Top 100 Quotes About Constant

#1. Living is a constant process of deciding what we are going to do.

Jose Ortega Y Gasset

Quotes About Constant #1726301
#2. I have an ethics background. It doesn't mean you're perfect. But I tried to set an entirely different bar for politics in D.C. that's based on ethics and first principles and political philosophy, and not this constant bickering of, 'Are you Right or Left?'

Dave Brat

Quotes About Constant #1692453
#3. Do you think I'm somehow healthier because I don't know how to repress? Is it possible that constant fear is the natural state of man and that by living close to my fear I am actually doing something heroic, Murray?"
Do you feel heroic?"
Then you probably aren't.

Don DeLillo

Quotes About Constant #1692478
#4. Life is a constant becoming: all stages lead to the beginning of others.

George Bernard Shaw

Quotes About Constant #1694332
#5. As technology advances, the rendering time remains constant.

Jim Blinn

Quotes About Constant #1694464
#6. All social animals, including people, live under constant pressure from two competing interests: protecting themselves from others and aligning themselves with others. When these two interests are balanced, the result is dynamic social homeostasis.


Quotes About Constant #1695777
#7. On the whole I consider the constant need for delight and diversion in completely new things to be a sign of pettiness, lack of inner life, of estrangement from nature, and of a mediocre or defective gift of understanding.

Robert Walser

Quotes About Constant #1697022
#8. The predominance of moral factors in all military decisions. On them constantly turns the issue of war and battle. In the history of war they form the more constant factors, changing only in degree, whereas the physical factors are different in almost every war and every military situation.

B.H. Liddell Hart

Quotes About Constant #1697640
#9. Constant use had not worn ragged the fabric of their friendship.

Dorothy Parker

Quotes About Constant #1697655
#10. A better principle than this, that "the majority shall rule," is this other, that justice shall rule. "Justice," says the code of Justinian, "is the constant and perpetual desire to render every man his due.

Christian Nestell Bovee

Quotes About Constant #1698195
#11. The Master views the parts with compassion, because he understands the whole. His constant practice is humility. He doesn't glitter like a jewel but lets himself be shaped by the Tao, as rugged and common as a stone.


Quotes About Constant #1700054
#12. Unfortunately, the true force which propels our endless political disputes, our constant struggles for political advantage, is often not our burning concern for democracy, it is often of our dedication to the principle of the rule of law.

Olusegun Obasanjo

Quotes About Constant #1700356
#13. The constant free flow of communication amount us-enabling the free interchange of ideas-forms the very bloodstream of our nation. It keeps the mind and body of our democracy eternally vital, eternally young.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Quotes About Constant #1701738
#14. Pleasure, when it is a man's chief purpose, disappoints itself; and the constant application to it palls the faculty of enjoying it.

Richard Steele

Quotes About Constant #1701971
#15. Jesus, Martin, what the hell do I pay you for?"
"My good looks, the occasional blow job, and my constant supply of Jim Beam."
"You've never given me a blow job."
"True, but you've fantasized about it.

Adrienne Wilder

Quotes About Constant #1705511
#16. Television is much more difficult because at every moment the network can force you to change things based on their belief about what would make it popular. You're in a constant debate with a gun at your head, and the gun is cancellation. So it's hard to win the arguments.

Judd Apatow

Quotes About Constant #1705518
#17. Constant Penelope sends to thee, careless Ulysses.
Write not again, but come, sweet mate


Quotes About Constant #1706775
#18. Maybe he was a good man once, this old one, my predecessor, but they had worn him down, in thirty years, like a big knife made thin and fragile, needlelike, from constant honings. All that good steel just rubbed away no one knew where.

James Jones

Quotes About Constant #1706938
#19. Remember that the most difficult tasks are consummated, not by a single explosive burst of energy or effort, but by the constant daily application of the best you have within you.

Og Mandino

Quotes About Constant #1707630
#20. To keep up even a worthwhile tradition means vitiating the idea behind it which must necessarily be in a constant state of evolution: it is mad to try to express new feelings in a mummified form.

Alfred Jarry

Quotes About Constant #1708337
#21. Only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on the memory of the crowd.

