Top 89 Give From The Heart Quotes

#1. Only when you give from the heart does it make the giving whole.

Stephen Richards

Give From The Heart Quotes #1497358
#2. Life is an accumulation of experiences, leading us back to why
we came here in the first place. When we live it with PASSION,
each moment of every day becomes a celebration. Only then can
we give from the heart and raise the frequency of energy in the
world ... collectively Lee Pryke

Lee Pryke

Give From The Heart Quotes #1237725
#3. Give me faith, Lord, to know Your Presence as surely as I know the beating of my own heart. I've felt so far from You ...

Jan Karon

Give From The Heart Quotes #1330963
#4. I see more people all the time feeling something growing from within them to more fully realize their heart's desire, their desire to give more, to be more, to do more.

Barbara Marx Hubbard

Give From The Heart Quotes #826843
#5. When you buy just two or three tons from a grower, they see the artisan work you do with their grapes, and then they want to give you their good fruit. By keeping small I can put my heart into it.

John Bennett Ramsey

Give From The Heart Quotes #1323825
#6. The grand difficulty is to feel the reality of both worlds, so as to give each its due place in our thoughts and feelings, to keep our mind's eye and our heart's eye ever fixed on the land of promise, without looking away from the road along which we are to travel toward it.

Augustus William Hare

Give From The Heart Quotes #1299618
#7. Empathy is the most mysterious transaction that the human soul can have, and it's accessible to all of us, but we have to give ourselves the opportunity to identify, to plunge ourselves in a story where we see the world from the bottom up or through another's eyes or heart.

Sue Monk Kidd

Give From The Heart Quotes #1250691
#8. I'm from Naples. I was born in a poor neighborhood and I always, in my heart, felt like it would be amazing to be able to adopt a child from Naples. I could give someone the opportunity I had. I would love to give back in that way and pay it forward.

Giuliana Rancic

Give From The Heart Quotes #1192845
#9. I frequently hear persons exhorted to give their hearts to Christ ... But that is not the Gospel. Salvation comes from something that Christ gives you, not something that you give to Christ. The giving of your heart to Christ follows after the receiving from Christ of eternal life by faith.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Give From The Heart Quotes #1140184
#10. Kindness is a lamp that we should always kindle in our heart. The warmth of it not only make us happy from inside and give light to others. But also makes the world a little more beautiful place everytime it lights the lamps in other hearts.

Akshay Vasu

Give From The Heart Quotes #1095292
#11. I'm sure once he recovers from the muscle tone and tattoos he'll be fine.'
Good thing he didn't know about the penis piercing. That would give him a heart attack. Or the fact that I had seen the penis piercing.

Erin McCarthy

Give From The Heart Quotes #1088471
#12. The aloha spirit is real simple. You give and you give and you give ... and you give from here (the heart), until you have nothing else to give.

Rell Sunn

Give From The Heart Quotes #1077687
#13. People do not give from the top of their purses but from the bottom of their hearts. If you desire to become a more generous person do not change your income. Change your heart.

John C. Maxwell

Give From The Heart Quotes #1077408
#14. The way to happiness: Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Scatter sunshine, forget self, think of others. Try this for a week and you will be surprised.

Norman Vincent Peale

Give From The Heart Quotes #1002821
#15. My Jewel, I can't give you my whole heart. But the part of it I can give you is the part that isn't scarred and isn't broken. I'll give you the best of me and protect you from the worst for the rest of my life.

Tiffany Reisz

Give From The Heart Quotes #993954
#16. Trust your gut instinct over spreadsheets. There are too many variables in the real world that you simply can't put into a spreadsheet. Spreadsheets spit out results from your inexact assumptions and give you a false sense of security. In most cases, your heart and gut are still your best guide.

Naveen Jain

Give From The Heart Quotes #963238
#17. 19And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, 20that they may walk in my statutes and keep my rules and obey them. And they shall be my people, and I will be their God.


Give From The Heart Quotes #917365
#18. But let me offer a word of caution. If you choose to give from your heart, be careful. The most incredible feeling might just overwhelm you. And if you continue in this behavior, that feeling may become permanent.

Steve Goodier

Give From The Heart Quotes #878884
#19. Give your heart to the trade you have learnt, and draw refreshment from it.

