Top 100 If She Knew Quotes
#1. Iain didn't know what to say to her. They had all asked an incredible amount from her. She was such an innocent, too. Hell, she wasn't even married, and yet they'd demanded she deliver a baby. He wasn't even certain if she knew how Isabelle had conceived the babe.
Julie Garwood
#2. If she knew anything, it was nothing at all,except what she thought she knew.
Jasmine Sandozz
#3. Would she flee if she knew the thoughts I kept in my mind? My hands went to her flat stomach. My fingers sank in the soft tan flesh around her waist. One day her belly would be full of my children and her mind would only be focused on me.
Kenya Wright
#4. Gabriel noticed with satisfaction the way Julia intentionally fingered one of her diamond earrings, as if she understood his revelations and received them gladly. As if she knew he was revealing his love for her through art. His heart swelled.
Sylvain Reynard
#5. I'm calling this place the Tardis," she said, continuing to scan the different locations. "We're not calling it the Tardis," I said. Of course, if she knew what it could really do, I'd never change her mind.
"Why the hell not?" she asked.
"Copyright infringement.
H.D. Smith
#6. A shot of dread hit Vincent in the chest. Something was wrong. He knew it. Leanne had never been late, ever. If she knew she was going to be, she would have called him. But there had been no phone call, so that meant she wasn't expecting to be late, which could
Kristopher Rufty
#7. Susan B. Anthony must be turning in her grave if she knew that millions of women who have the right to vote are not exercising it. Why? Because they haven't got the interest or the time, or they have just given up hope.
Madeleine M. Kunin
#8. She walked away from him with swift, sure strides, as if she knew her destination. As if it had nothing to do with him.
Courtney Milan
#9. A pipe? A pipe?! Your mother would turn in her grave if she knew she'd spawned a daughter who smokes a pipe! Your poor mama was a pure lady. Prim and ladylike. She smoked menthol cigarettes, now that's feminine.
Jonathan Dunne
#10. Emilio and his brothers had been a topic of more Jude-and-Zoe middle school gabfests than the Cullens, the Lightwoods, or any of the other mysterious yet fictional bad boys we dreamed about back then, and she'd freak if she knew he'd resurfaced.
Sarah Ockler
#11. It was as if he were a single whole, grasped by her first glance at him, like some irreducible absolute, like an axiom not to be explained any further, as if she knew everything about him by direct perception, and what awaited her now was only the process of identifying her knowledge.
Ayn Rand
#12. What would Kathy say if she knew I let the whole crew eat those Oreos when they never did eat their carrot sticks (which I had so firmly required as prerequisite)? All three of my kids were probably heading for disease (not enough veggies) and jail (not enough discipline).
Dean Hughes
#13. Her face looked as if she knew his worst suffering and it was hers and she wished to bear it like this, coldly, asking no words of mitigation.
Ayn Rand
#14. I wondered if she knew that everything she said made the other person feel like an idiot. I wondered if it was something she'd actually cultivated deliberately. I didn't think I could ever manage to make someone feel inferior.
Jojo Moyes
#15. -flashed Langdon the thumbs-up
sign. Langdon smiled weakly and returned the gesture, wondering if she knew it was the ancient phallic
symbol for masculine virility.
Dan Brown
#16. In some ways, Mary thought, Irma lived her whole life anxious to get things over with, as if she knew the end of her story all along, and didn't feel the middle pages worth the effort of a read.
Lori Lansens
#17. If she knew about the luggage, she was trouble. And Fallow had no sense of humour about his cock, to which none of the ointments had made the slightest difference.
Joe Abercrombie
#18. Perhaps," he said. He wondered if she knew how much hope stood behind the word.
Jonathan Renshaw
#19. I knew I had to be careful. I had to keep my distance. If she knew how much I still cared, it was all over. I wouldn't be able to walk away again. The first time was hard enough.
Jenny Han
#20. I went out into the corridor. I asked a nurse if she knew where the people with arthritis went. She said lots of them went to Ward 34 on the top floor. She said she thought that was a silly place to put people with bad bones who had such trouble walking and climbing stairs.
