Top 100 When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes

#1. Everyone's pain is different," Reece went on. "I don't like when people compare. I don't like when people marginalize their feelings because they think they're not allowed to have them. Someone will always have a tougher go than you. Does that mean you're not allowed to feel hurt? To be sad?

S. Walden

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #929780
#2. The saddest kind of sad is the sad that tries not to be sad. You know, when sad tries to bite its lip and not cry, and smile and say, "No I'm happy for you"? Thats when it's really sad ...

John Mayer

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1231567
#3. There are things you're supposed to learn in life. My biggest regret was terminating a pregnancy when I was about 18. Every day, I think about who that baby would be now; it still makes me sad.

Suzi Quatro

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1225894
#4. Don't cry. She wouldn't like it. When I missed my father, I used to cry. Mama taught me when I cry, he is sad and will cry, too. I don't want my daddy sad. I'm sure you don't want your daughter sad, too.

Cristiane Serruya

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1216677
#5. I was trying to feel some kind of good-bye. I mean I've left schools and places I didn't even know I was leaving them. I hate that. I don't care if it's a sad good-bye or a bad good-bye, but when I leave a place I like to know I'm leaving it. If you don't you feel even worse.

J.D. Salinger

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1200885
#6. Oh, you mean fairy gossip, Eric," she giggled. "I get the picture," she said fluttering her lacy wings. "Don't look so sad, Eric. There isn't a day that passes when your nosy beak doesn't find its way into someone's business. I'm sure you'll find the best-ever story before

Caz Greenham

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1189495
#7. It's not a struggle, but sometimes when you're gone for a month or two, you start to miss your friends. I love acting so much that it fills that gap of being sad about not being able to see my friends.

Willow Shields

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1184828
#8. It's hard to be sad when you're laughing, so I enjoy making people happy.

Tim Conway

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1183092
#9. When you're little you believe whatever your mother tells you, so I assumed it must be true, that I must be inferior to the others in some way.

Joe Peters

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1159981
#10. People say, oh it's a shame, you're not nostalgic about the '60s. Well actually, it's quite good, when you think of it. Wouldn't it be sad if I was sitting here wishing it back?

Robert Wyatt

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1146758
#11. There was a lot of rebelliousness, without focus, in my younger years. And even when people ask me, "Oh you went to prison and you went to college for a couple years?" I'm like "Yeah, I learned more in prison than I think I ever learned in college." That's the sad truth.

Immortal Technique

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1095137
#12. Jenny kissed me when we met, Jumping from the chair she sat in; Time, you thief, who love to get Sweets into your list, put that in: Say I'm weary, say I'm sad, Say that health and wealth have missed me, Say I'm growing old, but add
Jenny kissed me!

Leigh Hunt

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1055914
#13. I don't like it when people on the street say "smile" or "cheer up." It's a real cheap line. I'm feeling good. I'm feeling real grateful for everything. It's a solid time in my life. When people say I look sad, they're wrong.

Nicolas Cage

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #932340
#14. I want you to know I want to be part of your life. All of it. I want to make you cry with happiness and I want to be here to wipe away the same tears when you're sad.

Priya Kanaparti

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1242551
#15. I like to listen to sad music when I'm sad. It seems honest. It makes me cry, and sometimes a
good cry is the only thing that can make you feel better.

Elizabeth Berg

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #915363
#16. I think you have to know how you feel when you're sad and it's healthy to mourn if a relationship ends.

Leighton Meester

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #910293
#17. You're like a song that I heard when I was a little kid but forgot I knew until I heard it again.

Maggie Stiefvater

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #888492
#18. Don't ever feel sad about who you are. Don't wish to be a daughter or son to a wealthy home, just because you think you're poor. Look! Everybody's poor, i discovered it when i realized that its not everything that President Barrack Obama has.

Michael Bassey Johnson

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #882850
#19. Donald, I'm not sure if you're even aware of this, but the only difference between you and Michael Douglas from the movie, Wall Street, is that no one's going to be sad when you get cancer.

Anthony Jeselnik

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #762905
#20. Yeah, sure. That's what you think." She sounds a little sad when she says it. A boy hasn't looked Mitzi in the eyes for years. Their eyes stayed glued to her chest. "I'll be her boyfriend noticed you or something like that. But if that's what happened, you're done.