Marcus Aurelius

Give From The Heart Quotes #878186
#20. Parkour does not have to be liked or disliked! Parkour is here and it will stay here forever! Because it was born from a pure heart and nourished from all the love that a son can give to his father!

David Belle

Give From The Heart Quotes #870864
#21. Misery is a heart that can never be content with what it has and, by always craving something more, brings about its own destruction. And desolation is a heart so fearful of losing what it hoards that it never knows the richness that comes from being able to give.

Anne Bishop

Give From The Heart Quotes #844557
#22. I give my heart in every single session I've done, and I get into the music. I love all kinds of music, and I try and really be as authentic as possible and give from my heart.

Harvey Mason Jr.

Give From The Heart Quotes #840986
#23. When you give, give from the place of the heart because it is the right thing to do, not the easy thing to do.

Suze Orman

Give From The Heart Quotes #830479
#24. When the man arises who can make you laugh, solemn Ista, angry Ista, iron Ista, then will your heart be healed. You have not prayed for this: it's a guerdon even the gods cannot give you. We are limited to such simples as redemption from your sins.

Lois McMaster Bujold

Give From The Heart Quotes #1877976
#25. The idea [of therapy] isn't to give people answers, or lead their bark of longing into a safe, dull, protected harbor, but to make people aware of the depths of possibility in their hearts and lives; help them remove the barriers that keep them from being the people they were meant to be.

John O'Donohue

Give From The Heart Quotes #1692803
#26. I have wrought my simple plan
If I give one hour of joy
To the boy who's half a man,
Or the man who's half a boy.

Arthur Conan Doyle

Give From The Heart Quotes #1847080
#27. They are boiling with the pressured energy of explosive forces confined in a small space, and with the fervor of all religious movements in their early, purist stages. It is not enough to give lip service and to believe in equal pay: there has to be a conversion, from the heart. Or so they imply.

Margaret Atwood

Give From The Heart Quotes #1844537
#28. Tell me if you want to stop." His voice was surprisingly unsteady as he stood back.
Her heart was pounding. She was glad to know she wasn't the only one so affected. "No way." Moonlight and streetlights streamed in from her two windows to give them more than enough illumination. "Now strip.

Katie Reus

Give From The Heart Quotes #1827744
#29. The way to happiness is: keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, give much. Fill your life with love. Do as you would be done by.

Gautama Buddha

Give From The Heart Quotes #1780516
#30. Many years from now when your children ask what New York City was like just after 9/11, this will be the book you give them in response. It's an exquisite novel full of heart, soul, passion and intelligence, and it's the one this great New York author was born to write.

Lee Child

Give From The Heart Quotes #1754840
#31. The giving and receiving is the tricky thing. It's not the gift. It's what the heart says in giving the gift, and from my point of view, one doesn't give or receive - that's a role we have to play. But the gift - it's God's gift. I think that it's better to be souls than roles.

Ram Dass

Give From The Heart Quotes #1751128
#32. Where's Jude?' I asked. Martin knelt to get something from his bass case, and then turned to me. His voice was strung tight, savage and bitter. 'He wanted me to give this to you.' He held up a silver case, condensation on the outside, and Jude within.

Maggie Stiefvater

Give From The Heart Quotes #1736382
#33. All gardens rain will fall. But the heart and the love it's capable of will give us shelter from even the worst storms.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Give From The Heart Quotes #1722340
#34. My heart occasionally stuttered, out of sync, out of power - almost
as if it recognised death and wanted to give in. I forced it to do the bare essentials, keeping me from a grave. I was in the coffin ready to be buried, but I wasn't a corpse just yet.

Pepper Winters

Give From The Heart Quotes #1709115
#35. Purge me from every sinful blot;
My idols all be cast aside:
Cleanse me from every evil thought,
From all the filth of self and pride.
The hatred of the carnal mind
Out of my flesh at once remove:
Give me a tender heart, resigned,
And pure, and full of faith and love.

John Wesley

Give From The Heart Quotes #1706360
#36. Though I'd proven to be a wretched, foolish woman, I knew deep in my broken heart that God was still just as good and loving as he'd been the moment he plucked a rib from Adam's side and used that bone to give me life.

