Top 100 Stab Quotes

#1. Abruptly, Adrik snarled, 'I'm glad Sergei's dead. I'm just sorry I didn't get to wring his neck myself.'
'You'd need two hands for that,' said Zoya.
There was a brief, terrible silence, then Adrik scowled and said, 'Okay, stab him.

Leigh Bardugo

Stab Quotes #1447289
#2. Dr. Fell, do you believe a man could become so obsessed with a woman, from a single encounter?
Could he daily feel a stab of hunger for her and find nourishment in the very sight of her? I think so. But would she see through the bars of his plight and ache for him?

Thomas Harris

Stab Quotes #966502
#3. Keely's pulse quickened. A stab of apprehension. He was the same at any live performance, suddenly anxious for the players. So stupid; these people were professional muscicians. But the way his throat narrowed they could have all been kds at a school recital. His kids.

Tim Winton

Stab Quotes #979408
#4. You do not swing in a shield wall, you stab. May the gods ever send me enemies who swing their blades.

Bernard Cornwell

Stab Quotes #986407
#5. Rook asked, "Did you really stab him with an icicle?"
When she nodded, he said, "Please tell me you said FREEZE."
Richard Castle
Heat Rises

Richard Castle

Stab Quotes #990620
#6. When people ask me for an autograph I usually ask for a pen and then stab them with it.

Thom Yorke

Stab Quotes #998900
#7. Christ on crackers, she'd barely gotten over finding out about the others: if she had to start believing aliens were real, too, she was finished. she'd stab herself in the heart with a blue pencil just see if she didn't.
-Corinne D'Alessandro

Christine Warren

Stab Quotes #1006556
#8. Grow up, Be a Unicorn, Stab people with your head.


Stab Quotes #1017396
#9. Sadly, although the source of much enjoyment, Ginger the pig progressed from hunting and killing chickens to lambs and, after a stab at my mother's ankles, was banished to the freezer before she developed a taste for small children.

Bill Bryson

Stab Quotes #1018924
#10. I guess Danello can stab her if he has to."
Danello nodded. "I'm willing to do it even if I don't have to.

Janice Hardy

Stab Quotes #1022386
#11. Magic is like silver cutlery, Ebony, you only bring it out to either impress, or stab, important guests.

Odette C. Bell

Stab Quotes #1030510
#12. As she welcomed him silently to the human race, the stab of discovery made her tremble a little.

Harper Lee

Stab Quotes #1031664
#13. It's like picking up a piece of writing from years ago. You feel the tiniest stab of recollection when you discover it, but mostly you are in awe of how it was you who wrote down these words and felt something so creative in that moment.

Rakesh Satyal

Stab Quotes #1032772
#14. I liked that about her. I liked how laid back she was, when she wasn't trying to stab me.

Rachel Vincent

Stab Quotes #1038120
#15. No one is that valuable to plan your future based upon them, because in some point every loyal individual will stab you in the back or in the best situation will just leave you. People have expiration dates. The ones who stay longer become more dangerous.

Kambiz Shabankareh

Stab Quotes #1039056
#16. I believe if something needs to be said, people should say it. Blunt doesn't stab as deep as being cut by a secret.

Kate Angell

Stab Quotes #1056581
#17. She stepped aside to let him pass. She followed him to the car and watched him get laboriously into the front seat. As she welcomed him silently to the human race, the stab of discovery made her tremble a little. Somebody walked over my grave, she thought, probably Jem on some idiotic errand.

Harper Lee

Stab Quotes #1064005
#18. Daniel, go home. Please. Her voice is soft and weak, but the message behind that sad, angelic voice is like a stab to my heart. I back away from the window, then kick the side of the house out of frustration. Or anger. Or sadness or . . . shit. All of it.

Colleen Hoover

Stab Quotes #1066991
#19. The bathroom was jungle-fogged, flooded with puddles, piled with soaked towels; cakes of soap with long strands of blonde baked in.
A girl in pieces: Barbie-thin ankles, a shaving cut on her knee; hipbones she could stab you with; white hands gelled with strawberry body lotion.