David Almond
#21. I always knew mum loved me - tough, look-after-yourself love, as if she knew she wouldn't always be there.
Alexandra Fuller
#22. I once knew a girl who didn't know where anywhere was in the world. Not a clue. I asked her if she knew where Africa was and she answered, 'Is it the orange one on a map?'
Matt Roper
#23. The woman had a humble, cringing manner. Of course, she had discovered that, having neither money nor virtue, she had better be humble if she knew what was good for her.
Jean Rhys
#24. Jace was yelling ... Clary leaned forward ... "My mother always told me if I rode a motorcycle with a boy, she'd kill me," ... "She wouldn't say that if she knew me," he called back to her confidently. "I'm an excellent driver.
Cassandra Clare
#25. Whoever birthed you would slay herself on the spot if she knew you had her blood!" Tedros spat. "I'm proud to be my mother's son.
Soman Chainani
#26. Isaiah pauses. "It's Beth. If she knew what her mom is mixed up in, she'd try to fix it, and then she'd end up in trouble that I couldn't fix."
This is the kind of guy Isaiah is: loyal to the end and a fixer. Even if the person he loves doesn't want to be helped.
Katie McGarry
#27. I doubt whether any girl would be satisfied with her lover's mind if she knew the whole of it.
Anthony Trollope
#28. An instant later, they were kissing. It was no light brush this time, no exploring touch. This was all tongues and teeth and wicked wetness as he kissed her like a man who had rough, sweaty, dirty sex on his mind and didn't care if she knew it.
Nalini Singh
#29. My mother, who grew up in Pennsylvania, literally washed my mouth out with soap once for saying, 'Shut up!' to my sister. She would have washed my mouth out with gasoline if she knew how foul my mouth was racially when she wasn't around.
John Piper
#30. If she knew anything, Claire thought, it was simply that though our time on earth was short, our lives were long. They seeped and spread, watery and wide, moving in unexpected directions.
Tiffany Baker
#31. The thing I loved about her was that I never felt like she was selling anything. She would talk to God as if she knew Him, as if she had talked to Him on the phone that day. She was never ashamed which is the thing with some Christians I had encountered.
Donald Miller
#32. My mother always told me if I rode a motorcycle with a boy, she'd kill me."
She couldn't hear him laugh, but she felt his body shake. "She wouldn't say that if she knew me," he called back to her confidently. "I'm an excellent driver."
-Clary & Jace, pg.289-
Cassandra Clare
#33. She had everything she wanted, but she still felt, at times, that there were other things she might want if she knew about them.
Edith Wharton
#34. She felt as if she knew the stars, and had been among them, or would be.
Mark Helprin
#35. I even went to the source of all wisdom, I went and knelt at the great Queen of Drag's feet and asked her how to find love.
She backhanded me in between verses of Whitney Houston and told me if she knew, why in fuck would she be here ?
John Goode
#36. I got my first job the old-fashioned way: I took an elevator to the top floor of many buildings and walked down floor by floor on the stairs going into every firm and asking the receptionist if she knew of any jobs available.
Alan Patricof
#38. I feel sure that no girl would go to the altar if she knew all.
Queen Victoria
#39. I'm not looking for clothes," Peter quickly explained, hoping she might like him better if she knew he hadn't come to invade her neatly folded shirts.
"That's a shame" the woman said.
Jack Lewis Baillot
#40. That cowboy had heartbreak written all over him and she'd be damned if she knew why every time he blew into town she ended up naked before he ended up gone. Reed always ended up gone.
Cindy Gerard
#41. She would be shocked if she knew how much of her past has affected my present, which
Colleen Hoover
#42. You don't want to continue to do one thing and only one thing. You want to keep challenging yourself and if you do well at it, great, if you fall on your face, you tried. Like, she's really terrible at comedy! Who knew? But if you didn't try and put yourself out there you'd never know.
Lucy Liu
#43. She'd betrayed her country because she'd believed it was the right thing to do. Yet would she have done this, if not for Arin?
He knew none of it. Had never asked for it. Kestrel had made her own choices. It was unfair to blame him.
But she wanted to.