Kristen Reed

Give From The Heart Quotes #1341618
#37. Everyday we see your heart and character, inspiring all of us to give more of ourselves.'You are the leader to take us from where we are to where we need to be.

Beyonce Knowles

Give From The Heart Quotes #1666673
#38. It is not what you get out of life that counts. It's what you give and what is given from the heart.

Sargent Shriver

Give From The Heart Quotes #1659176
#39. We are victims of censorship within when we do not let ourselves think the thoughts which our flesh recoils from, or let conscience speak that which the heart feels to be unacceptable, or when we give ourselves excellent reasons for not participating in this grand drama of our interconnected lives.

Ben Okri

Give From The Heart Quotes #1611839
#40. You're strong enough to protect your heart and mine, and your heart from mine. I'll give you everything I have because from the day I met you, it's belonged to you.I kiss her then I roll on top of her. And that's it. Our hearts are married.

Tarryn Fisher

Give From The Heart Quotes #1583977
#41. Perhaps one of these days she'd surprise herself and not actually do the thing that was right and proper and best for all concerned. And probably give herself heart failure from the shock.

Jo Victor

Give From The Heart Quotes #1582248
#42. Only the redeeming, all-powerful, transforming grace of God can raise our sin-besotted heart from the dead, give us eternal life, and set our gaze on Jesus, our blessed hope.

Gloria Furman

Give From The Heart Quotes #1524494
#43. Right now, and in every now-moment, you are either closing or opening. You are either stressfully waiting for something - more money, security, affection - or you are living from your deep heart, opening as the entire moment, and giving what you most deeply desire to give, without waiting.

David Deida

Give From The Heart Quotes #1414499
#44. By praying for our husbands and looking to the Lord rather than to our circumstances, we trust Him to carry both our husband and his burden. Then from the overflow of our hearts, we can give back to and encourage our men.

Shaunti Feldhahn

Give From The Heart Quotes #1406123
#45. She wanted to eat my heart and be lost in the desert with what she'd done, she wanted to fall on her knees and give birth from it, she wanted to hurt me as only a child can be hurt by its mother.

Denis Johnson

Give From The Heart Quotes #1351342
#46. How do you say what's in your heart if your heart is something you haven't known for years? How do you give yourself completely when all you've done is bury yourself in grief? How do you come back from the dar when it's all you can remember?

T.J. Klune

Give From The Heart Quotes #118878
#47. A person who asks love of others, but does not himself give it, cannot be loved. Always be the first to give love and it shall be given to you. As long as you do not give your heart first, you will be far from love.

Peter Deunov

Give From The Heart Quotes #284577
#48. Be true to yourself and follow your heart. Never bury yourself in disappointments or mistakes but learn from them and simply don't give it your energy. Focus on the positive and embrace the miracles life gives you. It's call the gift of HOPE.

Jes Fuhrmann

Give From The Heart Quotes #244713
#49. Giving is normal and anybody can give but to sacrifice during giving is the matter!

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Give From The Heart Quotes #238577
#50. You think my heart will be broken?" "I think your heart will learn. The heart can't be broken if you don't let it break. Let it, Hawthorne. People are so afraid of being broken that they don't allow themselves to learn from the pain. The heart can't be taught if you don't give it something to learn.

R.K. Ryals

Give From The Heart Quotes #183711
#51. The only cure for loneliness be givin'. When you be givin' you ain't got time to think 'bout what you don't got. But you got to give with your heart. You got to give from your heart. That's the only sure way to beat back that old demon o' loneliness.

Virginia Gaffney

Give From The Heart Quotes #175617
#52. I love you," he said fiercely. " 'Tis not true that I kept a part of my heart locked away from you. You own all of it, lass. You've always owned it. I didn't give it to you. You took it from the very start.

Maya Banks

Give From The Heart Quotes #175156
#53. Give as much you can possibly give, even if, or when, you do not receive. For the more you give, the more the heart gets 'bigger' and 'stronger'. So, never for one moment you hold back from giving, until the heart has nothing left to give again.

Ufuoma Apoki

Give From The Heart Quotes #162113
#54. How quickly bodies came to love each other, promise themselves to each other always, without asking permission. From the mind! If only she could give up her mind, let her heart swell, inflamed, her brain stepping out for whole days, whole seasons, her work shrinking to limericks.

