Top 75 Quotes About Empty Eyes

#1. Your empty eyes seem to pass me by and leave me dancing with myself.

Billy Idol

Quotes About Empty Eyes #729587
#2. Thin, without fever, not cold, not warm, with empty eyes, without a shirt, the young man under the stuffed quilt heaves himself up, hangs around my throat and whispers in my ear, Doctor, let me die.

Franz Kafka

Quotes About Empty Eyes #461973
#3. She looked at me with those empty eyes, and I thought, I'm going to make sure I fill them up with something.

Cath Crowley

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1752528
#4. Pages of revelation lie open in your empty eyes of blue

Andy Biersack

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1651868
#5. Blank eyes. Empty eyes. A doll's eyes. Eyes more dead than death.

Robert Jordan

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1468392
#6. She pulled the hood over the girl's ears and fastened it tight. Biterblue looked like a potato sack, a small, shivering potato sack with empty eyes and a knife.

Kristin Cashore

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1305472
#7. The entire time, he'd only ever looked at my body, never at my face, his empty eyes hungry, never seeing me at all. I wasn't the presence of a person, but a body. I could have said anything, he wouldn't have heard me. He'd never responded, not by stopping, not with his words.

Aspen Matis

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1235947
#8. Joe lulls the man into the afterlife, places his head gently on the ground, closes the lids over his empty eyes, retrieves his gun and continues to fight for a freedom he would never be fully entitled to.

Bernice L. McFadden

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1065404
#9. You changed the subject."
"From what?"
"The empty-headed girls who think you're sexy."
"You know."
"Know what?"
"That I only have eyes for you.

Khaled Hosseini

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1300251
#10. The rich rock-star Lothario bullshit drops with a thud, and an air of truth fills the empty space between us. He pins me with those gorgeous emerald eyes. "I dig you, Letty.

Kendall Grey

Quotes About Empty Eyes #842177
#11. The brightest star on a cloudless night
Some kind of miracle, almost empty sky ...
Just as the bite of the blade wakes the absent mind
There's time to dream and there's time to open your eyes

Dave Matthews

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1239727
#12. If anyone had bothered to notice me, they would only see a scared fifteen-year-old girl with eyes of sable ringed by kohl liner and black hair that fell to her waist. They wouldn't see someone struggling to remain sane. Only an empty space where a real girl used to live.

Sherry Soule

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1215978
#13. Just so. And wonder, my friend, is the intellect's most feared foe. Its path is love, and love is the language of humility. The rational mind would stand over it with a bloodstained sword, and in the empty bleakness of its eyes you will see its triumph.

Steven Erikson

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1084138
#14. The worst change about her, however, was in her eyes. The light was gone from them. They were dull. Empty.

Maddy Lanslots

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1065026
#15. He had the same empty confusion in his eyes that I saw in my mirror every morning, that odd sort of denial that only seems to come when the world decides to jump the rails without warning you first.

Mira Grant

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1046949
#16. Papa was a man with silver eyes, not dead ones.
Papa was an accordion!
But his bellows were all empty.
Nothing went in and nothing came out.

Markus Zusak

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1012322
#17. Your life was bad; I see it in your eyes. When you grin, your face is empty, and I have no doubt when you smile, your eyes won't shine like they should. One day though, baby, I will make them shine.

Bella Jewel

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1006335
#18. His eyes were like a doll's eyes, lifeless, black and empty as if he had no soul. With a devious smile he nodded as if to acknowledge "game on", the battle is now joined.

Daniel Michael Giovanni

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1002425
#19. Loneliness is an empty space, a hole that cannot be filled. Loneliness is the weather side of the quarterdeck and a vacant captain's cabin. It's the sea when I can't look at it through your eyes. It's the wind when I can't hear it with your ears. It's salt when I can't taste it on your lips.

Ellen Argo

Quotes About Empty Eyes #975821
#20. No empty words and gestures, but hands filled with hands, hands pointing the way, hands tracing new lines as age slowly creases its course from the corners of my eyes.

