Top 100 String Quotes
#1. lucky life isn't one long string of horrors.
Gerald Stern
#2. I approach everything as chamber music. Even with Beethoven symphonies, I lead from the violin and basically encourage the orchestra to think of it as a giant string quartet.
Joshua Bell
#3. subscribed to the theory that life consisted of a long string of miseries, tolerated only because the alternative was worse.
Amy Fecteau
#4. Kara knew je only recognised t and a on a string and he was nothing more than a sleazy pupeeter
Saira Viola
#5. Speaking English is like tongue-twist for me. I can speak each word perfect, but then you have to string them together like, 'Blah, blah, blah.' That's when I get crazy.
Jackie Chan
#6. For all these years, their whole lives almost, she and Alex had been circling each other. During college, Keisha had watched as Alex came out and brought home a string of skinny, whiny girlfriends who wrote poetry and had weird dietary restrictions.
Jasmine Beach-Ferrara
#7. Hmmm. What you're saying is that you've never been kissed? He picked at a string on the blanket under us.
Laura Anderson Kurk
#8. The guy snarled out a string of profanity describing his night with Conn's mother.
"Sounds about right," Conn said, but Matt didn't miss the glint in Conn's eye. "She's been dead for twenty years, but dead's probably the only way you get laid.
Anne Calhoun
#9. I spent most of my career doing high-energy physics, quarks, dark matter, string theory and so on.
Geoffrey West
#10. Words are our raw materials, how we string them them together our art.
Michael W. Smart
#11. I just think too many nice things have happened in string theory for it to be all wrong. Humans do not understand it very well, but I just don't believe there is a big cosmic conspiracy that created this incredible thing that has nothing to do with the real world.
Edward Witten
#12. He's only silent because he's too thick to string two words together.
J.K. Rowling
#13. How could I compete with that? Candies and toys! I had string and glue and some very complicated dynamics going on at my station. I mean, when I was assigned to that table, no one happened to mention that it was a simmering hotbed of political unrest concerning the lower case r. A wicked web indeed.
Laurie Notaro
#14. When you cannot use your sword you may take to the weapon of all-prayer. Your powder may be damp, your bow-string may be relaxed, but the weapon of all-prayer need never be out of order.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
#15. When her hands reached out and poured the tea, it was as if she also poured something into me while I sat there sweating in my cab. It was like she held a string and pulled on it just slightly to open me up. She got in, put a piece of herself inside me, and left again.
Markus Zusak
#17. It's important to be a divergent musician and do a little bit of everything, except you have to make sure your fans are aware of it and that you string them along the right way.
Ansel Elgort
#18. Coco Chanel used to talk about wearing more than one string of pearls. Why wear one if you can wear two, or something to that effect. I think that one string of pearls is just fine. But that's because my pearls are black, hers were white.
C. JoyBell C.
#19. Whatever our function does, it will need to have the type String - String; in other words, it must accept a string and return a string.
Bryan O'Sullivan
#20. knowing that he himself looked so cowboylike to these Eastern people, in his best black Tony Lamas, a nice pair of Levi's, a pointed-collar shirt with string tie and a black Stetson, all under a sheepskin coat, his best coat.
Stephen Hunter
#21. I felt as out of place as a left-handed violinist in a crowded string section.
Chic Murray
#22. It was a lame string, for sure, but it was the one I had left and every paper girl needs at least one string, right? (58)
John Green
#23. I know he didn't mean to be popular
to have everyone string along behind him like the tail of a kite.
Jodi Picoult
#24. She waited for me to play out the string, to find the place where she had stopped and was waiting for me, to follow the breadcrumb tail until it dead-ended into her.
John Green
#25. You ever pull a stunt like you did last night again and I will use your intestines to string your Les Paul.
Jay Crownover
#26. After a couple of failed attempts, I came up with a weird tuning where I was dropping the G string down a step so that it became a seventh, and it got me to a place where I could play all these figures fairly easily. It was not an easy thing to work out.
Lindsey Buckingham
#27. After a minute a willowy woman with a baby boy came out. The baby was swinging a crystal from a string. I checked to see if he and I had a special connection that was greater than his bond with his mother. We didn't.
