Top 100 Osho Quotes

#1. You have moved into the laws and regulations of the society and those laws and regulations cannot protect you, they can only give you the feeling of protection. But nothing protects. The laws cannot make you secure, they can only give you a feeling of security that is false.


Osho Quotes #11856
#2. One who "knows," knows there is no need to discourse; knowing is enough


Osho Quotes #23895
#3. You need power only to do something harmful.otherwise love is enough,compassion is enough.


Osho Quotes #29143
#4. I live my life based on 2 principles. One, I live as if today was my last day on earth. Two, I live today as if I am going to live forever.


Osho Quotes #32434
#5. So if you want to prove something, it shows that you are doubtful about it. You want to destroy your doubt through others' eyes, through their opinions.


Osho Quotes #48363
#6. Intelligence comes from meditation, intelligence comes from rebellion, intelligence does not come from memory


Osho Quotes #51434
#7. Surdas destroyed his eyes believing that once his sight was gone, desire and passion would never arise in him again. But desire doesn't arise in the eyes, it arises out of the mind. No passion will ever be finished in this way-even if one destroys one's own eyes-


Osho Quotes #64929
#8. Before anything happens, awareness is already there, a priori.


Osho Quotes #96990
#9. And your God is nothing but a teddy bear for grown-ups. You


Osho Quotes #104206
#10. A mystic is one who has dropped all dreams, who has thrown away this mirror of the mind and who looks directly into life, without any medium interfering. Then he sees the eternal progression, then in a single moment he sees all eternity, and in a single atom he can see the whole reflected.


Osho Quotes #119406
#11. Suppression means only trying to hide certain energies that are there, not allowing them to have their being, not allowing them to have their manifestation. Transformation means changing energies, moving them toward a new dimension. There


Osho Quotes #151732
#12. There is no greater luxury than meditation. Meditation is the last luxury, because it is the ultimate love affair.


Osho Quotes #163786
#13. It is others' opinion about you that creates the ego.


Osho Quotes #181812
#14. Death is [ ... ] the blackboard on which life is written.


Osho Quotes #188870
#15. Atisha says: Awareness inside, compassion on the outside. Compassion is the outer side of awareness, the exterior of awareness. Awareness is your interiority, subjectivity. Compassion is relating with others, sharing with others.


Osho Quotes #206337
#16. you cannot understand a thing, you begin to abuse it because it insults you. You cannot understand it! You? YOU cannot understand it? That is impossible. Something must be wrong with the thing itself. One begins to abuse, one begins to talk nonsense, and then he feels, "Now it is okay.


Osho Quotes #245432
#17. The moment you start seeing life as non-serious, a playfulness,
all the burden on your heart disappears.
All the fear of death, of life, of love - everything disappears.


Osho Quotes #260912
#18. If you go to a tree and start talking, or to a flower, a rose, people will think you are mad. If you go to the church and talk to the cross or to an image, nobody will think you are mad, they will think you are religious.


Osho Quotes #284732
#19. This is the answer: live moment to moment and you become a buddha.


Osho Quotes #288133
#20. If I cannot be loving alone, if I can be loving only with someone I love, then I am not really mature yet. Then


Osho Quotes #329834
#21. The grass beyond your fence is always greener, but don't jump the fence to see whether it is actually so. Enjoy it! If it is greener on the other side of the fence, enjoy it. Why destroy things by jumping the fence and finding out that it is worse than your own grass?


Osho Quotes #359866
#22. Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence.


Osho Quotes #414126
#23. Consciousness is yours. Conscience is given by the society.


Osho Quotes #426052
#24. Watch the thoughts, because in your watching them, they disappear. Then watch your emotions, sentimentalities; by your watching, they also disappear. Then your heart is as innocent as that of a child, and your head is as great a genius as Albert Einstein, Bertrand Russell, Aristotle. But


Osho Quotes #451077
#25. Do anything totally and it is finished; you will not carry a psychological memory of it. Do anything incompletely and it hangs with you.


