Top 100 Faces Faces Quotes

#1. The parents sat round watching, and in their crass faces - faces not harsh or evil, only blunted by ignorance and mean virtues - you could see a solemn approval, a solemn pleasure in the spectacle of sin rebuked.

George Orwell

Faces Faces Quotes #1134632
#2. Trees are massacred, houses go up - faces, faces everywhere. Man is spreading. Man is the cancer of the earth.

Emile M. Cioran

Faces Faces Quotes #1347881
#3. I have seen better faces in my time Than stands on any shoulder that I see Before me at this instant.

William Shakespeare

Faces Faces Quotes #841
#4. The happier I am, the better my skin is. Any woman knows when they are over exerting themselves, whether it is emotionally or physically, you can see it on your face.

Kate Hudson

Faces Faces Quotes #1426
#5. The nose is surely one of the most impressionable, if not positively erotic, of all our unruly members.

Katherine Anne Porter

Faces Faces Quotes #1926
#6. Faith pulls the black mask from the face of trouble, and discovers the angel beneath.

Charles Spurgeon

Faces Faces Quotes #2418
#7. Amy looked up at him. Their faces were very close. She remembered when those dark expressive eyes would make her quiver inside, when being this close would make her blush and stammer. Not anymore, though.

Jude Watson

Faces Faces Quotes #3314
#8. Them haters in your face you just ignore them. Don't know what they talking sh-t for.

Wiz Khalifa

Faces Faces Quotes #3416
#9. Segregation ... not only harms one physically but injures one spiritually ... It scars the soul ... It is a system which forever stares the segregated in the face, saying 'You are less than ... 'You are not equal to ... '

Martin Luther King Jr.

Faces Faces Quotes #4321
#10. Cultivate the habit of zest. Purposefully seek out the beauty in the seemingly trivial. Especially in the trivial. The colors and shapes of the foods you eat. The shadows a vase makes on your table. The interesting faces of the people on the bus with you.

Karen Salmansohn

Faces Faces Quotes #4553
#11. When I have time to sit and reflect on the different situations that I face every day, I'll be able to speak more succinctly about the challenges as a woman.

Mindy Kaling

Faces Faces Quotes #5153
#12. Part of falling in love with someone is actually falling in love with yourself. Realizing that you're gorgeous, you're fearless and unpredictable, you're a firecracker spitting light, entrancing a hundred faces that stare up at you with starry eyes.

Leah Raeder

Faces Faces Quotes #5404
#13. Whether we're stuffing our faces with Kogi tacos or playing a pickup game of football outside the stages, there's never a shortage of fun behind the scenes on 'Murder In The First.'

Ian Anthony Dale

Faces Faces Quotes #5534
#14. It's always difficult to see yourself as other people do, but I'm realistic about my appearance. I wasn't born with one of those pretty, pretty faces, so I've never been absorbed with the way I look. I just try to make the most of what I've got.

Alison Jackson

Faces Faces Quotes #5696
#15. I feel like, when I arrive at the hospital, I want a glass of whiskey, I want the epidural in my back and I want to get hit in the face with a baseball bat.

Kristen Bell

Faces Faces Quotes #5883
#16. In spite of her vapourish airs (as the housewives of Yonville called them), Emma, all the same, never seemed gay, and usually she had at the corners of her mouth that immobile contraction that puckers the faces of old maids, and those of men whose ambition has failed.

Gustave Flaubert

Faces Faces Quotes #6241
#17. If I could write the beauty of your eyes And in fresh numbers number all your graces, The age to come would say, 'This poet lies; Such heavenly touches ne'er touch'd earthly faces.'

William Shakespeare

Faces Faces Quotes #6319
#18. The curse of the intelligentsia is their ability to rationalize and re-define. Ordinary people, lacking that gift, are forced to face reality.

Thomas Sowell

Faces Faces Quotes #6362
#19. The expression Jake saw on all the faces, oldest to youngest, was the same: pure joy. Not just that, he thought, and remembered a phrase his English teacher had used about how some books make us feel: the ecstasy of perfect recognition.

Stephen King

Faces Faces Quotes #6593
#20. When our world falls apart and we have no more faces to wear - that's when it's beautiful, and that's when we change.

Jon Foreman

Faces Faces Quotes #6907
#21. I do not like the human race. I don't like their heads, I don't like their faces, I don't like their feet, I don't like their conversations, I don't like their hairdos, I don't like their automobiles.

Charles Bukowski

Faces Faces Quotes #7417
#22. They both wore flat, creased faces that looked like abused rubbery masks.