Miranda July
#28. A kite can't really fly free,that's just an expression. In order to soar high in the sky the string of a kite needs to be anchored. If the string breaks the kite drops back to the ground. The kite's freedom depends on it not being as free as he thinks it is.
Simon Napier-Bell
#29. If Jack Nicklaus had to play my tee shots, he couldn't break 80. He'd be a pharmacist with a string of drugstores in Ohio.
Lee Trevino
#30. In due course, I came to classify writers into two categories: those who enabled you to arrive on time and those who caused you to be late. The Russian authors earned me a whole string of detentions.
Jean-Michel Guenassia
#31. While yes we can both agree the sudden recovery of this footage smells not a little, and that we appear to be bits of tinfoil-on-string to some malevolent government kitten, yes yes yes but, Borlu, however they've come by this evidence, this is the correct decision.
China Mieville
#32. You did too! You stole my bike, A-HOLE!" I yell out. Jeez, I'm like a Chatty Cathy Doll: just pull my string and I'll say, "You stole my bike, A-HOLE!
Brent Crawford
#33. There is not a string attuned to mirth but has its chord of melancholy.
Thomas Hood
#34. It's fascinating. You know all these words, and they're all English, but when you string them together into sentences, they just don't make any sense.
Cassandra Clare
#35. According to String Theory, what appears to be empty space is actually a tumultuous ocean of strings vibrating at the precise frequencies that create the 4 dimensions you and I call height, width, depth and time.
Roy H. Williams
#36. Don't ever think Noah's in the way. He will always be the string that ties us together. He's our love growing inside you. He may not be the reason why I fell in love with you, but he's the reason why I got another chance at life. You saved me, Emma.
Katie Ashley
#37. George had taken off all ten of his fingers and tied them into a bundle with what appeared to be either his own small intestines, or a guitar string; as I walked into the room, he lovingly placed the bundle on his head.
Alan Goldsher
#38. You can't tell how high a kite can fly without being willing to let all the string out.
Ken Liu
#39. Impressions are like pearls; ideas are like the string that turns the pearls into a necklace. The string is invisible, but it is not dispensable and cannot be broken.
Mu Xin
#40. We'd said we'd keep in touch. But touch is not something you can keep; as soon as it's gone, it's gone. We should have said we'd keep in words, because they are all we can string between us
words on a telephone line, words appearing on a screen.
David Levithan
#41. Happiness is to have a little string onto which things will attach themselves.
Virginia Woolf
#42. I felt that, in retrospect, there was a time in the late Seventies, after I had a string of hits and successes, as a performer and a recording artist, that I wasn't saying anything.
Boz Scaggs
#43. Sometimes when you break things, you can hold them together for a while with string or glue or tape. Sometimes, nothing will hold what's broken, and the pieces fly all over, and though you think you might be able to find them all again, one or two will always be missing
Megan Hart
#44. I'm like this yo-yo with a three-thousand-mile string." - Tai
Jennifer Baker
#45. Between two of the joists, backlit by a bare dust-coated bulb in a white ceramic socket, a fat spider danced from string to string, plucking from its silken harp a music beyond human hearing. Bibi
Dean Koontz
#46. String theory envisions a multiverse in which our universe is one slice of bread in a big cosmic loaf. The other slices would be displaced from ours in some extra dimension of space.
Brian Greene
#47. How do our lives ravel out
into the no-wind, no-sound,
the weary gestures wearily recapitulant:
echoes of old compulsions with no-hand on no-string:
in sunset we fall into furious attitudes,
dead gestures of dolls.
William Faulkner
#48. The train could be stopped with a red flag, but by ordinary it appeared out of the devastated hills with apparitionlike suddenness and wailing like a banshee, athward and past that little less-than-village like a forgotten bead from a broken string.
William Faulkner
#49. There are things that can only be said with a good string of cussing. I'm definitely fond of a few choice words. They say things that nothing else can say. Gotta love it.
Tony Hale
#50. A string of very un-angelic curse words come to mind.
Cynthia Hand
#51. I remember as a kid having a balloon and accidentally letting the string go and watching it just float off and into the sky until it disappeared. And there's something about that, even, that feels very much like what life is, you know, that it's fleeting, and it's temporal.