Marie Rutkoski
#44. Perhaps in body I am not quite as real as you," he said, then looked alive, making him once again seem real, even though she knew that if she tried to touch him, she could not. "But my thoughts and emotions are as real as yours. My soul, Mia Randall, is as real as yours.
Suzannah Daniels
#45. He knew her, and she knew him. He had no idea if the images he saw came from past or future, or both, but he knew her. Their souls were bound, had always been bound, and always would be. They were two with one soul between them, perfectly joined, perfectly fitted.
Ann Marston
#46. ...A mule kicked him in the head." She paused, and then said, "I always wondered if he provoked it. Deliberately."
Radzin snorted. "Suicide by mule?"
"Everyone knew that animal had a temper."
"There would be a dozen better ways to do it.
Helene Wecker
#47. The cast called her Lucy, but everyone else called her Mrs. Ball. She was honest with people. If she liked you, you knew it. If she didn't, you knew it, also.
Keith Thibodeaux
#48. Mama said it's probably because of Suzanne, and that you are never the same after a child dies. That made me wonder what she was like before Clover died, because I don't think I really knew my own mother until I had children, and if she was different before, I don't remember.
Nancy E. Turner
#49. Yvette had never talked about her marriage - she was a smart girl, and she knew you had no right to complain about someone you got all the way to the altar with. You made that choice, even if you were a child when you did it, and the marriage vow was sacred.
Maile Meloy
#50. Zoe also knew her stepmother did not love her. Or even like her very much. In truth, Zoe was pretty sure her stepmother hated her. Sheila treated her at worst as an irritant, at best as if she were invisible.
David Walliams
#51. He knew that if Michelle entered into the walls of the Vatican, she'd corrupt every single clergyman within, causing them to forsake their vows in trade for a few moments with her. With one glance men would happily follow her to the bowels of hell and swim across the lake of fire to get to her.
Travis Luedke
#52. It's as if I died too,' she whispered to herself, 'as if I was born dead.'
Ironically, it was true. Emotionally she knew what her mind did not, beyond logic, beyond reason, as if somehow deep inside she felt what Sarah knew.
Denny Taylor
#53. She'd read once that if you ran into a bear in the woods you should avoid eye contact and you shouldn't run away, but all she knew about wolves is that you should never tell them how to find your grandmother's house.
Anne Ursu
#54. If there's to be damnation, she had said, let it be of my choosing, not theirs. He knew a little about damnation himself ... and he had an idea that the lessons, far from being done, were just beginning.
Stephen King
#55. She knew now why she had come up here. It was so that she might feel like this - as if she was upheld far away from things - as if she had left everything behind - almost as if she had fallen awake again. There was no perfume in the air, but all was still and sweet and clear.
Frances Hodgson Burnett
#56. What was funny if you were there is that we were all immensely sophisticated people who knew exactly what she was going to say and we're chatting away, nice to see you.
Anthony Holden
#57. It had occurred to Pecola some time ago that if her eyes, those eyes that held the pictures, and knew the sights - if those eyes of hers were different, that is to say, beautiful, she herself would be different.
Toni Morrison
#58. She always saw through him, as if he were just another window. She always felt that she knew everything about him that could be known. Not that he was simple, but that he was knowable, like a list of errands, like an encyclopedia.
Jonathan Safran Foer
#59. Karou saw them with her human eyes, this army she had rendered more monstrous than ever nature had, and she knew what the world would see in them if they flew to fight the Dominion: demons, nightmares, evil. The sight of the seraphim would be heralded as a miracle. But chimaera? The apocalypse.
Laini Taylor
#60. Although watching her three children toddle to her, sleep-stained from their nap, rubbing their eyes while they make their way to Mama, little hands touching her knee or arm as if she were home base, as if they knew they were safe ... it hurts me sometimes to watch.
Gillian Flynn
#61. Honestly?" Logan shrugged. "I didn't know it could kill me. If I'd ever heard that, I forgot it a long time ago. But I knew it was dangerous."
"Then why take the risk?" Stone asked.
Logan turned his head to look at me. "Because she was worth it.
Jeri Smith-Ready
#62. Esk wouldn't have known what a collective noun was if it had spat in her eye, but she knew there was a herd of goats and a coven of witches.
