Top 100 S E Quotes
#1. Jillian's fine. She's in her room with one of Drew's e- readers."
"Uh oh." Drew sat forward. "Which one?" Audrey tensed.
"The blue one. The mini- tablet?"
"Okay." Drew smiled. "That's fine, then. Porn's on the red one." She stared for a moment.
"Right. I'll remember that.
Susan Sey
#2. I think that the S.E.C. has been pretty feckless when it comes to reigning in reckless behavior on Wall Street.
Martin O'Malley
#3. Motioned for her to follow. "Uh-hu and so if Katie Peri's E.T. suddenly started playing, you wouldn't have the sudden urge to de-robe?" "Urge, yes," Jen admitted. "I mean, come on, the song has a sick beat.
Quinn Loftis
#4. And when we wr i t e he r life hi s tory, we f ind tha t we know nothing about the f i r s t s even ye a r s of he r life, but the de eds of he r l a t e r chi ldhood a r e to be s e en in the old rocks .(
#5. No white nor red was ever seen So am'rous as this lovely green. Fond lovers, cruel as their flame, Cut in these trees their mistress' name. Little, alas, they know or heed How far these beauties hers exceed! Fair trees! where s'e'er your barks I wound, No name shall but your own be found.
Andrew Marvell
#6. How many of you knew what the Thomas A Swift Electric Rifle was? An idea in the book years ago, and now who hasn't heard of a T.A.S.E.R.
Neil Leckman
#7. The guy was sexy with a capital S-E-X-Y. Yes, that's right, all of his letters deserved to be capitalized.
R.S. Grey
#8. T he a n swer to the que s t ion "Why Shakespeare?" must b e "Who e l s e i s there?
#9. I am proof that Einstein's "e equals m c squared" is wrong. My mass has increased, but my energy has dropped.
Dennis Miller
#10. My e-mail address is actually my wife's e-mail address. I actually hate computers.
Joe Sakic
#11. The U.S. - E.U. economic relationship dwarfs America's economic ties with China.
John Bruton
#12. There are more repercussions for a person being a chronic speeding violator in our country, than there is for a big bank being a chronic violator of S.E.C. rules!
Martin O'Malley
#13. Like many authors, I caught the writing bug during my teenage years. I don't remember the exact day or year, but I remember that reading S.E. Hinton's 'The Outsiders' sparked my interest in writing.
Ally Carter
#14. Jimi Hendrix once said, 'You will never hear surf music again.' Well, tonight, you will hear 'serf' music again
S-E-R-F music.
Jello Biafra
#15. I'm Rally of Unionist Separist Extremes, sometimes known as the R.U.S.E. ... It's the party at present in power.
Peter Ustinov
#16. Another way to point out the true differences in men and women is that wives spell 'LOVE' 'H-O-L-D M-E'; husbands spell 'LOVE' 'S-E-X.
#17. KNOWLEDGE is only Power to the Extent that it is ... U S E D
Tony Robbins
#18. It's sad to think right now, but probably the Russian and Chinese government know more about Hillary Clinton's e-mail server than do the members of the United States Congress. And - and that has put our national security at risk.
Scott Walker
#19. The leakage of information means you're going to be able to read everybody's e-mail.
Mo Ibrahim
#20. KATH: (Katherine) BRENT, daughter of Ed: Brent, dee'd., 300 acs. Northumberland Co., N.E. upon Quiough 421 Riv., S.E. upon land of Capt. Giles Brent. 9 Dec. 1662, p. 79, (554). (Capt. Gyles Brent, 4 May 1653, assigned to sd. Edm: Brent & by him given by will to sd. Kath.)
Nell Marion Nugent
#21. Einstein's E=mc2 is an extraordinary concept. So radical: matter and energy are two phases of the same sort of general stuff. There's only one other idea that radical: Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Kurt Vonnegut
#22. The tattoo is just setting below his hp bone.
H e l l i s e m p t y
a n d a l l t h e d e v i l s a r e h e r e
I kiss my way across the words.
Kissing away the devils.
Kissing away the pain.
Tahereh Mafi
#23. Ordinarily, the feds piggyback on the S.E.C. in complicated financial cases, but history proves that breath-holding on that score is a dangerous endeavor.