Osho Quotes #454542
#26. Life is not a static phenomenon. It is a flux, a riverlike flux; it needs constant change. It needs moment-to-moment awareness; otherwise you will be left behind.


Osho Quotes #458808
#27. Nothing is good. Nothing is bad. When this dawns in your consciousness, suddenly you are together,all fragments have disappeared into one unity. You are crystallized,you are centered. This is one of the greatest contributions of Eastern consciousness to the world


Osho Quotes #462206
#28. Express your uniqueness in whatsoever you do.
Express your individuality.
Let existence be proud of you.
Life will not be felt like a drag; it will become a fragrance.


Osho Quotes #486824
#29. Zen is the purest of meditations: just sit silently, doing nothing.


Osho Quotes #519215
#30. Zen gives you tremendous dignity. There is no authority anywhere. Freedom is utter and ultimate.


Osho Quotes #532851
#31. All our attachments are outward oriented and hence this illusion.


Osho Quotes #553684
#32. The moment you enter into the world of words, you start falling away from that which is. The more you enter into language, the farther you are away from existence.


Osho Quotes #559477
#33. But always look whether anything that you are facing as a problem is a negative thing or a positive thing. If it is a negative thing, then don't fight with it; don't bother about it at all. Just look for the positive in it, and you will be at the right door.


Osho Quotes #573984
#34. A little foolishness, enough 2 enjoy life, & a little wisdom to avoid the errors, that will do


Osho Quotes #574200
#35. The day you leave, this will be your only contentment: if you have made the existence a little more beautiful.


Osho Quotes #578166
#36. To avoid pain, they avoid pleasure. To avoid death, they avoid life.


Osho Quotes #624555
#37. Truth cannot be decided by the vote of the majority because truth is utterly individual and private.


Osho Quotes #637788
#38. I don't want you to be free from something, I simply want you to be free. See the difference: Freedom from is never total; that "from" keeps it entrapped with the past. Freedom from can never be real freedom. Neither can freedom for ever be real freedom; that is a search for a new slavery.


Osho Quotes #647101
#39. See this impermanency of everything. Don't be in a hurry; don't try to do anything. Just wait! Wait in a total nondoing. And if you can wait, the transformation will be there. This very waiting is a transformation.


Osho Quotes #683357
#40. Watching needs a certain distance. If you are identified there is no distance, they are too close. It is as if you are putting the mirror too close to your eyes: you cannot see your face. A certain distance is needed. Only then can you see your face in the mirror.


Osho Quotes #690708
#41. Love a woman as a goddess, then love becomes worship.


Osho Quotes #702225
#42. Always remember that when a new moment, a new insight, hovers around you, choose the new because the old has not done anything for you, so what is the point of going back? Even if the new proves wrong, then too, choose the new. At least it will be a new adventure; you will come to know something.


Osho Quotes #702340
#43. Ordinarily, you have been told continually that unless you believe, you will not find. But the truth is just the opposite. Belief is a barrier, it is not a bridge. Those who believe never find because they never even begin the search, there is no need.


Osho Quotes #712279
#44. Existence already accepts you - that's why you are here. Otherwise you would not be. This is my basic teaching to you. Existence already accepts you. You do not have to earn it, you are already worthy. Relax, enjoy the way nature has made you.


Osho Quotes #715672
#45. The reflection that you will find in the other of your own self may be ugly - that is the anxiety; avoid the mirror! But by avoiding the mirror you are not going to become beautiful. By avoiding the situation you are not going to grow, either. The challenge has to be taken.


Osho Quotes #725931
#46. Buddhas also have to be swept away, because the door can become a hindrance if you cling to it.


Osho Quotes #745155
#47. Tao simply means the ultimate principle that binds the whole existence together. Existence is not a chaos; that much is certain. It is a cosmos. There is immense order in it, intrinsic order in it, and the name of that order is Tao.


Osho Quotes #770854
#48. This is the secret, THE secret ... De-automatize.


Osho Quotes #784647
#49. The one you are looking for is you.


