Top 100 Quotes About Husbands And Wives

#1. Bridge is a game that separates the men from the boys. It also separates husbands and wives.

George Burns

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #86586
#2. Pride is the chief cause in the decline in the number of husbands and wives.

Neil Diamond

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #87951
#3. When husbands and wives not only co-work but try to co-homemake, as post-feminist and well-intentioned as it is, out goes the clear delineation of spheres, out goes the calm of unquestioned authority, and of course, out goes the gratitude.

Sandra Tsing Loh

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #94955
#4. Gray imagined Kat scolding her husband in an operatic duet that has been going on between husbands and wives for ages, that eternal mix of exasperation and love.
James Rollins

James Rollins

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #146917
#5. You don't have to work in a mental hospital to know about husbands and wives.

Philip Roth

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #190467
#6. If nature had arranged that husbands and wives should have children alternatively, there would never be more than three in a family.

Laurence Housman

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #209881
#7. In my day, husbands and wives showed each other a suitable level of indifference.

Ashlyn Macnamara

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #212120
#8. The reason there is so much misery in marriage is not that husbands and wives seek their own pleasure, but that they do not seek it in the pleasure of their spouses. The biblical mandate to husbands and wives is to seek your own joy in the joy of your spouse.

John Piper

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #223220
#9. Husbands and wives generally understand when opposition will be vain.

Jane Austen

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #270577
#10. No marriage or family, no ward or stake is likely to reach its full potential until husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, men and women work together in unity of purpose.

Sheri L. Dew

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #289222
#11. Husbands and wives quarrel a lot more than anyone thinks, and it's oftener about little things than big ones ...

Patricia Wentworth

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #317709
#12. Appreciation is a great virtue, and if husbands and wives expressed it more frequently in our homes, wives would be happier, and husbands would probably be more kind (Gospel Ideals, p. 475).

David O. McKay

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #324642
#13. God designed husbands and wives to complete each other, not to compete with each other.

Jimmy Evans

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #540718
#14. Husbands and wives always loved each other, and that was what marriage meant. It was just so. Janie felt glad of the thought, for then it wouldn't seem so destructive and mouldy. She wouldn't be lonely anymore.

Zora Neale Hurston

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #551671
#15. You know I don't read novels,' she said and, trying to equal his jesting mood, went on: 'Besides, you once said it was the height of bad form for husbands and wives to love each other.'
'I once said too God damn many things,' he retorted abruptly and rose to his feet.

Margaret Mitchell

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #571587
#16. What the world needs is not romantic lovers who are sufficient unto themselves, but husbands and wives who live in communities, relate to other people, carry on useful work and willingly give time and attention to their children.

Margaret Mead

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #658571
#17. Husbands and wives, first be faithful to each other. Second, keep the romance going all of your life by courting each other every day.

Zig Ziglar

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #660813
#18. I am scared, numbed from the marital wars - that deadly, deadening combat which is the opposite, the antithesis of the sharp painful struggles of lovers. Lovers fight with knives and whips, husbands and wives poisoned marshmallows, sleeping pills, and wet blankets.

Susan Sontag

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #729096
#19. Husbands and wives are equal partners. They have different but complementary responsibilities.

Quentin L. Cook

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #745319
#20. Husbands and wives fight, and when the wife is packing up, the husband says, 'Don't leave! I'm gonna change!' Marriages stay together because people promise to change.

Jerry Della Femina

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #766368
#21. Being well regulated in relatedness is the deeply gratifying state that people seek ceaselessly in romance, religions, and cults; in husbands and wives, pets, softball teams, bowling leagues, and a thousand other features of human life driven by the thirst for sustaining affiliations. (157)

Thomas Lewis

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #833508
#22. The great lack of parity between husbands and wives has always been spawned by the disproportionate degree of self-sacrifice that women are willing to make on behalf of those they love.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #851695
#23. The reason husbands and wives do not understand each other is because they belong to different sexes.

Dorothy Dix

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #896792
#24. I think husbands and wives should live in separate houses. If there's enough money, the children should live in a third.

Cloris Leachman

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #906757
#25. I love 'Husbands and Wives,' Woody Allen's movie. It's like one of my all-time favorites. I could watch it over and over again.

Zoe Lister-Jones

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #916730
#26. According to this hermeneutic, if we follow what the NT says about the relationships between men and women and husbands and wives, we will not be doing the will of God, for the redemptive movement in Scripture means we must go beyond Scripture to discover God's perfect will.