Adolf Hitler

Quotes About Constant #1708340
#22. It's only through honesty and courage that science can work at all. The Ptolemaic understanding of the solar system was undermined and corrected by the constant pressure of more and more honest reporting.

Philip Pullman

Quotes About Constant #1708538
#23. The constant abrasion and decay of our lives makes the soil of our future growth.

Henry David Thoreau

Quotes About Constant #1708721
#24. Because after you've crossed some lines, you just keep crossing them. And there's no escaping from constant escape. Distracting ourselves. Avoiding confrontation. Getting past the moment. Jacking off. Television. Denial.

Chuck Palahniuk

Quotes About Constant #1708774
#25. What we now call school training, the pursuit of fixed studies at stated hours under the constant guidance of a teacher, I could scarcely be said to have enjoyed.

Simon Newcomb

Quotes About Constant #1709078
#26. Life is a constant balancing act, and keeping your balance is not always possible. The better you prepare yourself, the better your chances of regaining your balance when you lose it.

Walter C. Conner

Quotes About Constant #1709285
#27. Constant dropping wears away stones

Benjamin Franklin

Quotes About Constant #1709486
#28. I mean, normally, being in lockdown, being in constant detention, it'd break me, but now - what's the worst they can do? Bring back Moldy Voldy and have him torture me? Nope.

J.K. Rowling

Quotes About Constant #1709814
#29. When we'd started working together, I'd assumed it would be a question of putting up with Pritkin; then suddenly the stupid hair was making me smile, and the sporadic heroics were making my heart jump and the constant bitching had me wanting to kiss him quiet.

Karen Chance

Quotes About Constant #1711304
#30. I'm on a constant yo-yo of health. I will go a week eating incredibly clean, but then I'll follow that up with a month's worth of binge eating. Then I hit the gym and eat clean, and then I mix it up with core exercises, yoga, Pilates, and sitting on an incline bench while checking my phone.

Josh McDermitt

Quotes About Constant #1713225
#31. To love Christ more, is the deepest need, the constant cry of my soul
Out in the woods and on my bed and out driving,
when I am happy and busy,
and when I am sad and idle,
the whisper keeps going up for
more love, more love, more love!

Elizabeth Prentiss

Quotes About Constant #1713297
#32. Poetry is the struggle against the simplification, codification, and mummification of language, it serves as a constant redirect - moving us to the experience to which the words point.

Billy Marshall Stoneking

Quotes About Constant #1713440
#33. I like change. I've never really had much consistency in my life, you know, from everyday work to my living situation to whether or not I'm going to be in L.A. The one constant thing in my life is my friends and family, which is all I need.

Mary-Kate Olsen

Quotes About Constant #1714362
#34. Although selfhood depends causally upon the existence of the brain, it amounts to something far more than the brain. This something is vague and intangible, and might best be described, I think, as a semi-fictional narrative that is in constant need of writing, editing, and preserving.

Neel Burton

Quotes About Constant #1716072
#35. They had nothing to say to each other. A five-year age gap between siblings is like a garden that needs constant attention. Even three months apart allows the weeds to grow up between you.

Zadie Smith

Quotes About Constant #1716205
#36. On the outside, grief was expressed in judders, faltering and unsure, but inside it felt as constant as breathing.

Kirsty Logan

Quotes About Constant #1716806
#37. The Christian life is not a constant high. I have my moments of deep discouragement. I have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say, 'O God, forgive me,' or 'Help me.'

Billy Graham

Quotes About Constant #1717591
#38. A man may be carried on in a constant course of mortification all his days; and yet perhaps never enjoy a good day of peace and consolation.

John Owen

Quotes About Constant #1717833
#39. Boys' brains are being digitally rewired for change, novelty, excitement and constant arousal. That means they're totally out of sync in traditional classes, which are analog, static, interactively passive.

Philip Zimbardo

Quotes About Constant #1718373
#40. Minimalism is the constant art of editing your life.

Danny Dover

Quotes About Constant #1720246
#41. The only option for a creative person was constant motion - a lifetime of busy whirligigging in a generally forward direction, until you couldn't do it any longer.

Meg Wolitzer

Quotes About Constant #1720315
#42. A human being is a being who is constantly 'under construction,' but also, in a parallel fashion, always in a state of constant destruction.