Meg Medina

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #755432
#21. I'm not totally mad at you. I'm just sad. You're all locked up in that little world of yours, and when I try knocking on the door, you just sort of look up for a second and go right back inside.

Haruki Murakami

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #669338
#22. I'm not a child. (Zarek) No, you're not a child. You never were. Children are supposed to be protected and cared for. You had no one to hold you when you cried. No one ever soothed you. They never told you stories or made you laugh when you were sad. (Astrid)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #660574
#23. Dad will come back,' said Charlie quietly.
When Mrs Bone turned to him, she didn't look sad at all, in fact she was smiling.
'You know, Charlie, I'm beginning to believe you,' she said. 'After what happened to Henry, I can believe almost anything.

Jenny Nimmo

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #656131
#24. Someday, we'll run into each other again, I know it.
Maybe I'll be older and smarter and just plain better. If that happens,
that's when I'll deserve you. But now, at this moment, you can't hook
your boat to mine, because I'm liable to sink us both.

Gabrielle Zevin

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #602803
#25. Son, can you play me a memory. I'm not really sure how it goes. It was sad and it was sweet and I knew it complete when I wore a younger man's clothes.

Billy Joel

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #594522
#26. I mean, that's a sad day in America when you're recalled because you did what you said you were going to do, and the public voted you in to do that.

Russell Pearce

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1489024
#27. I love you when you're happy.
I love you when you're sad.
I love you if you're angry,
And I love you if you're bad.
No matter how you feel,
I love you all the time.
Oh my sweet, dear baby,
I love you all the time.

Carla J. Hanna

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1866656
#28. Bob summed it up best when he was on his knees at the end of the night saying, 'Don't trust in Guided By Voices.' You were there; was the show awful or something? I know it was sloppy, but they're not really that tight anyway, but was it embarrassing, was it sad?

Kim Deal

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1862771
#29. One day I saw the sun set forty-four times!' And a little later you added, 'You know, when you're feeling very sad, sunsets are wonderful ... '
'On the day of the forty-four times, were you feeling very sad?'
But the little prince didn't answer.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1799860
#30. When you 'make good,' you find out who your real friends are. You find out pretty quick. And it's a very ambivalent feeling, because you're, like, happy you found out that people are [jerkfaces], but you're kinda sad because you think, 'Wow, I wasted so much time being this person's friend.'

Greg Camp

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1719510
#31. I never had trouble eating or sleeping when I thought of her in danger. I didn't want to tear my heart out when she looked sad. I'm tainted, I know as much. Just let me stay near you, Dru. Please. - Christophe

Lili St. Crow

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1650735
#32. When loved ones die, people always say, "Don't be sad. I'm sure they would have wanted you to be happy." I'm sure that's true. But let's be realistic here, people also want to be missed. It is every person's nightmare to leave the world behind as if they had never been there at all.

Esther Earl

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1647796
#33. I'm always sad when a gig ends. No matter how long the shoot, you become a family for the period of time you are together, and then you separate and rarely see each other for a long time after.

Georgina Reilly

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1603251
#34. You're so much happier than when I first met you." He tucks my bangs behind my ear. "I wish you could be this way around everyone, Callie. That you would stop hiding from everyone. It's sad no one gets to see how great you are.

Jessica Sorensen

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1596286
#35. I didn't want to wake up. I was having a much better time asleep. And that's really sad. It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare you're so relieved. I woke up into a nightmare.

Ned Vizzini

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1578256
#36. You just seem so sad," I said, dialing voice mail. "Like someone stole your favorite nine millimeter."
"I'm not sad." He started down the hall, then turned back. "Least not when I look at you."

Darynda Jones

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1527323
#37. President Bush spent last night calling world leaders to support the war with Iraq and it is sad when the most powerful man on earth is yelling, 'I know you're there, pick up, pick up.

Craig Kilborn

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1516234
#38. But don't get me wrong. I'm not totally mad at you. I'm just sad. You were so nice to me when I was having my problems, but now that you're having yours, it seems there's not a thing I can do for you.

