Top 100 Quotes About People In This World

#1. Emmy, the events we lived through taught me to be sure of nothing about other people. They taught me to expect danger around every corner. They taught me to understand that there are people in this world that mean you harm, And sometimes, they're the people who say they love you.

Nancy Werlin

Quotes About People In This World #1391
#2. There are some strange cold people in this world. It is priests, I think ... Training themselves out of natural feeling. They mean it for the best, of course.

Hilary Mantel

Quotes About People In This World #1875397
#3. There's a lot of people in this world who spend so much time watching their health that they haven't the time to enjoy it.

Josh Billings

Quotes About People In This World #1853944
#4. Sooner or later you learn that there's a conspiracy of little people in this world to cut you down to their size. And then you grow up and make your choice: to live on their terms or your own.

Samuel Taylor

Quotes About People In This World #1852539
#5. Just be you. That's the best advice I can give. There are seven billion people in this world and there is no one like you.

Ed Sheeran

Quotes About People In This World #1847403
#6. We all know how important love is, yet how often is it really emoted or exhibited? What so many sick people in this world suffer from-loneliness, boredom and fear-can't be cured with a pill.

Albert Schweitzer

Quotes About People In This World #1833582
#7. By knowing what exist, you can know that which does not exist. That is the void. People in this world look at things mistakenly, and think that what they do not understand must be the void. This is not the true void. It is confusion.

Miyamoto Musashi

Quotes About People In This World #1816837
#8. I'm one of the few people in this world who can do anything I choose. I can't tell you how good I'm feeling.

Sonia Johnson

Quotes About People In This World #1772344
#9. If the only option you leave poor people with is to resort to violence in order to survive, they'll do just that. And there are lots more poor people in this world than there are rich ones.

Michael Monroe

Quotes About People In This World #1768124
#10. Perhaps we think that we won't find another human being inside that person. Perhaps we think that there are some people in this world who I can't ever communicate with, and so I'll just give up before I try. And how sad it is to think that we would give up on any other creature who's just like us.

Fred Rogers

Quotes About People In This World #1753152
#11. There are people in this world who can wear whale masks and people who cannot, and the wise know to which group they belong.

Tom Robbins

Quotes About People In This World #1744509
#12. If you are to reach masses of people in this world, you must do it by a sign language. Whether your vehicle be commerce, literature, or politics, you can do nothing but raise signals, and make motions to the people.

John Jay Chapman

Quotes About People In This World #1733493
#13. I've never trusted collaborations, because most people in this world are not closers. They don't finish what they start; they don't live what they dream; they sabotage their own progress because they're afraid they won't find what they seek.

Neil Strauss

Quotes About People In This World #1733337
#14. Work in a bookstore and learn that most people in this world feel guilty about being who they are.

Caroline Kepnes

Quotes About People In This World #1711743
#15. My goal is one Olympic gold medal. Not many people in this world can say, 'I'm an Olympic gold medalist.'

Michael Phelps

Quotes About People In This World #1690012
#16. There are some loony people in this world!

Dolly Parton

Quotes About People In This World #1686772
#17. There are people in this world so rich that when it rains they simply fly away on private jets in search of sun.

Peggy Kopman-Owens

Quotes About People In This World #1647998
#18. I believe there are two kinds of people in this world. The ones who do everything right, expecting the perfect outcome every time, and those who know better.

Faith Sullivan

Quotes About People In This World #1642650
#19. There is no place for normal people in this world, either be a stupid or a very special one.

M.F. Moonzajer

Quotes About People In This World #1638574
#20. That's what's wrong with the people in this world; they believe they can do well by just getting by when they need to aim for the highest.

Keith Anderson

Quotes About People In This World #1637052
#21. Do you know why people in this world wish for peace or no more discrimination?
That's because people aren't peaceful creatures by nature. They love to discriminate.
Relationships between humans began ...
... with people controlling others or being controlled.

Fuyumi Soryo

Quotes About People In This World #1582418
#22. Thou camest out of thy mother's belly without government, thou hast liv'd hitherto without government, and thou mayst be carried to thy long home without government, when it shall please the Lord. How many people in this world live without government, yet do well enough, and are well look'd upon?

Miguel De Cervantes

Quotes About People In This World #1523013
#23. There are some people in this world that believe being gay is a choice. It's not a choice, we're born this way.

Lady Gaga

Quotes About People In This World #1497509
#24. People in this world of superficial communication find themselves isolated and lonely and have difficult in talking about personal things that really matter to them.

