Top 4 Jordan Gavaris Quotes

#1. I actually love woodworking. I'm just getting into it. And I love playing guitar, I'm a big movie aficionado, and I like hiking.

Jordan Gavaris

Jordan Gavaris Quotes #723510
#2. I love acting and will take all the time to continue to act. But sometimes I'd like to try my hand at directing.

Jordan Gavaris

Jordan Gavaris Quotes #801075
#3. I love Tom Wilkinson and Tommy Lee Jones as well as Jessica Chastain. But the person I look up to most, not because I identify with her roles but because of who she is as a person, is Sissy Spacek.

Jordan Gavaris

Jordan Gavaris Quotes #1177543
#4. Toronto is actually way more fast-paced than L.A. - I find the fast-paced nature of Toronto a bit obtrusive. In L.A., I love getting up and going hiking and going to the beach - that's L.A. culture and it's awesome and I miss it. Toronto culture is wonderful, but I miss L.A.

Jordan Gavaris

Jordan Gavaris Quotes #1297496

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