Top 100 You Order Quotes
#1. To me, the excitement is in ordering a fine shotgun, going through the process that everybody who has bought one has gone through for 100 years. You order it, you make a significant down payment, and then you wait three or four years for the gun to be custom-made for you.
Tom Selleck
#2. This kind of mixing of ingredients happens all the time at fast-food places ... You know when you order french fries and there's a rogue onion ring at the bottom. You know, at first you're alarmed but you eat it. It all comes from the same place! You just have to go for it.
Chelsea Handler
#3. It's as though when you order a sirloin steak, it comes with a side of maggots,
Gene Weingarten
#4. Often, the truly great and valuable lessons we learn in life are learned through pain. That's why they call it "growing pains." It's all about yin and yang. And that's not something you order off column A at your local Chinese restaurant.
Fran Drescher
#5. At lunch you order steamed vegetables because you're remembering that you have a heart too. You feel humbled by your heart, it works so hard. You want to thank it. You give your heart a little pat
Aimee Bender
#6. If you order some servant to bring food, I'm leaving."
"I was going to make sure Albert hadn't moved the car."
"Oh, right. Albert the butler."
"He's a valet, actually."
"You are not helping yourself.
Michelle Hodkin
#7. I don't remember ordering the bride of an evil maniac," said Magnus. "It was definitely beef and broccoli. What about you, Tessa? Did you order the bride of an evil maniac?
Cassandra Clare
#8. But you also pay a high price when you order people to do things that they can't do - especially people with a strong sense of self, people with rebel personalities.
Matthew Quick
#9. If I go out to dinner with you and you order wine, I leave. I won't be around drugs and alcohol at all.
Penn Jillette
#10. Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant with friends. You order what you want then when you see what the other person has, you wish you had ordered that.
Michel De Montaigne
#11. A good book is like really loved item at a really good restaurant, every time you go there you order it to see if it tastes like you remember, only to find out it is even BETTER than you remembered!
K.A Cameron
#13. - What do you mean, the pizza guy? When did you order pizza? I told you on my way over that I had dinner planned.
- And that's when I called the pizza guy.
Lauren Layne
#14. Did you order it to kidnap me? Or was that its own idea? Sergei stepped closer, fighting the urge to punch the man and then check that he was all right. None of those responses made any sense.
Aleksandr Voinov
#15. There are still a lot of cases in the world where you order something and then you see 'Delivery will be in 8-12 weeks.' This is because of the faxes and forms that still exist.
John Patrick
#16. The hardest part of anything is making a dish consistently great - you order it seven years later, if it's still on the menu, and it's still as good as what you remember.
Mario Batali
#17. If you order, with the absolute conviction that his wish will come, it will happen that way. But you mix the desire, fear and regret, and that is a contradiction.
Hermann Hesse
#18. It might sound naive to suggest that whether you order a chicken patty or a veggie burger is a profoundly important decision. Then again, it certainly would have sounded fantastic if in the 1950's you were told that where you sat in a restaurant or on a bus could begin to uproot racism.
Jonathan Safran Foer
#19. You cannot!' Tatiana said sharply. 'If you order a gun there is only a single shot, and once delivered the doors are locked and will not open until it has been fired.
R.D. Ronald
#20. I don't think the concept of "directing actors" exists in the sense that if you get what you order from an actor you'll always get bad acting. Every actor is scared just like a regular person.
Pirjo Honkasalo
#21. I want you inside me," he said simply ... "I will beg you for it if you order me to. And I'll beg you for it even if you don't.
Tiffany Reisz
#22. When shopping at Dunkin' Donuts, pretend you are the mother of nine. Say things like, 'Little David likes cream-filled and Susie wanted jelly.' That way, no one will be suspicious when you order a dozen donuts with one cup of coffee to go.
Linda Sunshine
#24. I don't understand why people expect tips. In hotels you order food in your room, and it's already more expensive from the room service menu, so it's a cheek to expect a tip on top. I do sometimes reward good service, but it should be at my discretion, and I'm not going to be held to ransom.
