Top 100 Survival Time Quotes

#1. The more we get out of the world the less we leave, and in the long run we shall have to pay our debts at a time that may be very inconvenient for our own survival.

Norbert Wiener

Survival Time Quotes #1090869
#2. When the world is in the midst of change, when adversity and opportunity are almost indistinguishable, this is the time for visionary leadership and when leaders need to look beyond the survival needs of those they're serving.

Chip Conley

Survival Time Quotes #1352934
#3. Most of us have just learned to exercise our survival muscle. It's time to build our victory muscle.

Iyanla Vanzant

Survival Time Quotes #1343198
#4. Conclusion: I don't need the water reclaimer at all. I'll drink as needed and dump my waste outdoors. Yeah, that's right, Mars, I'm gonna piss and shit on you. That's what you get for trying to kill me all the time.

Andy Weir

Survival Time Quotes #1328514
#5. There was a period of time during the 'Jagged Little Pill' era where I don't think I laughed for about two years. It was a survival mode, you know. It was an intense, constant, chronic over-stimulation and invasion of energetic and physical literal space.

Alanis Morissette

Survival Time Quotes #1317438
#6. I recalled something I'd read a long time ago about Satan. When he appeared, it wouldn't be as a demon but as an ordinary-looking guy with a convincing message of peace.

Steven Ramirez

Survival Time Quotes #1250687
#7. You're going to wake up one day, and you're gonna realize he's moved on. He'll quit trying to win you back. And you'll regret it. And if there's anything The Plague taught me, it's that there isn't time for regret anymore.

Kirby Howell

Survival Time Quotes #1248794
#8. Whether in a suit or in a loincloth people are ignorant little thorns cutting into one another. They seem incapable of advancing beyond the violent tendencies which at one time were necessary for survival.

Jhonen Vasquez

Survival Time Quotes #1226597
#9. Commanders and historians are the people who discuss wars; I was in the infantry, and most of the time I did not know where I was or what I was doing except that I was obeying orders and trying not to be killed in any of the variety of horrible ways open to me.

Robertson Davies

Survival Time Quotes #1181048
#10. My father was a lorry driver, very rarely at home. The house was run by my mother, and because there were 10 or so kids, there was no time for individual attention. It was about survival. It was about where the next meal was coming from.

Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje

Survival Time Quotes #1173001
#11. For the first time in his existence, he knew he was drowning and he wasn't thinking about survival.

Christine Feehan

Survival Time Quotes #1156755
#12. There was a time in my demented youth
When somehow I suspected that the truth
About survival after death was known
To every human being: I alone
Knew nothing, and a great conspiracy
Of books and people hid the truth from me.

Vladimir Nabokov

Survival Time Quotes #1125512
#13. Human survival is something that you can't see in another person; you can see if someone has that will to survive or that will to win; you can't see that, you can only watch that evolve over time.

Dhani Jones

Survival Time Quotes #1114974
#14. I grew up in the southern United States in a city which at that time during the late '40's and early '50's was the most segregated city in the country, and in a sense learning how to oppose the status quo was a question of survival.

Angela Davis

Survival Time Quotes #1353206
#15. The world doesn't change because the sun sets and rises. We can either adapt to survive our circumstance or we can change it. And I know we can't control fate, but I'm sure not going to spend whatever time I have left sitting around and waiting for my life to get better.

Caroline George

Survival Time Quotes #1087749
#16. Selective deafness was one of the many time-honored survival mechanisms of motherhood.

Nikki Sex

Survival Time Quotes #1059348
#17. Everyone deserves the chance to survive. I think of this every time I see another disaster. There are probably people dying who don't have to.

James Hubbard

Survival Time Quotes #1053883
#18. Life has a way of kicking one along like a football, or so I've found. Fate had never dealt me personally a particularly easy time, but that was OK, that was normal. Most people, it seemed to me, took their turn to be football. Most survived. Some didn't.

Dick Francis

Survival Time Quotes #1041161
#19. And in reality, I don't think it's a real documentary. It's more a story of her life. It's a story of survival. It's a story of the time in which she lived. The story of success and failure.

Maximilian Schell

Survival Time Quotes #1035482
#20. We live in a time when science is validating what humans have known throughout the ages: that compassion is not a luxury; it is a necessity for our well-being, resilience, and survival.

