Top 100 Quotes About I Get What I Want

#1. I never quit until I get what I want.

Thomas A. Edison

Quotes About I Get What I Want #58434
#2. Personally, I like sex and I don't care what a man thinks of me as long as I get what I want from him
which is usually sex.

Valerie Perrine

Quotes About I Get What I Want #233798
#3. When riding, ask yourself what will my horse get out of it if I get what I want? Many times, human nature is to take and to not give anything back.

Buck Brannaman

Quotes About I Get What I Want #283698
#4. Anyone who takes the Bible seriously agrees that God hates suffering. Jesus spent most of his time relieving it. But when being healed becomes the only goal - 'I'm not letting go until I get what I want' - it's a problem.

Joni Eareckson Tada

Quotes About I Get What I Want #344396
#5. i get what i want cause i can be a stubborn bitch when i need to

Nora Roberts

Quotes About I Get What I Want #478653
#6. I'm a Blackmoore, Felicity. I get what I want.

T.A. Grey

Quotes About I Get What I Want #1250031
#7. Because I'm the author of my screenplays I know what I'm looking for. It's true that I can be stubborn in demanding that I get what I want, but it's also a question of working with patience and love.

Michael Haneke

Quotes About I Get What I Want #1378309
#8. I'll make you a deal. You can come with me to the meeting - if we can work out an agreeable plan - but you don't kill him until I get what I want. I have less than a week. Can you live with that time line?

Katie Reus

Quotes About I Get What I Want #1391812
#9. I'm spoiled in the sense that now I get what I want but it's because I work for it.


Quotes About I Get What I Want #1762679
#10. The thing is, what I'm tryin' to say is -
they do get on a lot better without me, I can't help them any. They ain't mean. They buy me everything I want, but it's now - you've-got-it-go-play-with-it. You've got a roomful of things. I-got-you-that-book-so-go-read-it.

Harper Lee

Quotes About I Get What I Want #2525
#11. I sighed. "Now what do I do?" He leaned against my wall. "What do you want to do?" "Since when has that mattered?" "It's always mattered. It doesn't mean you'll get what you want, but what you want always matters. That's what defines you.

Richard Paul Evans

Quotes About I Get What I Want #3121
#12. The thing I hate most in acting is asking permission to do things. What you really want to do is say, 'This is my need; this is what's going to get me further; this is what's going to be alive. I don't ever say, 'Do you mind if ... ?' I just come in and do it.

Lance Henriksen

Quotes About I Get What I Want #6203
#13. So you see, I already have everything I want. And what do you get the man who has everything? Why, you get on your knees.

James Schannep

Quotes About I Get What I Want #9115
#14. Justin Timberlake is everything, and what more could you want in a person? He's funny. He's cute. He's great. He just understands. I get him and he gets me, and that's cool.

Britney Spears

Quotes About I Get What I Want #9149
#15. With you, I want it all. If I get a taste of what it could be, I won't ever want to let it go. I fell in love with you when I was sixteen, and that's never changed. But trusting you with my heart again is different. With you, I need to know it's forever.

Abbi Glines

Quotes About I Get What I Want #9296
#16. A great sorrow, and one that I am only beginning to understand: we don't get to choose our own hearts. We can't make ourselves want what's good for us or what's good for other people. We don't get to choose the people we are.

Donna Tartt

Quotes About I Get What I Want #26819
#17. I want to get inside your bitter mind and see what I can find.

Pete Townshend

Quotes About I Get What I Want #26967
#18. I do think I'm terrific at giving advice. Although in our hearts we usually know what we should do. It's rare that you get in a situation in life where you don't know how to proceed. You know the thing you should do, but don't want to.

Paul F. Tompkins

Quotes About I Get What I Want #34262
#19. I do my best to limit the amount of compromise in my life so I have more time to do what I want. Not hanging out with many people really helps. I am not a people person and I spend a great deal of time on my own and in this environment, I get a lot done.