Pete Docter
#52. How could a New Yorker possibly take something called the Hollywood String Quartet seriously?
Leonard Slatkin
#53. Success goes to those who dare to dream. And sometimes you have to take a little "scary action," as well. - Joe Vitale
True success is always the last of a string of failed attempts to get it right.
Walter Inglis Anderson
#54. A gut-string classical Spanish guitar, a sweet, lovely little lady. The smell of it. Even now, to open a guitar case, when it's an old wooden guitar, I could crawl in and close the lid.
Keith Richards
#55. What can an artist use but materials, such as they are? What can he light but the short string of his gut, and when that's burnt out, any muck ready to hand?
Annie Dillard
#56. The salient feature of America in the Age of Obama is a failed government class institutionally committed to living beyond its means, and a citizenry too many of whom are content to string along.
Mark Steyn
#57. And yet - and yet - one's kite will rise on the wind as far as ever one has string to let it go. It tugs and tugs and will go, and one is glad the further it goes, even if everybody else is nasty about it.
D.H. Lawrence
#58. Depending on where I am in the process, sometimes I have a page count and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I have an hour count; sometimes I'm just happy to string a few words together. I do keep pretty rigorous hours, because otherwise you never get anything done.
Alice Sebold
#59. We all start out so damn sure, thinking we've got the world on a string. If we ever stopped to think about the infinite number of ways we could be undone, we'd never leave our bedrooms.
Jonathan Tropper
#60. My philosophy is the thicker the wood the thicker the sound, the bigger the string the bigger the sound. My smallest string is a 14 gauge.
Dick Dale
#61. Knowing a person isn't like knowing a string of facts. It's more like...a feeling.
Madeleine Wickham
#62. Then that did very well at the box office, so before you knew it, we were in a string of feature motion pictures. Then they announced that they were going to do some spinoffs of us.
George Takei
#63. My name is Marillion," the singer said, plucking a string on his woodharp. "Doubtless you've heard me play somewhere?
George R R Martin
#64. Roanoke was deep into spring - which was really pretty, even if it turned out that all the native blooms smelled like rotten meat dipped in sewer sauce (that description courtesy of Magdy, who could string together a phrase now and then).
John Scalzi
#65. Over the years, a number of very smart people have learned the hard way that a long string of impressive numbers multiplied by a single zero always equals zero.
Warren Buffett
#66. My little girls can break my heart. They can make me cry just looking at them eating their string beans.
Barack Obama
#67. Sometimes, when people speak, I cease listening to their words and zoom in instead on the cadence, and it can seem lovely, and at other times absurd, all this verbiage, these seemingly random consonants clattering on the string that is sound.
Rosie O'Donnell
#68. I had felt guilty but honored. Genevieve liked me best. We were close,closer than with anyone else. The bracelets were proof. How cheaply I was bought then, with just a bracelet made out of string.
Jenny Han
#69. They looked great, you know the drawings of the guys playing looked great and bits of string around their necks. So it didn't seem to be that difficult a thing to do, or that inaccessible.
Eric Clapton
#70. I have a string of competitiveness in me. It's really strange 'cause it's not something that I would even expect myself to have, but every now and then it kinda sneaks out, you know.
Hunter Hayes
#71. But by showing us live coverage of every bad thing happening everywhere in the world, cable news makes life seem like it's just an endless string of disasters - when, for most people in most places today, life is fairly good.
Gregg Easterbrook
#72. You string some letters together, and you make a word. You string some words together, and you make a sentence, then a paragraph, then a chapter. Words have power.
Chloe Neill
#73. Even though you tie a hundred knots, the string remains one.
#74. I like to think about stringing songs together like a string of pearls, or a string of beads, but ultimately it has to be stuff that really works with the band, and gives a spin to the older material.
Emmylou Harris
#75. Even clingfilm - if it's gone over a salad bowl, take it off, use it again. I wash out carrier bags; I save brown paper from parcels. I save string; I save ribbons. I separate all my bits and pieces.
