Top 100 Quotes About Nice Life

#1. I'm so sorry that I wasted your time because you really do mean a lot to me and I hope you have a very nice life because I really think you deserve it. I really do. I hope you do, too. Okay, then. Goodbye.

Stephen Chbosky

Quotes About Nice Life #209517
#2. If your life truths have to be protected like some people keep their couches in plastic then ciao. have a nice life. if we bump into eachoter at Target, i'm the one buying the sour gummy worms and thats all you need to know about me.

Deb Caletti

Quotes About Nice Life #357552
#3. I can't complain about my life. I have a really nice life. I have a great family and I live in a gorgeous part of the country.

Mary Decker

Quotes About Nice Life #511298
#4. Jesus doesn't come asking if He can hang out with us. He commands us to follow Him. He has total authority and will settle for nothing less; He won't settle for being an accessory, an add- on, or a peaceful accompaniment to a nice life. No, He will rule and He will meddle.

Justin Buzzard

Quotes About Nice Life #576409
#5. This is getting us nowhere, he muttered after a moment.
You're absolutely right. So fuck off. Have a nice life, hope all your holier-than-thou keeps you warm during the day. ~ Paradise to Craeg

J.R. Ward

Quotes About Nice Life #658192
#6. Dogs lead a nice life. You never see a dog with a wristwatch.

George Carlin

Quotes About Nice Life #705481
#7. I live a very nice life. I have a wonderful time. But it's not lived drawing on a full level. I'm relaxed, cool, and enjoying it.

Marianne Faithfull

Quotes About Nice Life #713358
#8. I had a nice life. It had its challenges like anybody's life, I guess.

Lorelei Linklater

Quotes About Nice Life #720725
#9. Even in this world where you're getting everything you need and having this nice life, there's still loneliness and longing and disconnection.

Spike Jonze

Quotes About Nice Life #854283
#10. I hope you have a very nice life because I really think you deserve it. I really do

Stephen Chbosky

Quotes About Nice Life #858141
#11. I told him to enjoy dinner and have a nice life. then i looked at her and told her she could have my leftovers because i dont share. Thats when i stood up and walked out.

Emma Nichols

Quotes About Nice Life #903856
#12. 'Obvious Child,' the short, had a nice life online and a great festival run, but the short and the feature still stand apart from everything else I've done. I play a woman who you might meet in life. My other work is much more heightened.

Jenny Slate

Quotes About Nice Life #964952
#13. If I died tomorrow I've accomplished what I set out to do in my life. I enjoy making my movies, I enjoy doing what I do. I have a nice life.

John Waters

Quotes About Nice Life #965532
#14. Have a nice life, Clara," he says. "You deserve to be happy.

Cynthia Hand

Quotes About Nice Life #977505
#15. Jim has a nice life, he considers, but sometimes Frank has a hell of a lot more fun.

Irvine Welsh

Quotes About Nice Life #1019277
#16. It's got to be a nice life, long as you don't get caught.

Jodi Picoult

Quotes About Nice Life #1022860
#17. I didn't want to be famous. I just wanted to earn enough money to have a nice life and enjoy acting.

David McCallum

Quotes About Nice Life #1203681
#18. I enjoy living in a nice house and having a nice life. So I do two or three commercials overseas a year to sort of fill in, because they pay pretty well.

George Clooney

Quotes About Nice Life #1210972
#19. The most glorious reason you exist is for the proclamation of the glory of God to the ends of the world. And it's more than having a nice life.

David Platt

Quotes About Nice Life #1290429
#20. One of the things I've learnt is not to depend on there being a woman in your life to make it work. I love my work, I love my children, I've got wonderful friends, you know, I have a nice life.

Salman Rushdie

Quotes About Nice Life #1337408
#21. I've been perfectly happily married for 25 years, and have a nice life. Inane things don't interest me.

Geezer Butler

Quotes About Nice Life #1380209
#22. My grandmother tended to divide life into 'nice' and 'not so nice.' Life in America, her apartment, her grandchildren: 'nice'; life before 1915: 'not so nice.' That's all I heard.

