Top 100 Things Never Quotes
#1. Two things never mix: one is enchantments and the other is meddling with them.
Lloyd Alexander
#2. Better to reach your deathbed with regrets for things done rather than remorses for things never tried.
Alex Morritt
#3. Cars and bumper cars are two very different things. NEVER sleep in a bumper car.
Craig Benzine
#4. I mean, in the end it wasn't up to me. The big things never are. Birth, I mean, and death. And love. And what love bequeaths to use before we're born.
Jeffrey Eugenides
#5. THE FIRST FEW WORDS of every story are always the hardest to write. It's almost as if pulling them out, putting them on paper, commits you to seeing it all through. As if once you start, you are required to finish. And how do you finish when some things never end?
Amy Harmon
#6. Some things never change and the intriguing things you fall in love with will become the things you don't like.
Courteney Cox
#7. Some things never left you, no matter how much you wanted them to.
Megan Hart
#8. They feel guilty for having survived so they pretend the bad things never happened
Exodus (1960) screenplay
Dalton Trumbo
#10. Wrong things never lead to success. If a man acts wrongly and succeeds, that is not the way. Without the Lethani there is no true success.
Patrick Rothfuss
#12. Some things never change," said Abby wearily. "Boys never grow up, they just get bigger with more hair and people start calling them men.
David Baldacci
#13. We are going from reading our genetic code to the ability to write it. That gives us the hypothetical ability to do things never contemplated before.
Craig Venter
#14. The sea thus enchants us like music, which, unlike language, never bears the traces of things, never tells us anything about human beings, but imitates the stirrings of the soul.
Marcel Proust
#15. Things never burn when you want them to, they got out. You'd probably have had to strike match after match.
Agatha Christie
#16. Percy: I'll walk down to the cabins and Connor and Travis are stealing stuff from the camp store, and Silena is arguing with Annabeth trying to give her a new makeover, and Clarisse is still sticking the new kids' head into the toilets. It's nice that some things never change.
Rick Riordan
#17. It was ending too soon, the way everything did, everything except Ebola viruses and really bad people like psychopaths. Those things never ended.
Lev Grossman
#18. You are full of wonderful possibilities. Do something with them. The most painful regrets, those which never go away, are regrets of things not done, things never attempted.
Ralph Marston
#19. There will be no guilt, no repentance, because these things never change people. People remain the same; they just go on changing their outer garb, their form. Substantially, nothing changes through guilt, through fear,
#20. Because beautiful things never last. Not roses nor snow ... And not fireworks, either
Jennifer Donnelly
#21. Everything was perfect and, for the first time in a long time, I was really happy. However, if there's a universal truth in life, it is that things never stay perfect for long. Sooner or later, the shit always hits the fan, right?
Rye Hart
#22. Things never happened like I imagined them.
John Green
#23. Lost things never like to be found until they've been forgotten.
E.J. Mellow
#24. The guys exchange scowls as I climb off the mattress with Jeb's arm securely around my waist. It's nice to see some things never change.
A.G. Howard
#25. That didn't happen, of course. Things never happened the way I imagined them.
John Green
#27. But there we are. Some things never do make perfect sense. There must be some explanation, and it is perhaps a little like the Doctrine of the Perfect Partner. We must be content to know that she exists, somewhere in the world, and try not to care overmuch that we will probably never meet her.
Iain M. Banks
#28. You die a little inside every time you have joyless sex. Neurons prune back. The good in there withers. And some things never grow back.
Hugh Howey
#29. Things never go the way you expect them to. That's both the joy and frustration in life. I'm finding as I get older that I don't mind, though. It's the surprises that tickle me the most, the things you don't see coming.
Michael Stuhlbarg
#30. It didn't happen for a reason, Alann. These things never do. Hurt spills over into hurt, like water over stones. There's no foreseeing it, no knowing who it will touch, who will be left standing.
Mark Lawrence
#31. Things never got tidied up the minute a couple got divorced. It seemed, from what I'd seen, that the divorce itself was the easiest part and all the real shit is what came afterward, shit that went on for years.
Karina Halle
#32. Three things never trust in- The maiden sworn as pure, The vows a king has given, And an ambush that is sure.
Mercedes Lackey
#33. Things never happen on accident. They happen because you have a vision, you have a commitment, you have a dream.
