Top 19 Treat Me Like A Game Quotes

#1. Challenge me. Treat me like a game of checkers and play me. That's all I'm asking, just play me. Treat me like Sega and play me.

Shaquille O'Neal

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #1375373
#2. Treat your life like a game.

Ray Dalio

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #928247
#3. Love is not a game, ladies. Treat it like one, and you're bound to lose. Everyone talks about the rewards of finding that one person. Nobody warns you about the pain of losing him.

Lauren Layne

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #1635204
#4. There may be a lot of things I'm not good at, thought Vimes, but at least I don't treat the punctuation of a sentence like a game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey ...

Terry Pratchett

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #1611804
#5. I always try to take from past performances. You never try to get too high or too low. Just play every game, just treat every game like it's the same.

Derek Jeter

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #1598816
#6. Chess is not Mathematics, where ten is always more than one; in chess the King with a pawn can beat opponent's King with all pieces if they are placed badly.

Ashot Nadanian

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #1219791
#7. The happy sequence culminating in fellowship with God is penitence, pardon, and peace - the first we offer, the second we accept, and the third we inherit.

Charles Brent

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #1149744
#8. When a person who is very ill decides to treat it like a slight virus, you play that game. If you make a big scene, I think it is yourself you are doing it for, not the person who's ill.

Lauren Bacall

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #1030873
#9. I did a masterclass at the Juilliard and asked the students, 'Can you stand?' 'Sure.' 'Can you walk?' 'Sure.' They couldn't. They had never really thought about it.

Robert Wilson

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #1017306
#10. The artwork had very little to do with the thought process, and the writing too, for that matter. What happens, happens, and it happens outside the brain.

Jules Feiffer

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #957436
#11. I treat business a bit like a computer game. I count money as points. I'm doing really well: making lots of money and lots of points.

Michael Dunlop

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #948855
#12. The point is, if you treat reality like a game, it's going to show in your decisions.

Karl Schroeder

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #683785
#13. Flidais nods in approval. "Respect for life. Good."
I want to ask where her respect for life is, why she thinks it is all right to treat animals like puppets and force me to kill one of them in some sort of sick game.

Kevin Hearne

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #646934
#14. I've worked for everything I've ever got and it's worked out. Even if I was the Cy Young Award winner I still would not want to feel that sense of entitlement. I would still treat every game like it's my very first game and my very last game.

R.A. Dickey

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #623513
#15. God does not hide from us His positive side

Sunday Adelaja

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #589345
#16. Of course I've done musicals here in London.

Norman Wisdom

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #435225
#17. There is a little bit of everybody in everybody.

Leonard Leventon

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #392280
#18. I don't understand. How can a credit card ever be rejected? It's not like it's a kidney!" Colette laughed.

Kevin Kwan

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #24551
#19. a sinner is pleading to Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates: "Wait, those weren't lies," the sinner says. "That was spin!

Mark Leibovich

Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #3567

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