Top 39 Well Hello Quotes

#1. Well. Hello. Yeh must be Harry. Hello, Harry Potter. I'm Rubeus Hagrid. And I'm gonna be yer friend whether yeh like it or not. 'Cos yeh've had it tough, not that yeh know it yet. An' yer gonna need friends. Now yeh best come with me, don't yeh think?

J.K. Rowling

Well Hello Quotes #864281
#2. Well, hello there, Mother," Sebastian said in a voice like silk. "Surprised to see me?

Cassandra Clare

Well Hello Quotes #94419
#3. Well, hello there," I said, "you big, beautiful overgrown passageway." I looked over to Lia. "Let's confuse 'em a little.

Lisa Tawn Bergren

Well Hello Quotes #1853852
#4. If you have a full understanding of what we're up against and the leadership of your country doesn't, well, hello. That's life in America today.

Rush Limbaugh

Well Hello Quotes #1741897
#5. Well hello," Caitlin said, eyeing the shepherd. "The last time I saw you, you were wearing your heart on your sleeve. Because I ripped it out and put it there.

Craig Schaefer

Well Hello Quotes #1694748
#6. Well, hello, Charlotte... Today I play the part of your dearest friend, a kindred spirit and sole confidante. Feel free to whisper your darkest secrets to me - it's all part of the guise, of course. You can trust me not to share. - Linnet

Andrea Cremer

Well Hello Quotes #1519572
#7. I couldn't shake the fear that Mason would follow through on a threat he said a year ago: No girl would come between him and his brother. Well. Hello. Here I am.


Well Hello Quotes #1232318
#8. Well hello, honey, I've been out boozing and whoring. I know, my priorities are pretty off.

Jennifer L. Armentrout

Well Hello Quotes #1148802
#9. Well, hello, darling with the ocean eyes,
How many secrets keep us apart?
A sea of poems, a field of sighs,
Can I cross and return to the start?

Amy Zhang

Well Hello Quotes #988979
#10. Well, hello, Peter," said Lupin pleasantly, as though rats frequently erupted into old school friends around him. "Long time, no see.

J.K. Rowling

Well Hello Quotes #937516
#11. Hi there, I'm - " "An idiot," Kieran said, rolling his eyes. Thrain grinned and shook Clare's hand. "Well, hello, Miss Idiot.

Jayde Scott

Well Hello Quotes #886181
#12. Hello slash query is all well? parenthesis enquiry after suitability of timing slash insinuations of warmness sixty percent insinuations of belief that interlocutor has topic to be discussed forty percent blah blah." I raised an eyebrow. "It was pointless.

China Mieville

Well Hello Quotes #805787
#13. There's so many great things that happened at the Grand Ole Opry in 50 years. You get the chance to go out and visit with your peers. You get a chance to sing your song and say hello to so many friends and neighbors and all that you have. It's just - well, it's a second home.

Jim Ed Brown

Well Hello Quotes #1878736
#14. Hello, IT ... Have you tried turning it off and on again? ... OK, well, the button on the side. Is it glowing? ... Yeah, you need to turn it on ... Err, the button turns it on ... Yeah, you do know how a button works, don't you? ... No, not on clothes ... I'm sorry, are you from the past?

Graham Linehan

Well Hello Quotes #855762
#15. Hello? ... No I'm sorry no Shaquita here. Well what number did you dial?.. No it's a nine not a seven ... Well try it if it doest work call me back we'll figure this thing out.

Katt Williams

Well Hello Quotes #1025387
#16. As you stopped to say hello, oh, you wished me well, you couldn't tell that I'd been crying over you.

Roy Orbison

Well Hello Quotes #1070614
#17. Really? Worst film you ever saw. Well, my next one will be better. Hello. Hello.

Ed Wood

Well Hello Quotes #1142321
#18. A million years ago - some hairy bastard daubed a horse on the wall of his cave, he saw it, he drew it - well done! Flash forward: 'Hello, welcome to my vlog. Today I bought a plum

Patrick Marber

Well Hello Quotes #1263992
#19. Well, my brother says Hello. So, hooray for speech therapy.

Emo Philips

Well Hello Quotes #1303181
#20. The man glanced up. "Hello. Tweeter tells me you're Kody, a fellow Mundanian, newly arrived, and you want to compare notes." "Uh, yes, in essence," Kody agreed, taken aback. All that from one tweet? Well, maybe it did fit within 140 characters.