Allyse Near

Stab Quotes #1067593
#20. I'm having one of those rare days where I love people and all of the amazing wonder they're capable of and if someone fucks that up for me I will stab them right in the face.

Jenny Lawson

Stab Quotes #1073953
#21. This World is filled with Demons (Humans) who love lying to each other. If they find a true man they will stab in back and act like innocent.

Srinivas Shenoy

Stab Quotes #1076511
#22. Isn't it better that we send them off once and for all beneath the glow of carnival lights, with the taste of treats on our tongues, rather than invite the acrid tang of doubt, and undue longing, and the heart-stab of a freshly sundered bond?

Chang-rae Lee

Stab Quotes #1080234
#23. Well, I'm already hoping there could be a dinner where you don't try to stab me with your fork," he said.
"You might need to make your peace with disappointment.

Rosamund Hodge

Stab Quotes #1080354
#24. Skewer is just too vague. I think if you say, 'Stand back or I'll stab him in the stomach,' then I have an idea about how serious you are. After all, Leif's stomach is his favorite body part so that's a decent threat.

Maria V. Snyder

Stab Quotes #1090588
#25. Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn't it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate.

Sarah Palin

Stab Quotes #1096066
#26. We were taught that the French were our archenemies, that the Italians were traitors, that Austria had lost the First World War only because of a "stab in the back" - but I must tell you, we were never sure who had done the stabbing.

Edith Hahn Beer

Stab Quotes #1100291
#27. Logan Quinn was the kind of guy who could stab me in the eye with a freaking Twizzler.

Jennifer Estep

Stab Quotes #1108530
#28. I have a stab wound on my left hip and one on my thigh and a slash mark across my right calf. I have a bottle stab wound on my left calf.

Jonah Lomu

Stab Quotes #1111696
#29. I swear to Vishnu, if this doesn't work, I'm going to stab you in the throat with a Pipette.

Kyoko M.

Stab Quotes #1117716
#30. Or she could command him to repeatedly stab himself in the dick. Then she'd run away as fast as she could manage - seeing as she would be laughing really hard.

Kresley Cole

Stab Quotes #1119061
#31. Men and swords. My father said that if you put any able-bodied man, no matter how peaceful, into a room with a sword and a practice dummy and leave him alone, eventually the man would pick up the sword and try to stab the dummy. It is human nature.

Ilona Andrews

Stab Quotes #1134419
#32. He wondered if he should feel a stab of jealousy - Dimple bonding so well with his muscled, much cooler younger brother - but all he felt was this warm, almost gooey feeling in his chest. Like his heart was wrapped in microwaved Nutella.

Sandhya Menon

Stab Quotes #1140200
#33. What's the point of havin' a rapier wit if I can't use it to stab people.

Jeph Jacques

Stab Quotes #1142951
#34. Relationships with your enemies; you need to cultivate those, because: Only true enemies stab you in the front.

Kristian Goldmund Aumann

Stab Quotes #1146961
#35. Involuntarily, Valarius felt a stab of envy, but he tamped it down. He had no right to feel possessiveness toward her. He was nothing, and she, she was everything.

Aja James

Stab Quotes #1153800
#36. What do I do now?
I didn't think my heart could break any more than it already has.
The pieces still inside of me feel like broken glass.
Every time I take a breath, they stab into me.
It never ends ...

H.M. Ward

Stab Quotes #1157959
#37. Careless words stab like a sword, but the words of the wise bring healing. Proverbs 12:18 Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rescue of those who are crushed. Proverbs 31:8

Wendy Duke

Stab Quotes #1159053
#38. The way I like to start a new project is to take a cover song and make a stab at it, ideally one that has nothing to do with the people in the room.