Rion Amilcar Scott

Faces Faces Quotes #7440
#23. Every organisation faces challenges, but few seize to perform, not due to any shortage of funds, technology or knowledge, but due to the fact that people in such organisations do not use their creativity to explore innovative solution for their challenges.

Sukant Ratnakar

Faces Faces Quotes #8141
#24. I'm actually a little bit more tolerant than I thought I was. I've got kids, so I do have a lot of faces.


Faces Faces Quotes #9303
#25. Leonard Woolf in a letter to Lytton Strachey said he hated John Maynard Keynes "for his crass stupidity and hideous face".

Leonard Woolf

Faces Faces Quotes #10430
#26. We must all face the fact that our leaders are certifiably insane or worse

William S. Burroughs

Faces Faces Quotes #10605
#27. We don't know anything about Scottish history. All we know is that an American guy painted his face blue and somehow they won.

Greg Proops

Faces Faces Quotes #12330
#28. Why don't we have more babies, Mom? Bailey has big sisters. I wish I had a big sister.
I don't know why, Fern. I tried to have more children, but sometimes we are given something so special, so wonderful, that one is enough.

Amy Harmon

Faces Faces Quotes #12656
#29. In the Negro countenance you will often meet with strong traits of benignity. I have felt yearnings of tenderness towards some of these faces.

Charles Lamb

Faces Faces Quotes #14455
#30. He felt another tremor of emotion as he saw the faces of Chuck and Newt and Teresa in his mind's eye. A

James Dashner

Faces Faces Quotes #16826
#31. If you can't move your brush good, just move your face.

Jenna Marbles

Faces Faces Quotes #16868
#32. One foot in front of the other, counting tiles on the floor so I don't have to focus the blur of painted smiles, fake faces.

Ellen Hopkins

Faces Faces Quotes #17424
#33. I went to Brunel University and very much wanted to go on to do a PhD in management, but then my acting career started to take off. In those days when you switched on the box there were hardly any brown or black faces.

Archie Panjabi

Faces Faces Quotes #18269
#34. Sometimes you've gotta hide the medicine in the food. You can't slap somebody in the face with facts, all the time. It's too harsh

Michael B. Jordan

Faces Faces Quotes #18378
#35. America faces a new race that has awakened.

E. Franklin Frazier

Faces Faces Quotes #19402
#36. If our system continues without modification involving environmental and social concern, we will face an economic and social break down.

Jacque Fresco

Faces Faces Quotes #19830
#37. I do find it odd people choose to do stuff that makes them look like crazy Hollywood faces, but I've got zero judgment.

Julie Bowen

Faces Faces Quotes #19937
#38. We are being wiped off the face of this earth
At an extremely alarming rate
And even more alarming is the fact
That we are not fighting back

Tupac Shakur

Faces Faces Quotes #20523
#39. All of us have schnozzles ... if not in our faces, then in our character, minds or habits. When we admit our schnozzles, instead of defending them, we begin to laugh, and the world laughs with us.

Jimmy Durante

Faces Faces Quotes #20851
#40. What was worse, we asked among ourselves, to sit and wait for our own deaths with proper somber faces? Or to choose our own happiness?

Amy Tan

Faces Faces Quotes #22369
#41. Home is a place in the mind. When it is empty, it frets. It is fretful with memory, faces and places and times gone by. Beloved images rise up in disobedience and make a mirror for emptiness.

Maeve Brennan

Faces Faces Quotes #23013
#42. All to prove to her I'm not lying and I'm not sleeping around on her. She's a vagina with arms, and legs, and two faces. Do you know what it's like to have your penis ridden by a two-hundred thirty pound woman?" He stood now, looking traumatized.

Lucian Bane

Faces Faces Quotes #23313
#43. Do you know what I'm going to do when I retire? I hope to become the new face of Scientology.

David Letterman

Faces Faces Quotes #23342
#44. James Bevel could do more with young people than any human being on the face of the earth.

Hosea Williams

Faces Faces Quotes #24961
#45. We're not going to pierce everything that we have and paint our faces trying to get a different market. We'll grow with our audience. We're just going to keep doing what we do.

Chris Kirkpatrick

Faces Faces Quotes #25165
#46. When I was 17, I had an experience that I later learned could be called a 'mystical experience.' It was almost violent. No faces, voices, nothing like that. It is like the world burst and flamed into life all around me. That is not a great image, but it is as good as I will ever do.

Barbara Ehrenreich

Faces Faces Quotes #25781
#47. Contain all human faces in your own without any judgment of them


Faces Faces Quotes #26300
#48. He has forgotten how to laugh except in bitterness; there are no tears left in him. Unless he finds laughter and tears again, the world faces disaster. He

Robert Jordan

Faces Faces Quotes #27404
#49. FACE A SINGLE FOE as if you are facing ten thousand enemies; face ten thousand enemies as a single foe.

