Top 100 Upset Me Quotes

#1. The trouble with women in an orchestra is that if they're attractive it will upset my players and if they're not it will upset me.

Thomas Beecham

Upset Me Quotes #23754
#2. No one tells me what they think because they're either intimidated by me, or they don't want to upset me.

Curtis Sliwa

Upset Me Quotes #31192
#3. When I was little I was always getting hit. Kids would take my hat and throw it around, and it upset me. So I got to be very revengeful.

Freddie Prinze

Upset Me Quotes #36702
#4. My first book didn't even have a Canadian publisher. And that upset me, because I so wanted a readership up there.

Patrick DeWitt

Upset Me Quotes #77033
#5. The tabloid that said that I dressed up as a medieval, like a sexy medieval something and that upset me more than the dating rumors that have been circling around that were fake. If somebody thinks I'm going to dress sexy to a costume party, they have another thing coming.

Jennifer Lawrence

Upset Me Quotes #110672
#6. I was so grateful that Lemony Snicket wasn't the worst movie ever made that I overlooked many things that might have otherwise upset me.

Daniel Handler

Upset Me Quotes #222677
#7. This perception that the only people that come to Crown are helpless victims and we are just sitting there preying on them, you know, I reject that absolutely and that does upset me. And I think that that is, you know, that is a spin line from the latte set, which is completely wrong.

James Packer

Upset Me Quotes #320297
#8. The biggest danger in sailing is not the open ocean. It's hitting things. So if I have a thousand miles between me and land, a storm doesn't really upset me. If the boat's set up right, you get beat up a little bit, but the boat's going to handle it fine.

John Moffitt

Upset Me Quotes #325260
#9. Personally, when things upset me, I get quiet and closed off. I have nothing to say, and a chill sets in while I think about what's going on.

Freddie Prinze Jr.

Upset Me Quotes #329507
#10. I don't want to know what they think of me - there's always going to be someone who won't like it and that'll just upset me. So, if I'm happy with it, it just matters if I've done my little vision.

Evanna Lynch

Upset Me Quotes #425882
#11. Let Lady Glyde's maid come in, Louis. Stop! Do her shoes creak?
I was obliged to ask the question. Creaking shoes invariably upset me for the day. I was resigned to see the Young Person, but I was NOT resigned to let the Young Person's shoes upset me. There is a limit even to my endurance.

Wilkie Collins

Upset Me Quotes #428978
#12. I'm no longer curious about things that will upset me.

Louise Hay

Upset Me Quotes #508143
#13. It doesn't upset me to think about dying. What upsets me is the idea of John being alone after his spell passes. The idea of one of us without the other. (p.127)

Michael Zadoorian

Upset Me Quotes #514558
#14. She has been crying here and going on - she has quite upset me.

Henry James

Upset Me Quotes #520415
#15. I was single for a long time and felt very much alone in the world, and talk of family values upset me very much at that phase in my life, because I used to think: 'What about people like me?'

Wendy Cope

Upset Me Quotes #658627
#16. Because people have read those things in the newspapers, they think it is true. Ten years ago all these things I have just mentioned would have upset me.

Ruud Van Nistelrooy

Upset Me Quotes #683191
#17. Cafe De Flore speaks of love, its joys, its pains and its dramas - to love and to lose. This story upset me, I was upside-down, in the depths of myself.

Vanessa Paradis

Upset Me Quotes #832778
#18. The last thing I want my child to see is Dad running around in the middle of the pack. That would really upset me. And that would upset him. I would be embarrassed to take him to school with kids saying, 'Hey, how'd your dad do this weekend?' 'Well, he finished fifth or sixth'.

Dan Wheldon

Upset Me Quotes #869478
#19. There is nothing that would upset me more than my dad being bribed by the press. It's like, 'Just let them run it, then. Don't you give them ammunition.'


Upset Me Quotes #872523
#20. Leave me with my life of the imagination. Your petty pestering, your details of real life, which all upset me to some degree, would drag me down from heaven. Each person dies as best he may; my wish is not to think of death except in my own way.


