Top 74 Quotes About Our Amazing World
#1. Do you understand how amazing it is to hear that from an adult? Do you know how amazing it is to hear that from anybody? It's one of the simplest sentences in the world, just four words, but they're the four hugest words in the world when they're put together.
You can do it.
Sherman Alexie
#2. Back in the days when the market was a kind of secular god and all the world thrilled to behold the amazing powers of private capital, the idea of privatizing highways and airports and other bits of our transportation infrastructure made a certain kind of sense.
Thomas Frank
#3. Your idea doesn't have to be big. It just has to be yours alone. The more the idea is yours alone, the more freedom you have to do something really amazing. The more amazing, the more people will click with your idea. The more people click with your idea, the more it will change the world.
Hugh MacLeod
#4. That amazing thing doesn't need my poem, but my poem still needs it, the way every poem still needs all the world.
Clive James
#5. I love New York. It is an amazing city, and the U.S. Open is a lot about the show. There are tens of thousands of spectators; these are some of the best courts in the world, and there is nothing like being here and making memories.
Stanislas Wawrinka
#6. There's an amazing world out there for you to discover, Henry Denton, but you have to be willing to discover yourself first.
Shaun David Hutchinson
#7. There are amazing people in this world that just need an opportunity.
Leigh Anne Tuohy
#8. The amazing thing is that we could live in the world together peacefully, feed the world, shelter the world. We have that capability both spiritually and technologically.
Yoko Ono
#9. If you pay attention to the world, it's an amazing place. If you don't, it's whatever you think it is.
Reggie Watts
#10. Imagine the amazing good fortune of the generation that gets to see the end of the world. This is as marvelous as being there in the beginning.
Jean Baudrillard
#11. I thought being on stage was an amazing feeling, but there is nothing that can top watching my wife bring our son into this world.
Luke Bryan
#12. God's love in John 3:16 is not amazing because the world is so big, but because the world is so bad.
D. A. Carson
#13. We're doing something amazing, Mom. Something to keep the world safe that, uh, isn't dangerous at all, I promise. I love you.
Pittacus Lore
#14. Technology is at the forefront of everything these days - communication, work. It's amazing and scary at the same time how robots have evolved, but I find it hard to believe that robots will completely rule the world. Not in my lifetime anyway.
Graham McTavish
#15. Pack your bags and explore the most amazing places around Istanbul, Madrid or any other destination around the world with your virtual travel guide.
Madrid Travel Guide
#16. I had a great experience at the [2011] World Cup. Unfortunately, we didn't end on the note we wanted to, but I still had an Amazing time representing our country and playing in front of thousands of fans.
Amy Rodriguez
#17. The more you think about it, the more amazing the everyday world of human beings becomes: most of it doesn't actually exist at all.
Terry Pratchett
#18. There is a world of chances out there, Emmaline! We live in a world full of amazing chances, and you just walk away from them without even looking back.
Natalie Bina
#19. I've been all over the world, and to be in Milan and see guys dressed as Jake and Elwood is amazing. They really have become a part of the culture.
John Landis
#20. Everyday there are people in our world that do absolutely amazing things. People of all ages are very capable of doing tremendous, courageous things in spite of their fear.
Mairead Corrigan
#21. I think Pussy Riot is amazing. I'm honored that they were inspired by riot grrl, and obviously they're making history around the world.
Corin Tucker
#22. It is amazing that our souls - our eternal essences, with all their hopes and dreams and visions of an eternal world - are contained within these temporal bodies. No wonder suffering is part of the human condition ...
Marion Woodman
#23. Our minds do understand that people of all races find genuine love in many places. We dig that the world is full of amazing options.
Jill Scott
#24. Some of our kids are adopted and some kids are natural-born - I forget which ones are which. Family's just amazing. We think that of everything that we could do in the world ... if you don't take care of your family and raise your kids, you lose.
Kirk Cameron
#25. I'm starting to reread a bunch of Gandhi and it was kind of traumatic, because he was so clearly, unbelievably amazing. And the stuff that he is suggesting is so profoundly opposite from what is happening in our world today.
Daniel Pinchbeck
#26. We live in such an amazing World and we don't even see it.
It's clouded by hate, betrayal and death.
When do we stop all of that and begin living?, when do we realise that we're made for more than this?, our ability is far more powerful than we think!.