Terry Pratchett
#63. You can breathe, Emma," I teased. "Stop thinking of me naked and breathe." "Evan!" she hollered, yanking her foot away. I started laughing. I knew if she'd had something to throw at me, she would've.
Rebecca Donovan
#64. If there was one thing Brenda Dyerson was good at, she knew it, was cooking up the scraps destiny had laid out on its plates for her.
Tiffany Baker
#65. I dated one of the guys."
Surprised, Paul raised a brow...
"If you had been around and wearing your wet suit, I probably wouldn't have dated him."
He smiled a little at her comment. He knew for certain she wouldn't have dated the guy, wet suit or no, if Paul had been around.
Terry Spear
#66. She was nicknamed the graveyard. Any secret, any piece of confidential information, personal or otherwise, that went in never, ever came back out. You knew you were safe; you knew you would never be judged or, if you were it would be silently, so you'd never know.
Cecelia Ahern
#67. I should like balls infinitely better," she replied, "if they were carried on in a different manner."
"You should like balls infinitely better," said Darcy, "if you knew the first thing about them.
Seth Grahame-Smith
#68. Even though she felt a wave of dread. If they knew she was nervous, she'd be at their mercy. But if they thought she was ice they'd be afraid to touch her.
Alice Hoffman
#69. She knew the way of things. She knew if
you weren't always stepping lightly as a bird the whole
world came apart to crush you. Like a house of cards.
Like a bottle against stones. Like a wrist pinned hard
beneath a hand with the hot breath smell of want and
wine. . . .
Patrick Rothfuss
#70. She'd woken up with a receipt for condoms. That much she knew. But had she used them? Even if she had, a little voice in the back of her head yelled, "Glow-in-the-dark condoms from the Dollar Store, probably expired!
Samantha Bohrman
#71. Among a thousand other things, she loved Alex for his easy use of we. His willing, unconscious way of taking an oar at the galley of your problem, even if it was just to listen. Even if both of you knew he couldn't do jack shit to help, he made it about us and made you feel less alone. "I
Suanne Laqueur
#72. Katie wondered for a moment if part of the reason so many of the young women she knew who had poor self-esteem ended up that way because they had spent their lives gazing at themselves in a mirror instead of being the mirror others gazed into.
Robin Jones Gunn
#73. Neither my sisters, who were nowhere near, nor I knew depression; we knew bad mood. We didn't know drinking as disease, but as character flaw. Weakness. We didn't know "dysfunctional," but we lived it. We knew that if you were miserable, you brought it on yourself. She taught us.
Frances Mayes
#74. While in her heart Batty knew that Ginevra was a nice person, she sometimes couldn't help wondering if nice people could also be show-offs.
Jeanne Birdsall
#75. My parents were dishonest people. If it was my birthday, I knew my mother took me to the K-Mart and she stole my toy. She'd put it in the shopping cart and we'd walk out. I was raised with that.
Vincent Gallo
#76. When she was little, she'd liked to pretend that stars were really lights anchoring distant islands, as if she wasn't looking up but only out across a dark sea. She knew the truth now but still found stars comforting, especially in their sameness. A sky full of burning replicas.
Lauren Oliver
#77. My mom always used to say, 'A watch pot never boils,' and I never knew if that really was something people used to say or if she just made it up, but I understood it either way.
Jules Cassard
#78. If the parties would brand themselves the way Coke and Pepsi and other products do so that you knew what you were buying, it had quality control. I vote for the Republican. He or she will not raise my taxes. I'll buy one. I'll take that one home.
Grover Norquist
#79. My hand slid to the back of her head, and I felt her body react in a way that surprised her. I drew back only a fraction, my lips close to her ear. I whispered, "I'm not fucking scared of you." If she wanted to dive headfirst, I was going to dive right behind her. She knew that was true.
Krista Ritchie
#80. Gabriel kissed Julia as if he knew her, as if she belonged to him. His kiss was passionate and full of emotion, as if every fiber of his being had melted and spread itself on his lips only to be given to her.
