Top 100 The Died Quotes

#1. It was easy to believe that everything was just as the children left it, as if time had stopped the night the died.

Ransom Riggs

The Died Quotes #1454665
#2. Lady Moon rose an' gazed o'er my busted'n'beautsome Valleys with silv'ry'n'sorryin' eyes, an' the dingos mourned for the died uns.

David Mitchell

The Died Quotes #1738436
#3. Immortal honour, endless fame, Attend the Almighty Father's name: The Saviour Son be glorified, Who for lost man's redemption died; And equal adoration be, Eternal Paraclete, to Thee. Amen. - RABANUS MAURUS (9TH C.); TRANSLATED BY JOHN DRYDEN (1631

David P. Gushee

The Died Quotes #3057
#4. I should've died a hundred thousand times,Teetering stoned off the side of a building.Nobody loved me and nobody even triedYou can't hang on to something that won't stop moving.Singing and dancing to them nighttime songs.

Ryan Adams

The Died Quotes #8414
#5. Keep in mind that many people have died for their beliefs; it's actually quite common. The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe.

Christopher Paolini

The Died Quotes #9050
#6. When the light that kisses the back of her eyes were birthed, her ancestors were not yet born. How many human lives have ended in the time it took that light to reach her?

How many people have loved only to have lost? How countless, the hopes that have died?

But not this one.

Amie Kaufman

The Died Quotes #10216
#7. By the way, Boots died and Opal says she hopes you're satisfied.

Fannie Flagg

The Died Quotes #17090
#8. And if the characters haven't died, they carry on murdering to this very day ...

Rebekka Kricheldorf

The Died Quotes #21662
#9. When Wellington Mara died in 2005, he took a piece of the organization's soul with him - one that fans, players, and staff still miss.

Dave Buscema

The Died Quotes #22707
#10. Once upon a time there were two parents, two children, and a brick house with lilies in the yard. The parents died, the lilies wilted. One child disappeared. Then the other.

Lauren DeStefano

The Died Quotes #23263
#11. My grandmother died from Alzheimer's, and it was a big shock. For the families left behind, it is not an easy closure. It's not a gradual fading. The person is losing so much of their humanity as they're dying. Losing your memories, you lose so much of who you are as a person.

Rosecrans Baldwin

The Died Quotes #25548
#12. Me and Mama never did like the smell of cigarettes but after Daddy died, sometimes we would light one up and put it in his old ashtray. Today I stayed behind the man at Fletcher's and waited a little while in the cloud of smoke.

Sandi Morgan Denkers

The Died Quotes #26747
#13. Just because the rose died on the vine, doesn't mean it lied to you when it was in bloom.

Michael Clifford

The Died Quotes #39849
#14. Prate not to me of suicide, Faint heart in battle, not for pride I say Endure, but that such end denied Makes welcomer yet the death that's to be died.

Stevie Smith

The Died Quotes #40077
#15. Heard ten thousand whispering and nobody listening. Heard one person starve, I heard many people laughing. Heard the song of a poet who died in the gutter.

Bob Dylan

The Died Quotes #41381
#16. Never return to a doctor whose office plants have died. After five days in hospital, I took a turn for the nurse.

Spike Milligan

The Died Quotes #45976
#17. Socrates may have thought himself to be the wisest in Athens, but King Solomon was the wisest in the world. With all his philosophy Socrates died a poor man, and with all his wisdom King Solomon died a rich man.

Matshona Dhliwayo

The Died Quotes #46849
#18. I hope he died of intestinal cancer in a part of the world where morphine is as of yet undiscovered.

Stephen King

The Died Quotes #48258
#19. In the Eisenhower era, when earnings over $400,000 were subject to 91 percent taxes and the world was a smaller place, you could count the truly wealthy on one hand: Getty, Dupont, Mellon, Rockefeller, though even those fortunes were being dispersed to children as the old robber barons died off.

Michael Shnayerson

The Died Quotes #49029
#20. In September 1942, a B-17 crashed in the Pacific, stranding nine men on a raft. Within a few days, one had died and the rest had gone mad.

