Top 100 Quotes About Eating Meat
#1. Practitioners of tantra don't decide to break the rules. They are not particularly hung up on having sex or eating meat or drinking alcohol. They don't strive to do these things, nor do they strive to avoid them.
Frederick Lenz
#2. I could never stop eating meat ... I'm not a good person to talk about diets. If I had to only eat salads, I'd kill myself!
Izabel Goulart
#3. I love eating meat, but I love our planet even more. So I will join this campaign and stop eating meat at least one day each week.
Richard Branson
#4. I became a vegetarian at 15. I was always an animal lover and, as a teenager, became increasingly uncomfortable with the idea of eating meat. It was then that I started to research vegetarianism.
Laura Mennell
#5. Not eating meat really keeps me trim ... meat, and what's usually served with it, is a big calorie packer.
Olivia Wilde
#6. Eating meat is the most disgusting thing I can think of. It's like biting into your grandmother.
Steven Morrissey
#7. I do not like eating meat because I have seen lambs and pigs killed. I saw and felt their pain. They felt the approaching death. I could not bear it. I cried like a child. I ran up a hill and could not breathe. I felt that I was choking. I felt the death of the lamb.
Vaslav Nijinsky
#8. I stopped eating meat about six years ago, when I was working on the movie Selena. During the shoot, I had to hold a chicken for five hours-if you hold it and feel its little heart beating for hours, you just can't think about eating it.
Constance Marie
#9. Well it's true, ever since I stopped eating meat I feel a lot better among animals, I feel I can be much more honest when I pat a dog.
Leonard Cohen
#10. It sounds like if it weren't for your boyfriend, you'd be eating meat."
"Probably," I admitted. "But I agree with Dane's take on the issues, and most of the time it's not a problem for me. Unfortunately, I'm temptable."
"I like that in a woman. It almost makes up for your conscience.
Lisa Kleypas
#11. I didn't grow up eating meat - I was a vegetarian until I was 18.
Daphne Oz
#12. Everything we eat begins with a plant turning solar energy into carbohydrates. Everything. Whether we're eating meat or eating vegetables, it all begins there. So I'm always interested in taking things back to the beginning.
Michael Pollan
#13. When we were growing up, all of us kids were vegetarians. No one had asked me to stop eating meat - I just noticed everyone else around me had stopped, so I followed the crew.
Janet Jackson
#14. The case for meat-eaters - if eating meat is a sin, then why are some plants carnivorous?
Siddharth Katragadda
#15. My refrigerator is full of kale and greens. I can't imagine something greasy, or eating meat.
Pamela Anderson
#16. The seat belt irked his father more than Uncle Colin's not eating meat, because, though his father never said it, Larry knew he considered seat belts cowardly.
Tom Franklin
#17. PROVERB: Eating meat is a difficult moral decision, because it's stolen, that meat. You should apologize.
Joseph Fink
#18. I love meat - I'm Cuban; I grew up eating meat, platanos, and arroz con pollo. I don't believe in starving yourself, but sometimes I do cleanses and diets to prepare for a role.
Natalie Martinez
#20. I think if you're against cruelty and you look at what happens to animals in slaughterhouses and on factory farms, you have to be completely against eating meat.
Ingrid Newkirk
#21. I stopped eating beef at 13 and stopped eating all meat a few years ago. I would feel guilty that what was on my plate was walking around yesterday. Either I could live with that or stop eating meat. I choose the latter, and I'm happier for it.
Carrie Underwood
#22. If man is able to live healthily as a vegetarian but chooses not to be one, then man is guilty of eating meat!
Mehmet Murat Ildan
#23. It's never really been that hard for me. I've never had any desire to eat meat. In fact, when I was a kid I would have a really difficult time eating meat at all.
Tobey Maguire
#24. Just for a few tiny buds on your tongue you are killing live animals, with no sensitivity, with no awareness, with no love. It seems impossible; how can a man who has known love be capable of doing such things? A man who loves his wife, who loves his children goes on eating meat? Impossible.
#25. There are many activities that human beings have been doing "forever." We might argue from that perspective that eating meat should be allowed to continue. Men have been raping women for thousands of years; does that mean that it is normal and should be allowed to continue?
Sharon Gannon
#26. The beginning of mindful eating is the realization that eating meat is not about the meat-eater; it is about the animals who are tormented and killed.