Jack White

Stab Quotes #1159788
#39. He had forgotten that grief does not decline in a straight line or along a slow curve...almost as if his body contained a big pile of garden rubbish full of both heavy lumps of dirt and of sharp thorny brush that would stab him when he least expected it.
p 35

Helen Simonson

Stab Quotes #1167881
#40. The cry of "Traitor!" was not a local voice only, but a bewildered people's explanation of the inexplicable. It was the eternal cry of conspiracy, of stab in the back.

Barbara W. Tuchman

Stab Quotes #1171095
#41. If you really want to stab me do it without saying anything.


Stab Quotes #1172586
#42. Combine a left-leaning upbringing with a family with direct experience of the Holocaust and someone with aspirations to write and I guess, sooner or later, that person will have a stab at writing something about the Holocaust.

Elliot Perlman

Stab Quotes #1175155
#43. Do you know what you can do to an enemy but not to a friend? Stab her in the back.

Brent Weeks

Stab Quotes #1176753
#44. You have trouble feeling alive, so you stab your own heart just to feel something. It was the emptiness that was killing you. You created the sadness and the fear to fill it.

Yasmin Mogahed

Stab Quotes #1176921
#45. Satan, you clown, you want to dissolve me with your charms. Well, I want it. I want it! Stab me with a pitchfork, sprinkle me with fire!

Arthur Rimbaud

Stab Quotes #1176932
#46. There are glances of hatred that stab, and raise no cry of murder.

George Eliot

Stab Quotes #1185799
#47. Stop punishing yourself if you scared of your memories with me. Don't do that ... Just stab me like this not you. It is only when you can stand on your feet that I can disappear with easy from your sight.


Stab Quotes #1188249
#48. Relax. You're in good hands. Tabby wont hurt you.
She stabbed me!
Damn! I told her not to stab any more Hunters. I hate it when she does that.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Stab Quotes #1191388
#49. Next time you want to get back at another man, stab him in the heart. Don't piss in his rice.

Vu Tran

Stab Quotes #1209886
#50. You could stab a knife right through my heart and you'd be too late.

Chuck Palahniuk

Stab Quotes #1221009
#51. The thing I'm having a hard time with are the Christians who will stab you in the back in a wink.

Reggie White

Stab Quotes #1225075
#52. I grew up playing hockey and some football, and I always think about the first time you walk into the locker room on a new team. The cliques are looking at you funny, and you make one friend, but then they're trying to stab you in the back.

Aaron Douglas

Stab Quotes #1234558
#53. Good morning, Rob,' I said. 'It's always great to see you.'

Mr Monster desperately wanted to stab him.

Dan Wells

Stab Quotes #1236481
#54. I realized I was never going to have any peace with myself unless I made an honest stab at trying to write.

Ben Fountain

Stab Quotes #1237640
#55. Saints!" I swore. "I forgot how often I want to stab you.

Leigh Bardugo

Stab Quotes #1265255
#56. Cass, I know you're only trying to help but I will stab you in your face.

S.L.J. Shortt

Stab Quotes #1274259
#57. I write because I'm in love with language; because I like working for myself, inside my head; and because it's the only way I know to make a stab at answering the never-ending questions of the heart that arise simply from the everyday living of our lives.

Julia Glass

Stab Quotes #1277486
#58. (The only time making a fist around the fork helps is when you want to stab someone because he's stealing your food. Now I know stabbing people is really rude, so I hold my fork in the grown-up way all the time, and I rely on discreet snarls to protect my dinner from predators.)

John Elder Robison

Stab Quotes #1277896
#59. In addition, he was surprised to admit, he trusted her not to stab him in his sleep. These seemed like good qualities to have in a wife.

Kel Kade

Stab Quotes #1289131
#60. Let every dirty, lousy tramp arm himself with a revolver or a knife, and lay in wait on the steps of the palaces of the rich and stab or shoot the owners as they come out. Let us kill them without mercy, and let it be a war of extermination.

Lucy Parsons

Stab Quotes #1292710
#61. A good friend will always stab you in the front.