Nolan Liebert

Quotes About Empty Eyes #943986
#21. To bed, to bed; sleep kill those pretty eyes,
And give as soft attachment to thy senses,
As infants empty of all thought.

William Shakespeare

Quotes About Empty Eyes #940778
#22. Girl, have you any thought what your eyes mean?
You must have stolen them from some dead queen.
O little empty laughing soul that sings
And dances, tell me
What do your eyes mean?

Omar Khayyam

Quotes About Empty Eyes #933225
#23. I didn't understand right away what she meant. But her words soaked through my skull like warm oil, behind my eyes, down my spine and into the empty space inside me.

Glenda Millard

Quotes About Empty Eyes #884853
#24. Where his eyes should've been, there was only fire, empty sockets glowing with miniature nuclear explosions.

Rick Riordan

Quotes About Empty Eyes #856003
#25. They will empty your eyes of everything you love

Lucille Clifton

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1711068
#26. Like the wells and springs of their island, like Hiro's clouds, the fountains of their eyes were empty now, dry as the cracked soil. Or perhaps their tears flowed inward, scalding their young hearts.

Edward Stanton

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1327302
#27. Love like a phantoms lights but hold in the heart, it builds like the empty smile adorning a statue with sightless eyes.

Dan Fogelberg

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1327741
#28. Making something new to look at is a futile and empty act if its only audience is the eyes.

Joseph Kosuth

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1333690
#29. There's eyes behind the mirrors in empty places.

Bob Dylan

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1341052
#30. I'm talking about the number of privileged, highly intelligent, motivated career-track people that I know, from my high school or college, who are, if you look into their eyes, empty and miserable.

David Lipsky

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1370074
#31. Loss of meaning is often part of the suffering that comes with physical loss, but it can also happen to people who have gained everything the world has to offer - who have made it in the eyes of the world - and suddenly find that their success or possessions are empty and unfulfilling.

Eckhart Tolle

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1380777
#32. When first discovering a night sky, the eyes may pick out a few tiny stars. Waiting and watching reveals thousands, until it seems there is yet more light than empty blackness. So my life has been, and so it continues.

Sumangali Morhall

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1457538
#33. Alone, Empty, Fraud, Shame, Fear,
Close your eyes.There is nothing to see out here.

Penelope Douglas

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1460076
#34. The longed-for ships come empty home, founder on the deep
And eyes first lose their tears and then their sleep.

Edith Wharton

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1549381
#35. The first time I ever saw your face, I thought the sun rose in your eyes and the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave to the dark and empty sky, my love.

Ewan MacColl

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1598958
#36. I walked over, my eyes scanning Luna Blu, my house, and Dave's. But it was the building behind them, that empty hotel, that had the tiniest light, provided by one word, written in fluorescent paint. Maybe it wasn't what was once there, in real life. But in this one, it said it all: STAY.

Sarah Dessen

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1602546
#37. Empty your heart, my kitten. Empty your mind. Open your eyes. Who do you see?

C.D. Reiss

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1668252
#38. I'm going to find a way to fix you"
"I'm not broken", Amy says in a voice as empty as her eyes.
I lead her down the hall, deposit her in her chamber, and tell her not lo leave. I have no doubt she will follow my order.

Beth Revis

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1675067
#39. I come home to an empty house and fill the sink with water. The pigeons above the window are clucking. I let the dishes slip under the bubbles and I close my eyes. I listen to the perfect, whole, round sounds of glass against porcelain under water.

Eula Biss

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1700130
#40. But it's the eyes that hold me captive, empty of concentric creek ripples and breezy tree branches playing the sky like my bow plays my violin.

Emily Murdoch

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1703142
#41. The flash lights irritated the women's eyes, but in the sudden glare their faces, so empty of expression when they had sex, at last came alive, and I saw two bluecollar housewives who had ditched their husbands and aspired to the most bourgeois of lives.

