Top 100 Richard Paul Evans Quotes

#1. Trauma has a way of indelibly linking the incidentals to the profound.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #27864
#2. Without great mountains we cannot reach great heights. And we are born to reach great heights

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #28308
#3. You're the type who thinks of the glass as being half full, instead of half empty. "No," she said, "I'm just grateful for the glass.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #44124
#4. I think the secret to a hoppy life is a selective memory. Remember what you are most grateful for and quickly forget what your not.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #60957
#5. In the end, we all lose it. Remember that. In the end, we own nothing.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #63583
#6. Snow is falling outside and all is peaceful and still. In such moments it is possible to believe that the world could still be good.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #97380
#7. We're all moons. Sometimes our dark sides overshadow our light.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #107400
#8. Take it out on whoever is close. Even people we love. Taylor's afraid for Michael and so she's upset. And since he isn't here, she took it out on you.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #108027
#9. "Wait and see" is no easier now than it was as a child.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #114991
#10. Nothing is more excruciating than waiting for the jury's verdict. Except, perhaps, hearing the jury's verdict.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #149172
#11. The reason we start things is rarely the reason we continue them.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #165900
#12. Nowhere is our vision more distorted than when we turn it on ourselves.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #168350
#13. I have learned a great truth of life. We do not succeed in spite of our challenges and
difficulties, but rather, precisely because of them.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #212129
#14. Every life can be learned from, as either a flame of hope or a cautionary flare.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #226761
#15. We climb mountains because the valleys are full of cemeteries. The secret of survival is to climb, even in the dark, even when the climb seems pointless. The climb, not the summit, is the thing. And the great don't just climb mountains, they carve them as they go. Korczak

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #248036
#16. Dwelling on him would make him a bigger part of my life than I want him to be.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #256429
#17. We don't appreciate the things that come easy to us as much as we do the things we have to work for. I think that's true for love as well.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #278564
#18. Suffering ceases to be suffering when we form a clear picture of it.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #346181
#19. Real love is to expand our own capacity for tolerance and caring, to actively seek another's well-being. All else is simply a charade of self-interest. Zeke

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #348452
#20. As you grow older, Michael, you'll learn an important lesson - that most people spend their entire lives wishing for a second chance to do what they should have done right the first time.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #359492
#21. When faced with overwhelming loss and stress, a man must choose to live and find his own way through his broken heart.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #367721
#22. A united people is a smoldering revolution. A divided people is a conquered people.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #378569
#23. Helping others carries its own rewards, the first of which is a return to humanity.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #383259
#24. Home is where they don't want to kill you, Jack said.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #384822
#25. The only way to remove pain from death is to remove love from life.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #408510
#26. I have come to believe that we do not walk alone in this life. There are others, fellow sojourners, whose journeys are interwoven with ours in seemingly random patterns, yet, in the end, have been carefully placed to reveal a remarkable tapestry. I believe God is the weaver at that loom.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #418210
#27. The Golden Rule is a two-edged sword. If some of us treated others as we treat ourselves, we would be jailed.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #453511
#28. Growing up means putting aside our egocentricity for truth.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #474320
#29. I believe that we were meant to live as social creatures, to reach out and bless each other's lives.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #505834
#30. You should always be careful of what you say in parting.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #510895
#31. Fear doesn't listen to reason it takes it own counsel

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #522301
#32. We can only lose what we have first claimed.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #530139
#33. Fate does not bend for us-we must bend to it.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #549209
#34. Kids don't come with owner's manuals. You have to figure each of them out, and by the time you do, they're gone.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #561205
#35. Iwas not a reader at all, not until I discovered 'The Hobbit.' That changed my life. It gave me the courage to read. It led me to the 'Lord of the Rings' series. And once I'd read that, I knew I could read anything because I had just read thousands of pages.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #563352
#36. The sin of the desert is knowing where the water is and not sharing it.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #571633
#37. There are people who come into our lives as welcome as a cool breeze in summer- and last about as long.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #613186
#38. Sometimes, when tragedy strikes, people give up hope that they can expect anything more from life, when the real quest is finding out what life expects from them.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #625621
#39. The changing seasons of circumstance can melt away stretches of our lives like frost in the warmth of spring.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #650671
#40. The natives used to tie their enemies to the tree. The ants would eat them alive.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #660527
#41. Did you know that rats can't vomit?" "Okay, enough. No more rat trivia.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #667197
#42. It is not the ability to walk that pleases God, it is the desire to walk. The desire to do the right thing. The truest measure of a man is what he desires. The measure of that desire is seen in the actions that follow.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #678774
#43. The first casualty of hitting rock bottom is vanity.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #732376
#44. Your a skid-mark on the underwear of humanity. -Ostin Liss

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #745337
#45. I've come to know that what we want in life is the greatest indication of who we really are.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #753484
#46. Why is it that we so easily confide secrets to strangers that we so carefully hide from ourselves?