Theodore Zeldin

Quotes About People In This World #1489881
#25. When I think of how many people in this world have it worse
than I do, I realize just how blessed I really am...
... and I have to give thanks ...

Shannan Lea

Quotes About People In This World #1471922
#26. The course of morality is subtle and even the most illustrious, wise people in this world fail to always understand it.

Kavita Kane

Quotes About People In This World #1463653
#27. There are some sick people in this world.

Phil McGraw

Quotes About People In This World #1442738
#28. The people in this world who scorn me
no doubt have a special wisdom,
so I don't write for them:
instead I write with the thought
that since the world is wide and time is endless,
one day someone will be born
whose nature is the same as mine.


Quotes About People In This World #1435371
#29. I enjoy money. Not enough people in this world are happy. I'm determined to be contented, and having plenty of money from working makes it easier for me.

Karen Carpenter

Quotes About People In This World #1435111
#30. Not many people in this world are as lucky as I've been ... All this time I've been paid to say what is on my mind on television. You don't get any luckier in life than that.

Andy Rooney

Quotes About People In This World #1415677
#31. There are no small number of people in this world who, solitary by nature, always try to go back into their shell like a hermit crab or a snail.

Anton Chekhov

Quotes About People In This World #1403777
#32. (Actually, there are two kinds of people in this world: those who believe there are two kinds of people in this world and those who are smart enough to know better.

Tom Robbins

Quotes About People In This World #1385986
#33. There are three types of people in this world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened.

Mary Kay Ash

Quotes About People In This World #1379703
#34. Many people in this world are still so identified with every thought that arises in their head. There is not the slightest space of awareness there.

Eckhart Tolle

Quotes About People In This World #1374152
#35. Violence is the easy way out and it only leads to more violence. We need people in this world who are willing to find solutions through peace, through communication, honesty and diplomacy. World peace may seem impossible, but it's worth aiming for.

Demi Lovato

Quotes About People In This World #1363845
#36. The sense of being alone is a huge issue for so many people in this world. As a worshipper of Jesus, there's a very real sense that we are always seen, held and known.

Matt Redman

Quotes About People In This World #1333536
#37. The way to inscribe the will of God on the hearts of people in this world is not by way of law or vote but by way of redemption through Jesus. Jesus' kingdom vision is for his redeemed people and for them alone.

Scot McKnight

Quotes About People In This World #1322653
#38. Dean: Don't you find that somewhat of an aberration? Doesn't this disturb you my dear? After all, it's not normal.
Molly: I know it's not normal for people in this world to be happy, and I'm happy.

Rita Mae Brown

Quotes About People In This World #1309286
#39. There are two groups of people in this world; first, those who have everything but nothing and second, those who have nothing but everything.

M.F. Moonzajer

Quotes About People In This World #1300057
#40. We need more people in this world, energised by chasing a quest or a goal and that is what will energise the world.

Tony Curl

Quotes About People In This World #1291282
#41. A very small percentage of the people in this world will actually experience and live today. So many people will be stuck on another day, another time that traumatized them and caused them to spiritually stutter so they miss out on this day.

Steve Maraboli

Quotes About People In This World #1290122
#42. There are a lot of people in this world that listen to wide ranges of music and there should never be a CERTAIN type of music that any artist should be confined to, in my opinion.


Quotes About People In This World #1282830
#43. Not enough people in this world are happy.

Karen Carpenter

Quotes About People In This World #1274860
#44. You're mistaken, Father. You were in paradise, but you didn't recognize it. It's the same with most people in this world; they seek suffering in the most joyous of places because they think they are unworthy of happiness.

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About People In This World #1271862
#45. There are no good or bad people in this world; only choices.

David Seller

Quotes About People In This World #1235588
#46. Too many people in this world think small is the best they can do. Not you, Libby Strout. You weren't born for small! You don't know how to do small! Small is not in you!

Jennifer Niven

Quotes About People In This World #1224317
#47. In the end, though, maybe we must all give up trying to pay back the people in this world who sustain our lives. In the end, maybe it's wiser to surrender before the miraculous scope of human generosity and to just keep saying thank you, forever and sincerely, for as long as we have voices.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Quotes About People In This World #1217824
#48. There are two kinds of people in this world who never learn: those who always talk, and those who never listen.