Upset Me Quotes #910939
#21. You carry about in your own selfish world completely oblivious to the things that really upset me and then wonder what it is you've done wrong.

Mike Gayle

Upset Me Quotes #911463
#22. Personalities seem in many cases to dominate the lucrative endorsement market. But that doesn't upset me. What upsets me is when not enough attention is paid to the product-the game.

Jerry West

Upset Me Quotes #983454
#23. You don't have the power to upset me. You don't matter enough to upset me.

Bernhard Schlink

Upset Me Quotes #993072
#24. Nothing that I can encounter today can be as bad as what is behind me. There are small things that used to upset me, but now I just think: Who cares?

Ingrid Betancourt

Upset Me Quotes #1019410
#25. I put on the fat suit and went outside and walked around. I was really nervous about being found out, but nobody would even make eye contact with me. It really upset me.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Upset Me Quotes #1071188
#26. One of the things that upset me was some of the criticism leveled at Simon and Garfunkel. I always took exception to it, but actually I agree with a lot of it.

Paul Simon

Upset Me Quotes #1076183
#27. What upset me the most was not that I would die, but that I was letting down my parents. I felt very guilty for chasing this dream career of mine, at the expense of my parents.

Linda Vester

Upset Me Quotes #1099108
#28. He knows what will upset me before it even happens and like a superhero, bends the track of the runaway train before it strikes.

Jodi Picoult

Upset Me Quotes #1141216
#29. I remember that I used to get lots of books from the library, and 'Little Women' was one of them. And I used to just cross out the parts of it that really upset me because it's such a sad book in so many ways. I'd cross out the parts that upset me, and I would rewrite new endings.

Helen Oyeyemi

Upset Me Quotes #1150475
#30. Bree's ass would upset me, and I would come home and take it out on my girl and kids.


Upset Me Quotes #1158901
#31. Jobs that require a suit upset me. They displease me much, as our world is rife with such superficial conformity.

Nick Offerman

Upset Me Quotes #1185866
#32. At first it upset me to realize how many people are, at heart, selfish. Now I take that in stride, but people's loneliness still gets to me.

Janette Rallison

Upset Me Quotes #1284758
#33. Don't be sorry, my dear sir, for nothing could upset me today! Rejoice, for You-Know-Who is gone at last! Even muggles like yourself should be celebrating this happy, happy day.

J.K. Rowling

Upset Me Quotes #1298589
#34. I don't want to lose my legs, you know. I don't want to be wheeled around in a wheelchair. I don't want to be attached to a catheter. I saw all that stuff happen to my father, and as much as it upset me because I loved my father so much, it also really traumatized me.

Dan Hill

Upset Me Quotes #1346450
#35. 'Johnny' was a coping mechanism who could take those things which could have ordinarily destroyed me, by tweaking my past and throwing it back out there, getting laughs from things that would have otherwise upset me.

Johnny Vegas

Upset Me Quotes #1416917
#36. I'm very sensitive and I'm quite a soft person, and I cry a lot when things upset me.

Leona Lewis

Upset Me Quotes #1437703
#37. The thought that my mother would suddenly be a foreigner would upset me very much.

Tony Benn

Upset Me Quotes #1512074
#38. It's not the bloody carrots that upset me. It's having them sneaked into my food by a madwoman who addresses the cutlery as Mr and Mrs Fork.

Jojo Moyes

Upset Me Quotes #1543461
#39. You go into the disease as one person and come out of it as a different person. It has changed my perspective on everything. Things that used to upset me no longer do.

Grete Waitz

Upset Me Quotes #1641944
#40. When I left Merrill Lynch, one of the things that upset me the most wasn't losing my job. It was not being able to see those people the following day. It was almost like divorcing 40 people.

Erin Duffy

Upset Me Quotes #1670873
#41. Homeless people really upset me when I was little. A lot of kids have this reaction, but I would get really worried or sad or concerned or cry.

Paul Dano

Upset Me Quotes #1735829
#42. My friends sometimes used to ignore me completely, and that would really upset me badly.