Benjamin Reaoch

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #932371
#27. Learning the love language of acts of service will require some of us to reexamine our stereotypes of the roles of husbands and wives.

Gary Chapman

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1005452
#28. Neither man nor woman is perfect or complete without the other. Thus, no marriage or family, no ward or stake is likely to reach its full potential until husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, men and women work together in unity of purpose, respecting and relying upon each other's strengths.

Sheri L. Dew

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1065898
#29. I like the way we talk to each other. It feels honest. It was different with Manuel. One of us always had to win. Husbands and wives do that, worry more about being right than being truthful.

Richard Lange

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1070989
#30. Comfort for herself. Yes, she would love Logan after they were married. She could see no way for it to come about, but Nanny and the old folks had said it, so it must be so. Husbands and wives always loved each other, and that was what

Zora Neale Hurston

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1084298
#31. How many husbands and wives must believe they have fallen out of love because their hearts no longer race at the sight of their beloveds!

William Peter Blatty

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1217492
#32. How to share leisure time is a phantom issue between husbands and wives. It is more important than making a choice about children's school...

Girdhar Joshi

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1217790
#33. Not only, in strict truth, was marriage instituted for the propagation of the human race, but also that the lives of husbands and wives might be made better and happier.

Pope Leo XIII

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1397942
#34. the harsh truth of every relationship, even between those who love each other, like fathers and sons and daughters, or husbands and wives, is that the love is always unequal.

Karl Taro Greenfeld

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1434892
#35. Husbands and wives need to return regularly to the kinds of romantic activities that drew them together in the first place.

James C. Dobson

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1503068
#36. He admonished husbands and wives to love each other as Christ loved the church. Love begets love, and when you reward each other you honor God.

Suzetta Perkins

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1543544
#37. Look, writers aren't perfect, I want to cry, any more than husbands and wives are perfect. The only unfailing rule is, If they seem so, they can't be.

Julian Barnes

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1577295
#38. Only in sex the noise sometimes stops. I say "sometimes". If you have become habitual in sex also, as husbands and wives become, then it never stops. The whole act becomes automatic and the mind goes on its own. Then sex also is a boredom.


Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1592890
#39. Too many husbands and wives enter into marriage with the idea that their spouse exists for one purpose: to make them happy.

Billy Graham

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1612977
#40. Yes... even husbands and wives are strangers.


Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1616245
#41. I want an open dialogue. I want husbands and wives and people in relationships to walk out of the theater thinking, "Could this happen to me? I know I'm being tempted."

Tyler Perry

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1619193
#42. Our children are not going to be just 'our children' - they are going to be other people's husbands and wives and the parents of our grandchildren.

Mary Calderone

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1684057
#43. I'm not a big Woody Allen fan, but thought 'Husbands and Wives' was great.

Nell Freudenberger

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1697014
#44. In other words, more than seventy per cent of American divorces are granted because husbands and wives can not adapt themselves to each other in the matter of how they shall spend their LEISURE hours.

Elsie Lincoln Benedict

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1700266
#45. Husbands and wives talk of the cares of matrimony, and bachelors and spinsters bear them.

Wilkie Collins

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1743448
#46. Bickering based on in-laws' actions and behaviour were not uncommon between husbands and wives. Arguments of such nature usually erected a temporary wall between couples that mended with the passage of time. However, such wrangling left Neha with a sense of impending doom.

Neetha Joseph

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1776054
#47. Great marriages are made when husbands and wives don't allow cultural expectations to dictate their life decisions or their day-to-day interactions. A one-of-a-kind value system is forged, blended

Fawn Weaver

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1806702
#48. So I hope husbands and wives will continue to debate and combat
Over everything debatable and combatable
Because I believe a little incompatibility is the spice of life
Particularly if he has income and she is pattable.

Ogden Nash

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1808157
#49. Happy husbands and wives can hear each other say the same thing over and over again without being tired.

George Eliot

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1821310
#50. Sick people grew to resent well people, and sometimes that was true of husbands and wives, or even of mothers and their children. Both

Alice Munro

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1847579
#51. In the festival which concludes the period, before they go to the temple, both wives and children fall on their knees before their husbands or parents and confess everything in which they have either erred or failed in their duty, and beg pardon for it.

Thomas More

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #65105
#52. Husbands, be patient with your wives; and wives, be patient with your husbands. Don't expect perfection. Find agreeable ways to work out the differences that arise.