Morihei Ueshiba

Faces Faces Quotes #27692
#50. There are many faces to war. There is the face of courage, of bravery, of fellowship.There is the face of fear. Above all, there is love of country.

Barbara Boxer

Faces Faces Quotes #27867
#51. The one-cylinder ward is one in which the bishop handles all the problems, makes all the decisions, follows through on all the assignments, and faces every challenge. Then, like any other overworked cylinder, he starts to sputter and behave erratically. Eventually, he burns out altogether.

M. Russell Ballard

Faces Faces Quotes #28071
#52. They lie in all the pools, pale faces, deep deep under the dark water. I saw them: grim faces and evil, and noble faces and sad. Many faces proud and fair, and weeds in their silver hair. But all foul, all rotting, all dead.

J.R.R. Tolkien

Faces Faces Quotes #28620
#53. That divided and rebel mind, that distrust of a sentiment because our arithmetic has computed the strength and means opposed to our purpose, these [158] have not. Their mind being whole, their eye is as yet unconquered, and when we look in their faces we are disconcerted.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Faces Faces Quotes #28875
#54. When we face our problems, they disappear. So learn from failure and let success be the silent incentive.

Carlos Slim

Faces Faces Quotes #28895
#55. I averted my eyes, looked around, and stumbled through all the faces in the room till they finally rested on his. He was standing like a scared bird, waving one wing and using the other to hide his scar. Aya Rabah- Scars

Refaat Alareer

Faces Faces Quotes #29248
#56. Faces in the everyday impress us as hives of subtlety. That impression must be sharpened in photography, which discloses only a microsecond of the face's behaviour, immersed in a social process.

Max Kozloff

Faces Faces Quotes #29631
#57. I'm always singing and dancing and getting up in people's faces.

Taye Diggs

Faces Faces Quotes #29910
#58. We were girls once. As hard as that is to believe. //Oh you can't see it now--our bodies have stretched and sagged, faces and necks drooping. That's what happens when you get old. Every part of you drops, as if the body is moving closer to where it's from and where it'll return.

Brit Bennett

Faces Faces Quotes #30063
#59. Madonna has an incredible face. A face you would like to look at blown up 50 feet high!

Susan Seidelman

Faces Faces Quotes #31094
#60. Some men had faces that cried out for a beard. Ser Clayton's face cried out for an axe between the eyes.

George R R Martin

Faces Faces Quotes #31588
#61. Knowledge gropes but meets not Wisdom's face.

Sri Aurobindo

Faces Faces Quotes #32151
#62. we see faces in the clouds, but never clouds in faces, because we have special cognitive modules for face detection.

Jonathan Haidt

Faces Faces Quotes #33339
#63. Sometimes you have to face up to your fears to realize that they aren't actually real.

Zoe Sugg

Faces Faces Quotes #33634
#64. By their actions, they will show you who they are.

Leah Remini

Faces Faces Quotes #33721
#65. Arizona faces many challenges ahead. None is more important or more pressing than passing a new state budget.

Jane D. Hull

Faces Faces Quotes #33961
#66. I'm very proud to be wearing the "C" for the Maple Leafs. It puts a smile on my face everyday

Mats Sundin

Faces Faces Quotes #34163
#67. We only really face up to ourselves when we are afraid.

Thomas Bernhard

Faces Faces Quotes #35136
#68. Any difficulties which the world faces today will be as nothing compared to the full effects which global warming will have on the world-wide economy.

Prince Charles

Faces Faces Quotes #35284
#69. If met Vic Reeves, I'd have no desire other than to smack him in the face.

Steven Morrissey

Faces Faces Quotes #35513
#70. Though when at home their countenances varied with the seasons, their market faces all the year round were glowing little fires.

Thomas Hardy

Faces Faces Quotes #35793
#71. Each of us has to face the matter - either the Church is true, or it is a fraud. There is no middle ground. It is the Church and kingdom of God, or it is nothing.

Gordon B. Hinckley

Faces Faces Quotes #36013
#72. You want to marry me?" Xavier asked, and I saw some faces turn toward u in curiosity. "I was thinking we'd start slow and see where things went, but hey, what the hell!

Alexandra Adornetto

Faces Faces Quotes #36382
#73. The human face is the subtle yet visual autobiography of each person,

John O'Donohue

Faces Faces Quotes #36506
#74. God sees hearts as we see faces.