Gary Weiss
#24. Letty had barely touched her food. Javier stared down at her through a pair of aviator sunglasses. "You forgot something," she said. "What's that?" "My name. Who will they be expecting?" "Selena Kitt. S-E-L-E-N-A K-I-T-T. But you won't be carrying any identification.
Blake Crouch
#25. There's been a long lineage of a stranger in a strange land, whether it's 'E.T.,' 'Starman,' or other movies about trying to connect with humanity; it struck me that's what a Superman story really is.
David S.Goyer
#26. Look at this, Grace," Peg's e-mail said. "He's entrancing those people. I just realized. Taking them out of themselves. Ty is sort of like a medicine man. A shaman.
P.S. Have you called him?
Shelle Sumners
#27. I'm sorry that the family I was g i v e n has created so much chaos in the family I've c h o s e n.
#28. I've got a call on hold to send your way," she said. "And I hope it's personal, because holy hell is his voice smokin' hot. He sounds like S-E-X rolled in chocolate and covered in whipped cream."
Nervous excitement raised the hairs on my nape. "Did he give his name?"
"Yep. Brett Kline.
Sylvia Day
#29. It's strange how in childhood it feels like tomorrow won't come until the end of forever, but in adulthood it feels like the end of forever could come tomorrow.
Richelle E. Goodrich
#30. If you do something bad to me, and I say "okay, let's move on," it does not mean I forgive you.
Karen E. Quinones Miller
#31. Suffer. You could say it means endure, but that's not exactly right
E. Lockhart
#32. There's never any knowing - how am I to put it? - which of our actions, which of our idlenesses won't have things hanging on it for ever. - E. M. Forster, Where Angels Fear to Tread
Zadie Smith
#33. Boys are marvellous creatures. Perhaps they will sink below the brutes; perhaps they will attain to a woman's tenderness.
E. M. Forster
#34. Were faulty embalming and premature decay a dead hypochondriac's worst fears?
E.V. Iverson
#35. I fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true) and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows
E. E. Cummings
#36. I sit on it's edge, looking down at the man who feels like he just materialized out of nowhere. My head still swims with euphoria from the moment...a moment I was just in with one man whilst sleeping next to another. Suddenly feeling dirty, I pull the sheets wrapped in front of my body closer.
E.J. Mellow
#37. Here's how it goes: I'm up at the stroke of 10 or 10:30. I have breakfast and read the papers, and then it's lunchtime. Then maybe a little nap after lunch and out to the gym, and before I know it, it's time to have a drink.
E.L. Doctorow
#38. I think cults are probably a little less scary. To me, it's scarier that 25 people would wear robes and jump up and down and try to convert everyone to happiness than a Kool-Aid suicide.
Annie E. Clark
#39. Sixteen years on the streets and you can learn a lot. But all the wrong things, not the things you want to learn. Sixteen years on the streets and you see a lot. But all the wrong sights, not the things you want to see.
S.E. Hinton
#40. If the veil of the world's machinery were lifted off, how much we would find is done in answer to the prayers of God's children.
Robert E. Murray
#41. May the fullness of God's love and His mercy shine as treasures to be found in every horizon.
Amy E. Tobin
#42. No," he said. "That's not magic, Lila. That's just murder.
V.E Schwab
#43. Tom pounded into him. Prophet bit out a howl, hooked his ankles behind Tom's back and dug his heels against the man's ass, forcing him deeper inside.
S.E. Jakes
#44. Stay gold Ponyboy. Stay gold.
--Johnny quoting Robert Frost
S.E. Hinton
#45. I'm not sure what kind of love you mean, baby, but if you mean do I want you to be with me forever, that I can't bear the thought of being without you as my lover, my best friend, my whole world....one day my wife, and my baby mama, then yes, I Love you, Love you!
S.E. Hall
#46. Relax; the world's not watching that closely. It's too busy contemplating itself in the mirror.
Richelle E. Goodrich
#47. What fools the public were! They were exactly like sheep ... thought Mr. Abbott sleepily ... following each other's lead, neglecting one book and buying another just because other people were buying it, although, for the life of you, you couldn't see what the one lacked and the other possessed.
D.E. Stevenson
#48. You take a chance to do something and you realize in your heart it's either going to be the greatest thing that ever happened or the worst thing that ever happened. It won't be an in between, I almost made a hit. It will be an instant flop or an instant success.