J.G. Ballard

Quotes About Empty Eyes #1708761
#42. Yawning, Aden rubbed his eyes, blinked three more times, and yawned again. "Without breakfast? I never run away on an empty stomach.

Jack Lewis Baillot

Quotes About Empty Eyes #130890
#43. And I had the most disconcerting sensation: that in my memory she would look up from that game of solitaire and the sockets of her eyes would be empty.

Anne Rice

Quotes About Empty Eyes #195573
#44. And to see the white flash of Klaus's eyes as he whirled on her. For one stunned instant she stared at him, and then lightning crackled.
From an empty sky.


Quotes About Empty Eyes #190320
#45. Educated, eyes-open optimism pays; pessimism can only offer the empty consolation of being right.

David Landes

Quotes About Empty Eyes #185510
#46. They were all very much of a type, tall and narrow-faced, eyes pale blue and pale green and pale gray, their features sharp but oddly empty - young men who has never been lonely or afraid or devastated by grief.

Katherine Addison

Quotes About Empty Eyes #181088
#47. When he closed his eyes, everything around him just felt empty and cold, as if he was in the loneliest place in the world. The middle of nowhere.

John Boyne

Quotes About Empty Eyes #170915
#48. Sunk in the grass of an empty lot on a spring Saturday, I split the stems of milkweed and thought about ants and peach pits and death and where the world went when I closed my eyes.

Toni Morrison

Quotes About Empty Eyes #164263
#49. But when he looked her in the eye and spoke quietly to her and only her, it filled an empty place inside her, and even made her eyes misty. It made her believe that she was just as worthy as a wealthy daughter of a nobleman. Or

Melanie Dickerson

Quotes About Empty Eyes #153586
#50. An empty glass is perceived by the eyes as nothing,
in reality, this nothing is something, because it has air.
That something is what we call energy pervading everywhere,
for it is the breath of air which brings life into you.

Gian Kumar

Quotes About Empty Eyes #151961
#51. Look ... at ... me ... he whispered. The green eyes found the black, but after a second, something in the depths of the dark pair seemed to vanish, leaving them fixed, blank, and empty. The hand holding Harry thudded to the floor, and Snape moved no more.

J.K. Rowling

Quotes About Empty Eyes #215351
#52. He had a strange way of talking, his head tucked into his neck and his eyes fixed in the empty space beyond, as if something were suspended there, ripe fruit or a glimmer of light, as if he were not quite brave enough, or perhaps too polite, to look a person in the eye.

Jan Ellison

Quotes About Empty Eyes #122716
#53. Lookin' at ye is like baskin' in the summer sun after a long, cold winter. 'Tis like seein' home after a battle that's left ye empty and alone." He kissed her mouth, her nose, her eyes. "I dinna' know how 'tis possible, but each time I see ye, ye grow more beautiful to me.

Paula Quinn

Quotes About Empty Eyes #76545
#54. We turn our eyes to the heavens, and the heavens are empty.

Michel Houellebecq

Quotes About Empty Eyes #61758
#55. From what?" "The empty-headed girls who think you're sexy." "You know." "Know what?" "That I only have eyes for you." Laila

Khaled Hosseini

Quotes About Empty Eyes #49694
#56. Caine usually woke from the recurring dream mid-air, having yet to be dashed upon the rocks, whimpering and panting like a child crying for his mother. Now he lifted his eyes to a dark, empty room in Jizan and the unusual, lingering scent of roses, and wept in his hands for his Father.

V.S. Carnes

Quotes About Empty Eyes #43588
#57. I thought that beauty alone would satisfy, but the soul is gone. I can't bear those empty, staring eyes.

Charles Beaumont

Quotes About Empty Eyes #35444
#58. She was curvaceous and held a near-empty glass of wine that, based on the heavy look in her eyes, was not her first. "Where

Kiera Cass

Quotes About Empty Eyes #13436
#59. The hot blue-glass eyes of the mannequins watched as the ladies drifted down the empty river bottom street, their images shimmering in the windows like blossoms seen under darkly moving waters.