Ellie Williams
#27. I love musicians. I think artists are the most amazing people because they're constantly creating beauty for the world. With all the crazy stuff going on in the world, then there's artists reminding us of our humanity and reminding us of our heart and soul and what really matters.
Christie Brinkley
#28. They say there is no 'free lunch' in life. But there are free books! I still can't believe I can go to my local library and get just abut any book in the world - and I don't have to pay a dime!! It's amazing! The library is truly the greatest invention of our civilization.
Dan Gutman
#29. I remember the initial genesis quite clearly. My interest in dreams comes from this notion of realizing that when you dream you create the world that you are perceiving, and I thought that feedback loop was pretty amazing.
Christopher Nolan
#30. The most amazing part," Katherine said, "is that as soon as we humans begin to harness our true power, we
will have enormous control over our world. We will be able to design reality rather than merely react to it.
Dan Brown
#31. Is it not amazing, Puggly dear, that whenever we begin to congratulate ourselves on the breadth of our knowledge of the world, we discover that there are multitudes of people, in every corner of the earth, who have seen vastly more than we can ever hope to?
Amitav Ghosh
#32. In my fifty years of experience and memory, I have seen the most amazing increase in the standard of living of a people ever achieved anywhere in the world. This is why I am so sure that our system of free competition and industrial development is sound and must be preserved.
Charles E. Wilson
#33. Isn't it amazing how we always have to put our mark on things? And how, from the natural world, we find evidence over and over again that reminds us, not so much of the birds, but of our own stories and our own kinds of art?
Rosamond Purcell
#34. Our every thought reflects our level of awareness, consciousness, and love for this amazing world that we call home.
Debasish Mridha
#35. I don't think immortality is necessarily the key to understanding the world. You have to be careful with what you think you're achieving. I'm all for science discovering amazing and fantastic things about our world, but I think the motivations behind it are slightly askew.
Reggie Watts
#36. There are many modes of thinking about the world around us and our place in it. I like to consider all the angles from which we might gain perspective on our amazing universe and the nature of existence.
John Archibald Wheeler
#37. We all know as we travel around this country or around the world that there are huge problems, and also people doing amazing things on the ground - but those people rarely get reported. Our media are so into conflict that they sometimes say to me, "Bring an 'anti' with you."
Gloria Steinem
#38. Everything is different - except for publishing itself: getting hold of an amazing author, working to make his or her book the best and best-looking it can be, telling the world.
Jonathan Galassi
#39. I totally consider Fishbowl my full time job - I have to say I freaking love doing this blog. I just enjoy the medium so much; I love the fact that it requires me to read amazing stuff by hilarious and talented people and forces me to know what's going on in the world.
Rachel Sklar
#40. Even though there is so much to be unhappy about in this world, we should try to create something amazing and beautiful and interesting despite all of the problems.
Chris Cobb
#41. Google has been an amazing benefit for our business. People understand the whole world of mapping and want to do more than not get lost. They want to do spatial analytics. It's been fantastic for us.
Jack Dangermond
#42. Failure isn't a reason to give up. It's the price of progress. We learn from it, we grow from it, we become better for it. We're going to do amazing things, you and I. We will change the world.
Jon Skovron
#43. For such a long time, when you're a writer, you really are just writing for yourself, and maybe a few friends. So it's really amazing when your book gets out there and more people are reading and responding to it. It really makes the world of the books feel real.
Cassandra Clare
#44. Paul Farmer has helped to build amazing health care system in one of the poorest areas of Haiti. He founded Partners in Health, which serves the destitute and the sick in many parts of the world from Haiti to Boston and from Russia to Peru.
Tracy Kidder
#45. We don't have a World Series or a Super Bowl, so to be able to come home with a gold medal is amazing. I want to do it again in four more years.
Kerri Walsh
#46. The massive doors of Area 51 closed behind him, echoing like iron thunder. Carl stood for a moment, inhaling the hot desert air, wondering whether to tell the world the wonders he had seen, and, if so, how. Amazing things. Other-worldly things. Also a set of car keys. And one brown sock.
Ron Brackin
#47. Essex is an amazing county, with its own set of rules. It's a completely different world.
Denise Van Outen
#48. Everyone in the world needs someone they can depend on. Be their faithful friends, determined advocates, or a loving family. But occasionally in life, the people we thought would always be there for us ... leave. And if that happens, it's amazing the lengths we'll go to, to get them back.