Ben E. King
#49. It's draining, it's exhausting, it's hell... it's heaven. It's hedonism gone wild.
E.L. James
#50. Edward Bellamy's eugenic utopian novel, "Looking Backward" was the inspiration for American Progressivism.
A.E. Samaan
#51. So what, this is like a life lesson? Because I don't like those, Prophet had told him,
S.E. Jakes
#52. People have to understand that they can reject technology. They can turn off their cell phone. They can stop looking at their e-mail. It's there if they want it. It's not being forced on them.
Esther Dyson
#53. You want me to ask you why you left? Why you chose the open sea over my bed? A criminal's brand over my touch? I didn't ask you, Alucard, because I don't want to hear them [your excuses]
V.E Schwab
#54. Nothing can wear you out like caring about people
S.E. Hinton
#55. To set but a low value upon toast is to expose one's deficiencies in right appreciation.
E. V. Lucas
#56. why do you like fights Darry~Ponyboy
He just likes to show off his muscles~Sodapop
S.E. Hinton
#57. The people who need us the most are drawn to us, no matter how we try to outrun them. They find us and eventually they heal us, no matter how resistant we are.
S.E. Jakes
#58. Things are messed up in the world, that's all.
E. Lockhart
#59. See?" I said. "That's exactly the person I don't want to be with. And he's always there, underneath all your charm.
E. Lockhart
#60. I've just completed Mike's [Mann] Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (i.e. from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith's [Briffa] to hide the decline.
Phil Jones
#62. My advice to young people is to get something that's growing because that's how you get career opportunities thrown at you that you don't deserve, if you will ... that come at you early because the firms need you.
Hamilton E. James
#63. The E.U.'s Eastern Partnership programme is designed to bind the so-called focus states tightly to itself, shutting down the possibility of co-operation with Russia.
Sergei Lavrov
#64. Ronowski looked scared when he asked God what he was doing. "You shouldn't be alone tonight." God's tone clearly indicated it was a command not a suggestion. "Hey,
A.E. Via
#65. For me, one of the really cool things about this is that throughout these movies, there have been - and I enjoyed it this way - hints at what S.H.I.E.L.D. is and how they function within this Marvel movie universe which, as you know, is deeply based in the comic books.
Clark Gregg
#66. P is positive emotion, E is engagement, R is relationships, M is meaning and A is accomplishment. Those are the five elements of what free people chose to do. Pretty much everything else is in service of one of or more of these goals. That's the human dashboard.
Martin Seligman
#67. Today the real test of America's power and wisdom is not our capacity to make war but our capacity to prevent it. Prevention must be our overriding objective. It can be done. Surrendering to the inevitability of combat only paves the way for its occurring.
Dale E. Turner
#68. You cannot fully understand a person's need until you have endured the same need. As hard as you may try to predict and comprehend their situation and suffering, I guarantee you'll fall short until you've been there.
Richelle E. Goodrich
#69. All the important things in life lie beyond reason ... and that's just the way things are.
Alister E. McGrath
#70. What I think is all I have left. My mind is the only thing that makes me different from a fancy toaster. What we think does matter-it's all we truly have.
Mary E. Pearson
#71. If you don't like men who physically abuse women, stop telling your son it's okay to hit a little girl if she's bothering him.
Karen E. Quinones Miller
#72. When women turn on women, and take cheap shots at their decisions purely to score political points it serves as proof that feminism, as a movement, is dead and no longer relevant or credible.
S. E. Cupp
#73. My first jobs after graduation in 1955 were as a project engineer for G.E. and later with the U.S. government in Washington, D.C., where I met and married my wife, Dolores Celini.
Oliver E. Williamson
#74. Lucy was slow to follow what people said, but quick enough to detect what they meant. She missed Cecil's epigram, but grasped the feeling that prompted it.
E. M. Forster
#75. Mama said it's probably because of Suzanne, and that you are never the same after a child dies. That made me wonder what she was like before Clover died, because I don't think I really knew my own mother until I had children, and if she was different before, I don't remember.
Nancy E. Turner
#76. If you avoid all of life's abrasions you will never be polished enough to shine.