Laura Hillenbrand

The Died Quotes #50683
#21. After Lucca died, everything shut down. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't talk. Somehow they got me on the plane and back home.

Lisa Schroeder

The Died Quotes #51075
#22. The wind surged in a roar, then died down like it was pondering some heavy shit, then started back up like before.

Colum McCann

The Died Quotes #52786
#23. You would be amazed how many magicians have died after being bitten by mad rabbits. It's far more common than you might think.
-Angela the Herbalist

Christopher Paolini

The Died Quotes #54012
#24. Today is the day you have gone away and today is also the day I have died.
Lets mourn for me, her and my love.


The Died Quotes #54043
#25. Whatever we had is over. It died the minute I walked downstairs and realized the world I'd always known was a lie.- Blaire Wynn

Abbi Glines

The Died Quotes #54369
#26. It is unconscionable that 10,000 boys have died in Vietnam. If 10,000 American women had mind enough they could end the war, if they were committed to the task, even if it meant going to jail.

Jeannette Rankin

The Died Quotes #58981
#27. The inlet
our friend looks as he did
when we first knew him,
and until I wake I believe
I will die of grief, for I know
that this boy grew into a man
who was a faithful friend
who died.

Wendell Berry

The Died Quotes #60892
#28. The question was not death; living things die. It was love. Not that we died, but that we cared wildly, then deeply, for one person out of billions. We bound ourselves to the fickle, changing, and dying as if they were rock.

Annie Dillard

The Died Quotes #61096
#29. At the age of 62, my father died of cancer - it was much too soon. My mother never remarried or got over it, never even thought of another man.

Monique Roffey

The Died Quotes #61170
#30. Burke laughed, but there wasn't any humor in his voice. Romeo and Juliet died, son. Consider that all the answer you need.

Joanna Wylde

The Died Quotes #61289
#31. So when you say who does Christ die for? He died for the church, okay. I don't think God's death on the cross through Christ was a failure, if you are saying that. I do not believe that anybody he intended to die for is failing in that area.

Rick Warren

The Died Quotes #64062
#32. I do so love how all magic comes with its share of dire warnings and unclear requirements," sighed Tybalt. "It's like being on the stage, only there's no director, and the understudies have all died of typhus.

Seanan McGuire

The Died Quotes #69624
#33. And why does it smell like something DIED in the mud and is STILL in there rotting?

Rachel Renee Russell

The Died Quotes #79449
#34. If you gave someone your heart and they died, did they take it with them? Did you spend the rest of forever with a hole inside you that couldn't be filled?

Jodi Picoult

The Died Quotes #79898
#35. The Father does not welcome you because you have been trying hard, because you have made a thoroughgoing confession or because you have been making spiritual strides recently. He does not welcome you because you have something you can be proud about. He welcomes you because his Son died for you.

John White

The Died Quotes #80948
#36. When my father died, it sounds kind of simple but I just had the desire to step up and pastor the church. It was what I was supposed to do. I just took that step of faith.

Joel Osteen

The Died Quotes #88057
#37. Well, it is a good thing he died young. Most men don't have the good sense to know
when to quit this earth. At least your husband didn't drag on and on like some do.

Karen Hawkins

The Died Quotes #96940
#38. Until the day that "the Great Judge proclaims: / 'The last addict's died,'254 " the poem said, "Then - not till then - may you be retired.

Johann Hari

The Died Quotes #116752
#39. The world spins despite me, not because of me, he muttered. Last week, one of his coworkers died after twenty-five years of service. There was an email and eulogy sent by one of the managers - and then a mad scramble by everyone else to loot his office supplies.

Wesley Chu

The Died Quotes #126004
#40. Christianity is the only faith whose founder died for His followers in order to enable them to escape the consequences of their sins.

Tim LaHaye

The Died Quotes #126973
#41. What--has O-Tar seen an ulsio and fainted?" demanded I-Gos with broad sarcasm.

"Men have died for less than that, ancient one," E-Thas reminded him.

"I am safe," retorted I-Gos, "for I am not a brave and popular son of the jeddak of Manator.