Joan Halifax

Survival Time Quotes #1003259
#21. It's a sort of literary act of survival. I don't have many words to express myself
rather, the opposite. I'm aware of a state of deprivation. And yet, at the same time, I feel free, light. I rediscover the reason that I write, the joy as well as the need.

Jhumpa Lahiri

Survival Time Quotes #1002974
#22. Samuel, safety is my watchword. Rest assured that proper procedures will be followed at all times."
Skipper giggled. "Tell me, Mump. What ARE proper procedures exactly?"
"Simple," said Mump. "One: cause maximum chaos in the shortest possible time. Two: try not to get your head blown off.

Steve Voake

Survival Time Quotes #981232
#23. Now was a time not to anger, but for survival. I would survive. I knew that was all I could do.

Betsy Cornwell

Survival Time Quotes #967641
#24. Money, of course, is still needed to survive, but time is what you need to live. So, save what little money you possess to meet basic survival requirements, but spend your time lavishly in order to create the life values that make the fire worth the candle. Dig?

Rolf Potts

Survival Time Quotes #954852
#25. That is to say, our physical ability to understand time has been honed by evolutionary pressures to select for traits useful for survival, in all aspects, and time perception is no exception or special case or even magical or mysterious case.

Charles Yu

Survival Time Quotes #951785
#26. Some adopted new strategies for survival; they went dormant. Others became dust that could regenerate our past forms; time rendered this dust defective. It brought only disease and misery; but that was good, we saw the misery and found it good.

Greg Bear

Survival Time Quotes #1658766
#27. You are moving in the opposite direction when your life is about survival only

Sunday Adelaja

Survival Time Quotes #1878494
#28. I hurt all the damn time because my stupid heart has decided for one reason or another that it can't survive without being next to yours. -Chase

Rachel Van Dyken

Survival Time Quotes #1861142
#29. In a cult, you have two identities: your cult identity and your authentic self. Most of the time I operated from my cult identity, which was pliant, submissive and obedient. But when I was pushed to the point where it felt like my survival was at stake, my authentic self came to the fore.

Carolyn Jessop

Survival Time Quotes #1837369
#30. You will face many troubles. But the Lord will deliver you each time.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Survival Time Quotes #1816550
#31. Each alter personality had a common goal and raison d'etre, namely my survival. They didn't all realize that though, and so were at odds with each other much of the time. So I continued to be fragmented and divided.

Carolyn Bramhall

Survival Time Quotes #1795920
#32. People and birds were alike. Things happened that hurt them or made their lives harder. All the time. But losing someone or something important didn't mean the end of everything. It meant you had to find a new way to do things.

Suzanne Goldsmith

Survival Time Quotes #1785407
#33. Whoever lives wins. Don't feel guilty about having survived. If you have time to be feeling guilty, work on living a day longer, a minute longer. And once in a while, remember the ones that died before you. That's good enough.
Vol 1 Chap 4

Atsuko Asano

Survival Time Quotes #1719580
#34. Better treatment and detection methods have also improved the survival rate for people with cancer, and for the first time in history, this year the absolute number of cancer deaths in the U.S. has decreased.

Ike Skelton

Survival Time Quotes #1714057
#35. There will come a time when man is no longer concerned only with survival, when he will once more be curious as to who came before him, what life was like a thousand years ago, and he will seek out answers for a hundred years or so, but humans' curiosity has always driven them to find answers.

Julie Kagawa

Survival Time Quotes #1701406
#36. Survival isn't all there is to life

Sunday Adelaja

Survival Time Quotes #1691764
#37. You had to make your choice between survival and efficiency, though in the long run survival was optimum efficiency, no matter how much time and effort it took.

Philip Jose Farmer

Survival Time Quotes #1689022
#38. tattooed on Kirsten's arm, "Survival is insufficient," is from Star Trek: Voyager, episode 122, which aired for the first time in September 1999 and was written by Ronald D. Moore.

Emily St. John Mandel

Survival Time Quotes #1668955
#39. Work is not about survival alone

Sunday Adelaja

Survival Time Quotes #943666
#40. On a large enough time line, the survival rate for everyone will drop to zero.

