Top 18 You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes

#1. When a person who is very ill decides to treat it like a slight virus, you play that game. If you make a big scene, I think it is yourself you are doing it for, not the person who's ill.

Lauren Bacall

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #1030873
#2. Love is not a game, ladies. Treat it like one, and you're bound to lose. Everyone talks about the rewards of finding that one person. Nobody warns you about the pain of losing him.

Lauren Layne

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #1635204
#3. I take my hair, and I just play with it. I'll just take my hand, I'll mess with the front, and then I'll just pat it on the back, and that's it. I promise you, I don't use hair spray, I don't go crazy with products. I just wake up, flip it, and boom, I go bowling.

Blake Jenner

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #1620233
#4. There may be a lot of things I'm not good at, thought Vimes, but at least I don't treat the punctuation of a sentence like a game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey ...

Terry Pratchett

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #1611804
#5. I always try to take from past performances. You never try to get too high or too low. Just play every game, just treat every game like it's the same.

Derek Jeter

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #1598816
#6. If you can capture the humanity of a family struggling in an economic crisis you can make a difference. You can raise awareness just of the simple humanity.

Emily Blunt

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #1437831
#7. Consistent failure to attain goals throughout life results in defeatism, low self-esteem or depression.

Theodore Kaczynski

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #1410932
#8. Challenge me. Treat me like a game of checkers and play me. That's all I'm asking, just play me. Treat me like Sega and play me.

Shaquille O'Neal

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #1375373
#9. For me, adventures are a vehicle for travelling deep into the fabric of society, coming to know the environmental conditions that shape people's lives and viewing the present in the context of history.

Tim Cope

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #1134083
#10. Things get very clear when you're cornered.

Chogyam Trungpa

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #42925
#11. I treat business a bit like a computer game. I count money as points. I'm doing really well: making lots of money and lots of points.

Michael Dunlop

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #948855
#12. Treat your life like a game.

Ray Dalio

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #928247
#13. At this rate, I'm still going to be aspiring by the time I'm expiring.

Scott Cherney

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #851079
#14. The point is, if you treat reality like a game, it's going to show in your decisions.

Karl Schroeder

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #683785
#15. Flidais nods in approval. "Respect for life. Good."
I want to ask where her respect for life is, why she thinks it is all right to treat animals like puppets and force me to kill one of them in some sort of sick game.

Kevin Hearne

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #646934
#16. There will be no danger of idolatry. The earth and the heavens and all things will declare the glory of God, and the essence of our joy in them will be joy in him. What makes our reward truly great is the greater fullness of our fellowship with God.

John Piper

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #646710
#17. I've worked for everything I've ever got and it's worked out. Even if I was the Cy Young Award winner I still would not want to feel that sense of entitlement. I would still treat every game like it's my very first game and my very last game.

R.A. Dickey

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #623513
#18. It is an undoubted truth that the neck and throat of a highbred woman are incomparably more beautiful than in the woman of lower origin. Blood will tell; there is no disputing it.

Harriet Hubbard Ayer

You Treat Me Like A Game Quotes #385481

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