Kate Bush

Upset Me Quotes #1762207
#43. The horrors of the world in general upset me. I cry when I think about how lucky I am with my lovely little family.

Sara Cox

Upset Me Quotes #1845930
#44. On the day we filmed the scene, a bee stung me. I screamed and cried so much they called a doctor, and my father said, "It can't hurt that badly!" But it wasn't the pain that upset me, it was the thought that I mightn't be in the film. Already the little professional.

Natasha Richardson

Upset Me Quotes #1846659
#45. Everything is your fault. You made me fall in love with you, and now I'm so upset I can't think or sleep or eat.

Julie Garwood

Upset Me Quotes #3757
#46. I'm not even that upset about the rejection any more. What bothers me most is that I haven't got to the end of my story, and I can't start over with someone else, it's too hard.

Paula Hawkins

Upset Me Quotes #14850
#47. Trusted you ...
Jake Sully: continuing what he was saying - with you.
Neytiri: getting upset I trusted you
Jake Sully: trying to calm her Trust me now. Please.
Neytiri: You will never be one of The People

James Cameron

Upset Me Quotes #23230
#48. When you've done the types of things I've done, it's easier not to reflect on yourself. When I start thinking about how it's affecting the families of the people, and my family and everything, it doesn't do me any good. It just gets me very upset.

Jeffrey Dahmer

Upset Me Quotes #36164
#49. When you switch your focus from the "we" to the "me", the goal from "team" to "self", you upset the balance of the whole. Consequentially, that redistribution of effort impedes success.

Carlos Wallace

Upset Me Quotes #42139
#50. I am not upset that you don't love me, I am very happy to know that you are still living in my heart, in my love.

Debasish Mridha

Upset Me Quotes #46805
#51. The pressures of business relationships: so I tell the guy I usually have my tea time at 10 o'clock every morning. He calls me at noon (very upset) because I didn't meet him on the golf course.

Eric Christopher Jackson

Upset Me Quotes #49469
#52. Bottom line is, if someone says something about me and it upsets me, it's true.

Byron Katie

Upset Me Quotes #56701
#53. You were upset. I hurt you. Something must have happened to make you stay away from me. Is that right?" His nose was pressed under my ear and I fought back another round of tears because he just didn't fully grasp it. He could have been repeating Sheila's words for all I knew.
"You're leaving.

Amber L. Johnson

Upset Me Quotes #73390
#54. I knew they would kill him, or try any way to hurt me or make me upset, so I just was standing there trying my best to look brave!


Upset Me Quotes #77535
#55. wisdom." I suspect you're upset about the inheritance Daddy left me. But

Rachel Hauck

Upset Me Quotes #81714
#56. Alright, but I don't like this at all Syd. But I trust you. If you say you're not upset, then I'll let it go, for now. Just understand that I won't let anything or anyone hurt you, not even me.

Relatively Famous

Heather Leigh

Upset Me Quotes #86658
#57. I could feel my body temperature - I knew I was bright red. It was so humiliating, I was so upset, and it was nothing I had planned to do. It was just one of those beautiful moments, the alchemy of acting that is so mysterious, where you sort of go, "How did that come out of me?"

Sarah Paulson

Upset Me Quotes #91071
#58. You hate me now. I knew you'd be upset at the choice being taken away but I couldn't see you die.

Lynsay Sands

Upset Me Quotes #93736
#59. I don't like fun, it upsets me.

Marilyn Manson

Upset Me Quotes #98337
#60. There were times when there were parts that I was sure I got and then I didn't, and I did get upset. But at this point, it doesn't affect me in the least because I know how the business works.

Ellen Muth

Upset Me Quotes #110418
#61. It makes me upset, if not angry, when people assume that there can be no morality without a religious framework. If there's a moral framework without all that religious stuff, it's more valuable.

Jane Asher

Upset Me Quotes #111005
#62. I see you try to hurt me bad. Don't know what you're up against. Maybe you should reconsider; come up with another plan. Cause you know I'm not that kinda girl. I'll just get back up again.