Amy Bloom

Quotes About Nice Life #1626391
#23. You cannot expect life to go wonderfully. Terrible things might not be happening now...but they will. Probably to you. Your job is to accept that and live a nice life anyway.

Jennifer Niesslein

Quotes About Nice Life #1703234
#24. My thoughts were to become a dentist when I first went to Albany State. I didn't know where I would end up, but I knew I'd be happy, and I knew I would have a nice life. That was always my goal, to have a nice, happy life. That's, to me, being rich.

Steve Guttenberg

Quotes About Nice Life #1843899
#25. You know, I consistently change in my own life so the roles I'm suitable for also change, and that's a really nice thing about this profession.

Chris Klein

Quotes About Nice Life #2913
#26. We live a life that is often spent in crowds - parties, festivals and first nights - so it's nice to avoid them.

Julian Fellowes

Quotes About Nice Life #3006
#27. I think there's nothing better than laughing in life, so that's nice, to be thought of as someone who can make someone laugh. It's 'cause I think life is hard. You know, my dad was a really silly man. A great Irish silly man. And that's fine.

Joan Cusack

Quotes About Nice Life #3709
#28. It's nice sometimes to be the river rather than the rock.

Jo Beverley

Quotes About Nice Life #4030
#29. As confusing, unpredictable and stressful as life may be, always remember, it is never incorrect to be kind. When lost, just do nice things.

Sean Plott

Quotes About Nice Life #7235
#30. Life is populated with scarecrows - all those people and things that seem so scary and trouble our sleep. Isn't it nice to know that most of them turn out to be made of nothing but straw?

Jerry Spinelli

Quotes About Nice Life #18439
#31. Be nice to nice.

Harry Styles

Quotes About Nice Life #25600
#32. It's nice to be able to support programs like 5 Hole Threads' in our communities to keep more kids involved in sports. The Life lessons that are learned from being a teammate are so valuable. All kids deserve the chance to experience that.

Dan Ellis

Quotes About Nice Life #34343
#33. Dear me, what an unsatisfactory world it was! When one did find a nice kind of life something or somebody always seemed to shove you out of it just as you were beginning to enjoy it.

Hugh Lofting

Quotes About Nice Life #42427
#34. You ever heard the phrase 'nice guys finish last'? It's true. Been true my whole life. So, maybe it'd be nice for me for a change, if someone thought I was worth fightin' for.

Lorelei James

Quotes About Nice Life #44190
#35. The method of political science is the interpretation of life; its instrument is insight, a nice understanding of subtle, unformulated conditions.

Woodrow Wilson

Quotes About Nice Life #51180
#36. Watson loved them sour kind of jokes, which I enjoyed myself. I mean, ain't life some kind of a sour joke? Might's well laugh, that's the way him and me seen it, whether nice folks seen the joke or not. One time when Watson caught me grinning along with him, he give a wink and lifted up his hat.

Peter Matthiessen

Quotes About Nice Life #57596
#37. How nice it would be to be dead if only we could know we were dead. That is what I hate, the not being able to turn round in the grave and to say It is over.

Edward Thomas

Quotes About Nice Life #58377
#38. All it wants is to explode.'
'Nice to have an ambition in life, I suppose.

Philip Reeve

Quotes About Nice Life #59702
#39. My closest adviser is my wife. It's nice to have one of the smartest people in business as your life partner, and someone you have dinner with and breakfast with.

Dave Goldberg

Quotes About Nice Life #65997
#40. I think [aging] has nothing to recommend it. You don't gain any wisdom as the years go by. You fall apart, is what happens. People try and put a nice varnish on it, and say, well, you mellow. You come to understand life and accept things. But you'd trade all of that for being 35 again.

Woody Allen

Quotes About Nice Life #69426
#41. Isn't it nice," he says, "once you've outgrown the ideas of what life should be and you just enjoy what it is?" Of

Taylor Jenkins Reid

Quotes About Nice Life #74623
#42. It's always nice to look in the mirror at the end of the day and see that you helped somebody's life ... even if only a little bit.