Lorrie Moore

Give From The Heart Quotes #147895
#55. And now dear little children, who may this story read,
To idle, silly flattering words, I pray you ne'er give heed:
Unto an evil counsellor, close heart and ear and eye,
And take a lesson from this tale, of the Spider and the Fly.

Mary Howitt

Give From The Heart Quotes #136287
#56. Sometimes the greatest gift you can give someone who needs comfort is empathy from a heart that understands.

Timothy Pina

Give From The Heart Quotes #121730
#57. Read a poem at a time, or two, or all, but give them time to sink into your heart. Read them again, read a portion, and stop and ponder. Visualize. Take it slow; let the poem show you what lies in your own heart. Let it fuel the words from within.

Salil Jha

Give From The Heart Quotes #284765
#58. To be honest with you, I don't have the words to make you feel better, but I do have the arms to give you a hug, ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about, and I have a heart; a heart that's aching to see you smile again.
lines from Love Vs Destiny ...

Atul Purohit

Give From The Heart Quotes #112509
#59. You speak from your heart, young Firepaw. This will make you a stronger warrior one day." said Lionheart
Tigerclaw growled. "Or it might make him give in to kittypet weakness right at the moment of attack

Erin Hunter

Give From The Heart Quotes #102289
#60. Do not let the fame come near to you! Protect your freedom! Fame must be avoided so as to breathe freely! Stay in the shadow to work comfortably! Away from the crowds, in the heart of calmness, there is wonderful peace of mind that no fame can ever give you!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Give From The Heart Quotes #90076
#61. When grace happens, we receive not a nice compliment from God but a new heart. Give your heart to Christ, and he returns the favor.

Max Lucado

Give From The Heart Quotes #71429
#62. if somebody steals from you, you should forgive them because they might have been in need. If someone speaks behind your back, say nothing because you must be the bigger person. When you fall in love, give all your heart to your beloved and don't ever doubt.

Zahed Haftlang

Give From The Heart Quotes #69093
#63. The greatest help you can give me is to banish fear from your hearts.

Mahatma Gandhi

Give From The Heart Quotes #48195
#64. Through all the world there goes one long cry from the heart of the artist: Give me a chance to do my best.

Karen Blixen

Give From The Heart Quotes #40461
#65. Moments like these are fleeting, and we have to grab onto them while we can. From the instant I saw you, I wanted to give you my heart. But today I'll settle for giving you a flower.

Chloe Asher

Give From The Heart Quotes #27449
#66. When I give myself over to a good novel, I surrender to the truths fashioned from one writer's heart, mind and soul. I do not waste a nanosecond wondering whether what I'm reading 'really happened.'

Julia Glass

Give From The Heart Quotes #22615
#67. From eternity to eternity, the beauty of God is pervasive and practical. Ask him to open the eyes of your heart (Ephesians 1:18). Give your life to this quest - seeing and savoring more and more of the happifying beauty of God.

John Piper

Give From The Heart Quotes #12747
#68. I give myself this advice: Do not fear truth, let it be ever so contrary to inclination and feeling. Never give up the search after it; and let me take courage, and try from the bottom of my heart to do that which I believe truth dictates, if it lead me to be a Quaker or not

Elizabeth Fry

Give From The Heart Quotes #537558
#69. I know I need to face the facts, and remain strong to extricate myself from this hideous situation, but not yet. I figure I'm owed at least one day to indulge my self-pity. One day to wallow in despair. To give into the soul-crunching heart-stomping pain ripping me to shreds on the inside.

Siobhan Davis

Give From The Heart Quotes #797361
#70. Miriam - I'll give you any flowers you want!' Rhapsodising over the thousand scents of her body, I exclaimed: 'I'll grow orchids from your hands, roses from your breasts. You can have magnolias in your hair ... !'
'And in my heart?'
'In your womb I'll set a fly-trap!

J.G. Ballard

Give From The Heart Quotes #724553
#71. When you have a fresh point of view that comes from the right side of the heart, it's just so valuable. You can take it or not take it, but just that perspective can give you a lot of strength or make you reflect on a lot of things.

Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu

Give From The Heart Quotes #654189
#72. Earthly goods deceive the human heart into believing that they give it security and freedom from worry. But in truth, they are what cause anxiety.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Give From The Heart Quotes #649467
#73. Let me tell you something: Never give up. God can soften the hardest heart. If you have been praying for a loved one for twenty years, do not stop! God will save people from sin; He will deliver them from bondage to drugs or alcohol. His love can melt a heart of stone - so, again, never give up!

Surprise Sithole

Give From The Heart Quotes #638937
#74. The law, instead of cleansing the heart from sin, doth revive it, put strength into, and increase it in the soul, even as it doth discover and forbid it, for it doth not give power to subdue.

John Bunyan

Give From The Heart Quotes #627120
#75. To be here recovers from a state of soul, from a state of mind. I have the memory of the heart. I know what I received. I must have the will to give back to others.

Jacky Ickx

Give From The Heart Quotes #580601
#76. He that in the latter part of his life too strictly inquires what he has done, can very seldom receive from his own heart such an account as will give him satisfaction.

Lyndon B. Johnson

Give From The Heart Quotes #577921
#77. Do not tell everyone your story. You will only end up feeling more rejected. People cannot give you what you long for in your heart. The more you expect from people's response to your experience of abandonment, the more you will feel exposed to ridicule.

Henri J.M. Nouwen

Give From The Heart Quotes #555387
#78. Since many of you do not belong to the Catholic Church and others are non-believers, from the bottom of my heart I give this silent blessing to each and every one of you, respecting the conscience of each one of you but knowing that each one of you is a child of God.

Pope Francis

Give From The Heart Quotes #544510
#79. The heart, so small, yet, able to grow so large, sometimes always wants to take or give more than can be managed successfully. Thanks to the rational head, though, it's always there to save her from taking more than she can contain
. . . .
or so it thinks.

Ufuoma Apoki

Give From The Heart Quotes #798374
#80. people: "I will give them [a] new heart and put a new spirit within them; I will remove the stony heart from their bodies, and replace it with a natural heart,

Conrad W. Baars

Give From The Heart Quotes #509888
#81. I used to be followed by a moon shadow. Now I'm followed by all these misconceptions, and they're like a ball and chain. I just want to write music from my heart and give people a message of hope and the search for a better place.

Cat Stevens

Give From The Heart Quotes #508906
#82. The biggest challenge is to not be affected by praise because a lot of it is not from the heart. Being true to yourself about your strengths and weaknesses, when everyone out there has a strong opinion and wants to give advice, is another challenge.

Tena Desae

Give From The Heart Quotes #416089
#83. God asks that we give thanks to Him for whatever blessings we receive from Him. It is easy for us to become mechanical in our prayers of gratitude, often repeating the same words but without the intent to give our thanks as a gift of the heart to God.

Henry B. Eyring

Give From The Heart Quotes #407889
#84. Love is the most valuable gift that you can give to anyone from your heart.

Debasish Mridha

Give From The Heart Quotes #400093
#85. You have an affair to get for yourself what you wish would come from the person you love the most. And then you have broken her heart and she can never give you any of it ever again.

Ariel Levy

Give From The Heart Quotes #364023
#86. Every morning
before the birds start
trilling me their stories,
I give birth to a new love
through my same old heart
when a lake's placidity
finds life in the swans breath
Only for you...

From the poem 'Only For You

Munia Khan

Give From The Heart Quotes #356292
#87. Let us thank God heartily as often as we pray that we have His Spirit in us to teach us to pray. Thanksgiving will draw our hearts out to God and keep us engaged with Him; it will take our attention from ourselves and give the Spirit room in our hearts.

Andy Murray

Give From The Heart Quotes #341733
#88. God is an on time God.You may not see what's ahead of you, but with the patience and guidance from God, He will give you the desires of your heart.

Deborah N. Kabwang

Give From The Heart Quotes #328594
#89. Good words will not give my people good health and stop them from dying. Good words will not get my people a home where they can live in peace and take care of themselves. I am tired of talk that comes to nothing. It makes my heart sick when I remember all the good words and broken promises.

Chief Joseph

Give From The Heart Quotes #318901

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