Henry Rollins

Quotes About I Get What I Want #36112
#20. I didn't introduce thug life to America. Thug life is America. I don't get why the whole world is fearing me. I am scared, but so are they. It's like I am having a panic attack cause I have 15,000 people wanting to do what I want, listing to everything I say.

Tupac Shakur

Quotes About I Get What I Want #38936
#21. I'm a sucker for entertainment and escapism as much as the next person. I like silly and lowbrow stuff, but I get nervous when I indulge in that too often. I want to know what's going on in the world. I have a morbid fear of being surprised by bad news. I want to anticipate everything.

Martin Donovan

Quotes About I Get What I Want #40792
#22. You'll get everything society can give a man. You'll keep all the money. You'll take any fame or honor anyone might want to grant. You'll accept such gratitude as the tenants might feel. And I - I'll take what nobody can give a man, except himself. I will have built Cortlandt.
- Howard Roark

Ayn Rand

Quotes About I Get What I Want #43973
#23. What I do miss that I don't get anymore? You're going to think I'm crazy, but you want the truth, so here it is. The lights! I miss the spotlights. I don't mean it figuratively. I mean it literally. I love the feeling of lights.

Barbara Mandrell

Quotes About I Get What I Want #44082
#24. I called my pilot 2 weeks before I flew and asked him, I don't want to get sick, what should I eat? He said, Peanut Butter. I said, If I eat peanut butter then I won't get sick? He said, no, but it tastes the same comin' up as it does goin' down.

Bill Engvall

Quotes About I Get What I Want #44341
#25. Often times, music is used to evoke an emotion and it's become a cliche, so I don't want to do that, and actually what I do, is that emotional intensity that has developed throughout the film, I allow it to get released by having that music at the end with the credits.

Asghar Farhadi

Quotes About I Get What I Want #46267
#26. Lots of people, from what I can see, just want to get into the music business for the glamour of it. But there isn't any, really. It's so up and down this industry, but if you really love it, nothing can stop you.

Eliza Doolittle

Quotes About I Get What I Want #47698
#27. I quickly remember what Finn taught me about how to get what you want from people: pay attention to them, figure out what they want and what they're afraid of.

Cristin Terrill

Quotes About I Get What I Want #48346
#28. I do want to get rich but I never want to do what there is to get rich.

Gertrude Stein

Quotes About I Get What I Want #51662
#29. I want my career to grow gradually. There's still so much for me to learn. I'm just trying to take these opportunities to get better at what I'm doing.

Scoot McNairy

Quotes About I Get What I Want #58601
#30. I just want to get in the team and show all of them what I can do.
(on signing for Manchester united)

Wayne Rooney

Quotes About I Get What I Want #60534
#31. It wasn't until I could get out of Stanford that I could sit down and think about my life, to do the things that most kids do, which is to ask who am I, what do I want to be when I grow up. I never got to do Dan Pintauro.

Danny Pintauro

Quotes About I Get What I Want #65485
#32. Now I get to pick and choose exactly what I want to do.

Verne Troyer

Quotes About I Get What I Want #65694
#33. What do I want to do? Acting wise? Well, there's a western that I want to do. There's a lot of producing that I want to do, projects that I have stacked up that are in my office that I'd like to get done.

Morgan Freeman

Quotes About I Get What I Want #67627
#34. People are so stupid, that they repeat your words and said in other words and what??
(I'm stupid, so stupid that I want to repeat), I just heard that probably I have missunderstand something...
(NOte- It's joke a Get it?)

Deyth Banger

Quotes About I Get What I Want #69707
#35. You know how sometimes department stores have these things where, if you win, you get 10 minutes to go in and take anything you want from the store? That's basically what I'm doing. I'm running in and just trying to grab as many characters as possible before they pull the plug on me.