Oscar De La Renta
#34. hope is a good thing, and good things never die!
Stephen King
#35. But what a way to do things-never to perform a decent action until you are kicked into it and the rest of the world has ceased to believe that your motives can possibly be honest.
George Orwell
#37. Envy consists in seeing things never in themselves, but only in their relations. If you desire glory, you may envy Napoleon, but Napoleon envied Caesar, Caesar envied Alexander, and Alexander, I daresay, envied Hercules, who never existed.
Bertrand Russell
#39. Do you vote? If not, is it because you think it doesn't matter because things never change, or politicians are evil on both sides, or one vote in several million doesn't count? Yeah, that's learned helplessness.
David McRaney
#40. Things never stop going wrong. Life isn't about waiting for peace to arrive, it's about learning to thrive in the midst of war. There's always another one on the way." He
Karen Marie Moning
#41. In life most things that frighten us are to do with our own heart and its flaws. You'll always be afraid of some things - never free from fear itself. But that's all right. Fear's like pain, it's there in your life to teach you about yourself.
Lisa Ballantyne
#42. Out of the blue, someone can just walk into your life, and make you realize why things never worked out with anyone else. And this is the person you were meant to be with ... forever.
Jose N. Harris
#43. But then, things never turn out the way you think they will.
Michael Crichton
#44. It is always the simple things that change our lives. And these things never happen when you are looking for them to happen. Life will reveal answers at the pace life wishes to do so. You feel like running, but life is on a stroll. This is how God does things.
Donald Miller
#45. There's a child within me. Everything is fascinating. The hunger to learn, do better and more creative things never goes.
Madhuri Dixit
#46. Things never pass where you think, nor along the paths you think
Gilles Deleuze
#47. With the wise man, what he has does not cease to be enjoyable because some one else has something else. Envy, in fact, is one form of vice, partly moral, partly intellectual, which consists in seeing things never in themselves but only in their relations
Bertrand Russell
#48. I'm just saying things never get so bad we can't do something to make them better.
Orson Scott Card
#49. And, above all things, never think that you're not good enough yourself. A man should never think that. My belief is that in life people will take you very much at your own reckoning.
Anthony Trollope
#50. The good things never stay in your head. Only the bad things live on.
Jake Abel
#51. Because you don't live in a book. Nobody does, silly. Things never happen the way they would in a book. There isn't foreshadowing.
Laurel Snyder
#52. Some things never change. Not the ABC's, not the multiplication tables, not God!
Billy Graham
#53. There's no tragedy in life like the death of a child. Things never get back to the way they were.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
#54. The ball laughs, radiant, in the air. He brings her down, puts her to sleep, showers her with compliments, dances with her, and seeing such things never before seen his admirers pity their unborn grandchildren who will never see them.
Eduardo Galeano
#55. Perhaps, with enough time in these walls, one could become resigned to things never getting better, or even changing all that much. Or maybe a person eventually lost hope that there was anything worth preserving at all.
Hugh Howey
#56. Things never happen like I imagined them
John Green
#57. I prize the Depression, for instance, because I learned the value of things in the Depression that a way people who don't have to worry about such things never learned to prize it really, I believe.
Shelby Foote
#58. But would you believe it? I couldn't remember one word when I woke up this morning. And I'm afraid I'll never be able to think out another one as good. Somehow, things never are so good when they're thought out a second time. Have you ever noticed that?
L.M. Montgomery
#59. Now these things never happened, but always are.
#60. Good Things Never Stay ..
This what People Say..
So,When I met you I knew That Oneday ,
You Will just Go Away !
STILL ... I'll pray & pray
That we walk The Same WAY ( :
Mohammed Abdel-Mohsen
#61. I'm starting to think, though, that some things never get that. The replay, and all. So at some point you have to make peace with it as it is, not keep waiting for a chance to change it
Sarah Dessen
#62. You know how they say revenge is best served up cold? I'd say it's best not served up at all. Revenge is a great motivator, but it doesn't help achieve the desired results. I've seen guys lose buddies, then go off half-cocked, piss fuel running through their veins. Things never turned out well.
Ellen Hopkins
#63. If you want to get things you can't buy in a store, you have to do things never thought of before.
Dr. Seuss
#64. Beautiful things never last. That's why fireflies flash.
