Top 72 David Deida Quotes

#1. Each moment can become a full expression of your core desire.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #30679
#2. If knowing the truth is sufficient for you, then practice the art of philosophy. If only living the truth will suffice, then practice the art of love through your mind, your emotions, and your body.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #69149
#3. You are only punishing yourself when you want to be in a relationship with a woman more than she wants to be a in a relationship with you.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #135780
#4. Nobody will press your buttons
or reflect your asshole to you better than your woman. She will point
out your weaknesses better than a boot camp drill sergeant.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #141793
#5. The masculine in each of us struggles for greater freedom
and tries to achieve it through financial, creative, or political challenges.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #146114
#6. You are not only a man, you are a superior man: a man who does his best to live as love in the world and in his intimacy, a man whose heart remains open and whose truth remains strong ...

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #147514
#7. Masculine and feminine aspects exist in all beings.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #200522
#8. A life lived well embraces death by feeling open, from heart to all, in every moment. Wide open, you can offer without holding back, you can receive without pushing away.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #206428
#9. Only when the front of your body is relaxed and opened, your breath full and deep, and your gaze unguarded and directly connected with another person's eyes, can your fullest intelligence manifest spontaneously in the situation.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #277288
#10. Ongoing passion and growth in intimacy requires us to let go of our ideas of what we
"should" be doing and instead trust the wisdom inherent in our unguarded heart and uninhibited body.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #279914
#11. Live with your lips pressed against your fears, kissing your fears, neither pulling back nor aggressively violating them.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #288895
#12. Infinite Love is who we really are and who we refuse to be. This refusal is our most essential tension.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #316597
#13. Praise is literal food for feminine qualities. If you want your woman to grow in her radiance health, happiness, love, beauty, power and depth, praise these qualities. Praise them daily. A number of times.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #354582
#14. Everything you do right now ripples outward and affects everyone. Your posture can shine your heart or transmit anxiety. Your breath can radiate love or muddy the room in depression. Your glance can awaken joy. Your words can inspire freedom. Your every act can open hearts and minds.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #368265
#15. The feminine in each of us longs for deeper love
and tries to find it in intimate relationship, family, or friends.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #379521
#16. Thank God for such women, who make no apologies for their oceanic depth and riptides of emotion.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #385102
#17. The only way to live free, the only way to live your life as an offering of love, is to feel everything fully and live open.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #416906
#18. We must see that we are afraid of the thing we most desire,
and so we live a mediocre life,
never bringing to consummation
the primary impulse of our heart.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #504395
#19. You are that which you seek, but you have left your own deepness and are looking elsewhere. The stress of not finding it creates its own need to be released. And so the cycle continues. You are chasing your own tail, and much of the time that tail looks suspiciously like a woman.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #576162
#20. Stop waiting. Feel everything. Love achingly. Give impeccably. Let go.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #621686
#21. If you are waiting for anything in order to live and love without holding back, then you suffer.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #645709
#22. You must listen to your woman more as an oracle than as an advisor

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #661435
#23. The real practice of love goes beyond satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Wallowing in pleasure can be just as limiting as wallowing in pain if you don't open your heart beyond the satisfaction of your personal emotional needs.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #662248
#24. We're here to learn how to worship consciousness and radiance, evoke it in each other, and tolerate nothing less than our deepest love.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #670295
#25. Your heart knows the truth of openness and suffers the tense lie of your closure.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #671956
#26. Masculine anger is always because you are feeling constrained, trapped by life. Feminine anger is always because you are feeling unloved.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #696242
#27. Make your own decision, based on your deepest intuitive wisdom and knowledge. You may make the right decision or the wrong one, but whatever happens, it is your best shot, and you will strengthen your capacity for future action.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #701859
#28. We eventually learn that emotional closure is our own action. We can be responsible for it. In any moment, we can choose to open or to close.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #709843
#29. If your purpose is to liberate yourself and others into love and freedom, then you should do whatever magnifies the love and freedom in your life and in the lives of whom your actions affect.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #777832
#30. I am going to speak some reckless words, and I want you to listen recklessly.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #835574
#31. But if we are truly happy inside, then age brings with it a maturity, a depth, and a power that only magnifies our radiance.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #852535
#32. Successfully completing a lesser purpose doesn't feel good very good for very long, because it is simply preparation for advancing toward a greater embodiment of your deeper purpose.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #860024
#33. Whatever is your present experience, you can recognize the spaciousness that allows it to be. You are this spaciousness, this awareness, this love. Deeper love and more spacious awareness is the best lesson you can get from any experience.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #882780
#34. Spend at least an hour today giving your fullest gift, whatever that is for today, so that when you go to sleep at night you know you couldn't have lived your day with more courage, creativity, and giving.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #939754
#35. You are either withholding your love in fear or giving your deepest gifts.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1065226
#36. By learning to open your heart and body while embracing and trusting all energies, from rough ravishment to sublime gentleness, you can open to be lived by the mystery that lives the entire universe.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1065466
#37. Your essential emotional tone - at ease in your deepest purpose or fearful in the ambiguity of your intent - becomes part of your children's home.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1069050
#38. Your fear is the sharpest definition of your self. You should know it. You should feel it virtually constantly. Fear needs to become your friend, so that you are no longer uncomfortable with it.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1085248
#39. Anyone who separates being and doing is still enjoying separation.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1094013
#40. The positive and negative poles of a battery create an electrical flow. The masculine and feminine poles between people create a flow of sexual energy in motion.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1096873
#41. A man with a weak Masculine is especially prone to despise and fear these qualities and may attempt to suppress the more destructive elements of the Feminine force in his partner.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1148005
#42. Your only real choices are to open fully and receive their gifts or crucify them and be relieved of their force ... But you must be willing to feel your heart's terrors and wounds or else you will close and protect yourself, striking back at the source of openness you most yearn to become ...