Mary Alice
#49. Nothing that exists in this world is not amazing! It is all merely a matter of personal
Ryohgo Narita
#50. I had an amazing mother. She raised nine kids, practically as a single parent, which is the hardest thing in the world. Nine of us! Day in and day out. She had to make sure we all had an education and that we all felt loved.
Sufe Bradshaw
#51. Flying is my favorite time in the world. When I'm sitting in a plane, it's amazing because it's quiet and there's no cell phones and no one to talk to you. It's my favorite time. I read all my scripts. I catch up on my movies. I sleep. It's the best. There's no one telling you, "Time to go!"
Priyanka Chopra
#52. Just open your eyes, shake your head, and look at what is happening in the world. It is amazing! This universe is amazing!
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
#53. Emma, who had also been twelve, had not been shy about letting the world know she thought Jace was the handsomest and most amazing person who had ever graced the planet with his presence.
Cassandra Clare
#54. It's amazing how one question can be so hard to articulate, and how the whole world can seem to hang on the answer.
Jessiqua Wittman
#55. They have money and position and Ann has none.It's amazing how often you can be right as long as you have those two things working in your favor.
Libba Bray
#56. The thing about Tolkien, about The Lord of the Rings, is that it's perfect. It's this whole world, this whole process of immersion, this journey. It's not, I'm pretty sure, actually true, but that makes it more amazing, that someone could make it all up. Reading it changes everything.
Jo Walton
#57. After 'A Perfect Storm' came out, I heard from a young reader, who had suffered a similar background as 'Arizona,' that I had helped her to find peace. That was the most amazing thing in the world to me.
Lori Foster
#58. Human potential is amazing ... We have the capacity to create a world that is peaceful ... one that spreads kindness and love rather than hatred. If we believe it to be so, it will be our truth, and we will create it.
Kristi Bowman
#59. To be in one band that changed the world musically is pretty good, but to be in two bands that changed the world musically, that's amazing.
Peter Hook
#60. Some people are so special, so beautiful and have so much to offer this world. Sad thing is they just don't see it. They need positive reinforcement. Tell them, 'If you could see only half of what I see in you, then one day you'd realize how truly amazing you really are.
Marc Mero
#61. There's no way in the world that just because women turn the number 40, they're anything less than amazing. That's crazy. If anything, you're even more amazing!
Jennifer Lopez
#62. 'Yosemite' opened doors for me in the New York theater community in amazing ways. There's a whole world of fearless young theater makers here who put shows together on a shoestring budget and with gigantic hearts.
Kathryn Erbe
#63. We watch a lot of Discovery Channel, shows like 'The Biggest Loser' and even 'Amazing Race.' You learn a lot about the world, it's fun and nobody's interested in beating anybody down. And then the opposite: I'm a huge fan of 'Survivor.'
Alison Sweeney
#64. Amazing, isn't it, when you think about it, how the world keeps on turning, no matter how fucked up things get?" In
Richard Russo
#65. America and Japan are the two leading world economies in terms of technology and innovative products. And in software, information-age technology and biotechnology the U.S. has an amazing lead.
Bill Gates
#66. Looking closer at human beings, it becomes clear that each of us is a world of our own. Our forehead is a breezy meadow, our elbows are arid wastelands, our eyes are salty lakes, and our gut is the most amazing giant forest ever, populated by the weirdest of creatures.
Giulia Enders
#67. But as the business grows, you get more attention and then you realize that the whole world is trying to get time from you. Which is amazing. But every time you give it to the world, you give it less to what you're doing.
Hamdi Ulukaya
#68. When I wake up, I immediately pray. When I go to sleep, I pray. Honestly, a prayer every second, in every breath. I suggest the whole world to do it. Prayer is amazing.
DJ Khaled
#69. I love my family and they have always been my world. But, now my world has you in it, and with the way things are those two worlds can't be together.
Nicole Gulla
#70. I've been to some of the most amazing cities in the world.
Kendall Jenner
#71. Well, it's amazing what you can find in this world if you're willing to sleep with people.
Douglas Coupland
#72. You want to know something," he responded. "I know one woman and three small children who would think you're amazing if you just spent some time with them once in a while. You might not be anything to the world, but you were the world to them. Were," he repeated cruelly. "Not anymore.
Linda Kage
#73. Creepers are amazing! They're the most intelligent, beautiful creatures in the world ever. I'm
#74. You are amazing. A true light warrior and this world certainly needs you.
Kris Carr
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