Sylvain Reynard
#81. He was emotionally worn out from wondering what she really thought of him, and confused by the fact that he cared so deeply about her opinion. And she, maybe, was beginning to think that if Hiro was so convinced in his own mind that he was unworthy of her, maybe he knew something she didn't. Hiro
Neal Stephenson
#82. Mother Teresa was brilliant. She said, "I will never attend an anti-war rally. If you have a peace rally, invite me." She knew. She understood the secret. Look what she manifested in the world.
Jack Canfield
#83. India has the right, if she only knew, of becoming the predominant partner by reason of her numbers, geographical position and culture inherited for ages.
Mahatma Gandhi
#84. My mother knew if you bought a couple of really good architectural outfits and put your money into accessories, you could create a million different looks. She taught that to me, which I think was invaluable.
Iris Apfel
#85. He snatched out his hand desperately as if to snatch only a wisp of air, to save a fragment of the spot that she had made lovely for him. But it was all going by too fast now for his burred eyes and he knew that he had lost that part of it, the freshest and the best, forever.
F Scott Fitzgerald
#86. She had this uncanny sense of seeing things the way they were instead of the way you'd want them to be, of knowing me better than I knew myself. She could sniff out the truth even if it hurt.
Mike Gayle
#87. That's the one thing about here, the South, you've missed. You'd be amazed if you knew how many people are on your side, if side's the right word. You're no special case. The woods are full of people like you, but we need some more of you. She
Harper Lee
#88. Because if there was one thing Cress knew about heroes, it was that they could not resist a damsel in distress.
And she was nothing if not in distress.
Marissa Meyer
#89. Whatever it was, she knew she would not be blamed for it, she was blameless. But what use had that been to her in the past, to be blameless? So at the same time she felt guilty, and as if she was about to be punished.
Margaret Atwood
#90. She wanted his strong, capable hands on her blody and those soft lips locked with hers. She wanted to be held tight and kissed until she could forget-if only for a few precious minutes-that her life as she knew it had evaporated in a cloud of smoke and flame and violence.
Melissa Cutler
#91. She couldn't hide from everyone for the rest of her life ... Well she could. That was the direction things were going. But she knew from long-ago experience that when you were uncertain and if you were courageous enough to let her in a real friend could do a world of good.
Ann Brashares
#92. He knew today that his life was forever changed in that one moment and he was clueless as to why or how it was. Never in his life had he ever felt that quick response to anyone. Breathless and unable to look away from her, like if he did she would disappear.
P.J. Fiala
#93. After watching the house for a few days, she had concluded that the magician lived alone, but you never knew if someone had a secret lover stashed away. Or a very loud pet. That time with the peacock, for instance. Noisy birds, peacocks.
Yoon Ha Lee
#94. Everything was cold, and she chewed from habit rather than enjoyment, but she knew she would regret it later if she went to bed hungry as well as angry.
Renee Ahdieh
#95. She was fifteen and had access to the Internet; she already knew that the world is a cruel place if you're a girl. Her parents couldn't imagine that this could happen, but Maya simply hadn't expected it to happen to her.
Fredrik Backman
#96. She saw Valentine's eyes as the sword hurtled toward her; it seemed
like eons, though it could only have been a split second. She saw that he
could stop the blow if he wanted. Saw that he knew it might well strike her
if he didn't. Saw that he was going to do it anyway.
Cassandra Clare
#97. When I was in college, I was belittling the woman who later become my wife for not knowing who Boba Fett was, and she responded by asking me if I knew who the Prime Minister of Israel was. Surprisingly? Not Mon Mothma.
Brian K. Vaughan
#98. The girl stopped and looked as if she might pull back in surprise, but instead stood regarding Montag with eyes so dark and shining and alive, that he felt he had said something quite wonderful. But he knew his his mouth had only moved to say hello,
Ray Bradbury
#99. if he knew how upset I was for opening my big fat mouth. "I'm sorry about what happened in there. I shouldn't have told Mama about Joseph Theodore Page being on Ted's birth certificate, but she
Maggie Toussaint
#100. He felt as if there was something - deep in his brain, behind everything he thought and everything he was - which he did not know, but she knew, and he wished he did, and wondered whether he could ever know it, and should he, if he could, and why he wished it.
Ayn Rand
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