Ray Bradbury

Quotes About Empty Eyes #458425
#60. While the poet wrestles with the horses on his brain and the sculptor wounds his eyes on the hard spark of alabaster, the dancer battles the air around her, air that threatens at any moment to destroy her harmony or to open huge open empty spaces where her rhythm will be annihilated.

Federico Garcia Lorca

Quotes About Empty Eyes #734578
#61. Don't you love to look at coffins? I've always enjoyed looking at one now and then. I think of a coffin as an absolutely lovely piece of furniture, even when it's empty, and if there's someone lying in it, it's really quite sublime in my eyes.

Thomas Mann

Quotes About Empty Eyes #649838
#62. The words come out of my mouth, but they don't sound like me. I don't sound like me. Probably because I know it's all lies. But I can see that they're lies that Reeve believes. He swallows them whole. His eyes go blank. Empty. He completely shuts down.

Jenny Han

Quotes About Empty Eyes #637713
#63. ...and he suddenly opened his eyes and stared straight ahead into an empty space till slowly we returned into view. I can make small talk, he said slowly, I can do that but out of the corner of my eye I can see the dark approaching.

Dermot Healy

Quotes About Empty Eyes #630440
#64. Those eyes, seemingly without mystery, are like certain closed cities, such as Lyons and Zurich, and they hypnotize me as do empty theaters, deserted prisons, machinery at rest, deserts, for deserts are closed and do not communicate with the infinite.

Jean Genet

Quotes About Empty Eyes #579838
#65. They died with empty bellies, their eyes vacant of both dreams and expression.

Leslye Walton

Quotes About Empty Eyes #574318
#66. I Used to think that I knew everything, I was alone. My heart was empty, a single soul experience of life. When I discovered in a pair of eyes, a light reflection of mine, I found my mate, my match, my soul.
Katia M. S.

Katia M. S.

Quotes About Empty Eyes #530993
#67. Now they are empty, Ramon replied with a shrug of broad, muscled shoulders on his six-foot-three-inch frame ... For the first time, a glint of humor touched Ramon Galverra's finely sculpted mouth and arrogant dark eyes.

Judith McNaught

Quotes About Empty Eyes #522490
#68. Wiggles hissed as I crossed the floor toward the throne. She fixed me with her empty hateful eyes and smelled the air, her long tongue shivering
through the slit of the lipless mouth. Nice to see you too, sweetheart. Remember my cattle prod?

Ilona Andrews

Quotes About Empty Eyes #796133
#69. He stares into the sky, his eyes absent and empty, an expression that branded its horrible meaning into my mind long, long ago. A candle without a spark, a sky without a sun, the look people get when they cease to be people, start being bodies.

Sara Raasch

Quotes About Empty Eyes #456105
#70. The blessing was an empty ritual, she knew, but rituals and ceremonies had power in the eyes of the ignorant.

George R R Martin

Quotes About Empty Eyes #447129
#71. But it would be like going to Heaven and not finding any of your friends there. Her life would go all beatific and empty in the eyes.

Lorrie Moore

Quotes About Empty Eyes #312860
#72. My chest got this weird feeling, like when you stare into the eyes of a little baby and the baby looks back up at you and you can feel how pure and innocent it is, so much that it makes your stomach feel empty - probably 'cause you realize you used to be pure like that, too, and now you're not.

Matt De La Pena

Quotes About Empty Eyes #302739
#73. Eyes as dark as her heart and as empty as her soul

Shayna Rodriguez

Quotes About Empty Eyes #275446
#74. A few hours later (I think, anyway) there are six other empty beer mugs joining the first one on the table. I watch them look back at me, my eyes half open. I think the one on the far right is judging me.

C.H. Wood

Quotes About Empty Eyes #242968
#75. Her eyes were full of hate. Full. And... at the same time, empty. Soulless. Like those horrible creatures she keeps around her. The dragon was frightening... but Maleficent, she was bone-chilling.

Liz Braswell

Quotes About Empty Eyes #228720

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