Osho Quotes #790709
#50. Risk all. Let life be a play, a risk, a gamble. And when you can risk all you will attain to a sharpness in your being: your soul will be born. The Golden Flower can bloom in you only if you are courageous, daring. It blooms only in courage.


Osho Quotes #819929
#51. It is beautiful to be alone, it is also beautiful to to be in love, to be with people. And they are complementary, not contradictory.


Osho Quotes #870991
#52. When somebody on the outside fits with your inner image, you fall in love
that is the meaning of love.


Osho Quotes #889403
#53. Intellect can be helpful, but it needs consciousness to be its master; otherwise it can behave in a very stupid way. It can misunderstand things, it can misrepresent things. It needs a master to guide it, to give it a sense of direction. That master is your being.


Osho Quotes #898214
#54. Love creates a great need to be alone, and aloneness creates a great need to be together.


Osho Quotes #903289
#55. You need not search for uniqueness, you are unique already. There is no way to make a thing more unique. The words "more unique" are absurd. It is just like the word "circle." Circles exist; there is no such thing as "more circular." That is absurd. A circle is always perfect, "more" is not needed.


Osho Quotes #915804
#56. Enlightenment will be now the beginning, not the end. Beginning of a non-ending process in all dimensions of richness.


Osho Quotes #952863
#57. Only laughter makes a man rich, but the laughter has to be blissful.


Osho Quotes #967099
#58. The crowd is blind. And to have eyes in this crowd is to be condemned, is to be crucified.


Osho Quotes #970495
#59. Watch. Whenever mind says something, see that it is again putting you into a routine. Try to do something new and the mind will have less a grip on you.


Osho Quotes #989456
#60. First they applaud you. Now you have become VICTIM. Just to get their applause, you will lie more and more. You will start fulfilling their expectations and you will become more and more unreal. This is a vicious cycle.


Osho Quotes #1038026
#61. Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny
he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed. You are not here accidentally
you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. The whole intends to do something through you.


Osho Quotes #1052899
#62. Law is for those who have forgotten the language of the heart and only know the language of the mind.


Osho Quotes #1056382
#63. Spontaneity is the fragrance of no-mind.


Osho Quotes #1069233
#64. If you live with unhealthy people, to be healthy is dangerous. If you live with insane people, then to be sane is dangerous. If you live in a madhouse, even if you are not mad at least pretend that you are mad; otherwise those mad people will kill you.


Osho Quotes #1079797
#65. Only a blind man can easily define what light is. When you do not know, you are bold. Ignorance is always bold; knowledge hesitates. And the more you know, the more you feel that the ground underneath is dissolving. The more you know, the more you feel how ignorant you are.


Osho Quotes #1108069
#66. When your consciousness is simply there without content, that contentless purity is what Tantra calls real experience.


Osho Quotes #1110902
#67. Remember, that which appeals to the ego cannot help your spiritual growth.


Osho Quotes #1149691
#68. What matters is that you should remain exactly what you are because from there starts growth. A


Osho Quotes #1159502
#69. the storm is always too much, because the storm comes from the whole, and a tree is just an individual. Then


Osho Quotes #1160280
#70. Gods are always ready, their hands are always full with flowers. They simply watch and wait. Whenever somebody becomes a Subhuti, empty, whenever somebody is absent, suddenly the flowers start showering.


Osho Quotes #1167843
#71. And you send people to jails. When they enter, they are amateur; when they come out, they have graduated from the university. All that your laws and your jails teach the criminals is one thing: that committing a crime is not a crime, but being caught is a crime.


Osho Quotes #1198349
#72. Nirvana is a state of unconditional acceptance. Wherever you are, if you can accept your life with totality, with joy, with gratitude, if you can see your life as a gift, then nirvana is never a problem. The problem arises only because you don't accept your life, you reject life.


Osho Quotes #1211633
#73. Sing your song, and if nobody listens, sing it alone and enjoy it.