Ron Pope
#65. Only old Benjamin professed to remember every detail of his long life and to know that things never had been, nor ever could be much better or much worse--hunger, hardship, and disappointment being, so he said, the unalterable law of life.
George Orwell
#66. Things never go wrong at the moment you expect them to. When you're completely relaxed, oblivious to any potential dangers, that's when bad things happen.
C.K. Kelly Martin
#67. Things never happen the same way twice.
C.S. Lewis
#68. Somehow, you need to cling to your optimism. Always look for the silver lining. Always look for the best in people. Try to see things through the eyes of a child. See the wonder in the simplest things. Never stop dreaming. Believe anything is possible.
Richie Sambora
#69. I didn't steal it - I swear! Oh, as if things never fall into your pocket!
Kresley Cole
#70. He look'd a little disorder'd, when he said this, but I did not apprehend any thing from it at that time, believing as it us'd to be said, that they who do those things never talk of them; or that they who talk of such things never do them.
Daniel Defoe
#71. There are those of us who readily embrace the pabulum of mediocrity which declares that things are about as good as they can get, and so things never get good.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
#72. Troube comes when a person starts asking for money; it never does what they think it will do. And then there's the problem of destiny. Things never turn out well when you try to outwit destiny. Only fools do that.
Kate Milford
#74. I guess show business is a lot like baseball: "Wait until next year!" You just never know. Some of the shittiest shows I've ever seen run forever, and some of the best things never get a chance.
Kurt Fuller
#75. Never stop paying attention to things. Never make your mind up finally. Do not hold beliefs.
A.S. Byatt
#76. When in doubt, discuss the weather. Some things never change.
Emma Lear
#77. I always told my team two things: Never expect them to give you anything and always expect them to make the next shot.
Beth Daniel
#78. I've always let my imagination run free, but now I try to rein it in. Things never turn out the way I imagine, so I am letting them rest. Instead, I am holding just what is in my hand.
Anna White
#79. Didn't we just talk about this the other night?" Denise sighed with exasperation. "Yeah, we talked. Or rather, I talked. But you didn't say much at all." "Sure I did." "No, you didn't. But then, you never have. You just talk about surface things, never the things that are really bothering you.
Nicholas Sparks
#80. Three things never anger or you'll not live for long;
A wolf with cubs,
A man with power, And a woman's sense of wrong.
Mercedes Lackey
#81. Myth is stories about the way things never were, but always are.
Marcus J. Borg
#82. If all you are going to do in life are the things that are convenient and comfortable, the great things never get done.
George Bernard Shaw
#84. It wasn't through choice that I became a mum at 36. I wanted to be a young mum but things never worked out for me.
Denise Van Outen
#85. Above all things, never be afraid. The enemy who forces you to retreat is himself afraid of you at that very moment.
Andre Maurois
#86. Think of many things. Never place your happiness in one person's power. Be just to yourself.
Vikram Seth
#87. Very few recognize science as the high adventure it really is, the wildest of all explorations ever taken by human beings, the chance to glimpse things never seen before, the shrewdest maneuver for discovering how the world works.
Lewis Thomas
#88. Misery has only one meaning, that things are not fitting with your desires - and things never fit with your desires, they cannot. Things simply go on following their nature.
#89. When you grow up
and from the look of things, you have awhile
but you learn things never go back to normal simply because everyone's sorry. Sorry is ridiculous.
Marisha Pessl
#91. Some things never change, suck up to the government and you get an honour.
George Osborne
#92. I tell ye true, liberty is the best of all things; never live beneath the noose of a servile halter.
William Wallace
#93. Some things never get that. The replay, and all. So at some point you have to make peace with it as it is, not keep waiting around for a chance to change it.
Sarah Dessen
#94. For the most part things never get built the way they were drawn.
Maya Lin
#95. If we are to achieve things never before accomplished we must employ methods never before attempted
Francis Bacon
#96. People always said that things never turned out the way you imagined they would. People were wrong
Cassandra Clare
#99. The time we waste never comes again. The opportunities we miss never come again. The loves we lose never come again. Indeed, in this world of constant change we are fortunate that these things never come again.
Frederick Lenz
#100. But ignoring the bad things makes you end up believing that bad things never happen. You are always surprised by them. It surprises you that guns kill, that money corrupts, that snow falls in winter.
Julian Barnes
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