Ryan Gosling

Quotes About I Get What I Want #73843
#36. Want a sugar cube? [ ... ] They're supposed to be for the horses, but who cares? They've got years to eat sugar, whereas you and I ... well, if we see something sweet we better grab it quick. [ ... ] You're absolutely terrifying me in that get-up. What happened to the pretty little-girl dresses?

Suzanne Collins

Quotes About I Get What I Want #74992
#37. I'm the kind of person who if I was playing the role of someone who got shot, I'd probably want to get shot so I knew what it felt like.

Mark Burnett

Quotes About I Get What I Want #77335
#38. The only advice I could give is to stay positive and focused in terms of what your goals are, and stick to them. If you can't attain those goals, maybe they're not realistic. At this level only a small percentage of players make it, so you've really got to strive to get what you want.

Filo Tiatia

Quotes About I Get What I Want #82504
#39. People always talk about how great it is to get older. All I saw were more rules and more adults telling me what I could and couldn't do, in the name of what's " good for me." Yeah, well, asparagus is good for me, but it still makes me want to throw up.

James Patterson

Quotes About I Get What I Want #85748
#40. I could point out that it isn't always easy knowing who you are and what you want, because then you have no excuse for not trying to get it.

David Levithan

Quotes About I Get What I Want #87692
#41. What I believe in is being transparent and truthful and always trying to get the facts right. People will make their own judgment of whether or not they want to trust you based on how transparent you are with them and the principles that you bring to the game.

Jeremy Scahill

Quotes About I Get What I Want #88210
#42. I want to be around you whenever I can. Doesn't matter what we're doing. You don't have to take your clothes off to get my attention. All you have to do is look my way. Exist.

Ranae Rose

Quotes About I Get What I Want #89668
#43. I don't believe him for a second, but I'm not telling Daisy that Dylan lied because I know what it's like to want a girl that much. To get dragged in the dirt behind her hoping you won't lose your grip.

Cath Crowley

Quotes About I Get What I Want #92400
#44. Usually I don't think much in terms of interesting sounds. Although I think I want to get one of those whammy pedals, I forget what it's called and who makes it. It's got a whole bunch of different settings. You can play a note and it will raise the pitch when you push the pedal.

Mike Gordon

Quotes About I Get What I Want #92862
#45. I want a more difficult life, that's all. What I really want is a first-rate life. I may not get it, but the only chance I have lies in getting out of a second-rate life. I may fail completely, but I do want to try. It's to do with me, not you; so don't worry.

Julian Barnes

Quotes About I Get What I Want #93815
#46. I guess its because we all want to believe that what we do is very important, that people hang on to our very word, that they care what we think. The truth is, you should consider yourself lucky if you even occasionally get to make someone-anyone-feel a little better.

J.D Scrubs

Quotes About I Get What I Want #102830
#47. I hope I get to watch porn with you, Abs?" he said, eyebrows up. "Am I hearing this right? I just want to make sure I understand what it is you imagine I'm thinking." She

John Darnielle

Quotes About I Get What I Want #104403
#48. You just try to get the best jobs that you can get. Sometimes I produce my own movies, so that's your own sort of vision. That helps things. I don't know what it is. Probably just circumstance. I've definitely been aware of the fact that I want to do different things.

John Cusack

Quotes About I Get What I Want #112803
#49. I think I was born strong-willed. That's not the kind of thing you can learn. The advantage is, you stick to what you believe in and rarely get pushed out of what you want to do.

Joan Jett

Quotes About I Get What I Want #113764
#50. I forewarn you, this will be a rather long talk. I am an old man. I do not know how much longer I will live, and so I want to say what I have to say, while I have the strength to say it ... Having been warned, some of you will wish to get comfortable. Pleasant dreams.

Gordon B. Hinckley

Quotes About I Get What I Want #116783
#51. One minute I'm just another rabbit and happy about it, next minute whazzaam, I'm thinking. That's a major drawback if you're looking for happiness as a rabbit, let me tell you. You want grass and sex, not thoughts like What's it all about, when you get right down to it?