Piers Anthony

Well Hello Quotes #1415067
#21. Zack looks at Jenna and slowly pulls off his sunglasses. "Why, hello, beautiful," he says. "I'm Zack." He shows off his dimples. "And you are ... ?"
"Not going to sleep with you," Jenna quips, grinning right back at him.
His smile widens. "Well played.

Chelsea Fine

Well Hello Quotes #1499262
#22. The last thing I'd learn, well into my career, was how to get on, how to say hello, how to get in with the audience.

Phyllis Diller

Well Hello Quotes #1543889
#23. The good thing about my part in 'Harry Potter' was that I was pretty well disguised. When I was walking down the street, there was no real recognition factor. Parents would sometimes call their children to come say hello to Mad-Eye, and the kids wouldn't know what they were looking at.

Brendan Gleeson

Well Hello Quotes #1667891
#24. Charity groped for the phone, coming up with it at last and croaking "hello" in a voice that sounded exactly like a bullfrog's mating call. Which made a kind of twisted sense
last night she'd been hunting for a mate as well.

Elizabeth Jane Howard

Well Hello Quotes #1746749
#25. illustrations of anthropomorphic piles of resin with dialogue bubbles above them: "Hello there, I'm Frankincense. Well, technically I'm Frankincense's monster, but everyone gets that wrong." One

Meg Wolitzer

Well Hello Quotes #1799820
#26. Hello."
He smiled and snuggled into his pillow. "Is this the voice mail of the beautiful Kenzie Denune or the real thing?"
"Well, Highlander, ye just happen to be in luck tonight."
He wanted to tell her if he was in luck, he'd be inside her right now...

Vonnie Davis

Well Hello Quotes #735858
#27. My parents are very well-behaved. If anything, if my Mom were here right now, she would hug and kiss every one of you hello, and then she would feed you.

Tina Fey

Well Hello Quotes #732627
#28. I walked out and breathed fresh air. I felt the sun on my skin. The world is a different place when you are well, when you are young. The world is beautiful and safe. I said hello to the gatekeeper. He said hello back to me.

Sarah Winman

Well Hello Quotes #708827
#29. Well, either you've been out fighting the forces of evil or you've come from a much wilder party than we have," Jace said.
"Hello, there, Blackthorns.

Cassandra Clare

Well Hello Quotes #663699
#30. I asked her, dreamily, if we had met, and when she told me that we had not, I gave her a little finger wave, the type a leprechaun might offer a pixie who was floating by on a maple leaf. "Well, hi there," I whispered.

David Sedaris

Well Hello Quotes #636597
#31. County library? Reference desk, please. Hello? Yes, I need a word definition. Well, that's the problem. I don't know how to spell it and I'm not allowed to say it. Could you just rattle off all the swear words you know and I'll stop you when ... Hello?

Bill Watterson

Well Hello Quotes #575053
#32. Well," I said. "Hello, nurse." "I can't think of a sexier first impression than a man quoting Yakko and Wakko Warner," she said, her tone dry.


Well Hello Quotes #555231
#33. For most people, the ringing of a phone was a welcome sign. Someone was trying to reach them, to say hello, ask about their well-being, or make plans. For me, it triggered fear, intense anxiety and heart-stopping panic.

Lauren Weisberger

Well Hello Quotes #363388
#34. I feel happy, I feel sad, I feel like running through the walls
I'm overjoyed, I'm undecided, I don't know who I am
Well maybe I'm not perfect, at least I'm working on it


Well Hello Quotes #351339
#35. A great piece of advice for online dating is to stand out from the crowd. So greetings like "hello" and "hi" are very common. They do less well than things that are a little bit quirky or a little bit weird, like "howdy" or "holla." The rarer your salutation, the better it does, in general.

Christian Rudder

Well Hello Quotes #343164
#36. Being grateful is humbling. If we appreciate the simple things as well as our achievements and a simple hello from someone else and show courtesy to others, we will certainly express our gratitude to God.

Ellen J. Barrier

Well Hello Quotes #247283
#37. Foot, I'm sure you're well acquainted with mouth by now, but just in case, say hello.

Teagan Hunter

Well Hello Quotes #229242
#38. It's a blessing. It's a curse. It's what you get for saying hello to people. At some point, a good-bye is coming, too. Not just to all the people you love and who love you back, but to the world as well.

Eugene O'Kelly

Well Hello Quotes #172607
#39. Hello?' said the taxi driver, and I realized that it's all very well having an internal monologue, but it does tend to leave the other person a bit stranded, conversationally.

Danny Wallace

Well Hello Quotes #50542

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