Joseph B. Wirthlin

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #94180
#53. Never advise a man against his wife or a wife against his husband. When they come together again you will be the archenemy. When they separate, the fault will all be yours

Bangambiki Habyarimana

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #144307
#54. He reminds us that true renunciation is mental, not necessarily physical. We are not required to disown our husbands or wives and turn our children out of doors. We must only try to realize that they are not really ours; to love them as dwelling-places of Brahman, not as mere individuals.

Swami Vivekananda

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #171648
#55. People are worried that their inner voice will tell them to leave their husbands or wives - or their jobs. Well, if that's really what your inner guidance is saying, then that is for your highest good and for your spouse's or partner's. There is a plan for everyone.

Echo Bodine

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #231249
#56. He'd stood amidst the ranks more than once, sensing the soldiers alongside him seeking and finding that place in the mind, cold and silent, the place where husbands, fathers, wives and mothers became killers. And practice made it easier, each time. Until it becomes a place you never leave.

Steven Erikson

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #259804
#57. I can say in all candor that husbands need wives, and if their wives are simply the "mothers of their children", they're likely to look elsewhere for someone to fill the wife void.

Richard E. Greenberg

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #265613
#58. She told me once she envied the women who lived back in the good old days who only had to worry about Indians and mountain lions killing their husbands. Something about those things being beyond a wife's control.

Tawni O'Dell

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #279007
#59. How men hate waiting while their wives shop for clothes and trinkets; how women hate waiting, often for much of their lives, while their husbands shop for fame and glory.

Bill Vaughan

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #323582
#60. Wives in their husbands' absences grow subtler, And daughters sometimes run off with the butler.

Lord Byron

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #375925
#61. It's amazing how we can hurt others, especially those close to us ... subtle and not-so-subtle ways in which wives belittle husbands and vice versa.

Billy Graham

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #388571
#62. So, to prepare for the role, I had to take music lessons, talk to wives who had husbands overseas, and carefully study the reactions and mannerisms of a friend who was expecting.

June Allyson

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #392166
#63. ...the most reliable predictor of long-term marital success was a pattern in which the wives, in nonoffensive, clear ways, communicated their needs, and husbands willingly altered their behaviors to meet them.

Terrence Real

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #403903
#64. But a woman's right to leave a marriage can also be a lifesaver for men. The Centers on Disease Control reports that the rate at which husbands were killed by their wives fell by approximately two-thirds between 1981 and 1998, in part because women could more easily leave their partners.32

Stephanie Coontz

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #492616
#65. Pastors started killing their church members and church members killed pastors. Husbands killed wives. It's a situation no one can describe.

Paul Rusesabagina

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #542136
#66. Parents and children cannot be to each other, as husbands with wives and wives with husbands. Nature has separated them by an almost impassable barrier of time; the mind and the heart are in quite a different state at fifteen and forty.

Sara Coleridge

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #571665
#67. Fathers and husbands! do ye not also understand this fact? Do ye not see how, in the mental bondage of your wives and fair companions, ye yourselves are bound?

Frances Wright

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #572780
#68. Once or twice, in the first days of his marriage, he had asked himself with a slight shiver what would happen if Susy should begin to bore him. The thing had happened to him with other women as to whom his first emotions had not differed in intensity from those she inspired.

Edith Wharton

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #576724
#69. When husbands and fathers leave, their wives and daughters tend to value themselves less as a result.

Emma Thompson

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #622056
#70. Let husbands know Their wives have sense like them. They see, and smell, And have their palates both for sweet and sour, As husbands have.

William Shakespeare

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #682530
#71. Storytelling enables us to play out decisions before we make them, to plan routes before we take them, to work out the campaign before we start the war, to rehearse the phrases we're going to use to please or placate our wives and husbands.

Jim Crace

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #717203
#72. Why does a woman work ten years to change a man, then complain he's not the man she married?

Barbra Streisand

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #812379
#73. Being a husband or a wife, is already a huge responsibility to shoulder, without adding in the expectations.

Norhafsah Hamid

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #843806
#74. My advice to a new husband is nothing more than 'husbands, love your wives.' And 'love your wife as Christ has loved the church.' Never forget that you are Christ's representative in serving your wife.

J.I. Packer

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #873452
#75. There are wives who are very involved with their husbands' offices and really take their responsibility seriously in terms of issues and things like that. I was never very comfortable with being part of that.

Niki Tsongas

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #888043
#76. What peaches and what penumbras! Whole families shopping at night! Aisles full of husbands! Wives in the avocados, babies in the tomatoes!
and you, Garcia Lorca, what were you doing down by the watermelons?