Terry Pratchett

Quotes About I Get What I Want #117009
#52. I find that my cultural conditioning leads me to focus attention on places where I am unlikely to get what I want. I developed NVC as a way to train my attention-to shine the light of consciousness-on places that have the potential to yield what I am seeking.

Marshall B. Rosenberg

Quotes About I Get What I Want #119998
#53. When I'd get tired and want to stop, I'd wonder what my next opponent was doing. I'd wonder if he was still working out. I'd tried to visualize him. When I could see him working, I'd start pushing myself. When I could see him in the shower, I'd push myself harder.

Dan Gable

Quotes About I Get What I Want #120162
#54. I don't want to be thin or conventionally beautiful or straight or brilliant. No, what I really want - and what I never get - is to be appreciated.

John Green

Quotes About I Get What I Want #120490
#55. Here in a nutshell is why Google continues to get hyped by everyone including me (notice who I work for). Google surprises [sic] you. Delights you. Gives you what you want (not always, but more often than the other engines).

Robert Scoble

Quotes About I Get What I Want #124350
#56. I was planning to study more, but it's a struggle with so many opportunities for film and trying to get better through studying. No matter what, I want to be making more movies.

Zhu Zhu

Quotes About I Get What I Want #127014
#57. I have so much freedom to put whatever I want on a t-shirt, and it's cool because I get a lot of fan feedback so I like to see what kids like to wear and I like to use some of their ideas to make t-shirts.

Jack Barakat

Quotes About I Get What I Want #132665
#58. I'm not quite that difficult, even though maybe I'm a little bit bossy. But you know, in order to get things done, you do have to be a little bit bossy sometimes or tell people what you really want. Otherwise, things just don't get done, do they?

Heidi Klum

Quotes About I Get What I Want #132879
#59. I want to get involved in causes I believe in, and I know so many others that want to also get involved, but it's hard to know how. Often, it's through big organisations, and you don't know exactly where your money is going or what effect you are having.

Blake Lively

Quotes About I Get What I Want #134076
#60. How did I get here How did I end up in the arms of a boy I barely knew but knew I didn't want to lose I wondered what I would have thought of Andrius in Lithuania. Would I have liked him Would he have liked me

Ruta Sepetys

Quotes About I Get What I Want #135108
#61. That's what you don't get, Hadlee. You're saving me too. Every second I spend with you, you save me a little more. When I'm around you, I want to better myself. I want to be a better man.

Lauren Hammond

Quotes About I Get What I Want #135918
#62. I'm a big fan of doing 'Triple D.' But I don't want to do it forever, don't get me wrong! Travel away from my family, are you crazy? But do you know what it does for these mom-and-pop restaurant joints? It changes their lives forever. I mean, their businesses will never be the same.

Guy Fieri

Quotes About I Get What I Want #137828
#63. I try to live with the idea that karma is a very real thing. So I put out what I want to get back.

Megan Fox

Quotes About I Get What I Want #140193
#64. It just doesn't mean anything to me, the high-profile, big money side of things. I just want enough to live on, and to be able to get on with what I do, and hang around my friends.

Robert Wyatt

Quotes About I Get What I Want #141131
#65. I said 'well, I'll kiss her twice, you see? We'll come around, I'll kiss her, and if you put a little more track down for the camera, then I'll put my tongue down her throat and you'll get what you want'. He said 'You think so?'

Rod Steiger

Quotes About I Get What I Want #142530
#66. The overall commentary on what I'm doing is saying, 'Hey look! I get to create whatever persona I want to, and it's all up to me. And the truth is, we are all - basically the universe - pretending to be humans for a brief moment of time. With a little self-induced amnesia.


Quotes About I Get What I Want #146270
#67. I just want people to get lost in the story and at the end kind of sag and say, 'That was fun.' It's hardly my desire for them to sit and think, 'What a great literary image.'