Edgar Rice Burroughs

The Died Quotes #127209
#42. The best definition of an immortal is someone who hasn't died yet.

Tom Holt

The Died Quotes #128903
#43. Everyone sounded the same when they died.

Sarah J. Maas

The Died Quotes #130408
#44. Logic tells us that there is an end to everything, but then, Christ died on the cross, now there's a forever


The Died Quotes #151002
#45. The reason that stepmothers are often the bad guy in fairy tales is because people died in childbirth, all the time, so fathers remarried and there would be a struggle between the children and the new wife, in terms of who would inherit what.

Chris Weitz

The Died Quotes #151321
#46. King Abdullah has died. A divisive figure in the Middle East. The sad irony is that the USA preached democracy in the face of absolute rule.

Immortal Technique

The Died Quotes #152522
#47. What is this?" demanded the High Priestess from the doorway.

So here she was, back in the Hall of Judgment, facing a circle of priestesses.

Again? said Juliet. You do not have the wisest habits.

At least I haven't died yet, said Runajo.

Rosamund Hodge

The Died Quotes #156666
#48. He would have been a tall boy, but he could never get enough food to put meat on his bones. His mother died next. The people of Lykos did the Fading Dirge for them - a tragic thumping of fists against chests, fading slowly, slowly, till the fists, like her heart, beat no more and all dispersed. The

Pierce Brown

The Died Quotes #161755
#49. One of my biggest disappointments is watching the trailer for the second 'Lord of the Rings' film and having Gandalf in it. Why? You know, he died in the first one, why give it away in the trailer just to try and sell a thousand more seats? It's daft.

Nick Frost

The Died Quotes #166740
#50. I was 37 when my father died-and I no longer had any freedom of choice over what I would do with the rest of my life.

J. Paul Getty

The Died Quotes #173125
#51. I'm the end of the line; absurd and appalling as it may seem, serious New York theater has died in my lifetime.

Arthur Miller

The Died Quotes #174356
#52. If Miles Davis hadn't died it would have been interesting to do an album with him, but there wasn't much else that would have got me into the studio ... although Herbie Hancock has just been in touch about doing something and that would be an interesting combination.

Phil Collins

The Died Quotes #176476
#53. The dinosaurs had all died, too, along with their dinosaur dreams. A world capable of such genocidal indifference didn't deserve its own existence. Walt wanted to watch it wither, to crumble into shit and dirt, fertilizer for a future that would one day crumble itself.

Edward W. Robertson

The Died Quotes #177354
#54. I lived as best I could, and then I died. Be careful where you step: the grave is wide.

Michael R. Burch

The Died Quotes #177788
#55. I won't disturb the slumber of feelings that have died. If I never loved I never would have cried ... I am a rock.

Paul Simon

The Died Quotes #177862
#56. I taped the autopsy photos from Marilyn Monroe's death to my lunch box in fifth grade, and I would write stories in which someone inevitably died.

Karin Slaughter

The Died Quotes #189799
#57. If success attends my steps, honor and glory await my name-if defeat, still shall it be said we died like brave men, and conferred honor, even in death, on the American Name.

Zebulon Pike

The Died Quotes #196156
#58. Where should he go? He wanted to find a building out of which he could jump and kill himself. How about the temple? No, it only had two stories. Too low. How about the elementary school? No, his ghost might frighten the children if he died there, and people would condemn him.

Ha Jin

The Died Quotes #197583
#59. I went to a psychologist friend and said if 500 people claimed to see Jesus after he died, it was just a hallucination. He said hallucinations are an individual event. If 500 people have the same hallucination, that's a bigger miracle than the resurrection.

Lee Strobel

The Died Quotes #200372
#60. Every pore of you is crying and you don't even understand why or what. I actually kind of died and got born again as a result of taking the meds and having a chance to, you know, build a life.

Sinead O'Connor

The Died Quotes #201743
#61. Isn't that the tragic thing about women? That we live on long after our passions have died?

Olivia Olivia

The Died Quotes #204091
#62. We heard recently the touching story of a young flier who was killed in action. Before he died, he had time to scrawl only a few words as a brief final message to his parents back home. The note read: "Dear Mom and Pop; I had time to say my prayers. Jack."