Chuck Palahniuk

Survival Time Quotes #1646882
#41. Prior to the Industrial Age and during the long Agri-cultural Age life was a matter of survival and the concept of 'happiness' was superfluous, but with the industrial age came 'leisure time' and thus happiness was something one had 'time' to pursue".

~R. Alan Woods [2013]

R. Alan Woods

Survival Time Quotes #1608990
#42. I'm interested in reality, and I'm interested in survival. I'm interested in people who aren't the lucky ones, who maybe have a tougher time surviving, and telling their story.

Mary Ellen Mark

Survival Time Quotes #1586883
#43. For a long time all I wanted for Christmas were books about outdoor survival. I was convinced that the woods were calling me. I camped a lot, I took classes. At 18, I told myself if I don't live in the woods by myself by the time I'm 25, I have failed.

Chris Evans

Survival Time Quotes #1555090
#44. At a time when unbridled greed, malignant aggression, and existence of weapons of mass destruction threatens the survival of humanity, we should seriously consider any avenue that offers some hope.

Stanislav Grof

Survival Time Quotes #1464364
#45. Given the chance, would I go back? Back to the time when my parents were alive? When my biggest problem was a past-due paper? When I didn't need to know how to take care of myself, ride a horse, or defend someone I loved? Back to the time when I didn't know Grey?

Kirby Howell

Survival Time Quotes #1463435
#46. The fear of death is presumably a survival instinct, Tin Win later thought. It must be an essential part of us, of every living creature. At the same time, we must transcend it to take our leave in peace. He found this an irresolvable contradiction.

Jan-Philipp Sendker

Survival Time Quotes #1419170
#47. The atmosphere sets the tone for what is to take place in that space at that time. Your attitude impacts the atmosphere. How is your current attitude affecting the atmosphere and your desired outcome?

Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.

Survival Time Quotes #1407660
#48. They were inculcated with a firm sense of noblesse oblige, as with a respect for hierarchy; the Slonim girls knew well how to decode a social situation, and what they could rightfully expect from one. In part these seemed to be survival tactics for living in an uncertain time.

Stacy Schiff

Survival Time Quotes #1389631
#49. Since the dawn of time, women have been attracted to mates with strong survival skills - like intelligence and physical prowess - because men with these qualities are more likely to bring home dinner at the end of the day." He stuck his thumbs in the air and grinned. "Dinner equals survival, team.

Becca Fitzpatrick

Survival Time Quotes #1372237
#50. Survival of all or none.
One raindrop raises the sea.
Weapons are enemies even to their owners.
Give more, take less.
Others first, self last.
Observe, listen, and learn.
Do one thing at a time.
Sing every day.
Exercise imagination.
Eat to live, don't live to eat.

James Gurney

Survival Time Quotes #1367727
#51. Nothing matters at all. Survival is the coin of the realm. Time is a river with banks.

Barry N. Malzberg

Survival Time Quotes #215290
#52. To survive in the race of life, you must have the strength and agility to stand the test of time".

Abdulazeez Henry Musa

Survival Time Quotes #461965
#53. Forget public service. We all come here with good intentions, but as time passes, it becomes all about self-service and selfish survival.

Congressman X

Survival Time Quotes #432557
#54. My heart thrashes in time with my feet pounding across the cold, hard ground. I can't run any faster, longer, and yet I must. My life and my family's survival depends on it.

Elle A. Rose

Survival Time Quotes #408166
#55. It was time. One breath - another. She was the heir of fire. She was fire, and light, and ash, and embers. She was Aelin Fireheart, and she bowed for no one and nothing, save the crown that was hers by blood and survival and triumph. Aelin

Sarah J. Maas

Survival Time Quotes #376991
#56. The addition of certain chemicals to the atmosphere will destroy wavelengths of light and it may only be a matter of time before one of these wavelengths of light that is critical for human survival is eliminated. This is called: The Extinction Wavelength

Steven Magee

Survival Time Quotes #357423
#57. Happiness isn't something she spends much time thinking about. Survival, discomfort, hunger ... these are the concerns that fill her days.

David Maine

Survival Time Quotes #316462
#58. We want to do what is good for Cardiff and for the long-term survival, and hopefully Cardiff can be around for a long time and, God willing, be around in the Premier League.