Michael Palmer

Quotes About I Get What I Want #146530
#68. For everything I do, I think about a 6-year-old girl and her mom that I saw at my concert last night. I think about what those two individuals would think if I were at a club last night. I never want to be arrested, and I never want to get a DUI, those are my moral values.

Taylor Swift

Quotes About I Get What I Want #147307
#69. I'd like somebody to get rid of the death tax. That's what I want. I don't want to get taxed just because I died. I just don't think it's right. If I give something to my kid, I already paid the tax. Why should I have to pay it again because I died?

Whoopi Goldberg

Quotes About I Get What I Want #148054
#70. I love my life! Even if I don't get what I want, when I want it, doesn't mean the world is against me, it just means God has other plans.

Andrea Jones

Quotes About I Get What I Want #153698
#71. I only snatched him to get your attention," I said. "Now that I've got it, this is what I want."
"Damn my dame!" Al shouted, hands raised to the ceiling. "I knew it! Not another list!

Kim Harrison

Quotes About I Get What I Want #153973
#72. I think it's a mistake to work on success in career. I've worked on my passions obsessively. How can I say what I want to say more precisely than the last time I said it? Success is such an elusive concept. When you work for it, I think you get it in a way you might regret it.


Quotes About I Get What I Want #159187
#73. I don't want balance. What I want is the brick! I want to find the one thing in my life that, if I get that right, it doesn't matter what the world throws onto the other side of the scale.

Emily Watts

Quotes About I Get What I Want #162790
#74. Are you saying you want to have sex with me this week and only get to ask and be asked ten personal questions?"
"That's what I'm saying." His response was dead serious.
"You're crazy.

Vi Keeland

Quotes About I Get What I Want #163523
#75. If you want to have a relationship, at some point you have to let yourself get caught. That's what I did. I got caught.

Alexandra Guarnaschelli

Quotes About I Get What I Want #165436
#76. I get to teach my daughter what I've learned. I don't want her to feel she has to be a certain way to impress society. If she wants to spit or go play some ball, I'll be so proud, because that's who I am, and that's a real person.

Kendra Wilkinson

Quotes About I Get What I Want #170062
#77. I don't think of myself as making art. I do what I do because I want to, because painting is the best way I've found to get along with myself.

Robert Rauschenberg

Quotes About I Get What I Want #172553
#78. I would just imagine there's a criticism for just about everything, if you want to take something down. No one's invincible. The Jicks are a work in progress and we don't think everything we do is the bee's knees or something, we're just trying our best to get turned on by what we're doing.

Stephen Malkmus

Quotes About I Get What I Want #172597
#79. I want story, wit, music, wryness, color, and a sense of reality in what I read, and I try to get it in what I write.

John D. MacDonald

Quotes About I Get What I Want #174053
#80. One thing that worried me was how writers get categorized and so they end up having to write the same kind of book again and again. That is fine if it is what you want to do, but I would rather be locked in the trunk of my car with a weasel than write the same book every three years until I die.

Justin Cronin

Quotes About I Get What I Want #177226
#81. When I see the toothless guy, as a liberal, what I say is, 'I want to help you get teeth.' Why does that make me an a**hole?

Bill Maher

Quotes About I Get What I Want #177678
#82. If you want a long-term relationship that doesn't require a lot of work, I say, get a dog. They love you no matter what. But when it comes to humans, there's no secret; you really have to appreciate the person every single day.

Denis Leary

Quotes About I Get What I Want #177784
#83. I've come to learn that theology matters. It matters not because we want to impress people, but because what we know about God shapes the way we think and live. Theology matters because if we get it wrong then our whole life will be wrong.

Joshua Harris

Quotes About I Get What I Want #183362
#84. I also hope that with the assistance and expertise of Dome Records, that I will be able to further pierce the UK and European market. I really like playing there and I want to do more! I've found that the audiences get quite involved and really listen to what's happening.

George Duke

Quotes About I Get What I Want #185273
#85. I didn't know any successful actors in Kenya, so I felt like I could get away with going to college to study film more easily than I could with saying, 'I want to be an actor.' That's what I did.