Haruki Murakami

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1498849
#39. Well, this is how I see it - every tune tells a tale, nearly always a sad one. When I turn the handle I imagine I'm the hero of that tale and I try to feel at one with its melody. But at the same time it's as if I'm pretending, do you see?

Andres Neuman

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #561249
#40. Things I Want to Happen After I die: You're allowed to be sad, but you're not allowed to be too sad. If you're always sad when you think about me, then how can you remember me?
- Sam McQueen

Sally Nicholls

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1446620
#41. You think you're lost but you're not lost on your own. You're not alone. I will stand by you, I will help you through when you've done all you can do.
If you can't cope, I will dry your eyes
I will fight your fight, I will hold you tight and I wont let go

Rascal Flatts

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1444828
#42. I flinched when his hands lifted, although it was more of a reaction to everything that had been happening to me, not necessarily because he was Death. He stilled. "You're sad," he said. "Let me help you."
"There isn't anything you can do."
"I can comfort you.

H.D. Smith

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1443775
#43. I learned to practice smiling when I'm feeling sad, you know?


When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1418886
#44. Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too
Even though I really love you
I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is I'mma be ok

Leona Lewis

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1409415
#45. There're a lot of things you don't understand." Zachary smoldered his gaze at me. "I came looking for you, and then when I found out where you were, suddenly it didn't seem worth it. It wasn't you. It was everything and nothing. Life. Ma's death. Talking to anybody. Not worth it

Madeleine L'Engle

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1388669
#46. I guess it's going to have to hurt, I guess I'm going to have to cry, And let go of some things I've loved to get to the other side
I guess it's going to break me down, Like fallin when you try to fly,
Sad but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life starts with goodbye

Carrie Underwood

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1354345
#47. I was told so many times when I was a kid, 'I can't be friends with you, you're too intense, you're too sad all the time.' I really thought that when I made the first album that everyone would understand me, all the people who weren't my friends would become my friends.

Fiona Apple

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1306917
#48. I don't understand
how everything moves so quickly.
They say time flies when you're having fun,
but I wasn't always having fun.
Even when I was mad or sad,
time was always on the run.

Amanda Leigh

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1280731
#49. All the things that you said when you thought I wasn't there,
I just tell them to my corner, 'cause no one else would care.
That way, when I'm with you, I can keep a cheerful face,
But for the moment, I really just need some space.

Margo T. Rose

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1273393
#50. I love you, baby girl. When you're sad, I am too.

Darla Phelps

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1267822
#51. I get really sad when people say, 'I'm no good. I haven't been cast in a pilot.' It doesn't mean you're not good; it just means someone hasn't seen you yet. It doesn't mean that in real life you're not the greatest actor.

Matthew Gray Gubler

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #153291
#52. I've never felt stronger than when I was packing up my room at Richard's place. [...] I've also never felt sadder. Sad but strong. You can be both. And I am.

Emery Lord

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #245257
#53. How can you lose something you never had, I tell myself when I'm feeling sad.

Elvis Presley

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #242466
#54. What I want to know is how you go on when you look around
and don't see anywhere you want to go without the only person
you can't have.

Charlotte Eriksson

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #237087
#55. When you feel sad, it's okay. It's not the end of the world. Everyone has those days when you doubt yourself, and when you feel like everything you do sucks, but then there's those days when you feel like Superman. It's just the balance of the world. I just write to feel better.

Mac Miller

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #230124
#56. I learned that writing is the consolation prize you are given when you don't get the thing you want the most.

Lang Leav

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #227809
#57. Every day, when I am working with my boys, I tell them as long as you put in your best efforts, I am there to back you. But the day I find your energy flagging on the field, the day I find you have not put in your best, that's when I will be really upset and sad.

Nita Ambani

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #219556
#58. Remember this when you leave me here: that your sweetest face and loving voice, I forevermore hold dear.

Chrissy Moon

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #199807
#59. When I am sad and wearyWhen I think all hope has goneWhen I walk along High HolbornI think of you with nothing on

Adrian Mitchell

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #191208
#60. Libby wasn't a big talker - Michelle and Debby seemed to hog all her words. She made pronouncements: I like ponies. I hate spaghetti. I hate you. Like her mother, she had no poker face. No poker mood. It was all right there. When she wasn't angry or sad, she just didn't say much.