Bernard Hill
#25. Do you order righteousness of the people and forget yourselves while you recite the Scripture? Then will you not reason?
#26. I think you're confused as to the nature of our relationship. You and I, we don't get along. You're a psychopathic control freak. You order me around and I want to kill you. I'm a pigheaded insubordinate ass. I drive you mad and you want to strangle me.
Ilona Andrews
#27. It's easy to get the feeling that you know the language just because when you order a beer they don't bring you oysters. (Paul Child)
Julia Child
#28. You summon us, we follow. You order us to be free and so we will be.
Pliny The Younger
#29. the BTK Killer (which to me sounds more like something you order from a drive-thru window).
Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff
#30. I like L.A. It's like a mini break. For a writer, it's hilarious. Like the food. Where I come from, we eat chip sandwiches: white bread, butter, tomato catsup and big fat french fries. It's delicious. Here, you order a creme caramel and the waiter says, 'You know, that contains dairy.'
Helen Fielding
#31. Life is a menu. Whatever you order is what's delivered to the table.
Tyrese Gibson
#32. I am yours to command, my queen," he whispered, making my heart clench in complete, helpless love. "I will obey, even if you order me to cut out my own heart. Even if you order me to the hell that is the Winter Court Elysium.
Julie Kagawa
#33. No matter how much you exercise, no matter how many vitamins or health foods you eat, no matter how low your cholesterol, you will still die - someday. If you knew the moment and manner of your death in advance, would you order your life differently?
Billy Graham
#34. I like England more than I did when I left. It's become a bit of a better country in the last ten years, in the attitude of it. A bit more Americanized, which is both good and bad. At least when you order a cup of coffee they don't give you a hard time.
Teddy Thompson
#35. I think writing for anybody helps you order your life. It helps you arrange your emotions and your thoughts and it helps to provide perspective.
Michael Ian Black
#36. Obama said they've had some glitches with the Affordable Care website. I'll tell you something. If you order a pair of pants online and they send you the wrong color, that's a glitch. This is like a Carnival cruise, for God's sake!
David Letterman
#37. If you order a milkshake at a diner and they mix dog poop into it, you probably wouldn't drink it. If you go into a town with pollution, you may survive and have a good visit, but you risk being poisoned.
Richard Rossi
#38. You ask what is the use of classification, arrangement, and systemization? I answer you: order and simplification are the first steps toward the mastery of a subject - the actual enemy is the unknown.
Thomas E. Mann
#39. Costis bowed stiffly. I am here to make sure that you stay in bed, Your Majesty, because if this offends you and you order me summarily executed, it is no loss. Politically speaking.
Megan Whalen Turner
#40. In order to be a success in life you have to be willing to take a chance. Its like putting a blindfold on and jumping off a cliff and hoping you'll land on something soft.
Ricky Star
#41. Helping others
I order you to assist any oppressed person, whether he is a Moslem or not.
Idries Shah
#42. An opera singer is like an athlete before a match. An athlete cannot overdo anything. In order to perform at the highest possible level, you need to refrain from activities so as to be able to express this power.
Andrea Bocelli
#43. You have to have a revelation of God's will and pursue it in order to fulfill it in your life.
Paul Silway
#44. I'm excited about how books work in a digital age. When you read a book, unlike a film, you are decoding symbols in order to 'see' the story, so it is collaborative in a way that a film can never be.
Steven Hall
#45. Every time you use a coffeemaker for your morning cappuccino, you are benefiting from the fragility of the coffeemaking entrepreneur who failed. He failed in order to help put the superior merchandise on your kitchen counter.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
#46. They amaze me most of those remixes. Some of them are crap. But every time I complain, someone comes up and says they are for a different market that you don't understand. Some of the New Order ones are really great, though.
Peter Hook
#47. As much as people would like to disrupt the world by going their own way entirely, you cannot change an existing system without also becoming a little part of it in order to change it from the inside. Everybody can change something, but nobody can change everything.