Tito Ortiz

Quotes About Nice Life #91682
#43. The nice thing about 'Arrow' is we never say never on the show. Hopefully the show will have a nice long life, and all manner of things can potentially happen.

Marc Guggenheim

Quotes About Nice Life #93054
#44. Maybe because I'm a nice and sweet person in life, I like the darker roles. The really dark one is Lady Macbeth.

Anna Netrebko

Quotes About Nice Life #97814
#45. For me, I don't have a publicist. I don't want to talk about my personal life. I don't want to talk about my process. I don't want to be a model and do fashion shoots. It's nice to be an entertainer, but I'm a reluctant celebrity.

Debi Mazar

Quotes About Nice Life #100465
#46. Say there's a white kid who lives in a nice home, goes to an all-white school, and is pretty much having everything handed to him on a platter - for him to pick up a rap tape is incredible to me, because what that's saying is that he's living a fantasy life of rebellion.


Quotes About Nice Life #104599
#47. Life is complex. You don't have any person who is nice from the beginning until the end. You don't always have the notion of redemption. The bad people don't always pay.

Marjane Satrapi

Quotes About Nice Life #109093
#48. You have to enjoy life. Always be surrounded by people that you like, people who have a nice conversation. There are so many positive things to think about.

Sophia Loren

Quotes About Nice Life #113663
#49. I see a lot of fog and a few lights. I like it when life's hidden. It gives you a chance to imagine nice things, nicer than they are.

Ben Hecht

Quotes About Nice Life #122376
#50. Life is more than great sex and a nice car."
"Well, yeah. But not a lot more.

Jennifer Crusie

Quotes About Nice Life #123245
#51. Oh how nice!" the lady said. But not corny. She was just nice & all. "I must tell Ernest we met," she said. "May I ask your name, dear?"
"Rudolf Schmidt," I told her. I didn't feel like giving her my whole life history. Rudolf Schmidt was the name of the janitor of our dorm.

J.D. Salinger

Quotes About Nice Life #124393
#52. You think I led him on? For what? Kicks? I don't have enough exictement in my life, so maybe I'll tease a nice guy, get his hopes up, then laugh and skip away?

Kelley Armstrong

Quotes About Nice Life #124699
#53. Life at times is a bunch of crap, the nice part about crap is that it's biodegradable.

Kyle Johnson

Quotes About Nice Life #126854
#54. You must live life in its very elementary forms. The Mexicans have a very nice word for it: pura vida. It doesn't mean just purity of life, but the raw, stark-naked quality of life. And that's what makes young people more into a filmmaker than academia.

Werner Herzog

Quotes About Nice Life #130089
#55. But what happens when you don't find that right person? Do you just spend the rest of your life in a relationship where the conversation isn't great, everything isn't perfect, but it is nice and sweet?

Miranda Kenneally

Quotes About Nice Life #130416
#56. Try to be "good", you'll be judged. Try to be yourself, you'll be criticized. Therefore, choose the second option. Evil uses the "nice good people" as puppets. It appears dressed as a poor guy, telling them that he needs help ... When these people realize they have been used, it is already too late.

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About Nice Life #132907
#57. You normally have to be bashed about a bit by life to see the point of daffodils, sunsets and uneventful nice days.

Alain De Botton

Quotes About Nice Life #138254
#58. Feminism is not a one size fits all kinda thing but anyone can wear it.


Quotes About Nice Life #138367
#59. The Prime Directive is a nice ideal, but have you noticed it never works in practice?

Una McCormack

Quotes About Nice Life #142466
#60. Because I don't have a child and as much as you can sort of imagine it it's always nice to hear from all different walks of life what motherhood is like and what that feels like. And particularly young mothers.

Abbie Cornish

Quotes About Nice Life #150253
#61. I just want to have a nice, happy life.

Orlando Bloom

Quotes About Nice Life #154967
#62. The more people that learn sign language, the better. This is part of my life, but it's not part of everybody's life, so it's nice to expose this to the world.