Gillian Flynn

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #187664
#61. What will life be like without her? I am dreadfully sad she is leaving. What if she just disappears; gets tired of all this trouble at home? What if she leaves me too? How heavy is a dresser when you're the only one pushing it against the door? I feel truly on my own.

Mira Bartok

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #179871
#62. It's a sad day when your iPhone becomes a horcrux, witches hunt your soul and you have to seek the resurrection stone just to find yourself. I was hardly Harry Potter. There was no lightening bolt on my forehead, but if you knew my life you would have met a storm.

Shannon L. Alder

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #177749
#63. You scared of your old lady, Ripper?" ...
"Fuck you," he shot back. "I ain't scared of shit except havin' nowhere to put my dick when it gets cold and sad and wants a motherfuckin' hug.

Madeline Sheehan

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #158628
#64. You wouldn't believe how much harder it's getting for me to just leave my studio. It's really sad. In fact these days the only thing that gets me outside is when I say: Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck you. Fuck me. Fuck this. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Mark Z. Danielewski

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #272434
#65. Deep down ... she's a good woman ... you should be proud of her. When I told my mom about this, she just looked very sad because he could never say those things to her. Not ever. Not even when he walked her down the aisle.

Stephen Chbosky

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #130082
#66. I was born when you kissed me.

Dorothy B. Hughes

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #100176
#67. Sometimes I don't even know if I'm extremely happy or extremely sad. It happens a lot when I think of you

Antonia Michaelis

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #64436
#68. I felt like crying but nothing came out. it was just a sort of sad sickness, sick sad, when you can't feel any worse. I think you know it. I think everybody knows it now and then. but I think I have known it pretty often, too often.

Charles Bukowski

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #48104
#69. When people call it that I always get pissed off because I always think depression sounds like you just get like really sad, you get quiet and melancholy and just like sit quietly by the window sighing or just lying around. A state of not caring about anything. A kind of blue kind of peaceful state.

David Foster Wallace

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #46403
#70. I love food: hamburgers, pizza, gnocci, mashed potatoes, and especially chocolate. I enjoy eating for the sake of eating. Sometimes I feel sad for the models who don't eat. When you love food, you love life. When you love life, you love to love.

Laetitia Casta

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #34579
#71. You know, I think we Indians are afraid to show and celebrate our happiness, lest things change around. But I feel that it's okay to be sad and okay to show when you are happy.

Shah Rukh Khan

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #33912
#72. Well, it's a sad day when I'm the nicest person you know."


K.F. Breene

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #29848
#73. At the outset, I think that one should be natural, not just when it comes to writing but in every area of life. If you try to be something that you are not just to impress others, then it's a rather sad life.

Amish Tripathi

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #29838
#74. When I'm feeling sad, or lonely, and I don't know what I'm doing and I don't know where I'm going, I imagine the Cool Awesome Future Version of Myself just telling my present self, "It's okay. You just gotta grab that giraffe by the ears and ride it on out."

Jenna Marbles

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #17316
#75. I dont understand why my fans cry when they see me. Do I make you sad? No, right? So smile, I like that!

Justin Bieber

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #6380
#76. It's just that the last thing Adam ever said
to me.......I remember it all so clear....'Can you go with me, Jordy? I'm not so
scared when you're with me.' And then they wouldn't even let me be with him
when he......when he....... He was so scared, Mama. I wasn't there.


When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #363025
#77. She stepped closer to him. "I look like a hobo?" "Worse," he said. "Like a sad hobo clown." "And you like it?" "I love it." As soon as he said it, she broke into a smile. And when Eleanor smiled, something broke inside him. Something always did. eleanor

Rainbow Rowell

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #531712
#78. There are receptors to these molecules in your immune system, in your gut and in your heart. So when you say, 'I have a gut feeling' or 'my heart is sad' or 'I am bursting with joy,' you're not speaking metaphorically. You're speaking literally.

Deepak Chopra

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #529928
#79. I cry all the time. It's more like when didn't you cry. My friends are like, 'Oh God, she's sobbing again.' I cry if I'm happy, sad, normal ... What really gets me is when I read a sad story about a child in the paper, especially at the moment with my hormones raging.