Lupita Nyong'o

Quotes About I Get What I Want #192446
#86. I don't get it. Last night you were fine, sitting on my face and fucking my brains out. You didn't seem to have a problem with that last night. What the fuck, Gabriella? What the fuck do you want me to do?

Jettie Woodruff

Quotes About I Get What I Want #192942
#87. What I like about the third movie is you get to see a side of Carlisle you haven't seen before. You actually get to see what his vampire capabilities are because there's some great battle sequences. It's my favorite book. Carlisle is holding on to that humanity. He doesn't want to be a vampire.

Peter Facinelli

Quotes About I Get What I Want #192956
#88. Ryder: "Well, you're not the type I want to be my first either."
Ryder: "You're the type I want to be my last. You know ... the settle down and marry sort. If you're my first, then I won't get to - I don't know - sow any wild oats or anything.

Linda Kage

Quotes About I Get What I Want #193705
#89. I think it's very important to know what you want to do next versus just leave it up to chance, really position yourself in the right footings to get to where you want to be.

Kellan Lutz

Quotes About I Get What I Want #202750
#90. God forbid if David Crosby gets sick again and I can't tour anymore, or something happens where I can't get around, what am I going to live on? I'm going to be living on mechanicals. So I don't want to hear it.

Stephen Stills

Quotes About I Get What I Want #204295
#91. And also ... well ... i told them I want to get an apartment with him next year rather than live in the dorms."
What'd they say?"
Over their dead bodies."
What did you say?"
I asked whether they wanted to be burie or cremated.

Carolyn Mackler

Quotes About I Get What I Want #204652
#92. I get angry if I do things wrong, but that's what keeps me going. I want to do my best.

Matteo Manassero

Quotes About I Get What I Want #207593
#93. Working to get the Affordable Care Act to cover everybody and get the cost down will work better and every analyst who's looked at what I want to do compared to Senator [Bernie] Sanders has reached the same conclusion.

Hillary Clinton

Quotes About I Get What I Want #211651
#94. And so I struggle against my bonds, not because I want to get free, not even because I want the pain. I want what it represents. That I am Damien's. Bound to him. Marked by him. Claimed by him.

J. Kenner

Quotes About I Get What I Want #212346
#95. You can't just decide to take the subject matter of The Bible and figure out you can just change what you want. I mean, the audience knows, and if you give them a Biblical story, you better get it right.

Mark Burnett

Quotes About I Get What I Want #216164
#96. I try not to look at stories on the Internet because I don't want to psych myself out. I kinda half to stay off the Internet. I'm not thick-skinned enough. I get too sensitive. I don't want it to effect what I'm doing.

Emma Stone

Quotes About I Get What I Want #216254
#97. Whatever the press is talking about, they want to keep talking about it. So instead of asking yourself, 'How can I get them to start talking about me?', figure out a way to get yourself involved in what they're already talking about.

Brian Chesky

Quotes About I Get What I Want #219329
#98. The stories that I want to tell, especially as a director, don't necessarily have a perfect ending because, the older you get, the more you appreciate a good day versus a happy ending. You understand that life continues on the next day; the reality of things is what happens tomorrow.

Drew Barrymore

Quotes About I Get What I Want #225732
#99. Some people say that you should go to all the parties, to the nightclubs, the Viper Room, and make contacts. And I look at them and say, You dont want to have contacts with those people. Look at what happened to River Phoenix. If you get caught up in that, it ruins you. Hollywood is garbage.

Paul Walker

Quotes About I Get What I Want #225898
#100. Oh my God, you're serious. Honey, I am a six time Women's Champion, if you get into the ring with me it will not be for a Lingerie Pillow Fight, it will not be to shoot t-shirts. If you get into the ring with me I will end your career just like that. Are you sure that's what you want?

Trish Stratus

Quotes About I Get What I Want #233756

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