George Herbert

Faces Faces Quotes #37257
#75. She had been born with a face that would let her get away, he saw that face and he lost all control.

Bob Seger

Faces Faces Quotes #37571
#76. Social Security, a critically important, great program which does serve as the cornerstone of support for senior citizens, now faces challenges that threaten its long-term stability and well-being. The facts are there. The facts are crystal clear.

Bill Frist

Faces Faces Quotes #37849
#77. Sweetly, albeit hoarsely and with a burr, the girl started singing something scarcely comprehensible, but, judging by the women's faces in the stalls, very seductive:
Guerlain, Chanel no 5, Mitsuko, Narcissus noir, evening dresses, cocktail dresses..

Mikhail Bulgakov

Faces Faces Quotes #38042
#78. Lots of pretty faces came and went over the years, but some stuck around and I happen to be one of them.

Milla Jovovich

Faces Faces Quotes #38131
#79. Being edited is like falling face down into a threshing machine.

Margaret Atwood

Faces Faces Quotes #38174
#80. In such places as Greenwich Village, a menage-a-trois was completed- the bohemian and the juvenile delinquent came face-to-face with the Negro, and the hipster was a fact in American life.

Norman Mailer

Faces Faces Quotes #39598
#81. I spent most of my time in my room staring at a mirror. I never knew I was supposed to socialize. I just spent hours making faces at myself, having a good time.

Jim Carrey

Faces Faces Quotes #40344
#82. What new thoughts are suggested by seeing a face of country quite familiar, in the rapid movement of the rail-road car!

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Faces Faces Quotes #40555
#83. The idea of a socialism with a human face was something that I absolutely could support, because it was my idea from the very first.

Stefan Heym

Faces Faces Quotes #40877
#84. People can lie with words, but their faces, and in particular their eyes, give them away. They

David Baldacci

Faces Faces Quotes #41412
#85. If a woman is wearing the burqa, it's not her wish. It's more that she feels secure from the Taliban, secure from acid if she were to show her face.

Malina Suliman

Faces Faces Quotes #41567
#86. Let's face it, though, anything that's apt to happen to an appliance like a blender isn't covered by the warranty anyway, so I never send them in. If it breaks, I'll buy a new one. That's the American way.

Andy Rooney

Faces Faces Quotes #42140
#87. This planet was a marketplace where evil tugged murderously at its chains. Its spies were everywhere. At windy corners where young girls with knowing children's faces were selling flowers and matches, on the operating tables at the hospitals, in the slums, at railway stations, under viaducts.

Paul Leppin

Faces Faces Quotes #42365
#88. Let's face it, all the good stuff happens after midnight.

Matt Groening

Faces Faces Quotes #43346
#89. So small, so blue, in grassy places / My flowers raise / Their tiny faces.

Cicely Mary Barker

Faces Faces Quotes #43678
#90. The wind in ones face makes one wise.

George Herbert

Faces Faces Quotes #43945
#91. I stood in this unsheltered place, 'til I could see the face behind the face.

Peter Gabriel

Faces Faces Quotes #44034
#92. I was unrecognizable to myself; I saw my reflection in a window; I didn't know my own face.

Bruce Springsteen

Faces Faces Quotes #44933
#93. Wilberforce and the band of abolitionists knew that a private faith that did not act in the face of oppression was no faith at all.

Charles Colson

Faces Faces Quotes #45509
#94. He's the kind of guy who will stab you in the back right to your face.

Brett Hull

Faces Faces Quotes #45614
#95. It's always great to be involved in something that's not in an in-your-face fashion, but has a message that goes out guised as entertainment.

Scott Bakula

Faces Faces Quotes #46315
#96. Their eyes find mine and they freeze. Emotions flicker across their faces quicker than I can identify, until finally they settle on one I recognize. One I see every time Miya looks at me. Love. - Dylan

Dannielle Wicks

Faces Faces Quotes #46559
#97. Television excites me because it seems to be the last stamping ground of poetry, the last place where I hear women's hair rhapsodically described, women's faces acclaimed in odelike language.

Ben Hecht

Faces Faces Quotes #47137
#98. A Facebook message will never be able to replace face-to-face interaction.

Paul Achleitner

Faces Faces Quotes #48126
#99. A photographer looks at everything, which is why he must look from beginning to end. Face the subject head-on, stay fixed, turn the entire body into an eye and face the world.

Shomei Tomatsu

Faces Faces Quotes #48596
#100. In the world of late-night comics, Letterman made us feel any hometown boy from Indianapolis could poke fun at celebrities and politicians and do it right to their faces.

Chris Matthews

Faces Faces Quotes #49030

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