Norm Phelps
#27. If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat. That's the single most important thing you could do. It's staggering when you think about it. Vegetarianism takes care of so many things in one shot: ecology, famine, cruelty.
Paul McCartney
#28. I grew up in Texas, eating meat five times a day, and I liked meat. But I began being a vegetarian when I was 19 because I found that I felt better.
Dean Ornish
#29. When I stopped eating meat, I fell in love with East Indian food - there's so much selection, and they use the most beautiful spices.
Laura Mennell
#30. Under English law the penalty for eating meat on Friday was hanging. The law remained on the books until the sixteenth century, when Henry VIII broke with the Vatican.
Mark Kurlansky
#31. I don't love eating meat. I really only like chicken and fish.
#32. Initially, my decision to stop eating meat was motivated by fear of spiritual consequences, but right away I found that not eating meat made me feel good about myself. It increased my self-esteem, which I found so rewarding, I wanted to do more.
#33. As for meat, let me say it upfront:Humans haven't fully adapted to eating meat.
Ori Hofmekler
#34. Not eating meat is a decision, eating meat is an instinct.
Denis Leary
#35. Do I observe holy days and holidays? Yeah, the ritual is very important to me. It's part of being Ukrainian Catholic. So every holy day we're baking pierogis and not eating meat.
Vera Farmiga
#36. You shouldn't run around killing people or eating meat. That's not what we mean by tantra. There's no need to break the rules.
Frederick Lenz
#37. The rabbit was not domesticated until early medieval times (it was bred by French monks in the belief that newborn bunnies were fish and therefore exempt from the prohibitions against eating meat on certain days in the Church calendar);
Carl Sagan
#38. Eating meat is not your personal decision, any more than, you know, whether somebody beats their child is their personal decision.
Bruce Friedrich
#39. Eating meat is a leftover of the greatest brutality [killing]; the transition to vegetarianism is the first and most natural consequence of enlightenment.
Leo Tolstoy
#40. I grew up a vegetarian. Then, because I grew up in the states, I started slowly eating meat. First it was bologna sandwiches, or pepperoni on pizza.
Padma Lakshmi
#41. Goodwill to Spazzy up in gerbil heaven. Sorry sorry sorry. I stopped eating meat the day of the massacre, as penance for Spazzy. I've been a vegetarian since age six, all for the love of a gerbil.
Rachel Cohn
#42. Tantrics seek oneness with the universe
through eating meat, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, dancing,
and ritual sexual intercourse.
Marvin Harris
#43. My family celebrates both the navratras that come twice in a year. We also refrain from eating meat. I just enjoy that people come home, savour the variety of snacks and participate in our puja during this time.
Ronit Roy
#44. The fact is that eating meat and dairy is bad for your health, the health of the animals eaten, as well as the health of the planet.
Sharon Gannon
#45. I rebelled against the Mormon Church by going to other churches. I rebelled against my parents by not eating meat. I rebelled against my friends and myself by doing drugs. And I rebelled against everything that was holding me down by playing music with these guys.
Bert McCracken
#46. When I stopped eating meat, I noticed that it was easier for me to focus, and I was really proud of myself for being green also ... I had a plethora of reasons for going vegetarian.
Christian Serratos
#47. If one of the arguments against eating meat is to do with cruelty and animal intelligence, then lab meat avoids that. There's also the environmental argument for it.
Margaret Atwood
#48. By eating meat we share the responsibility of climate change, the destruction of our forests, and the poisoning of our air and water. The simple act of becoming a vegetarian will make a difference in the health of our planet.
Thich Nhat Hanh
#49. Since visiting the abatoirs of S. France I have stopped eating meat.
Vincent Van Gogh
#50. The smallest changes, like I stopped eating meat and I've been doing different kinds of exercise like Yoga and stuff like that, little changes have made me feel a bit more at peace I think.
Ellie Goulding
#51. The meat industry spends hundreds of millions of dollars lying to the public about their product. But no amount of false propaganda can sanitize meat. The facts are absolutely clear: Eating meat is bad for human health, catastrophic for the environment, and a living nightmare for animals
Chrissie Hynde
#52. I do eat what I want. I love meat - I'm Cuban: I grew up eating meat, platanos, and arroz con pollo. I don't believe in starving yourself, but sometimes I do cleanses and diets to prepare for a role. I choose a lot of greens, proteins, and fats, and I like to be really active.