Oscar Wilde

Stab Quotes #1297193
#62. If somebody's gonna stab me in the back, I wanna be there.

Allan A. Lamport

Stab Quotes #1299502
#63. I work in a "you scratch my back, and I'll stab yours" kind of a place.

Kevin Kelly

Stab Quotes #1311177
#64. I glare at him, willing ice daggers to come out of my eyes and stab him.

J.L. Beck

Stab Quotes #1327313
#65. My mother," he said, "has invited us to a ball."
Elena pulled a blade from one of the butter-soft forearm sheaths that had been a gift from Raphael. "Excuse me while I stab myself in the eyes-and disembowel myself while I'm at it.

Nalini Singh

Stab Quotes #1328821
#66. I think I was born 'in to deep,' and bad things happen every day. Sometimes I have to stab hellions. Sometimes I have to frame friends for murder, and stab evil math teachers, and watch my best friend die. Again. We deal with it, then we move on.

Rachel Vincent

Stab Quotes #1331991
#67. Don't you have anything to stop a dragon?" Lux asked, climbing as fast as he could in the tree. "The only way to stop a dragon is to stab it through its heart!" Wick shouted back. "Get out of the tree before it comes back!

Amanda Hocking

Stab Quotes #1333250
#68. Are there moments when I see unrequited crushes or ex-boyfriends slow dancing with their dates and kind of want to stab myself in the spleen with a salad fork? Yeah, sure.

Sloane Crosley

Stab Quotes #1333314
#69. I spent the weekend after our date wishing I could stab him with my fluffy-duck pen and staring at the phone hoping he'd call. Dating is a very tricky business.

Cath Crowley

Stab Quotes #1339881
#70. One of my greatest joys is poetry. I read it almost every day, and I've even taken a stab at writing some of my own. A poem I wrote for my mother when she was dying really helped me get through that hard time.

Maria Shriver

Stab Quotes #1339905
#71. Machiavelli did believe that it was better to appear to be good than to be good. If you're good, you're just too vulnerable, but if you appear to be good, you get all the benefits plus you can be sneaky and, when necessary, stab someone in the back.

David Ignatius

Stab Quotes #1341854
#72. Concerted voices of heartfelt petitions in Arabic all pleading for divine intervention are abruptly silenced as the drone ensures fatalities by injecting a final stab in each of their skulls.

C.J. Anderson

Stab Quotes #1345918
#73. Ugh, I swear I'd rather stab myself in the eye with a spoon repeatedly than be nice to some idiot, which means pretty much anyone I come in contact with. Damn, I'd be stabbing my eye a lot.

Quinn Loftis

Stab Quotes #1366646
#74. If she dis her letter opener into her brandy, she can stab him in the neck. It will be a race to see whether he dies of the poison or the blood loss.

Kendare Blake

Stab Quotes #1380788
#75. They say it's always darkest before the dawn and it was pitch black by the time I arrived at the Marriott. However I still had a few bullets left for my deadbeat uncle that tried to stab me in the back.

Angel Ramon Medina

Stab Quotes #1390741
#76. For all of those who wanna profile and pose
Rock you in your face, stab your brain with your nose bone.


Stab Quotes #1390847
#77. Put a knife in your shirt, get close to an Israeli occupier and stab him.

Hassan Nasrallah

Stab Quotes #1393191
#78. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents and all. But my father and I have the sort of loving relationship in which, whenever he says more than one sentence in a a row to me, I want to stab myself in the heart with a a recently formed silver knife.

Leila Sales

Stab Quotes #1406870
#79. In my madness I was actually in love with her for the few hours it all lasted; it was the same unmistakable ache and stab across the mind, the same sighs, the same pain, and above all the same reluctance and fear to approach.

Jack Kerouac

Stab Quotes #1411273
#80. The police, finding a corpse with twenty-eight stab wounds in a bathtub, suspected foul play.