Richelle E. Goodrich
#77. Dr. Robert Hare, one of the foremost researchers on sociopathy, believes that a sociopath is four times more likely to be at the top of the corporate ladder than in the janitor's closet, due to the close match between the personality traits of sociopaths and the unusual demands of high-powered jobs.
M.E. Thomas
#78. So you're my boss now," I snap.
"Technically, I'm you're boss's boss's boss."
"And technically, it's gross moral turpitude- the fact that i am fucking my boss's boss's boss."
"At the moment, you're arguing with him." Christian scowls.
E.L. James
#79. Tolerance, meanwhile, is about learning how to be patient. It's about learning how to understand that people will not always be the best of themselves, but that you have to give them a chance.
E.M. Garver
#80. It would probably take me an hour to two to write it down, get the feel of it, and that's with quite a few changes. It's not really a hard thing for me to do.
Ben E. King
#81. You know, you may look like that actor, but the only way I can tell for sure you're him is if I see that six-pack
S.E. Culpepper
#83. There is something very appealing about a room which one occupied as a child; it brings back one's childhood more vividly than anything else I know.
D.E. Stevenson
#84. Running a successful company is all about embracing the talent of the individuals you have at your disposal. if that's where your talents and your interests lie, then you structure the company to enable that ... Christian Grey
E.L. James
#85. Even T.E. Lawrence, who hardly knew the meaning of fear, was by Sassoon's own account, terrified after only five minutes of his driving; 'my methods of turning from side roads into main roads were abrupt in those days' Sassoon added by way of explanation.
Jean Moorcroft Wilson
#86. My genre of music is very eclectic. I might play some Latin jazz, or just go into a spontaneous jazz thing. That's the thing about coming to one of my performances. Not every show is the same.
Sheila E.
#87. What do you mean I have to wait for someone's approval? I'm someone. I approve. So I give myself permission to move forward with my full support!
Richelle E. Goodrich
#88. It's easiest to give advice on trials you've stumbled through. It's harder to talk about those that have knocked you flat.
Richelle E. Goodrich
#89. God's heart ... is not that we escape our lot, but that we learn to thrive in the midst of it.
Mary E. DeMuth
#90. Greaser ... greaser ... greaser ... " Steve singsonged. "O victim of environment, underprivileged, rotten, no-count hood!
S.E. Hinton
#91. From: Christian Grey
Subject: My Life's Mission ...
Date: September 5, 2011 09:25
To: Anastasia Grey
Is to spoil you, Mrs. Grey.
And keep you safe because I love you.
Christian Grey
Smitten CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.
E.L. James
#92. The First and Worst sin couples commit against one another is not adultery but Negligence because it's Negligence that breeds adultery..watch it couples , do not hold back in giving that care and attention.
Jaachynma N.E. Agu
#93. The fouling of the nest which has been typical of man's activity in the past on a local scale now seems to be extending to the whole world society.
Kenneth E. Boulding
#94. When you get an e-mail and reply to the sender, you simply obliterate everything they sent you and then, in small square brackets, write: [deletia] It stands for everything that's been lost.
Douglas Coupland
#95. Churchill's 2,054 page book "Second World War" makes no mention of genocide or the murder of Jews. Coincidentally, Churchill was a strong proponent of eugenic legislation prior to the outbreak of WWII.
A.E. Samaan
#96. Sure I do," countered Lila cheerfully. "There's Dull London, Kell London, Creepy London, and Dead London," she recited, ticking them off on her fingers. "See? I'm a fast learner.
V.E Schwab
#97. It's not every day one has a first kiss,' I said.
'May I remind you that it wasn't your first kiss?'
'It felt like it was. It was the first one that mattered.
Mary E. Pearson
#98. A grifter's got an irresistible urge to be the guy who's wise. There's nothin' to whipping a fool. Hell, fools are made to be whipped. But to take another pro. Even your partner, who knows you and has his eye on you. That's a score! No matter what happens.
Donald E. Westlake
#99. Mars is a rock - cold, empty, almost airless, dead. Yet it's heaven in a way. We can see it in the night sky, a whole other world, but too nearby, too close within the reach of the people who've made such a hell of life here on Earth.
Octavia E. Butler
#100. We all have dreams, those who decide whether theirs are real, or fiction.
But, what if fiction doesn't exist?
Then your dreams are real, and your possibilities are endless.
Amelia E. S.
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