Sean Berdy

Quotes About Nice Life #155321
#63. Everybody is born so that they can learn to live a good life-like loving everybody and being nice, right? Well animals already know how to do that, so they don't have to live so long

Robin Downing

Quotes About Nice Life #156263
#64. Young girls envy the life yall leading, never satisfied with a nice calm evening


Quotes About Nice Life #159298
#65. Maybe people in Hollywood wear really nice clothes, and they drive really nice cars, but that doesn't make me comfortable. And if I'm not comfortable, it won't be a part of my life.

Amanda Seyfried

Quotes About Nice Life #163791
#66. Mark Frankel was just a very tender, thoughtful person, and that was really nice. At that point in life, I hadn't met a lot of people my senior who were that tender, and still doing well and making a real go of it. That was a treat, for sure.

Brigid Brannagh

Quotes About Nice Life #165305
#67. I did not want to spend the rest of my life not being able to ride in a nice car.


Quotes About Nice Life #169012
#68. All my life, I have been sickened by everything connected with meat-, fish-, and poultry eating. As a child, I saw apparently nice, kind people wring the necks of fowls, and I thought it foul; and I wondered if I could ever exert any influence to help bring such unworthiness to an end.

Percy Grainger

Quotes About Nice Life #171669
#69. When life puts rocks in your way, build something nice with them.


Quotes About Nice Life #172099
#70. I never get to wear a suit in my life, much less a tuxedo. It's kind of really fun to get to dress up, because you take yourself a little more seriously if you dress nice in a starched shirt.

Lee Pace

Quotes About Nice Life #180231
#71. Being in the latter stages of life means the morning is unkind to the reflection. It takes a few hours for the creases to fall out. By about 4 P.M., I look quite nice.

Jeremy Hardy

Quotes About Nice Life #191746
#72. It's hard being pissed with a nice car and a good job. Fed up on filet medallions and swimming in chilled martinis. We know what we think and our life here is our reward for thinking it.

Eric Sennevoight

Quotes About Nice Life #201249
#73. I enjoy privacy. I think it's nice to have a little mystery. I think because of technology a lot of the mystery is gone in life, and I'd like to preserve some of that.

Maggie Q

Quotes About Nice Life #207446
#74. If I want to be remembered as anything in this life it's just 'nice'.I feel like being nice to others is the coolest thing anyone can be.

Troye Sivan

Quotes About Nice Life #210259
#75. It is not often that I have two options to choose from. It is nice to be compelled towards something, otherwise one drifts through life unimpeded.

Faiqa Mansab

Quotes About Nice Life #226279
#76. My whole life I try to make into a comedy, so it would be nice to see that onscreen.

Saoirse Ronan

Quotes About Nice Life #229136
#77. They DO live more in earnest, more in themselves, and less in surface, change, and frivolous external things. I could fancy a love for life here almost possible; and I was a fixed unbeliever in any love of a year's standing.

Emily Bronte

Quotes About Nice Life #235066
#78. My father told me once not to expect anything from anybody so I wouldn't be disappointed. If somebody was nice and did nice things for me, I should be overjoyed, but I shouldn't go through life expecting it, which is very good advice.

Iris Apfel

Quotes About Nice Life #241028
#79. I could see (though not as clearly as I do now) that one of my biggest problems was me. Because I wanted everyone to like me and to approve of me, I tried to be nice to everyone all the time and this proved a remarkably efficient way of losing control over my life.

John Cleese

Quotes About Nice Life #241126
#80. One of the great joys of life, now that you can afford a nice suit, is getting one for free. That's why I like to do press tours - I always say making movies is just an excuse to get free clothing.

Eli Roth

Quotes About Nice Life #241351
#81. Just when you've squared up to the solemn realisation that life is a bitch, it turns round and does something nice, just to confuse you. - Emily Spitzer, The Better Mousetrap

Tom Holt

Quotes About Nice Life #246295
#82. Breaking up is the hardest thing we do. It's the most important thing we do, in a way. You've got to embrace rejection, or you'll maintain a very limited life. It'll be very nice and neat - and very, very small.