Upset Me Quotes #113900
#63. Everyone, from the Mother Superior to the priests to my parents
they were so upset and reproachful ... I felt as if something they all passionately believed in depended on me carrying on with something I didn't.

Philip Pullman

Upset Me Quotes #120774
#64. And to me, it was interesting, some of the people I had interviewed who knew the insides to this program said that they also, to create anxiety and upset in the soldiers, they take Bibles and they trash them.

Jane Mayer

Upset Me Quotes #143443
#65. Beethoven always sounds to me like the upsetting of a bag of nails, with here and there an also dropped hammer.

John Ruskin

Upset Me Quotes #147632
#66. I have gotten one question repeatedly from young men. These are guys who liked the book, but they are honestly confused. They ask me why Melinda was so upset about being raped.

Laurie Halse Anderson

Upset Me Quotes #155073
#67. I use everything. Turning life into stories is how I make sense of my experience. No matter how weird or disturbing or upsetting to me personally, it all finds its way in there.

Grant Morrison

Upset Me Quotes #155309
#68. The thought of God began to occupy me. It seemed to me in the highest degree indefensible of Him to interfere every time I sought for a place, and to upset the whole thing, while all the time I was but imploring enough for a daily meal.

Knut Hamsun

Upset Me Quotes #178365
#69. People like to see me fight. A name can only take you so far. There are only a few fighters out of the thousands of boxers out there that have name recognition. I'm definitely not upset by that.

Laila Ali

Upset Me Quotes #194212
#70. Sherrie would be there, and the last time I'd seen her at a social event she burst into tears when she saw me and ran out of the room. You're upset, I'd yelled after her, meanly.

Aimee Bender

Upset Me Quotes #195339
#71. I'll help you with whatever's made you upset," he said. "But this morning you blew me off and I'm not going to kiss you today just so you can tell me to go to hell tomorrow."

Andrea Cremer

Upset Me Quotes #218895
#72. The GOP leaders are upset with me, but the Republicans around the district are thanking me for stepping up to the plate and giving them a choice in this election of a real common sense conservative Reagan Republican.

Doug Hoffman

Upset Me Quotes #219979
#73. Lighten up." I yawned, pointing across the street to the diner. "If I got upset every time someone beat me, or chased me, or tried to rape me, I'd be crying in my cereal every morning. No one likes a whiner.

Mary Calmes

Upset Me Quotes #230011
#74. I'm as patient a father as I am on the tennis court. It takes a lot for me to get really upset, but sometimes kids can get you really cross if they really keep bugging you.

Roger Federer

Upset Me Quotes #247383
#75. I've been married four times and caused a great deal of hurt and upset around me.

Roger Moore

Upset Me Quotes #251595
#76. I asked her why she was getting so upset about such a small thing. She said, 'It doesn't feel small to me.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Upset Me Quotes #257259
#77. I have learned that in any significant or continuing relationship, feelings which are persistent had best be expressed. If they are expressed as feelings owned by me, the result may be temporarily upsetting but ultimately far more rewarding than any attempt to deny or conceal them.

Carl Rogers

Upset Me Quotes #263781
#78. You want to know how I'm feeling? Just look at me, and I'll tell you how I'm feeling. Nothing is hidden. I'm all out there. I cry like a baby, I get upset, I stamp my feet. I'm not stoic.

Marcia Gay Harden

Upset Me Quotes #276784
#79. But now, being a parent, I go home and see my son and I forget about any mistake I ever made or the reason I'm upset. I get home and my son is smiling or he comes running to me. It has just made me grow as an individual and grow as a man.

LeBron James

Upset Me Quotes #278475
#80. Technically, I'm not supposed to meet you until tomorrow, and I don't want anyone getting upset. Though I wouldn't call you yelling at me anything close to a romantic tryst, would you?

Kiera Cass

Upset Me Quotes #286567
#81. I don't know about you, but every time some joker points me out as I walk through an airport wearing extra-small Dolfin shorts, a tank top and leg warmers, I get a little upset.

Richard Simmons

Upset Me Quotes #299239
#82. To set the record straight, I'm not upset for me, but for all the girls out there that are struggling with their body image.