Rick Falkvinge
#48. In painting, you have to destroy in order to gain ... you have got to sacrifice something you are quite pleased with in order to get something better. Of course, it's a risk ...
Graham Sutherland
#49. Peter used to say that an artist's job is to make order out of chaos. You collect details, look for a pattern, and organize. You make sense out of senseless facts. You puzzle together bits of everything. You shuffle and reorganize. Collage. Montage. Assemble.
Chuck Palahniuk
#50. In order to see a fish you must watch the water
#51. Keep in mind that you don't need to be addicted to money in order to acquire it. You can prefer to have money; you will then be able to enjoy whatever money you receive, but your happiness will not be contingent on the size of your bank account.
Ken Keyes Jr.
#52. Challenge the person you think you are in order to unveil the person you are capable of becoming
Debbie Ford
#53. I'd be the last colonel in the world to order you to go to that U.S.O. show and have a good time, but I want every one of you who isn't sick enough to be in a hospital to go to that U.S.O. show right now and have a good time, and that's an order!
Joseph Heller
#54. Marriage is what you make of it, and God has many versions of what that looks like based on what different souls need, in order to grow.
Shannon L. Alder
#55. Just at present you only see the tree by the light of the lamp. I wonder when you would ever see the lamp by the light of the tree.
G.K. Chesterton
#56. In order to inhabit a character, you've got to embrace and empathise with them.
Willem Dafoe
#57. In a way, I think a part of you has to die in order to get through a thing like that. It's the only way a person can survive it. When
Michelle Knight
#58. After you read the script, then you actually just have to be in the moment you're in, in order to make it believable. You can't give it away. You can't tip it off. For me, it's always about being truthful in the moment I'm in. Hopefully, being able to reveal what I'm feeling, you have to believe it.
Victor Garber
#59. Governments don't protect people, people protect governments."
"Order is organic, it can't just be ordered up."
"The more complexity, the more unpredictability and therefore the more uncontrollability. You cannot control what you cannot predict.
Lawrence Samuels
#60. You have to give to the world the thing that you want the most, in order to fix the broken parts inside you.
Eve Ensler
#61. I honestly think that in order to be a writer you have to learn to be reverent. If not, why are you writing? Why are you here?
Anne Lamott
#62. I order you not to die," Tsunami said, grabbing his shoulder. "Clay, stop, STOP IT. Stop dying RIGHT NOW." Her normally bossy voice was full of panic.
Tui T. Sutherland
#63. Above all, in order to gain respect, you need to be true to yourself. There is no point in trying to be brutal if it's not in your nature; there is no point in trying to be suave and sophisticated if it doesn't come naturally.
Alan Sugar
#64. You don't need to touch me in order to hurt me. You break my heart without lifting a finger, and that's why tonight happened.
#65. Listen to any musical phrase or rhythm, and grasp it as a whole, and you thereupon have present in you the image, so to speak, of the divine knowledge of the temporal order.
Josiah Royce
#66. If you disturb the colors of the rainbow, the rainbow is no longer beautiful.
Denis Diderot
#67. Has he written to you?'
'He writes frequently.'
'Shew me his letters this instant, I order you'; and M. de Renal added six feet to his stature.
#68. Do not meet or overtake a patient who is moving about in order to speak to him or to give him any message or letter. You might just as well give him a box on the ear. I have seen a patient fall flat on the ground who was standing when his nurse came into the room.
Florence Nightingale
#69. All life isn't hearts and flowers. But life is just as much pain and mess as it is joy and order, too. I guess when you make yourself realize that you..start growing up - Boy's Life
Robert McCammon
#70. I think being ambitious, successful, powerful, making a lot of money - I don't care what color you are as a woman; it's difficult to find a mate. I think the natural order is that men want to be providers.
Stephanie Allain
#71. Shed who you think you are, in order to experience who you really are.
Evita Ochel
#72. Therefore we will not listen to the source itself in order to learn what it is or what it means, but rather to the turns of speech, the allegories, figures, metaphors, as you will, into which the source has deviated, in order to lose it or rediscover it - which always amounts to the same.
