Top 53 Gloria Furman Quotes

#1. No mother's nightmarish valley is so dark that Jesus cannot bear her burdens the whole way through.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #51146
#2. For many of us homemakers our greatest fear is in being found incompetent, insufficient, and ineffective. We prefer to look like we've got it all together. We give lip service to the idea that nobody's perfect, but we would rather die trying to prove that we're the exception to the rule.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #61654
#3. Mothering or nurturing is not just a calling for women who have biological or adopted children. Mothering is a calling for all women. Every Christian woman is called to the spiritual motherhood of making disciples of all nations.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #93709
#4. If we aren't clear on what the Christian gospel is, then what is at stake is not merely a harmless misunderstanding but eternal life and death.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #103632
#5. A motley crew of racist, sin-sick, spiritual zombies is now one body under Christ. And individually they are new creations walking in humility, gentleness, and patience

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #129528
#6. Puritan Thomas Watson said, "Until sin be bitter, Christ will not be sweet." I think Scottish minister Thomas Chalmers, who preached on "the expulsive power of a new affection," would have added: Until Christ be sweet, sin will not be bitter.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #188455
#7. Our ministries exist not simply for the purpose of helping people live well now; our ministries, like our whole lives, must aim for the end, when we'll see Jesus face-to-face. The

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #192917
#8. Preaching the gospel to myself each day is the best way to remind myself that my life in Christ is the prevailing, permanent reality in my life.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #220526
#9. We ought to consider our home managing as the creation of a living organism that nurtures the peace of Christ and the righteousness of God.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #257955
#10. God has called us to something vastly bigger than our happiness or that of our children.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #312186
#11. If we want to give grace to our children, then first we must be willing to receive it ourselves from God.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #326774
#12. The great problem a mother has is not a lack of creativity, accomplishment, or skill, but her inability to love God and others as Jesus loves her.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #387696
#13. When your eyes are fixed on the horizon of eternity, it affects your vision for motherhood.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #545075
#14. God can use the ordinary moments in your life to glorify himself by conforming you into the image of his Son. That is precisely what he intends to do.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #548652
#15. God's irresistible grace binds our wandering hearts to himself and frees us to love him back and overflow in love to our neighbors.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #558892
#16. It is quite easy to allow the gospel to become overshadowed by our own efforts to grow spiritually. Spiritual disciplines serve as gateways to cherishing the gospel, not as substitutes for the gospel.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #585711
#17. It is contrary to our natural logic that God would choose to use the foolish and the weak to show himself to be wise. We have difficulty seeing how God is praised through our insufficiencies

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #592046
#18. Theology is for homemakers who need to know who God is, who they are, and what this mundane life is all about.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #737085
#19. Just the other day I witnessed a disagreement between a waiter and a customer over whether the coffee he served her was a cappuccino or a latte.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #820804
#20. Because of the gospel
the news about what Jesus did on the cross to save sinners
mothers who make Christ their treasure can rejoice in their work as God works in them.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #854236
#21. All around the world, God is giving and sustaining life to the praise of his grace. His mercy is new every morning, and it's always morning somewhere.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #878694
#22. Gifts are given by God and empowered by God to glorify God.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #941001
#23. At the end of every day - chaotic and mundane alike - motherhood is about the adoration and enjoyment of our great God. The

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #959230
#24. For some people the remark, "You're just like your mother [or father]," is enough to pick a fight. For a Christian, the greatest testimony of God's grace in our lives is the observation, "You're just like your Father.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #962081
#25. The course of this world is pervasive, keeping the captives quiet with the morphine of temporary pleasure at the expense of their eternal souls.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1017450
#26. We need faith to trust that God doesn't merely "know what's best for us," but that he is what's best for us no matter what our circumstances are.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1110809
#27. But seeking the temporary reward of the world's approval can distract us from seeking the eternal reward of the Lord's approval.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1140069
#28. I need God's grace and something baked with peanut butter and chocolate.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1160534
#29. We learned that the body of Christ grows by the Word of Christ, flexing its muscles to serve, stretching out its hands to heal, and dreaming up creative ways to bless one another using the gifts God has given.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1193293
#30. When we acknowledge our inability to mother our children apart from the Lord's provision and strength, we honor God. Of course we are not able to do this work of raising children and training them in the instruction of the Lord. That's why we desperately need the Lord!

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1197292
#31. Because God is good, we have an infinite number of reasons to praise him in our homes.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1205494
#32. What a miracle that God would take sinners such as ourselves and give us new hearts with a disposition to love him and trust him in the midst of our circumstances.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1259008
#33. When I take hold of Jesus by faith as my only hope to please God, God declares that I am justified. Christ's righteousness becomes mine. That's grace.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1270513
#34. Through the grace shown to us in the gospel, there is something distinctly Christlike about a mother's love for her child.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1308146
#35. God is a good Father, and he never, ever considers for even one moment letting us remain satisfied with anything less than himself, because he is the most satisfying treasure in the whole wide world.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1324812
#36. We need to lose the mental image of our pre-Christian state as a drowning person helplessly flailing about in the water, hoping upon hope that someone might throw us a life preserver. Outside of Christ we are, in fact, spiritual corpses rotting on the ocean floor among the silt and sludge.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1369384
#37. We do not put away our idols so that God will then accept us, but we put away our idols because God has accepted us in Christ

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1404558
#38. Diaper that leaks onto the floorboard of my car while I'm stuck in

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1462729
#39. Eve means "giver of life." I don't think this redemptive calling to be a life giver is only biological. The life of Christ in us enables women to be life givers, rather than life-takers, in every relationship, circumstance, and season of life.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1479744
#40. The gospel keeps me relating to God on the basis of Jesus's perfections, not on the illusions of my religious achievements.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1497848
#41. We need to remember that God is no less good to us when we find ourselves in a battle of wills with a preschooler in the checkout line at the grocery store than he was as his Son dragged a cross up a hill that Friday two thousand years ago.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1499542
#42. Only the redeeming, all-powerful, transforming grace of God can raise our sin-besotted heart from the dead, give us eternal life, and set our gaze on Jesus, our blessed hope.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1524494
#43. The false gospel of self-justification is a great enemy of the Christian faith because so many have been misled to believe that it is Christianity.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1634967
#44. What would our hospitality look like if we believed that Jesus's death on the cross was the measure of God's compassion for someone?

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1652353
#45. This is because the greatest problem a mother has is not a lack of creativity, accomplishment, or skill, but her inability to love God and others as Jesus loves her (John 13:34).

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1669282
#46. So how do we know if we've assumed the gospel? Mack Stiles days so aptly that the way to know if we've assumed the gospel is this: you don't hear it anymore. Everyone talks to themselves.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1710682
#47. Problem. My biggest problem is that I live under the illusion that I can do anything I put my mind to while I give lip service to needing God's wisdom. I

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1710691
#48. The highest aim of womanhood is not motherhood; the highest aim of womanhood is being conformed to the image of Christ.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1711562
#49. The Holy Spirit will not allow you to live satisfied on the rubbish heap; he will nurture a longing for the City of God to beat in your heart.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1712012
#50. When the mundane looms larger than eternal life, we forget who God is, who we are, and who our children are.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1735488
#51. The greatest obstruction to our joy in God is not a lack of time.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1755046
#52. By God's grace I can resist the temptation to treat my children as interruptions to my will for my life. Instead, God enables me to treat my children as precious gifts he is using to shape me into his image according to his will for my life.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1788649
#53. The gospel is the one great permanent circumstance in which I live and move; and every hardship in my life is allowed by God only because it serves His gospel purposes in me.

Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman Quotes #1837898

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