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #767346
#47. It's our memories that make us who we are. Without them, we're nothing. If that means we have to hurt sometimes, it's worth it.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #774921
#48. We cannot enslave others without enslaving a part of ourselves.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #786116
#49. Bad memories can attach themselves like barnacles to the hulls of our lives. And, like barnacles, they have a disproportionately large amount of drag.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #790383
#50. Heroes are heroes precisely because they are willing to do what everyone else won't - oppose the popular voice.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #791625
#51. There is not only more to each soul's journey than we imagine, usually there is more than we can imagine.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #799729
#52. It's been my experience that those with the toughest shells have the softest hearts

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #827316
#53. Everybody needs love. Everybody. Those who don't believe that frighten me a little.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #922922
#54. Sometimes the most profound experiences of our lives start with an act so simple and careless that we hardly think about it - like tossing a small stone that causes a massive avalanche.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #935961
#55. The thing is, the only real sign of life is growth. And growth requires pain. So to choose life is to accept pain.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #954502
#56. Even the most horribl e of nightmares is laced with the promise of dawn.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #957166
#57. The price of happiness is the risk of losing it.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #985898
#58. We stone our prophets, then build monuments to them after they're gone.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #993800
#59. In your hurry to keep Christmas, you have forgotten Christmas. The truest gift of Christmas is the gift of self.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #996692
#60. Never trade what you love for what's behind curtain B. Never.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #998476
#61. There's a problem with marrying up. You always worry that someday they'll see through you and leave. Or, worse yet, someone better will come along and take her. In my case, it wasn't someone. And it wasn't something better.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1001848
#62. People aren't wired to be alone. Even in the stressful population of prison, solitary confinement is still considered a cruel punishment.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1003372
#63. I love when I can reboot people when they are being mean to others ...

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1029107
#64. I find myself seeking out the commonalities of our different religious experiences with hopes of encouraging, through my writings, the most hopeful, loving and redemptive qualities in all of us.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1044349
#65. If you take away everything a man lives for, then what does he live for?

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1061716
#66. I have found that the most significant experiences of our lives rarely come when we're expecting them and oftentimes when we're not even paying attention.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1063700
#67. Life is the soil, our choices and actions the sun and rain, but our dreams are the seeds.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1072765
#68. Life is not yours to take.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1077790
#69. The thing is, we use past relationships like maps to navigate new ones. But it doesn't work that way, because every human, every relationship is different. It's like trying to use a map of Las Vegas to get around Vermont. It won't work. That's why so many people get lost.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1084825
#70. Roses can grow in slums just as weeds can grow around mansions.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1120657
#71. what we see clearest in others is what we most avoid seeing in ourselves. Elise

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1137564
#72. Magna est veritas, et praevalebit: truth is mighty, and will prevail

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1142042
#73. The most difficult of decisions are often not the ones in which we cannot determine the correct course; rather the ones in which we are certain of the path but fear the journey.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1146417
#74. The well from which we receive grace is only filled by sharing it with others. --- Charles James's Diary

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1149726
#75. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn't at all. You can be discouraged by failure-or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember, that's where you will find success.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1168724
#76. When I think of God I feel like an ant crawling into a computer.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1201246
#77. The first gift of Christmas was love. A parent's love. Pure as the first snows of Christmas. For God so loved His children that He sent His son, that someday we might return to Him.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1206537
#78. It has been said that sometimes the greatest hope in our lives is just a second chance to do what we should have done right in the first place.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1254700
#79. People can become so blinded by their own perceived victimhood that they make victims of everyone around them.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1305111
#80. It was the first time that I had ever been romantically kissed. It was even better than the chocolate cake.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1332518
#81. It's good to take counsel from the past but not to be ruled by it. Otherwise we end up using today to fight yesterday's battles and miss tomorrow's promis.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1337823
#82. It is oftentimes a blessing to not know our limitations.
It's the only way to accomplish the impossible.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1349002
#83. We are all in motion, always. Those who are not climbing towards something are descending toward nothing.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1400716
#84. Where is the best place to hide a penny? It is in a jar of pennies.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1435372
#85. Some people spend so much time hunting treasure that they fail to see it all around them. It's like sifting through gold to find the silt.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1450356
#86. What a culture we live in, we are swimming in an ocean of information, and drowning in ignorance.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1495325
#87. Sunsets, like childhood, are viewed with wonder not just because they are beautiful but because they are fleeting.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1516508
#88. I work at a retirement home. I'm a CNA."
"What's that?"
"It stands for Certified Nursing Assistant."
"That sounds important," I said.
She laughed. "If changing old people's diapers is important."
I thought for a moment, then said, "It is for the old people.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1540523
#89. Unfortunately, large cities don't have a monopoly on loneliness. It can be found in small towns as well. Loneliness can be found everywhere there are people.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1580799
#90. I suppose I have an active imagination, and writing allows me to live it out.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1584421
#91. The depth of love is revealed in its departure.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1602665
#92. Our culture's quest to hide death behind a facade of denial has made fools and pretended immortals of us all. Perhaps it would be more helpful and liberating to begin each day by repeating the words of Crazy Horse, Today is a good day to die.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1602942
#93. A man's worth isn't measured by a bank register or diploma ... It's about integrity

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1618123
#94. They are like pythons in the jungle. The smallest child can crush a python egg. But let the snake hatch and grow and the python with squeeze and devour the child.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1627980
#95. Why is it that good always has to fight an uphill battle?"
I thought for a moment, then said, "I don't know. Maybe that's the point. Good things are higher up.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1670070
#96. It is that to which we cling that drags us to the bottom of the abyss. There is real power at having nothing to lose.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1676612
#97. People are looking for inspiration, and my books are sometimes the vehicles of what people are looking for.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1686628
#98. The idea of being a novelist is really romantic, but it's kind of the same as being president of the United States - it's not gonna happen.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1701588
#99. Never criticize a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes. That way he can't do anything to you because you're a mile away and you've got his shoes.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1752693
#100. There can be no joy without gratitude.

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans Quotes #1759014

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