Jacques Derrida
#73. Grace does not work like a penny in a slot machine. Grace will move you only when you want it to move you, and only when you let it move you. The supernatural order supposes the freedom of the natural order, but it does not destroy it.
Fulton J. Sheen
#74. Don't you hate that? Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable? That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence.
Quentin Tarantino
#75. Discipline is "the systematic management of your life to prepare and position you for your divine design." Discipline and stewardship are one and the same. Discipline brings order to life and is absolutely required if we're going to be good stewards of the call to leadership.
Kent Ingle
#76. I believe that in order to be a good leader you must understand the value of praising people to success.
Mary Kay Ash
#77. It is not wrong to change in order to achieve certain goals in life. If you want a happy relationship, for example, you can't expect luck to bring it. You can't have something that implies you without being yourself there.
Robin Sacredfire
#78. You have to assert something about yourself in order to be yourself.
Dennis Potter
#79. Well, you live and you learn, and generally in that order. I
Lawrence Block
#80. It's like looking through a microscope your whole life," he (Justin) said. "You miss the whole picture. Sometimes you need to get lost in order to discover anything.
Katie Kacvinsky
#81. Sometimes it's not about making a ton of money in one night, just to spend the rest of your life waiting on the next payday. You will fare better investing time, planning, strategic thinking in order to secure a stable, fruitful future.
Carlos Wallace
#82. In order to plan your future wisely, it is necessary that you understand and appreciate your past.
Jo Coudert
#83. When you put a poem on a Kindle, the lines are broken in order to fit on the screen. And so instead of being the poet's decision, it becomes the device's decision.
Billy Collins
#84. Remember if you're already taking medication for any of these conditions, make sure to consult your physician about these remedies in order to make sure there are no drug interactions. It's important that you NEVER abruptly stop taking any
Innana Canon
#85. Coffee," I said boldly. "Some people need it in order to function, but being who you are, I wasn't sure if you actually needed anything other than blood and the souls of virgins to make it through the day, so I took a gamble.
Rachel Van Dyken
#86. If the CIA is going to disrupt future terrorist attacks, it needs to recruit spies to infiltrate those groups in order to disrupt the terrorist attacks. Not to rely on what you and I are putting in chat messages on Google or Apple.
John Kiriakou
#87. The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to use the stairs ... one step at a time.
Joe Girard
#88. The only thing you can be sure of, Herr March, is that - whoever wins - still standing when the smoke of battle clears will be the banks of the cantons of Switzerland.
Robert Harris
#89. Pluralism is denied logically; inclusivism is denied scripturally, and that leaves us with exclusivism ... you have to know that Jesus died and believe in it in order to be saved.
Norman Geisler
#90. The proper order of things is often a mystery to me. You, too?
Cheshire Cat
#91. Some bookstores want you to believe they're a community center, like they need to host a cookie-making class in order to sell you some Proust.
David Levithan
#92. May you have plenty of wealth, you men of Ephesus, in order that you may be punished for your evil ways
#93. In order to create art today, you have to compromise your art somewhat and be a businessman.
Roger Corman
#94. Go with the knowledge that I will think of you every time I lift your boy from his bed, every time I kneel for my prayers, every time I order my horse, every hour of every day.
Philippa Gregory
#95. I have a brother who practiced every bit as much as I did, but he never made pro. In order to make it as a pro you have to develop your God-given skills.
Pat LaFontaine
#96. Filing is concerned with the past; anything you actually need to see again has to do with the future.
Katharine Whitehorn
#97. Now take all these qualities together: order, balance, evolution and intelligence. What you have is a description of love. It's not the popular ideal, it is the wizard's love - the force that upholds life and nurtures it.
Deepak Chopra
#99. Living coherently doesn't mean everything is in perfect order all the time. It means you are living in alignment with your values and have not sacrificed your integrity along the way.
Bill Burnett
#100. You want to eliminate your evil desires in order to reveal your Buddha nature, but where will you throw them away?
Shunryu Suzuki
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