Natalie Martinez
#53. From eating meat arrogance is born, from arrogance erroneous imaginations issue, and from imagination is born greed; and for this reason refrain from eating meat.
Gautama Buddha
#54. Good Viking genes, being vegetarian and having rowdy dogs and kids definitely keep me in shape. Not eating meat gives me the energy I need to keep up with work, family and travel - I'm very active.
Pamela Anderson
#55. People have their cultural reasons for eating meat, their traditional reasons, their likes and dislikes.
Suzy Amis
#56. Eating meat and drinking liquor are demonic vices. Those indulging in drink lose all sense of propriety, have no compassion or love and become demons.
Sathya Sai Baba
#57. This is the body's nurse; but since man's wit
Found the art of cookery, to delight his sense,
More bodies are consumed and kill'd with it
Than with the sword, famine, or pestilence.
John Davies Of Hereford
#58. And workers who needed to go to the bathroom weren't allowed to take a break. They were forced to pee right on the slaughterhouse floor, near meat that people would soon be eating.
Eric Schlosser
#59. If there hadn't been women we'd still be squatting in a cave eating raw meat, because we made civilization in order to impress our girlfriends.
Orson Welles
#60. Eating industrial meat takes an almost heroic act of not knowing or,
Michael Pollan
#61. The eating of meat extinguishes the seed of great compassion.
Gautama Buddha
#62. I'm not a racist, it's my principle: despite the fact that I'm on a diet and I should eat only white meat I eat also red and dark (I hope this is not a racist words?) with great relish, enjoying every bite.
Bryanna Reid
#63. All my life, I have been sickened by everything connected with meat-, fish-, and poultry eating. As a child, I saw apparently nice, kind people wring the necks of fowls, and I thought it foul; and I wondered if I could ever exert any influence to help bring such unworthiness to an end.
Percy Grainger
#65. We've all seen chicken portrayed as the low-fat, heart-healthy alternative to red meat for years, but it no longer adds up. You might want to lean away from eating birds and lean toward more plant-based options of protein like black beans, lentils, tofu, chickpeas and whole grains.
Kathy Freston
#66. And not just because meat-eating dinosaurs used as war-mounts were as rare as honest priests.
Victor Milan
#67. The kind of funny irony is that a lot of people talk about ethical meat eating as if it's a way to care about things, but also not to alienate yourself from the rest of the world. But it's so much more alienating than vegetarianism.
Jonathan Safran Foer
#68. Eating too much meat gives you indigestion and evil thoughts make you eat too much meat.
Gertrude Stein
#69. Even the hot meat pie man had stopped crying his wares and, with no regard for personal safety, was eating one. The
Terry Pratchett
#70. If you are interested in preventing animal suffering, the first thing you should give up is eggs and milk because the animals who produce those foods lead the most unhappy lives. You would do better to eat meat and stop eating eggs and dairy products.
Cesar Chavez
#71. I view cats as more like wild animals. We feed it, but a lot of times it's not eating the food because it's murdering other animals outside and eating their meat.
Jake M. Johnson
#72. I have become more interested than ever in the effect of a diet higher in 'greens' than it is in meat - both in terms of my own wellbeing and, more recently, those implications that go beyond me and those for whom I cook.
Nigel Slater
#73. Eating-wise, I'm fairly disciplined. I have to be, because if you're not eating correctly, you're not giving your body the fuel it needs. So, I stay away from carbs after the morning, and I eat a lot of protein - fish, chicken, and no red meat.
Kate Levering
#74. I am expected to be glamorous and untouchable. Like success would make me spoiled and entitled. However, I am just a normal dog-owning, horse-riding, meat-eating Oklahoman.
Kristin Cast
#75. But ... meat eating in any form, in any manner, and in any place is unconditionally and once and for all prohibited ... Meat eating I have not permitted to anyone, I do not permit, I will not permit.
Gautama Buddha
#76. When she passed on the ham the explanation was she was a vegetarian. Kat had asked why she was eating eggs, then, if she didn't eat meat. Smiling, she replied, I don't kill animals for food, but I am pro-choice.
James R Tuck
#77. Your body is incredible at 'detoxing'. It's called pooping & sweating. Best 'detox diet' = regular exercise, eating more veggies, fruit, healthy fats, lean meat, some grains and drinking more water.
