more alive when I was inside a bank, robbing it, than at any other time in my life. I enjoyed everything about it so much that one or two weeks later I'd be out looking for the next job. But to me the money was the chips, that's all.

Willie Sutton

It's All About Money Quotes #230470
#65. But money or no money we're all searching for the same things aren't we It doesn't matter who you are or how much money you have. Love and happiness that's what it's all about

Jill Mansell

It's All About Money Quotes #230063
#66. learn pretty damn fast that everything else is smoke and mirrors. Fame. Money. Success. You realize that life is fleeting and family's what it's all about. It's the only thing that matters.

Brenda Novak

It's All About Money Quotes #205159
#67. If it was all about me, I'd do a whole lot of pop records, make a whole lot of money, just rake in the dough. But it's never been all about me. It's all about being a voice for the voiceless. People who can't speak for themselves, who don't have a mic, don't have a say.

Ice Cube

It's All About Money Quotes #462240
#68. But in the wake of 'Bullet,' all the guys wanted to know was, 'How's it doing? How's it selling?' How to tell them I didn't give a flying fuck how it was doing in the marketplace, that what I cared about was how it was doing in the reader's heart?

Stephen King

It's All About Money Quotes #153545
#69. Hollywood used to be run by artists and people who loved artists ... people who wanted to make movies for all the right reasons. For the love. The Art. To tell stories. Yes to make money as well, but it was about both. Now I feel, it's mostly about bottom line and making money.

Matthew Lillard

It's All About Money Quotes #129602
#70. Places like New York are just too intense, too much about money, too much about ambition; it's all too superficial for me.

Carmen Kass

It's All About Money Quotes #123379
#71. There's such a cynicism about the phrase 'I laughed all the way to the bank.' It's as though money is what you're doing, rather than playing music. If you're playing a money game, why not get into banking?

Artie Shaw

It's All About Money Quotes #97531
#72. This isn't about fans, greed or money. It's about being morally right or wrong. Nobody is governing the way music gets from artists to fans. It's all running amok.

Lars Ulrich

It's All About Money Quotes #93029
#73. Everybody wants to make as much money as possible. Take care of your family. It's not about the money; it's about status. I want to be ranked amongst all the players. I don't want to just have all this money. I want to be that guy.

Lance Stephenson

It's All About Money Quotes #61790
#74. I don't care how much money you have in the world. It's not about that. It's all about time.

Tionne Watkins

It's All About Money Quotes #59687
#75. When you realise that money doesn't actually make you happy, it's a quick fix to have things you've always wanted, but then when you have it, you realise that's not what actually makes you happy. It's more about having a great marriage and happy children; that's what life's all about.

Shane Filan

It's All About Money Quotes #47824
#76. Here's the thing about movies, all movies end up on television. That's their life. Whether you like it or not, I don't care how much money you spend on it, or how big or broad the film is, or who the actors are in it, eventually it's all coming out of the box.

Greg Kinnear

It's All About Money Quotes #24784
#77. I went to visit my father to tell him that I was going to go to college and become an architect - that was my dream. I was like, yeah I graduated from school, but it's not like you showed up for that. But all he was worried about is whether or not I wanted money from him.

Jake Roberts

It's All About Money Quotes #17960
#78. The TV show I do ['Dr Quinn'] is the day job that enables me to work with this theater [Pacific Resident Theatre Ensemble]. That's all I live for. That's what I care about. There's no dough in it. Nothing to do but lose money. But it's all from the heart, and that's why it's so much fun.

Orson Bean

It's All About Money Quotes #606595
#79. The first time I had money, I was extravagant, but then you realise it's not just about that. If I lost it all tomorrow, it wouldn't be me that's hurt, it would be my babies. It would be more about people's opinion of me that would concern me.

Rebecca Ferguson

It's All About Money Quotes #774380
#80. It's always fun to do something that you know ultimately is not about the money, and it's certainly not the fame because it's a pain in the ass, but it's really the person in the seat you think about when you sit in the rooms and write, and you do all the things you have to do.

Jim Carrey

It's All About Money Quotes #769479
#81. We're actually thinking about distributing 'Moon Over Broadway' on-line. It's tempting, because when you go to a major studio, it's sort of like a farm, you know? They make all the money, since it's kind of a buyer's market.