Joanna Lumley
#76. After 40 years of not playing, I admit I'm totally in love with my guitar. It's a Froggy Bottom acoustic steel string guitar. All I have to do is hit a couple of clean chords and the endorphins are right there. It's like the top of my head has come off and stardust and magic have fallen in.
April Gornik
#78. [A]ngling or float fishing I can only compare to a stick and a string, with a worm at one end and a fool at the other.
Samuel Johnson
#79. Technically you need the extra dimensions. At first people didn't like them too much, but they've got a big benefit, which is that the ability of string theory to describe all the elementary particles and their forces along with gravity depends on using the extra dimensions.
Edward Witten
#80. Which end of the needle are you going to be- the side held by string or the point that pierces the cloth?
Sue Monk Kidd
#81. Normal was a lot more tempting when it was out of reach. Once normal had been a heavy, smothering blanket she feared being trapped beneath. But now normal felt fragile, as though she could unravel it all just by teasing out a single string.
Holly Black
#82. If ever I was going to listen to a string of swearwords sitting next to a ninety-four-year-old, I'm glad that ninety-four-year-old was my grandfather. Not that he swears a lot. It's just that he can take it. And, he is currently laughing so hard that his eyes are watery.
A. J. Jacobs
#83. Dating a man is like flying a kite. You only need to know when to wind up the string or let it out.
Jenna Alatari
#84. It's true. Every time you wake up, you let fly the most marvelous string of curses. It's never the same twice, do you know that? It's so intriguing. You're like a rooster that crows blasphemy."
"Oh, there's a cock crowing, all right," he muttered.
Tessa Dare
#85. They can see how permanent all the moments are, and they can look at any moment that interests them. It is just an illusion we have here on Earth that one moment follows another one, like beads on a string
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
#86. The mark of the Christian is the willingness to look for the Divine in the flesh of a babe in a crib, the continuing Christ under the appearance of bread on an altar, and a meditation and a prayer on a string of beads
Fulton J. Sheen
#87. I believe conspiracy theories are part of a larger conspiracy to distract us from the real conspiracy. String theory.
Andy Kindler
#88. I panicked when my son, Jett, stopped eating baby food. He's only two, but his food vocabulary is fantastic. He likes my baked tilapia and string beans with chopped garlic. But he really likes pizza. Sometimes every inanimate object to him is pizza.
Jill Scott
#89. While thinking is a practical necessity, the failure to recognize thoughts as thoughts, moment after moment, is what gives each of us the feeling that we call "I," and this is the string upon which all our states of suffering and dissatisfaction are strung.
Sam Harris
#90. My favorite guitar now is my Martin HD-7 because it's got everything. It's got the jingle-jangle thing from the twelve string, it's got the flexibility of the six string, and the bass notes where you can do bass runs and that sort of thing.
Roger McGuinn
#91. [A novel by Henry James] is like a church lit but without a congregation to distract you, with every light and line focused on the high altar. And on the altar, very reverently place, intensely there, is a dead kitten, an egg-shell, a bit of string.
#92. It was her mother, I didn't know what to say, I was hanging by a string. She said, hey you two, I was once like you and liked to do the wild thing.
#93. In my own recent String Trio I attempt to superimpose two quite different sets of formal strategies, both of which, ultimately, refer back to historical precedent.
Brian Ferneyhough
#94. a flayed body untangled
string by string and hung
to the wall, an agonized banner
displayed for the same reason
flags are.
Margaret Atwood
#95. I destroyed a lot of guitars trying to get them to do what I wanted, but I learned something from every guitar I tore apart, and discovered even more things. Things like if the string is not straight from the bridge saddle to the nut, you're going to have friction.
Eddie Van Halen
#96. The whole of Victorian literature done up in grey paper & neatly tied with string
Virginia Woolf
#97. I hold with the old-fashioned criticism that Browning is not really a poet, that he has all the gifts but the one needful and the pearls without the string; rather one should say raw nuggets and rough diamonds.
Gerard Manley Hopkins
#98. I was a kite miles out to sea. I was soaring without a string.
Mark Schreiber
#99. The truth cannot be woven out of a string of lies.
Fred Munoz
#100. The big secret of TextBlock is that its Text property (of type string) is not its content property.
Adam Nathan
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