Chris Mohr
#78. The way to make the world a better place, through your eating, is simply to eat a bit less meat. Local is sometimes good, sometimes bad. But even when it's good, its environmental impact is relatively small compared to other possible improvements.
Tyler Cowen
#79. I waited for him to come out. He didn't. I considered going in after him, but knew the fact that I had readied myself to kill him did not mean that he had readied himself to die.
Derrick Jensen
#80. My refusing to eat flesh occasioned an inconveniency, and I was frequently chided for my singularity, but, with this lighter repast, I made the greater progress, for greater clearness of head and quicker comprehension. Flesh eating is unprovoked murder.
Benjamin Franklin
#81. I'm a man. A speak-my-mind, fight-for-what-I-believe, bleed-for-my-country, red-meat-eating man. I don't bow down to anyone.
Kendall Ryan
#82. Eating a piece of meat, at its most efficient, we could say is like throwing away six times that amount of food every time you eat it because you're recycling all those calories through it. I know a lot of people who came to this issue not through animal welfare but through wastefulness.
Jonathan Safran Foer
#83. Day to day, I love eating soup and salad; lots of stews, fish, chicken, meat and veg. I eat everything, and I don't have any fads.
Jerry Hall
#84. Being obligate carnivores, cats have a short, straight digestive tract perfectly suited for eating raw meat. Besides, you never see a cat in a field roasting a mouse over a spit, right?
Jackson Galaxy
#85. You take this meat eating. Many people have to kill the animals because of your non-vegetarianism. You are responsible for the death of those animals. They are killed because you eat them. This is a sin. What a sin to kill innocent animals and eat them.
Sathya Sai Baba
#86. From there, it was time for dinner: roaring fires, meat popping on spits, tofu sizzling on skillets ((it's northern California, a vegetarian option is not optional), and a style of eating and drinking that can only be described as quaffing.
Cory Doctorow
#87. Steakhouses serve these big steaks. The first piece is hot, and the last piece is cold. The way I like to eat is to try three or four cuts of meat. People should actually be eating less meat, and the meat they eat should be special.
Jose Andres
#88. On going vegetarian." I was sitting here eating my plate of chicken salad, and suddenly I looked down and saw all the meat on my plate and just wasn't hungry anymore. So i've decided I'm not going to eat meat."
Shiri Appleby
#89. Meat-eating is condemned by the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Sravakas; if one devours meat out of shamelessness he will always be devoid of sense.
Gautama Buddha
#90. If someone had informed him that men were dying every day in the Islands for lack of a cup of rice, he would have been surprised. "Why do they insist on eating rice? Meat is so much better!
Ken Liu
#91. I quit eating red meat a long time ago. I'm a vegetarian, but not by a moral issue or any kind of stand. I still eat dairy. And I quit eating sugar about the same time I quit eating red meat, but I eat fruit.
Dwight Yoakam
#92. I'll stop eating steak when you stop killing spiders. Absurdity: comparing cows to spiders. Arachnids are pure evil. They're like a cigarette manufacturer or a terrorist. They're organized religion on eight legs.
Davey Havok
#93. I've been just eating very healthy, all organic, no sugar, white flour, nothing artificial. I'm being so incredibly strict ... not a lot of meat!
Danica McKellar
#94. Not that I'm against meat eating. But I think we're eating too much.
Michael Pollan
#95. There is one taboo against meat-eating. It divides Hindus into vegetarians and flesh eaters. There is another taboo which is against beef eating. It divides Hindus into those who eat cow's flesh and those who do not.
B.R. Ambedkar
#96. It is true that every being is enjoying life or suffering as a direct result of his or her own past actions. The animals in the factory farms may have been meat-eating human beings in a previous birth; we don't know, and it is not our place to judge.
Sharon Gannon
#97. My mother always cooked, every day, proper food. We didn't have fast food. It was probably pretty much meat and two veg, but as time went on and new things came into the culture, she embraced all of that. I grew up with mealtimes and sitting around the table with proper cooking and eating.
Lesley Manville
#98. The idea that by eating the meat of an animal, the animal powers or faculties could be conveyed to oneself is nonsense and originates in a mental ignorance of the perfect and genuine primitive laws.
Franz Bardon
#99. Eating a varied plant-based diet - and avoiding all meat, fish, chicken and dairy products - may have much to recommend it, but it's certainly not for everyone.
Michael Greger
#100. Don't say you're going to stop eating red meat when you like red meat.
Bob Odenkirk
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