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Upset Me Quotes #326874
#83. I was amazed and upset by the looks I got just walking around the studio ... It illuminates the ugliness and the beauty that exists within each of us, and that's what this story represents to me.

Gerard Butler

Upset Me Quotes #330313
#84. Quite Franc-ly, I think I am an asset to this world we live in. I know that if I didn't exist, there would be some truly upset people just waiting for me. A life without Franco is like a kitten without fur. That's what my reflection told me.

James Franco

Upset Me Quotes #336770
#85. I'm not trying to upset you. I just think it's about time you moved on."

"I have moved on."

"Have you? Because it looks a lot like standing around to me.

Alexis Hall

Upset Me Quotes #340578
#86. I'm not going to let fear rule my life. I'd rather be able to know that I've made a choice that's right for me, than saying yes because I don't want my agents to be upset with me.

Heather Matarazzo

Upset Me Quotes #353256
#87. When I was a kid I would get upset when people laughed at me when I didn't mean to be funny. I would always hear,'We're not laughing at you. We're laughing with you.' But I would say, 'I'm not laughing.

Julie Kavner

Upset Me Quotes #362972
#88. The interesting thing for me is, if that had been a left-wing person raising questions, [President Obama] probably would have expressed his anger. Because Obama really does get upset about progressives.

Cornel West

Upset Me Quotes #363266
#89. I don't even know how to use a semicolon to this day; I use a comma every time. And you know what? If I email somebody and they get upset about me using a comma instead of a semicolon, that's not a person I want to work with anyway. And that's how you weed people out of your life.

Hannibal Buress

Upset Me Quotes #367221
#90. In New York, Catholic groups have forced an art gallery to shut down an exhibition of a six-foot image of Jesus in chocolate. So, the Archbishop of New York was very upset. He said, 'It is appalling to make Jesus out of food! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go bake some communion wafers.'

Bill Maher

Upset Me Quotes #396069
#91. Whenever I was upset by something in the papers, Jack always told me to be more tolerant, like a horse flicking away flies in the summer.

Jackie Kennedy

Upset Me Quotes #401965
#92. My mom was so upset that she took me shopping for new clothes.

Stephen Chbosky

Upset Me Quotes #409637
#93. I don't know if there's anything that would surprise people, because I don't think that anybody knows anything about me at all. There's not much out there. I think I'm going to come out with a pretty dark and troubled record, and it might upset some people.

Zachary Cole Smith

Upset Me Quotes #426410
#94. Do you want to tell me what happened? Why were those bikers chasing you?" Jessica's gaze bounced between us.

"They were upset I switched their tampons with Depends." Cletus sounded so serious and reasonable, I almost believed him. And I'd been there.

Penny Reid

Upset Me Quotes #433664
#95. When we're upset, our vocal cords tighten and we can't speak. And when I lie - well, I can't lie, because the same thing happens - everyone who knows me knows that when I start squeaking, I've started lying.

Aleksandar Hemon

Upset Me Quotes #435775
#96. I'm queer. But why would people get so upset about something that feels so good? Me being a queer can't hurt anyone, why should it be such a terrible thing? Makes no sense.

Rita Mae Brown

Upset Me Quotes #438948
#97. If I'm in this war, too, then I should be upset. You know I'm not the type to think collecting bacon grease and scrap metal will keep anyone from dying. How about you give me the words so you don't have to hold them in? It's the least I can do.

Suzanne Hayes

Upset Me Quotes #439457
#98. The idea of having Australians upset at me is just awful.

Craig Ferguson

Upset Me Quotes #456828
#99. You can say anything you want to say about me. But don't you dare address overweight people with terrible names and ugly remarks. That is what upsets me.

Richard Simmons

Upset Me Quotes #469712
#100. I know that there will be other women, but they couldn't compare. Maybe I'll change, maybe love will change, but I think we were a once-in-a-lifetime. You could never leave me; that's why I am not more upset. You can't possibly break these feelings. They stretch, and they last.

Jodi Picoult

Upset Me Quotes #515649

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