James Keller

The Died Quotes #210065
#63. I have a dog and sometimes I'll be the littlest kid with my dog and marvel at his ears and his nose and how he looks at me. If he died, I'd bawl like a baby.

Aaron Eckhart

The Died Quotes #212055
#64. I can't help but see myself in them. The Seelie are who I was before my sister died. Pink, pretty, frivolous Mac. The Unseelie are who I've become, carved by loss and despair. Black, grungy, driven Mac.

Karen Marie Moning

The Died Quotes #213877
#65. Adam pressed his hand to his face. Sighed. Right. It's just that ... He died. And I'm so freaking pissed off, I swear I'd punch him in the face if he were standing right here.

Kristina McBride

The Died Quotes #223108
#66. If all women were as frail as men seem to believe, the human race would have died out millennia ago.

Michelle Cooper

The Died Quotes #223389
#67. I was named after my Jewish grandfather who left Poland early in the 20th century. What I knew from an early age was that he had lived most of his life in England, his Jewish wife had died, and he married a non-Jewish woman who was my grandmother.

Morris Gleitzman

The Died Quotes #223669
#68. The world could burn around her, the cities turn to dust, the cries of a hundred thousand fill the air, and she would get up after the fire died and walk barefoot and burned over the charred soil in search of clean water, a weapon, a purpose. She would rebuild.

Kameron Hurley

The Died Quotes #227600
#69. A spider had no special skill other than building its web, and no lifestyle choice other than sitting still. It would stay in one place waiting for its prey until, in the natural course of things, it shriveled up and died.

Haruki Murakami

The Died Quotes #229189
#70. Dad's final will was written and signed eleven days before he died. The original will it replaced disappeared and has never been found....I can't imagine him wanting to make such radical changes a few days before he died. I don't believe for one minute that he truly understood what was going on.

Deana Martin

The Died Quotes #230169
#71. Everybody, even the worst stinker on earth, is somebody for whom Christ died.

Robert Farrar Capon

The Died Quotes #232236
#72. Path To War was the last thing that John Frankenheimer directed, I think, before he died. I'm a huge U.S. history buff, and I studied the Vietnam era in college, so when I read the script, I was, like, "I really want to be in this thing so badly ... "

Peter Jacobson

The Died Quotes #234032
#73. First we die, the woman says. "Then our bodies are buried. So we die two deaths." "Then in another world, folded inside the living world, we wait. We wait until everyone who knew us when we were children has died. And then the last of them dies, we finally die our third death.

Anthony Doerr

The Died Quotes #238949
#74. Electoral politics was always an objective of the Black Panther party, so Barack Obama is a part of what we dreamed and struggled and died for.

Bobby Seale

The Died Quotes #244636
#75. By all accounts Rafe's life had been shattered by the loss of his brother Peter. But whereas she turned away from drink when Draven died, Rafe had simply upended a barrel of brandy on his head and hadn't taken that hat off since.

Eloisa James

The Died Quotes #245662
#76. Died of wounds inflicted in error by his own troops at the battle of Chancellorsville during the US Civil War. Let us cross over the river and sit in the shade of the trees.

Stonewall Jackson

The Died Quotes #251381
#77. Well," said Ruth, when the sounds of the bells had died away, "when you eight-year-olds kill Evil here in Nuremberg, be sure to bury it at a crossroads and drive a stake through its heart - or you just might see it again at the next full moooooooooooooooooon.

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

The Died Quotes #252448
#78. Of the many million pairs of grieving parents, we will never know how many felt that their sons had died for something noble, and how many felt what one British couple expressed in the epitaph they placed on their son's tombstone at Gallipoli: 'What harm did he do Thee, O Lord?

Adam Hochschild

The Died Quotes #255443
#79. So this is how my friend died. Because I taught him how to read the gospels. And because he had the bravery to speak out about what they revealed.

Ian Caldwell

The Died Quotes #261188
#80. The innocent died along with the guilty. And if you did nothing, then only the innocent died.