T.A. Uner

Quotes About People In This World #1184245
#49. Many people in this world are merely playing a role, unaware that there is an Invisible Hand guiding them.

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About People In This World #1181286
#50. There is something very cool about writing your worst memories through someone else's eyes. You start to see what happened to you ... almost as if it happened to somebody else. Especially if that made-up person is nice, it's a great exercise because there are many mean people in this world.

Carol Plum-Ucci

Quotes About People In This World #1140930
#51. There's some people in this world who you can just love and love and love no matter what.

John Green

Quotes About People In This World #1137167
#52. Mrs. Postwhistle's theory was that although very few people in this world understood their own business, they understood it better than anyone else could understand it for them. If

Jerome K. Jerome

Quotes About People In This World #1126289
#53. You don't necessarily meet a lot of people in this world. Not when you let yourself get distracted by music and the passing of hours.

Michael Cunningham

Quotes About People In This World #1120915
#54. There are people in this world who do not dream.
They may try to stop you by their words and deeds,
but like air, you can rise above it all.
Dream, then follow your dreams
and you will be unstoppable.

Jose N. Harris

Quotes About People In This World #1108455
#55. Jackson Pollock said once, "I don't really feel that many people in this world are alive." He said, "That's why I like you, Tom. You're alive."

Tom Robbins

Quotes About People In This World #1100724
#56. all begins with you surrounding yourself with the right people - the good and authentic people - and "unsurrounding" yourself with the wrong people. And we both know there are plenty of wrong people in this world.

Phillip C. McGraw

Quotes About People In This World #1095595
#57. When I create music, it is a reflection of my soul, my experiences in life and my relationships with other people and cultures. Psychology, and understanding who we are as people in this world, is present in almost every creative thought I have.


Quotes About People In This World #1090931
#58. There are only two types of people in this world; people who hate clowns, and clowns.

D.J. MacHale

Quotes About People In This World #1077355
#59. Whenever you're feeling lonely, remember that there are people in this world who bless every one of us before they go to sleep at night. They may have never met you, but their hearts go out to you. They are true angels.

L.J. Kane

Quotes About People In This World #1062958
#60. There are some people in this world who like everything squared up and precise, and there are those who will allow some drift at the margins.

Hilary Mantel

Quotes About People In This World #1062246
#61. It's that there's some people in this world who you can just love and love no matter what.

John Green

Quotes About People In This World #1032706
#62. I saw more truth and sensitivity in art than I did in many of the people in this world.

Frederick Lenz

Quotes About People In This World #1015787
#63. There's not too many rich black people in this world.

Barry Bonds

Quotes About People In This World #989295
#64. Why do you paint, Nona?"...

'I paint first to honor God who paints the sunsets and oceans and human hearts. And second, I paint so I don't get cranky like so many of the old people in this world.

Kimberly Stuart

Quotes About People In This World #957983
#65. The most successful people in this world recognize that taking chances to get what they want is much more productive than sitting around being too scared to take a shot.

Steve Harvey

Quotes About People In This World #853633
#66. There are people in this world who commit horrifying and unnatural acts beyond anything your naive imagination could conceive. He is your worst nightmare. Heed my warning and stay away from him. I

Rachel Hartman

Quotes About People In This World #896222
#67. We live in a world of wars and wars alarms, of famines, of oppression. While there are many wonderful people in this world, you'll notice one curious fact about them, they all suffer, they all die, and sometimes those who are the nicest seem to suffer the most.

Frederick Lenz

Quotes About People In This World #573
#68. Why does everyone worship them? I mean, they're beautiful but ... " I shrugged. "Lots of people in this world are beautiful."
"They're popular because they're cheerleaders," he said.
I rolled my eyes. "What is it with this town and cheerleaders?

Sarra Cannon

Quotes About People In This World #8420
#69. You must put the odor of the human body into images describe for me the implacable, the egoistic, the sensual, the cruel there are nothing but disgusting people in this world.

Kenji Mizoguchi

Quotes About People In This World #44096
#70. There are only two kinds of people in this world. The realists and the dreamers. The realists know where they are going and the dreamers have already been there.

Robert Orben

Quotes About People In This World #52841
#71. There's two kinds of people in this world.There's hammers and nails ...
You decide what to be ..

Will Smith

Quotes About People In This World #61794
#72. People in this world look at things mistakenly, and think that what they do not understand must be the void. This is not the true void. It is bewilderment ...

