Top 62 Quotes About Family Holiday

#1. I drove 3,500 miles this summer on our family holiday, we drove across 10 countries. I have driven across the United States four times. I love cars, I love being in cars, I think so do most people. I want to help and support those people who have that same kind of enthusiasm for driving that I have.

Geoff Hoon

Quotes About Family Holiday #681709
#2. Like many parents after a long family holiday, I usually welcome the moment when my kids head back to school.

Jose Andres

Quotes About Family Holiday #1013131
#3. Our concept of a family holiday was going to a guest house in the Lake district or Wales where walking was part of the holiday.

Roger Bannister

Quotes About Family Holiday #1162006
#4. We have a family holiday once a year, usually abroad, but that's it. I feel I should have holidays for my family's sake, but I'm not that adventurous.

Robert Webb

Quotes About Family Holiday #1222965
#5. In France, Christmas is a family holiday. You stay home. New Year's Eve is when you go out.

Alain Ducasse

Quotes About Family Holiday #1263296
#6. When I was filming 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' in America, for a couple of weeks beforehand we would always fit in a family holiday in California.

Anthony Head

Quotes About Family Holiday #1271417
#7. I get that rush that comes when you know you're doing something wrong and are getting away with it, like stealing from the school cafeteria of getting tipsy at a family holiday without anyone knowing it.

Lauren Oliver

Quotes About Family Holiday #1403886
#8. My mother is the sort of woman who not only can raise a chicken and roast it to moist perfection but, as she proved to my openmouthed sister and me on a family holiday to Morocco when we were very young, can barter for one in a market, kill it, pluck it, and then cook it to perfection.

Hamish Bowles

Quotes About Family Holiday #1735865
#9. Long weekends at festivals, short weeks at home, all summer long: now that is surely preferable to the immense cost and headache of the nuclear family holiday in the sun?

Tom Hodgkinson

Quotes About Family Holiday #190238
#10. No one can complain about earning good money, but for me, it's being able to help my family out, put my brother and sister through school, take my family on holiday. That's where I get the biggest buzz, not buying a pair of £500 shoes.

Abbey Clancy

Quotes About Family Holiday #1341400
#11. President Obama and his family are spending the holidays in Hawaii, and while they're gone, they got a fence jumper to house sit. Tomorrow, he will be in Hawaii playing golf with Raul Castro and the Pope.

David Letterman

Quotes About Family Holiday #994813
#12. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because I don't have to do anything except bring wine and go to my sister's all day and go to the movies with the family. So, actually, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, but there's not much comedy material on Thanksgiving. Melatonin really isn't that funny.

John Waters

Quotes About Family Holiday #1309240
#13. Every year, I looked forward to Oprah Winfrey's Favorite Things episode. I watched with my notebook computer in my lap so I could Google the items and order them for the friends and family on my holiday gift-giving list.

Lori Wilde

Quotes About Family Holiday #1287404
#14. With that much meat on her bones, we can have the whole family over for Thanksgiving this year." Dreadful holiday, that Thanksgiving. Condoning the slaughter of lovely birds.

Eve Langlais

Quotes About Family Holiday #1217154
#15. I'm a minimalist. I don't really need much to enjoy a good holiday - just my family and the bare essentials.

Jean Reno

Quotes About Family Holiday #1162516
#16. The things we share with each other are deeply felt from within our hearts that neither of us will ever forget. For the gifts that are priceless are the ones that are heartfelt; their roots are within our soul. They are the greatest gifts, of all.

Ellen J. Barrier

Quotes About Family Holiday #1136327
#17. Halloween's my favorite holiday because you don't have to spend it with your family.

Demetri Martin

Quotes About Family Holiday #1136082
#18. Most people made comments on how I was the strongest woman they knew.
That was before the title wave of disaster hit my charmed life.

K.D. Emerson

Quotes About Family Holiday #1130662
#19. NEW YORK- A 2-yearold girl who wandered away from a holiday weekend family barbecue in a city park was found dead in a lake after a desperate five-hour search by police and bystanders.


Quotes About Family Holiday #1130077
#20. The Swedish Christmas is definitely unique, even throughout Scandinavia. Like Christmas everywhere, it's a very family-centered holiday.

Marcus Samuelsson

Quotes About Family Holiday #1041344
#21. Halloween was the best holiday, in my opinion, because it was all about friends, monsters, and candy, rather than family and responsibility.