Robert Jordan

The Died Quotes #269909
#81. Microchimeric sharing means that, even if the mother loses a child, she'll have a small memento of him or her secreted away inside her. Similarly, a bit of our mothers live on in all of us no matter how long ago Mom died.

Sam Kean

The Died Quotes #283355
#82. Everybody in America started to define themselves by all these things they had around them. And all of a sudden it came tumbling down. So the old American dream has died, and that is a good thing.

Suze Orman

The Died Quotes #300346
#83. I was really into music. I started playing guitar also when I was nine. I wanted to be in the Beatles, even though John Lennon died the year I got a guitar and the Beatles broke up before I was born.

Tig Notaro

The Died Quotes #303709
#84. [I]n the end this shall be for me sufficient, that a marble stone shall declare that a Queen, having reigned such a time, lived and died a virgin.

Elizabeth I

The Died Quotes #304795
#85. V. S. Pritchett was one of the most admired, fun, talked-about writers of the 20th century: he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth for his work with prose. He was born in 1900, wrote till he died in 1997, and has been tidily forgotten ever since. This is a real shame.

Darin Strauss

The Died Quotes #307119
#86. Christ did not die to make good works merely possible or to produce a half-hearted pursuit. He died to produce in us a passion for good deeds. Christian purity is not the mere avoidance of evil, but the pursuit of good.

John Piper

The Died Quotes #311466
#87. Hip-hop ain't died because of the South, that's retarded.


The Died Quotes #311834
#88. He spent his life immersed in books to the cost of everything else, even personal relationships. "Friends," he'd once said, "are probably great, but I have forty thousands friends of my own already, and each of them needs my attention.

Jasper Fforde

The Died Quotes #316104
#89. I am a hollow shell, the crab's died, there's nothing left inside. Don't they know that?

George R R Martin

The Died Quotes #321580
#90. For a moment, all I could think of was my cousin Peter. He was twice my age - and married. By the rules of decent, he would be the one to inherit the Rothford title if I died without children. Whenever he was in town, he'd stop by and ask how I was feeling

Richelle Mead

The Died Quotes #322250
#91. Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold . . . The pillow seemed to sink a little, and Johnny died. You read about people looking

S.E. Hinton

The Died Quotes #322256
#92. I didn't even notice that my shoes were full of mud by the time I reached the rocky shore. There was ragged yellow police tape tied to some branches, dancing in the wind. It was as if the tape was waving, welcoming me back to place where I would have died.

Richard P. Denney

The Died Quotes #328348
#93. The whole thing died in my mind long before the rumpus started. We used to believe the Beatles myth just as much as the public and we were in love with them just the same way. But we were four individuals who eventually recovered our individualities after being submerged in a myth.

John Lennon

The Died Quotes #335948
#94. That was the last cruel irony of Tobias's life: that he doomed the woman he would have died to save.

Cassandra Clare

The Died Quotes #339249
#95. He was lying there on his death bed, and he asked for her as his last wish.
She came with tears in her eyes. He held her hand and said with a smile," I wish I died daily", And then a flat line.


The Died Quotes #342167
#96. Think about that for a moment. They died for you. Now take a good look at the life you're living and tell me: Did they do the right thing?

Mira Grant

The Died Quotes #342265
#97. Abraham Lincoln got shot and died,
Freed the slaves so they put him on the five.

Too $hort

The Died Quotes #344959
#98. People always stay the age that they died at. My big brother died of leukemia when I was six. He was eight. Now when I think of him, he's always eight, and he's still my big brother. He never changes, and the part of me that remembers him never changes.

Christopher Moore

The Died Quotes #347931
#99. Religious people today are courts and juries. When it comes down to it, Jesus died on the cross so that we could learn to love others like we love ourselves, not judge them or persecute them.

Tammy Faye Bakker

The Died Quotes #348424
#100. I love it, to have the same crew. I'm not married. I don't have children. My 17-year-old dog died. I'm kind of on my own. So I really like having the same camera guy for four years. I love looking around and seeing the hair and makeup people who have been there from the beginning.

Julianne Moore

The Died Quotes #351776

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