Miyamoto Musashi

Quotes About People In This World #70475
#73. Which other people in this world stop up holes in their sidewalks with cassava, brothers and sisters? Only Indonesia itself, on account of the abundance of its food.


Quotes About People In This World #71744
#74. It is my contention that most people are not mugged every day, that most people in this world do not encounter violence every day. I think we prepare people for violence, and I think just as importantly we prepare people for the definition of being gentle.

Bob Keeshan

Quotes About People In This World #72085
#75. Of course, most of the people in this world are stressed, and most of those who are not stressed are totally bored!

Eckhart Tolle

Quotes About People In This World #86782
#76. Most of the seven billion people in this world suffer from malnutrition. Half do not have enough to eat and the rest of us eat too much.

Earle Gray

Quotes About People In This World #99430
#77. People in this world are not often logical.

Clarence Darrow

Quotes About People In This World #111913
#78. I didn't know there was so many people in this world that knew of me.

Patsy Cline

Quotes About People In This World #130021
#79. A great many people in this world would be willing to throw out their gender in a second if it could be traded for freedom.

Jenny Nordberg

Quotes About People In This World #136912
#80. Perhaps there are people in this world who love their fountain pens with every fiber of their being - and that's very sad. If you're not in love with him, you can understand him.

Banana Yoshimoto

Quotes About People In This World #141743
#81. I hope you will be yourself, human, even a little sentimental, possessed of a sense of humor and a sense of humility ... There are arrogant people in this world and, what is worse, arrogant judges.

Harry A. Blackmun

Quotes About People In This World #151043
#82. There weren't many people in this world who would let you be vulnerable and still believe you were strong.

Rob Thomas

Quotes About People In This World #182384
#83. Most people in this world are a continuity, very few become an opportunity and the rarest of them all, evolve to be a possibility.

Pushkar Ganesh Vaidya

Quotes About People In This World #213670
#84. I am trying to prevent a bloodbath. Is that clear enough for you? I'm trying to prevent a civil war that could kill half the people in this world.

Larry Niven

Quotes About People In This World #217570
#85. There are people in this world so perfect that the fact of them seems like a personal gift ...

Haven Kimmel

Quotes About People In This World #221857
#86. I don't think even one per cent of the people in this world explore more than 10 per cent of all that this world has to offer. That's a shame!

Gautam Singhania

Quotes About People In This World #263213
#87. The happiest people in this world are those who have the most interesting thoughts.

William Lyon Phelps

Quotes About People In This World #264562
#88. I can see the cracks in society, in people, in this world and I'd rather die before slipping into one of them.

Shayne Colaco

Quotes About People In This World #268365
#89. There are people in this world who, after you meet them, you walk away a better person. No matter how okay you were before, they have a way of making you even better.

Jay Bell

Quotes About People In This World #281701
#90. There are amazing people in this world that just need an opportunity.

Leigh Anne Tuohy

Quotes About People In This World #299538
#91. Not enough people in this world, I think, carry a cosmic perspective with them. It could be life-changing.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Quotes About People In This World #300364
#92. Whenever you feel like criticizing any one ... just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had.

F Scott Fitzgerald

Quotes About People In This World #304075
#93. I also know there are timeless waters, endless seas, and lots of people in this world whose names don't matter to anyone but themselves. I look up at the sky and I see you there.

Edwidge Danticat

Quotes About People In This World #319622
#94. There's 3 types of people in this world: there's talkers, there's watchers, and there's doers.

Jeremy Stephens

Quotes About People In This World #358324
#95. It doesn't matter who you sleep with, it's how you treat other people in this world.

Amber Benson

Quotes About People In This World #372318
#96. Why do people have to be this lonely? What's the point of it all? Millions of people in this world, all of them yearning, looking to others to satisfy them, yet isolating themselves. Why? Was the earth put here just to nourish human loneliness?

Haruki Murakami

Quotes About People In This World #379050
#97. There are two types of people in this world, good and bad. The good sleep better, but the bad seem to enjoy the waking hours much more.

Woody Allen

Quotes About People In This World #399149
#98. It's very nice there are people in this world who are so happy to see you they want to hug you.

Julie Reece Deaver

Quotes About People In This World #755149
#99. I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers - so many caring people in this world.

Fred Rogers

Quotes About People In This World #743152
#100. There are so many ugly places and people in this world, I've learned you have to grab hold of the places like this, the moments like this, and cherish them.

Tonya Burrows

Quotes About People In This World #736236

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