Margee Kerr

Quotes About Family Holiday #999077
#22. If you don't have the gift of a loving supportive family, be that gift for someone else. It doesn't have to be a relative, just someone you know who is alone or hurting over the holiday.

Joel Osteen

Quotes About Family Holiday #1852635
#23. All happy families resemble one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way, and when it comes to the Holiday Season, happy families can abruptly become unhappy and unhappy families can, to their great alarm, be happy

Marisha Pessl

Quotes About Family Holiday #1373375
#24. Family planning experts are now recommending giving men vasectomy gift cards for the holidays. Talk about taking the jingle out of the bells.

Jay Leno

Quotes About Family Holiday #1466274
#25. I love Thanksgiving because it's a holiday that is centered around food and family, two things that are of utmost importance to me.

Marcus Samuelsson

Quotes About Family Holiday #1494198
#26. I'll be spending the holidays with my family. Nothing special, just some light bickering and biting sarcasm.

Ray Romano

Quotes About Family Holiday #1496348
#27. My idea of a perfect holiday is spending time with the family, waking up on Christmas morning or Thanksgiving morning, watching football all day, having the family come over, people you haven't seen.

Morris Chestnut

Quotes About Family Holiday #1503123
#28. Josh, do you know what my favorite thing is? she asked. I mean, my very favorite thing?
I'm not sure.
It's when the whole family comes for a holiday and you kids just sit around and laugh together. You don't have any idea what that feels like for me. There's nothing I look forward to more.

Josh Hanagarne

Quotes About Family Holiday #1567458
#29. I love spending time with my family and friends during the holidays, and my favorite holiday tradition would be the pozole that my mom makes almost every Christmas. It's the best!

Becky G

Quotes About Family Holiday #1617272
#30. Workers should have Sundays off because Sunday is for the family. Calling for Sundays to be a holiday.

Pope Francis

Quotes About Family Holiday #1633007
#31. Christmas comes during a season when the Earth is in its darkest time. It's a holiday for the family and for everyone.

Melissa Etheridge

Quotes About Family Holiday #1677114
#32. My idea of a holiday was following my family up the hill with my pekinese, who would skip over the heather in front of me.

Rupert Everett

Quotes About Family Holiday #1686265
#33. It used to bug me that I couldn't even afford to take my family for a proper holiday. I didn't have any professional knowledge, and getting a photographer's job in a magazine was out of the question. So, armed with a Pentax K1000, I started going to various maidans of Mumbai, looking for subjects.

Boman Irani

Quotes About Family Holiday #1755189
#34. Maintaining the thinnest facade of a functioning family that tries to act as others do - plan ahead, drive somewhere, go on holiday, relax - is beyond us. We are smashed. Insecurity jams the gears on every action. Each time we are toppled. I feel a fool over and over again for trying.

Marion Coutts

Quotes About Family Holiday #1816673
#35. [Christmas] holidays are a heavy, heavy time. We make light of them with our red and green and our stockings and candy canes, but people think heavy thoughts over the holidays because that's when you're thinking about family. Are we close? Or are we not as close as other people?

Augusten Burroughs

Quotes About Family Holiday #1836981
#36. My favorite thing about the holiday season is the lights! I love walking around with family, friends, and a cup of peppermint hot chocolate to look at all the beautiful lights and decorations.

Caroline Sunshine

Quotes About Family Holiday #629109
#37. Delicious days ahead for solitude and writing and, oh yes, the holiday meal with family. Live with my characters until term starts in 2012!

Stella Atrium

Quotes About Family Holiday #60120
#38. Unless you are rich, and can con vales center in a sanatorium estate (where visitors came down a tiered, oceanside lawn to found you ato your easel) you have to keep going when you're depressed. That means phone calls, appointments errands, holidays, family, friends, and colleagues.

Virginia Heffernan

Quotes About Family Holiday #80830
#39. As a comedian, especially one that works as much as I do, there is a lot of sacrifice. People don't see that I'm away from my family 46 weeks out of the year. I miss all the birthdays and anniversaries and holidays.

Gabriel Iglesias

Quotes About Family Holiday #95440
#40. O-Sensei was frequently head to say. 'Aiki is not a technique to fight with or defeat an enemy. It is the way to harmonize the world and make humanity one family.