Vincent Tan

Survival Time Quotes #307823
#59. For the first time in human history the psychology that is a prerequisite for intimacy has become the psychology that is a prerequisite for species survival.

Warren Farrell

Survival Time Quotes #306529
#60. Adam laughed. Son, in time you'll understand that every man has to have a girly conversation with his woman whether he wants to or not. His survival depends on his willingness to accept it with good grace.

Maya Banks

Survival Time Quotes #269749
#61. You die." Thad's voice was heavy; the fire was gone. "It's like everyone has a personal window of time that the gateway to Nil stays open for them. It's always one year. Exactly three hundred sixty-five days. If you miss that window, you're done.

Lynne Matson

Survival Time Quotes #268537
#62. The crisis of our diminishing water resources is just as severe (if less obviously immediate) as any wartime crisis we have ever faced. Our survival is just as much at stake as it was at the time of Pearl Harbor, or the Argonne, or Gettysburg, or Saratoga.

Jim Wright

Survival Time Quotes #236378
#63. Some pious men may find this truth unorthodox and bitter: But Nature, Chance, and Time ensure survival of the fitter!

Robert Charles Wilson

Survival Time Quotes #232121
#64. Or maybe it was survival mode they both lived in, and they didn't dare allow anyone else in because if they were ripped apart a second time there would be no fixing either of them

Christine Feehan

Survival Time Quotes #513191
#65. He may be deaf and a little hard of thinking, but elderly wizards have very well-trained survival instincts, and they know that when a tall figure in a black robe and the latest in agricultural handtools starts looking thoughtfully at you it is time to act fast.

Terry Pratchett

Survival Time Quotes #208295
#66. For many women, the on-time payments of domestic support obligations are essential to economic survival.

Elizabeth Warren

Survival Time Quotes #183813
#67. I believed in clemency, once," Captain Noble said, at last, "A long time ago, before I learned that the world is a hard place, and those who cannot bear what befalls them, no matter how ill, will be crushed in favor of those who will. There is no clemency, Ellis, only survival.

G.L. Tysk

Survival Time Quotes #173589
#68. At that time I had not yet been taught the doctrine I was later to learn so hurriedly in the Lager: that man is bound to pursue his own ends by all possible means, while he who errs but once pays dearly

Primo Levi

Survival Time Quotes #136970
#69. As if I'd had time to drug it in the two milliseconds she'd let me out of her sight.

Nenia Campbell

Survival Time Quotes #122205
#70. I'm sure we all have dreams of leaving at some time in our lives, but when we reach the bottom, most of us go running home.

Deborah Curtis

Survival Time Quotes #117439
#71. We don't woo our wives with clubs. We don't leave old folks on ice floes. And maybe the time has come to quit diving into rip tides to save people we don't know. We've outgrown a lot of survival-of-the-fittest strategies, and risking our lives for strangers might be one of them.

Christopher McDougall

Survival Time Quotes #106531
#72. When we were engaged in the problems of survival we had no time to have anything to do with culture.

Nursultan Nazarbayev

Survival Time Quotes #103186
#73. The human young must learn to perceive these affordances, in some degree at least, but the young of some animals do not have time to learn the ones that are crucial for survival.

James J. Gibson

Survival Time Quotes #40822
#74. As time goes by, as time goes by, the whip-crack of the years, the precipice of illusions, the ravine that swallows up all human endeavour except the struggle to survive.

Roberto Bolano

Survival Time Quotes #32860
#75. Man's survival, from the time of Adam and Eve until the invention of agriculture, must have been precarious because of his inability to ensure his food supply.

Norman Borlaug

Survival Time Quotes #18589
#76. It's not accidental that products get worse over time; it's because companies stop paying attention to them. They stop caring as much about maintaining the same quality they did when they were just trying to fight for survival and no one would pay attention unless they had the best technology.

Aaron Levie

Survival Time Quotes #770008
#77. Growing up in that fashion is a breeding ground for insecurity and doubt; it also leaves you questioning motives. It took me a long time to see the world as I want it without constantly looking for approval. I still fall, but I'm better suited for survival.

Damon Runyon

Survival Time Quotes #936841
#78. Survival through denial. Works every time.

Carol Cassella

Survival Time Quotes #919004
#79. By helping us to be more productive, technology lets us to spend less time focusing on survival, and more on solving other challenges.