Osho Quotes #1217099
#74. The past is memory, the future is imagination. Only the present is time. The past is not, it has already gone. The future is not; it has not come yet. Only the present is. To


Osho Quotes #1264905
#75. You will have to throw out knowledge; you will have to become children again. Only then can the armor be broken.


Osho Quotes #1354073
#76. Be - don't try to become


Osho Quotes #1369413
#77. The attitude of Tao is of cooperation, not conflict. The attitude of Tao is not to be against nature but to be with it, to allow nature, to let it have its way, to cooperate with it, to go with it. The attitude of Tao is of great relaxation.


Osho Quotes #1393366
#78. The East has failed because it tried meditation without love. The West has failed because it tried love without meditation. My whole effort is to give you a synthesis, the whole - which means meditation plus love.


Osho Quotes #1397284
#79. And the greatest adventure is not going to the moon - the greatest adventure is going to your own innermost core.


Osho Quotes #1405161
#80. Nobody has the power to take two steps together; you can take only one step at a time.


Osho Quotes #1429512
#81. Joy is spiritual. It is different, totally different from pleasure or happiness. It has nothing to do with the outside, with the other, it is an inner phenomenon.


Osho Quotes #1475123
#82. Whenever the mind feels it has to surrender, it will raise doubts. It will say 'you are losing yourself. Be alert and control yourself. Otherwise you'll be lost.


Osho Quotes #1496600
#83. Meaning is man-created. And because you constantly look for meaning, you start to feel meaninglessness.


Osho Quotes #1498201
#84. By "love" people mean a certain kind of monopoly, some possessiveness, without understanding a simple fact of life: that the moment you possess a living being you have killed that person. Life


Osho Quotes #1549087
#85. Yoga is a method to come to a nondreaming mind. Yoga is the science to be in the here and now.


Osho Quotes #1558716
#86. One who is seeking a live balance, a live silence, would like to move to both the market and the Himalayas. He would like to go to the market to enjoy noise, and he would also like to go to the Himalayas to enjoy silence. And


Osho Quotes #1568437
#87. Just living is not always living. Look at your life. Can you call it a blessing? Can you call it a gift? A present of existence? Would you want this life to be given to you again and again?


Osho Quotes #1604363
#88. In love the other is important; in lust you are important


Osho Quotes #1662113
#89. But these trees don't grow impatiently. They move with a grace, with patience, with trust. There is no hurry anywhere else except in your mind. If you really want to be in a state of peace and joy, you will have to unlearn your old habit for achieving things quickly


Osho Quotes #1703986
#90. Don't seek, don't search, don't ask, don't knock, don't demand ~ relax.
If you relax it comes, if you relax it is there. If you relax, you start vibrating with it.


Osho Quotes #1712279
#91. Love is the
ecstasy when the walls between two people crumble down, when two lives meet, when two lives


Osho Quotes #1728570
#92. Meditation is witnessing. To meditate means to become a witness. Meditation is not a technique at all! This


Osho Quotes #1742613
#93. You cannot cling to anything in a changing world.


Osho Quotes #1812786
#94. The great appeal of drugs in the West is only because the West has succeeded in destroying the right hemisphere completely because of compulsory education.


Osho Quotes #1825173
#95. He has to fight but with no anger. This seems difficult, because you even love with anger, yet he has to fight without anger.


Osho Quotes #1834018
#96. Move in time with life; be in perfect accord with its changing music


Osho Quotes #1835088
#97. Security is of the world, insecurity is of the divine.


Osho Quotes #1839454
#98. Nothing in life is ever wasted, especially steps taken towards truth.


Osho Quotes #1865466
#99. It is only cowards who reduce the tremendously valuable capacity of wondering to questions. The really brave, the courageous person, leaves it as it is. Rather than changing it into a question, he jumps into the mystery. Rather than trying to control it, he allows the mystery to possess him.


Osho Quotes #1866631
#100. A man who is fearless is neither coward nor brave for bravery is just a cover up for cowardice.


Osho Quotes #1875474

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