Linda Holiday

Quotes About Family Holiday #142126
#41. Christmas is far and away my favorite holiday. I love everything about it, from the event that inspired it, hoping for a white one, to wrapping presents. But mostly I love having family and friends gathered, and sharing traditions.

Ellen Hopkins

Quotes About Family Holiday #182336
#42. Since I'm always working, my best holiday memories are definitely when I can just go home and spend time with my family.

Chris Brown

Quotes About Family Holiday #309534
#43. During the holiday season, Christmas specifically, it can be hard to be away from family and friends.

Monica Johnson

Quotes About Family Holiday #331587

Tim Regan

Quotes About Family Holiday #343995
#45. Christmas was always a big holiday in our family. Every Christmas Eve before we'd go to bed, my mom and dad would read to us two or three stories and they would always be 'The Happy Prince,' 'The Gift of the Magi' and 'Twas the Night Before Christmas,' and I would like to keep that alive.

Cameron Mathison

Quotes About Family Holiday #355157
#46. I don't think any other holiday embraces the food of the Midwest quite like Thanksgiving. There's roasted meat and mashed potatoes. But being here is also about heritage. Cleveland is really a giant melting pot - not only is my family a melting pot, but so is the city.

Michael Symon

Quotes About Family Holiday #443897
#47. I've got two young children, so holidays are not the same as they used to be. There are now two types: family holidays and holidays you need from that holiday.

Diego Luna

Quotes About Family Holiday #480338
#48. Some places are like family. They annoy us to no end, especially during the holidays, but we keep coming back for more because we know, deep in our hearts, that our destinies are intertwined.

Eric Weiner

Quotes About Family Holiday #523571
#49. My Christmas tree glimmered with lights, ornaments, and tinsel. Though such holiday trimmings weren't in vogue any longer, I loved them. I pulled every box of family decorations from the attic and glamored the tree until it looked like a "fancy woman in a cheap brothel" as my aunt Loulane would say.

Carolyn Haines

Quotes About Family Holiday #528867
#50. Our family's special holiday tradition is going over to my grandparent's house on Christmas morning. My grandma cooks a big breakfast, and I love hearing her tell old funny stories.

Caroline Sunshine

Quotes About Family Holiday #990469
#51. I try to get back for every holiday to see my parents. Love being home and with my family.

Antoniette Costa

Quotes About Family Holiday #645344
#52. I'm a hopeless romantic. I love love. My middle name is Love. Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday. I want to have a family and children. I am a sucker for every romantic comedy that comes out.

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Quotes About Family Holiday #660482
#53. My dad owned a tiny little shop and we never had any family holidays or anything like that, so I was sent to boarding school as a means of control more than anything I think.


Quotes About Family Holiday #746999
#54. Having a holiday weekend without a family member felt like putting on a sweater that had an extra arm.

Pamela Ribon

Quotes About Family Holiday #772143
#55. Most people think I am very nice; they think I'm their friend, which is lucky, but it means you're never allowed to be in a bad mood. They take it personally. The worst is when you're on holiday with your family.

Romain Duris

Quotes About Family Holiday #804030
#56. Wait until you meet my family. At Thanksgiving, we kill everything we can find, put it into a pot, and call it 'holiday gumbo'.

Molly Harper

Quotes About Family Holiday #836697
#57. They weren't my family and it wasn't my holiday, but I was orphaned and an atheist and I would take what I could get.

Michael Chabon

Quotes About Family Holiday #874261
#58. Bill and Hillary will spend Easter with her brothers Hugh and Tony and Roger Clinton. They have a family ritual at all holiday dinners. After they sit down, they hold hands, close their eyes, and get their stories straight.

Argus Hamilton

Quotes About Family Holiday #916033
#59. Christmas is a holiday that we celebrate not as individuals nor as a nation, but as a human family.

Ronald Reagan

Quotes About Family Holiday #921904
#60. The current relationship between companies and the workforce is like marrying into a dysfunctional family. Only you don't get to escape when the holiday meal is over.

Bill Jensen

Quotes About Family Holiday #928921
#61. I miss both of my parents terribly every day, but especially as we approach Thanksgiving. We always came together as a family for that holiday, playing capture the flag and touch football and laughing a lot.

Mark Shriver

Quotes About Family Holiday #970178
#62. From the big mountains in the north to the valleys in the south, all through my childhood and teenage years, my family would always holiday in Wales.

Luke Evans

Quotes About Family Holiday #974037

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