Bill Gates

Survival Time Quotes #917542
#80. Over time we are able to undermine habitual modes of thinking formed by our self-made self in early childhood, which tries to squeeze happiness from the gratification of our desires for the symbols in our culture of survival and security, power and control, and affection and esteem.

Thomas Keating

Survival Time Quotes #894087
#81. Survival is staying alive one breath at a time. p. 251

Frank Herbert

Survival Time Quotes #888429
#82. I love writing in compressed time periods because the act of survival in the midst of panic and fear, that's where true heroism comes. If you have a uniform, and you're expected to do things, it's a sort of incremental heroism.

Peter Landesman

Survival Time Quotes #862737
#83. It's not always about survival, this life we are given; it's usually so much easier than that. It's about trusting the eternal life force that is flowing within us-letting that force lead the way through all of the inevitable changes we will face across the span of our time here on Earth.

Elizabeth Lesser

Survival Time Quotes #837445
#84. It is true that the sky was always beautiful but I don't remember marvelling at sunset or gazing at the dawn of a new day. Survival does not allow time for poetic reflection.

Izzeldin Abuelaish

Survival Time Quotes #820496
#85. If the food supply runs out, try trapping or hunting animals. For most people, this won't be easy. If you can't catch any animals, it's time to throw a Donner party.

Andrew Shaffer

Survival Time Quotes #808984
#86. Now that this torch is lit, we do not have time to dilly dally around ...

Joe Teti

Survival Time Quotes #794996
#87. The passage of time eliminates some of the more intimate details of one's existence. The routine trivia like passing water and shitting and the amount of food and alcohol consumed in the course of daily survival. Sure, there were girls. Lots of'em. It's inevitable.

Ray Davies

Survival Time Quotes #788715
#88. Elsewhere, people are too preoccupied by their day-to-day survival to take the time to write their collective history.

Kim Thuy

Survival Time Quotes #776954
#89. If you do the same thing every day at the same time for the same length of time, you'll save yourself from many a sink. Routine is a condition of survival.

Flannery O'Connor

Survival Time Quotes #11545
#90. Avoid litigations. They are expensive and consume loads of time but if you have got a good case and a better chance of winning; then fight it out.

Richard Branson

Survival Time Quotes #734919
#91. I'm sick and tired of it," he said, "It's the same all the time. 'These are my claws, so this is my cowslip." 'These are my teeth, so this is my burrow.' I'll tell you, if I ever get into the Owsla, I'll treat outskirters with a bit of decency.

Richard Adams

Survival Time Quotes #706980
#92. On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

Chuck Palahniuk

Survival Time Quotes #701992
#93. I know what I did to you was so wrong, but at the time it also felt so necessary to my survival. I don't know if those two things can both be true, but that's how it was.

Gayle Forman

Survival Time Quotes #695174
#94. This is the first time I've done something like this and I'm really hoping this will work.

Joe Teti

Survival Time Quotes #641103
#95. The injured captain, lying in the bow, was at this time buried in that profound dejection and indifference which comes, temporarily at least, to
even the bravest and most enduring when, willy nilly, the firm fails, the army loses, the ship goes down.

Stephen Crane

Survival Time Quotes #619999
#96. When everything is subject to money, then the scarcity of money makes everything scarce, including the basis of human life and happiness. Such is the life of the slave - one whose actions are compelled by threat to survival. Perhaps the deepest indication of our slavery is the monetization of time.

Charles Eisenstein

Survival Time Quotes #596970
#97. It was a matter of survival for the local people, but it was the most violent scene I have ever witnessed. The people in my group, feeling helpless, were all spellbound and aghast at the same time. I became a vegetarian shortly after that.

Wendie Malick

Survival Time Quotes #554797
#98. When you receive a cancer diagnosis, you're more vulnerable than at any other time in your life. I've personally had the experience twice. My only hope for survival was alternatives. But that was my decision, what I thought was best for me.

Suzanne Somers

Survival Time Quotes #548670
#99. Survival in any meaningful sense is the key issue of our time

Thomas Berry

Survival Time Quotes #546449
#100. But that was in the days when they expected perils to come from without, and nothing made less sense by that time than a survival room buried in a house itself becoming one big coffin.

Jeffrey Eugenides

Survival Time Quotes #523476

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