D. A. Pennebaker

It's All About Money Quotes #756132
#82. Power. It's all about that, don't you forget. People want money or power.

Cecelia Ahern

It's All About Money Quotes #727520
#83. I just really thought about it and decided I'm not happy. I'm not happy at all. And I think it's really madness to risk your body, risk your well-being and risk your happiness for money.

John Moffitt

It's All About Money Quotes #726958
#84. When I'm looking for Zen and I'm not saying this facetiously at all - I would really rather surf, scuba dive, or fly my plane. And, when I feel tension about the grind of work, it's not getting the money to make films versus making films that constitutes the grind, it's all this stuff.

Edward Norton

It's All About Money Quotes #706295
#85. Can anyone name a president who really had the citizens in mind during the majority of his decisions in office? None of them did, and the current ones don't either. It's all about power, keeping power, and dishing out power to those who throw the most money at them.

Charlie Donlea

It's All About Money Quotes #696777
#86. 'Great Expectations' has been described as 'Dickens's harshest indictment of society.' Which it is. After all, it's about money. About not having enough money; about the fever of the getting of money; about having too much money; about the taint of money.

Felix Dennis

It's All About Money Quotes #671136
#87. Somewhere along the way, New York became all about money. Or rather, it was always about money, but it wasn't all about money, if you know what I mean. New York's not Geneva or Zurich yet, but we're certainly heading in that direction. London is, too.

Graydon Carter

It's All About Money Quotes #654185
#88. I don't care what TV show you work on, even a movie for that matter, it's all about time and money eventually.

Nicholas Lea

It's All About Money Quotes #624079
#89. I don't see where people get all this bull about the kid who's gonna be President and being a newsboy made a President out of him. It taught him how to handle his money and this bull. You know what it did? It taught him how to hate the people on his route. And the printers. And dogs.

Studs Terkel

It's All About Money Quotes #608471
#90. The thing I find confusing about money is, though everyone is trying to get it, the more I have, the worse I feel. I suppose that is why I always get rid of it as fast as I can by trading it in for fun and free living, and try to assist my girlfriends to do the same. It's not very karmic, after all.

Robert Black

It's All About Money Quotes #806972
#91. It's all about greed and money and it's the driving force in Hollywood.

Robert Redford

It's All About Money Quotes #584098
#92. It's not about how much money I'm getting paid. It's just a love of one-on-one combat. I feel I'm at home. I love the ring entrances, the talking. I'm the master of it all.

Tyson Fury

It's All About Money Quotes #568849
#93. Living fast where it's all about the money bags? Never front.

Rick Ross

It's All About Money Quotes #560128
#94. When you are starting out in your 20s, it is natural to think about all that you will have and do once you start making money, and making more money. That gives money way too much power over your life. It's not about how much you make, but the life that you make with the money you have.

Suze Orman

It's All About Money Quotes #540961
#95. I worked as a roadie in the rock and roll business which was great fun. Very little money, very little food and the whole thing about the roadie's lifestyle is great because all the groupies have to go through the roadies to get to the rock stars. It's not necessarily true.

Billy Bob Thornton

It's All About Money Quotes #534609
#96. It's the same old story, all you think about is money.

Rafael Nadal

It's All About Money Quotes #517057
#97. Ten years ago, TV cookery shows were about a man or a woman following recipes. Now, it's all about journeys and campaigns and less about the actual chopping and dicing. That's what I'd like to do with magic.

Drummond Money-Coutts

It's All About Money Quotes #489380
#98. Financial education needs to become a part of our national curriculum and scoring systems so that it's not just the rich kids that learn about money.. it's all of us.

David Bach

It's All About Money Quotes #477724
#99. Money and riches don't mean nothing to me. I don't care nothing about being no rich individual. I'm not living for glory or for fame; all this is doomed for destruction. You got it today, tomorrow it's gone. I got bigger things on my mind than that. I got Islam on my mind.

Muhammad Ali

It's All About Money Quotes #476358
#100. We have been suckered into believing that, because there are more men at the top than women at the top, that this is a result of discrimination against women. That's been the misconception. It's all about trade-offs. You earn more money, you usually sacrifice something at home.

Warren Farrell

It's All About Money Quotes #464790

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