Jose Saramago

Quotes About Constant #1720518
#43. We are the planet, fully as much as water, earth, fire and air are the planet, and if the planet survives, it will only be through heroism. Not occasional heroism, a remarkable instance of it here and there, but constant heroism, systematic heroism, heroism as governing principle.

Russell Banks

Quotes About Constant #1721190
#44. There are constant challenges in the drawing process, especially in a period piece, and therein lay the fun.

Nate Powell

Quotes About Constant #1722314
#45. Accustom yourself to master and overcome things of difficulty; for if you observe, the left hand for want of practice is insignificant, and not adapted to general business; yet it holds the bridle better than the right, from constant use.

Pliny The Elder

Quotes About Constant #1722391
#46. The constant desire of pleasing which is the peculiar quality of some, may be called the happiest of all desires in this that it rarely fails of attaining its end when not disgraced by affectation.

Henry Fielding

Quotes About Constant #1723263
#47. A constant in my approach to investing: You should think politically but unconventionally.

Kenneth Fisher

Quotes About Constant #1723829
#48. Symptoms include constant fatigue, inability to sleep, and, of course, extreme sleep disruption.

Jim Gaffigan

Quotes About Constant #1724133
#49. A potentially useful property of forecasts based on cointegration is that when extended some way ahead, the forecasts of the two series will form a constant ratio, as is expected by some asymptotic economic theory.

Clive Granger

Quotes About Constant #1724153
#50. There is a constant need for new systems and new software.

Marc Andreessen

Quotes About Constant #1725007
#51. The constant broadcast and reception of ghostly images via radio and television, according to this notion, had weakened the sense, particularly among youth, of possessing physical the sense, particularly among youth, of possessing physical bodies and private identities.
McLuhan CD-ROM

Marshall McLuhan

Quotes About Constant #1737550
#52. D.N.A. sequences change by mutations, and the idea behind the molecular clock is that those changes occur at, more or less, a constant rate, over time.

Mark Stoneking

Quotes About Constant #1750520
#53. Zionism is, in sum, the constant and unrelenting effort to realize the national and universal vision of the prophets of Israel.

Yigal Allon

Quotes About Constant #1748922
#54. May I say that I have not thoroughly enjoyed serving with humans? I find their illogic and foolish emotions a constant irritant

Leonard Nimoy

Quotes About Constant #1748187
#55. Working in an office with an array of electronic devices is like trying to get something done at home with half a dozen small children around. The calls for attention are constant.

Marilyn Vos Savant

Quotes About Constant #1747869
#56. I have realized that for those who live in the West, freedom is so often something they take for granted. It has always been there for them. It is their unnoticed, unrecognized, constant companion and friend. But for those of us who come from countries like Sudan, freedom is wonderful and precious.

Mende Nazer

Quotes About Constant #1747406
#57. The pain of the constant, bone-chilling loneliness she'd accustomed herself to. And learned to live with it.

Christina Dodd

Quotes About Constant #1746522
#58. Jamie enjoyed solitude, but loneliness was a constant ache.

Sidney Sheldon

Quotes About Constant #1746105
#59. He had to stand on guard against his own feeling - as if some part of him had become a stranger that had to be kept numb, and his will had to be its constant, watchful anesthetic.

Ayn Rand

Quotes About Constant #1745632
#60. While analyzing so many people I realized the constant need of a mother, or a father, or a god (the same thing) is really immaturity. It is a childish need, a human need, but so universal that I can see how it gave birth to all religions.

Anais Nin

Quotes About Constant #1745076
#61. The characteristic feature of modernity is criticism: what is new is set over and against what is old, and it is this constant contrast that constitutes the continuity of tradition.

Octavio Paz

Quotes About Constant #1745056
#62. The history of the Americas is one of constant warfare over salt,

Mark Kurlansky

Quotes About Constant #1744887
#63. My focus has always been on talent over looks. This theme of people putting an emphasis on looks first has been a constant reminder throughout my life that most people don't see things in the same way that I do.

Jennifer Hudson

Quotes About Constant #1744484
#64. I like sets that feel small. Sets that feel really big are difficult. When you're on a big set it feels like there's constant mis-communication.