Tim Kreider

Stab Quotes #1421079
#81. The missingness of the missing. We know what that feels like. Every endeavor, every kiss, every stab in the heart, every letter home, every leaving, is a ransack of what's in front of us in the service of what's lost.

Jeanette Winterson

Stab Quotes #1435267
#82. To write a song that is remembered and taken to heart," Richards notes, "is a connection, a touching of bases. A thread that runs through all of us. A stab to the heart." Keith Richards from his autobiography

Keith Richards

Stab Quotes #1438615
#83. Zwounds, ye fat paunch, an ye call me a coward, by the Lord, I'll stab thee.

William Shakespeare

Stab Quotes #1440122
#84. Yes,yes I did. I told them to come in and make themselves at home and while they were at it, to immobilize me and stab me straight through the heart 'cause I'm just that effing bored. (Sam)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Stab Quotes #1440136
#85. But in life, a tragedy is not one long scream. It includes everything that led up to it. Hour after trivial hour, day after day, year after year, and then the sudden moment: the knife stab, the shell burst, the plummet of the car from a bridge.

Margaret Atwood

Stab Quotes #1444097
#86. I can stab myself, but I can't reach the knife to pull it out. And then everything starts to disappear. I start to fade away, too. Only the knife is always there - to the very end.

Haruki Murakami

Stab Quotes #1712601
#87. You know the legend. Stab them in the heart and they'll die. (Ravyn)
Call me Buffy. I'm even blond, but don't ask me to wear a halter top. Or corset. (Susan)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Stab Quotes #1773834
#88. Existence is this, I thought, a start of joy, a stab of pain, an intense pleasure, veins that pulse under the skin, there is no other truth to tell.

Elena Ferrante

Stab Quotes #1759473
#89. A shoe-shaped bath tub, within which I felt like Marat but with no white-necked maiden to stab me.

Vladimir Nabokov

Stab Quotes #1749992
#90. I'm going to stab you through the heart with the same blade ... not for the good of the world ... but for myself.

Kaori Yuki

Stab Quotes #1744078
#91. The first stab of love is like a sunset, a blaze of color
oranges, pearly pinks, vibrant purples ...

Anna Godbersen

Stab Quotes #1740216
#92. Tom, Tom, Tom," I said, fingering the top of the knife bar, which was dusty; I'd take care of that later. "You lost the right to ask for sympathy about three minutes ago. Now get out of our home before I stab you again.

Camille Pagan

Stab Quotes #1738459
#93. Marsh recounts an anecdote about a psychopath who was being tested with a series of pictures and who failed over and over again to recognize fearful expressions, until finally she figured it out: "That's the look people get right before I stab them.

Paul Bloom

Stab Quotes #1734767
#94. New beginnings and new shoots Spring again from hidden roots Pull or stab or cut or burn, Love must ever yet return.

Robert Graves

Stab Quotes #1734621
#95. Maybe he was worried that I would get thinner and thinner, until I became as unfindable as my mother, and I felt a stab of compassion for him, imagining my father alone in this house with the white shadows of his two invisible women.

Laura Kasischke

Stab Quotes #1720046
#96. If someone stands in the way of true justice, you simply walk up behind them, and stab them in the heart.

Liam Neeson

Stab Quotes #1715947
#97. Micro: When his mind detached from his body he saw the murderer stab him repeatedly. Later, he told the detective - who retired. He blamed stress.

Anthony North

Stab Quotes #1659346
#98. You don't need to explain. This is your house too-you can go where you want," I reply. I smile as best as I can. "Except my room, of course."
"Why, you'll stab me with a kitchen knife if I do?" she jokes as I set the knife down onto Oma March's bedside table.
"Maybe," I answer.

Jackson Pearce

Stab Quotes #1673029
#99. She thought of the world's code that worshipped white lies as an act of mercy - she felt a stab of revulsion against that code..

Ayn Rand

Stab Quotes #1661690
#100. Stab one or two healers, and everyone overreacts.

Melissa Marr

Stab Quotes #1685347

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