Allen Ginsberg

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #928902
#77. 18 Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting for those who belong to the Lord. 19 Husbands, love your wives and never treat them harshly.

Gary Chapman

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #942540
#78. 28So husbands ought also to jlove their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; 29for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church,


Quotes About Husbands And Wives #954010
#79. How many wives have been forced by the death of well-intentioned but too protective husbands to face reality late in life, bewildered and frightened because they were strangers to it!

Hortense Odlum

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #967512
#80. That this, right here, right now, is our life. It is not our parents' or our children's, not our husbands' or our wives'. It is not made more or less valuable by our job or how much we have in the bank. Our life is ours. It is the only one we will ever have. And we should love it.

Rob Lowe

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #971335
#81. So just as you shower love and affection and attention on the husbands, wives, parents, children and forever friends who surround you, you have to do equally with your life, because its yours, its you, and its always there rooting for you, cheering you on, even when you feel like you can't do it.

Cecelia Ahern

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1004339
#82. Another way to point out the true differences in men and women is that wives spell 'LOVE' 'H-O-L-D M-E'; husbands spell 'LOVE' 'S-E-X.


Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1041500
#83. Anyone who wishes to learn to enjoy life must find friends of the same type of temperament, and take as much trouble to gain and keep their friendship as wives take to keep their husbands.

Lin Yutang

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1061768
#84. [A happy ending is] a distribution at the last of prizes, pensions, husbands, wives babies, millions, appended paragraphs, and cheerful remarks.

Henry James

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1128488
#85. At Clochemerle, the greater number of the men put up with their wives, and the great majority of the women with their husbands. If this hardly amounted to adoration, in the majority of homes at any rate the men and women found each other very nearly endurable.

Gabriel Chevallier

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1165505
#86. Some miners' wives take in washing and make more money than their husbands do. In every gold rush from this one to the Klondike, the suppliers and service industries will gather up the dust while ninety-nine per cent of the miners go home with empty pokes.

John McPhee

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1173020
#87. Had the love been perennial, there won't have been murders of wives by husbands and murders of husbands by wives, who were lovers at a point of time.

Girdhar Joshi

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1198112
#88. My husband said, 'Now you need to go and get a post-doctorate degree in tax law.' Tax law! I hate taxes. Why should I go and do something like that? But the Lord says, 'Be submissive, wives, you are to be submissive to your husbands.'

Michele Bachmann

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1322188
#89. Make women rational creatures, and free citizens, and they will quickly become good wives; - that is, if men do not neglect the duties of husbands and fathers.

Mary Wollstonecraft

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1327043
#90. I know the way o' wives; they set one on to abuse their husbands, and then they turn round on one and praise 'em as if they wanted to sell 'em.

George Eliot

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1333956
#91. A father may turn his back on his child, brothers and sisters may become inveterate enemies, husbands may desert their wives, wives their husbands. But a mother's love endures through all.

Washington Irving

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1409082
#92. The church must not teach the submission of wives apart from the sacrificial love and servanthood required of husbands.

Gary L. Thomas

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1486710
#93. A few years ago one of my wives, when talking about wives leaving their husbands said, 'I wish my husband's wives would leave him, every soul of them except myself.' That is the way they all feel, more or less, at times, both old and young.

Brigham Young

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1506667
#94. Popularity
The capacity for listening sympathetically when men boast of their wives and women complain of their husbands.

H.L. Mencken

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1560769
#95. ("I love you," someone says, and instantly we begin to wonder - "Well, how much?" - and when the answer comes - "With my whole heart" - we then wonder about the wholeness of a fickle heart.) Our lovers, our husbands, our wives, our fathers, our gods - they are all beyond us.

Tim O'Brien

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1576653
#96. What's for dinner is the only question many husbands ask their wives, and the only one to which they care about the answer.

Mignon McLaughlin

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1585100
#97. It appears that ordinary men take wives because possession is not possible without marriage, and that ordinary women accept husbands because marriage is not possible without possession

Thomas Hardy

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1595979
#98. The government can spy on people using their mobile phones while they're with their wives and husbands.

John McAfee

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1740828
#99. The nobility danced for the sake of social grace, to exhibit their finery ... peasants danced to make themselves happy, to escape the routine of their life, and to meet their future wives and husbands.

Jamake Highwater

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1751123
#100. Husbands, love your wives well! Your children are noticing how you treat her. You are teaching your sons how they should treat women, and you are teaching your daughters what they should expect from men.

Dave Willis

Quotes About Husbands And Wives #1822015

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