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1176282
#43. You can ravish your woman so deeply that her surrender breaks your heart into light.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1176961
#44. Your suffering is shaped exactly by your refusal to open.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1223455
#45. You'll never get what you really want. All you can do is give what you really want!

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1244687
#46. Chocolate or a good man can instigate your heart's surrender, but full-bodied pleasure and overflowing love - opening until you are exposed fully to God as love's bliss - is the only way to live true to your deepest desire, with or without a trustable lover or a tasty dessert.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1245695
#47. When you are in love with a man or a woman, the love you feel does not come from him or her; it is the love flowing from you own heart that you feel. Your partner is simply giving you an excuse to love. Love is always found flowing in your heart, not in your family, lover, career or art.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1250956
#48. The masculine grows by challenge, but the feminine grows by praise. A man must be unabashed and expressed in his appreciation for his woman. Praise her freely.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1260390
#49. One of the deepest feminine desires in intimacy is precisely not to have to always figure it out for her man and guide him.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1272693
#50. Every man knows that his highest purpose in life cannot be reduced to any particular relationship. If a man prioritizes his relationship over his highest purpose, he weakens himself, disserves the universe, and cheats his woman of an authentic man who can offer his full, undivided presence.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1275549
#51. The Feminine force of life is often too wise for the Masculine's need to know: The mysterious energy of the evolving cosmos is always superior to our temporary scientific notions about it ...

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1277470
#52. The superior man is not seeking fulfillment through work and woman, because he is already full. For him, work and intimacy are opportunities to give his gifts, and to be vanished in the bliss of giving.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1308752
#53. A fearful man who knows he is fearful is far more trustable than a fearful man who isn't aware of his fear.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1327667
#54. Limited money and family obligations have never stopped a man who really wanted to do something, although they provide excuses for a man who is not really up to the creative challenge in the first place. Find out today whether you are willing to do what it takes.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1346755
#55. Without a conscious life-purpose a man is totally lost, drifting, adapting to events rather than creating events. Without knowing his life-purpose a man lives a weakend, impotent existence, perhaps even becoming even sexually impotent or prone to mechanical and disinterested sex.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1365922
#56. One misunderstandin g is that if you do the right thing, then life's storms will stop. If you do the right thing, the storms actually get bigger. This is because they know they can't blow you down like they used to, and now it's going to take a lot more energy to find out if you are conscious.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1371123
#57. Right now, and in every now-moment, you are either closing or opening. You are either stressfully waiting for something - more money, security, affection - or you are living from your deep heart, opening as the entire moment, and giving what you most deeply desire to give, without waiting.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1414499
#58. Stop hoping for a completion of anything in life ... Do what you love to do, what you are waiting to do, what you've been born to do, now.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1418373
#59. Whereas women are most turned on by a man's depth of presence,
men are most turned on by a woman's radiance and energy:
how she moves, moans, smiles, and opens in love.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1598684
#60. Instant enlightenment is to give all your happiness away to others.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1612326
#61. Chronic dissatisfaction is how you sense that you are living a lie.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1666353
#62. You should do whatever feels right in your deepest heart. Feel deep as consciousness, open as water, now, and feel how to live with a wide-open heart. Feel how to live as love without bondage.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1728722
#63. Spiritual practice is the capacity to offer your love even when you feel hurt, closed down, tense, angry, misunderstood, or hated.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1729034
#64. Violence is always an effort toward greater freedom or love. Openness is freedom and love. Even the most violent or self-destructive emotions are rooted in the heart's need for openness, to be free, to give and receive love.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1765365
#65. Sex and money: the sources of most of our desire and disappointment, our hope and fear.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1776649
#66. Every moment waited is a moment wasted....

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1785612
#67. The way a man penetrates the world should be the same way he penetrates his woman: not merely for personal gain or pleasure, but to magnify love, openness, and depth.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1809578
#68. As long as life continues, the creative challenge is to tussle, play, and make love with the present moment while giving your unique gift.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1810630
#69. The energy that moves life is the force of the Feminine. She is unstoppable. She is the source of all life, the mover of blood, the breather of breath, the flow of the river's water. The Feminine is life. We can feel Her moving and living in any moment we are open to Her, or as Her.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1813743
#70. When fear dissolves, you no longer separate yourself from this single flow of immense force. Love is continuity with infinite life force, a Oneness of being with no separation. Love is the key to opening to this flow of life force.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1836208
#71. Knowing the Truth is Fairly Useless. Feeling it is Profound. Living it Makes All the Difference.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1846360
#72. Your close men friends should be willing to challenge your mediocrity by suggesting a concrete action you can perform that will pop you out of your rut, one way or the other. And you must be willing to offer them your brutal honesty, in the same way, if you are all to grow.

David Deida

David Deida Quotes #1849296

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