Laurie Helgoe

Quotes About Nice Life #259993
#83. Shyness is nice, but shyness can stop you from doing all the things in life that you'd like to.

Steven Morrissey

Quotes About Nice Life #261965
#84. So far as he was concerned, this had been a bang-up night. Dynamite, a nice brawl, free brandy, and getting to scare the piss out of someone. It was the simple things that made his life worth living.

Brandon Sanderson

Quotes About Nice Life #263150
#85. What I dislike about movie culture is that it often presents a parable of our problems - but the issues are all straightforward and the people are either nice or they're not. In real life, everyone falls between those perimeters, but not many American films operate in that grey area.

Julian Fellowes

Quotes About Nice Life #265855
#86. I don't believe in having one partner for your whole life, but I hope I get married. I want to have a husband and two kids and a nice little life baking pies. I'm quite romantic. It's definitely important to have someone make you feel special.

Hilary Duff

Quotes About Nice Life #267915
#87. Above and beyond having the social life, to have a core group of people that you work with and spend time with and learn how to work with is a nice thing.

Shawn Ashmore

Quotes About Nice Life #270486
#88. But it is nice to know that you have other races lined up, because sometimes you can get so focused on your next marathon that it can become kind of unhealthy in some ways. So it's nice to have something else to slap you in the face and say, all right, there is life after the Olympics.

Ryan Hall

Quotes About Nice Life #270794
#89. It's nice to always have a job and not be floating out in the ether waiting for whatever the next big thing is. So, in that way I hope there's no a shelf-life for great shows. On the other hand, you don't want to be working on something that's reached its peak and become irrelevant.

Mary Elizabeth Ellis

Quotes About Nice Life #273989
#90. Whether we are trying to buy a packet of chips or getting to know a person for a potentially important relationship, its nice to have an overview of what it/he/she contains. - Of A Sense of Self

Amrita Sarkar

Quotes About Nice Life #274834
#91. We can never catch up with life ... we shall always be eating the soft part of our melting ice and meanwhile the nice hard part is rapidly melting too.

Mary Parker Follett

Quotes About Nice Life #275311
#92. So you want a knife, a nice sharp knife. You hone that blade to its limits. It even cuts through stone when you want it to. It saves your life. And then you're outraged when it cuts you accidentally. You see, knives don't switch off. And neither do people, not when you hone them to a fine edge.

Karen Traviss

Quotes About Nice Life #285237
#93. Knowing what I know now and what I have been through, would I do it the same? I look at the alternative - a very simple life. It would have been nice to have a simple life.

Donny Osmond

Quotes About Nice Life #288321
#94. It's easy for people to come in when they think you're in a hot moment of your life, but it's really nice also for people who believe in your work for the long term and are there not when something hip's happening at that moment.

Patricia Arquette

Quotes About Nice Life #289068
#95. What a snapshot is to your life, your life is to eternity, so wouldn't it be nice if eternity captured you smiling?

Robert Breault

Quotes About Nice Life #293337
#96. I need grit and struggle and Los Angeles is terribly nice, but people, once they get there, cease to be real. Constant and repetitive fulfillment is not good for the human spirit. We all need rain and good old depression. Life can't be all beer and skittles.


Quotes About Nice Life #296385
#97. If we took a holiday, took some time to celebrate, just one day out of life, it would be, it would be so nice.

Madonna Ciccone

Quotes About Nice Life #307251
#98. I wish my fans will always be nice to one another. Don't waste time & enjoy life

Jessica Jung

Quotes About Nice Life #323011
#99. It's nice to look good and have a great body, but you enjoy your life so much more if you are fit. That is the message I definitely want to get out.

Kacy Catanzaro

Quotes About Nice Life #332207
#100. Life is a million different dots making one gigantic picture. And maybe the big picture is nice, maybe it's amazing, but if you're standing with your face pressed up against a bunch of black dots, it's really hard to tell.

Rebecca Stead

Quotes About Nice Life #334623

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