Sara Cox

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #524491
#80. I couldn't decide if the dream was a good dream or a bad dream. Maybe a good dream because when I woke I wasn't sad. Maybe that's how you measured whether a dream was good or bad. By the way it made you feel.


When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #511704
#81. It was quite a sad thing,
the way I watched you sleep like nothing could go wrong and I did not want to harm it, I did not want to blur it, but how could I not
when everything I've ever known has slowly gone away.

Charlotte Eriksson

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #496253
#82. They say that's what happens when you fall in love. You want to tell people things. You especially want to tell them sad things. Hidden sad things from the past. Something like: I was abandoned at a sweetshop in an unspecified European country.

Nina LaCour

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #446284
#83. But when you're sad and the walls feel like they're closing in, I want you to remember that the only way to get out of the tunnel is through it.

Joelle Charbonneau

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #440827
#84. Happiness is an illusion, Natalie. It doesn't actually exist."
"Of course it does," I said. "It's what you feel when you're not sad."
"That's unconsciousness. And I'm pretty sure that I'm miserable when I am unconscious, too.

Lee Goldberg

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #404063
#85. No matter what happens, I don't think that anyone will remember me when I disappear. It will be like I was never here. There will be no proof that I ever existed ... you can't be sad if you disappear, because disappeared people can't feel sad. They can only be remembered or forgotten.

Matthew Green

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #394874
#86. New Rule: The sad mime at every protest has to give it a rest. One sign you're a major annoyance: when you haven't said anything and I still want to tell you to shut the fuck up.

Bill Maher

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #391609
#87. The love song I wrote that day... I got embarrassed and never sang it for her.

Oh yeah... I'll sing it to her when I go home.

I'll go home.

I'll hurry home.

Inio Asano

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #389690
#88. I'll love you even when I can't"
"I'll love you even when I shouldn't

Colleen Hoover

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #377937
#89. I'm just a little bit tired If you know what I mean Don't want to be in a crowd When I can be in a dream.

Jim Steinman

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #1275
#90. If you have heard a Jewish cantor sing, if he has touched you and made your own sorrow seem trivial when compared with his, you will know my feeling when I follow the curves of her profile, like mobile rivers, to their common delta.

Jean Toomer

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #358465
#91. I could have loved you once And said it But then you went away And when you came back Love was a forgotten word, Remember?

Marilyn Monroe

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #354525
#92. It is sad and wrong to be so dependent for the life of my life on any human being as I am on you; but I cannot by any force of logic cure myself at this date, when it has become second nature.

Jane Welsh Carlyle

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #342670
#93. It is a sad thing when you hear Christians with a groan in them. When I meet the groaner, I say in my heart, "God, move that man on into the place where he comprehends what Christianity is."

John G. Lake

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #340680
#94. I am not sad, but I am melancholic. When you lose your mother at 20 and then your father soon after, melancholia is part of your life.

Patricia Kaas

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #337121
#95. Something about, 'I love my dad, I love my dad, makes me feel better when I'm sad ... I love you to the moon and back.

Peter Facinelli

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #330900
#96. I think it's sad when people stop dreaming, or start losing hope. Because holding onto the bonkers dream might just turn out to be the most marvellous thing you ever did.

Miranda Hart

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #301812
#97. Then when I am sad and understand nothing anymore, I say to myself that it's better to die while you still want to live, than to die and want to die.

Erich Maria Remarque

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #298201
#98. It doesn't matter. I've moved on from something that was never there to begin with. That's one of the dire things about escaping from childhood. Eventually you grow up and realize the things you wanted when you were young weren't really yours to ask for.
I know that now.

T.J. Klune

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #296129
#99. I can usually tell when a woman is going through a divorce because they look so gaunt and tired and sad. It's just a huge sadness. It's horrible. It's like death. You mourn, but the person's still there.

Andie MacDowell

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #289837
#100. Carmen: I want you to leave me alone, but not ignore me. I want you to miss me when I go away to college, but not be sad. I want you to stay exactly the same, but not be lonely or alone. I want to do the leaving, and not have you ever leave me.

Ann Brashares

When You're Sad I'm Sad Quotes #289158

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