Anna Kendrick

Quotes About Constant #1743266
#65. There is no destiny so great it cannot be altered, Chase Williams. Stone can be broken, parchment can be burned, and words can be lost. The past is all that is constant.

M.R. Merrick

Quotes About Constant #1743181
#66. Daddy, I'm always in prayer because part of my brain, through the Holy Spirit, is in constant communication with Heaven [God]. My mouth is for talking to people.

Kevin Malarkey

Quotes About Constant #1741056
#67. Your woods, irons and wedges are built with specific lengths and lie angles, which demand that you stand to the ball a little differently for each one. The secret is to know which elements of your address position remain constant, and which ones you have to tweak to match the club in your hand.

Sergio Garcia

Quotes About Constant #1740591
#68. because of the constant strife. It took my Angles, a folk the Picts

F.J. Atkinson

Quotes About Constant #1740530
#69. I wanted freedom in the same way I wanted my next breath: an unspoken but constant desire.

Jodi Meadows

Quotes About Constant #1740274
#70. Islam is simple, but being a Muslim in a modern world is not. Everyday is a battle that each of us have to face. It is easy to get swept away and lose one's identity. The constant struggle is to find out who we are and how to remain steadfast.

Norhafsah Hamid

Quotes About Constant #1740229
#71. ( ... ) maybe the heart is an organ on constant ready, always waiting to try again, always open to the next best thing.

Kate Ellison

Quotes About Constant #1739520
#72. Experience and the constant analysis of the most varied positions builds up a store of knowledge in a player's mind enabling him often at a glance to assess this or that position.

Alexander Kotov

Quotes About Constant #1739229
#73. Texting is addicting. Once you get emotionally involved with constant outside stimulation assaulting your brain, it is hard to stop looking at your machine every two minutes. Without rapid fire words appearing on a screen, you feel bored, not part of the action.

Bill O'Reilly

Quotes About Constant #1738520
#74. Just because you don't say much doesn't mean people don't notice you. It's actually the quiet ones who often draw the most attention. There's this constant whirlwind of motion and sound all around, and then there's the quiet one, the eye of the storm.

Amy Efaw

Quotes About Constant #1737964
#75. A wit should no more be sincere, than a woman constant; one argues a decay of parts, as to other of beauty.

William Congreve

Quotes About Constant #1737700
#76. This is an ugly and mean world, and only to spite it we mustn't weep. If you want to know, this is the constant source of my good spirit, of my humor. Not to cry, out of spite, only to laugh out of spite, only to laugh.

Sholem Aleichem

Quotes About Constant #1731667
#77. Concepts are vindicated by the constant accrual of data and independent verification of data. No prize, not even a Nobel Prize, can make something true that is not true.

Stanley B. Prusiner

Quotes About Constant #1726362
#78. I'm so proud to be an Army brat, but it was not an easy life. Moving around so much, skating was that one constant thing I had to hold on to.

Ashley Wagner

Quotes About Constant #1727108
#79. Gospel goes with me wherever I go. Gospel is a constant with me.

Aretha Franklin

Quotes About Constant #1727256
#80. We are all connected and operate within living fields of thought and perception. The world is not fixed but is in constant flux; accordingly, the future is not fixed, and so can be shaped.

Joseph Jaworski

Quotes About Constant #1727427
#81. Make your meditation a continuous state of mind. A great worship is going on all the time, so nothing should be neglected or excluded from your constant meditative awareness.


Quotes About Constant #1728590
#82. Moviemaking is a time machine: narrative spliced into fragments and reassembled into a constant present, the end of a story shot before the beginning, which is shot after the middle.

Steve Erickson

Quotes About Constant #1729158
#83. People are no longer primarily in opposition, nor can they be said to be interacting, rather they are participating in this pool of common meaning which is capable of constant development and change.

David Bohm

Quotes About Constant #1729166
#84. Death is not the end; it is but one more step in a great forward march made possible by the redemption wrought by the Savior. This is the spirit of true science - constant and eternal seeking.

Henry Eyring

Quotes About Constant #1729243
#85. The desire for constant action irrespective of underlying conditions is responsible for many losses on Wall Street even among the professionals, who feel that they must take home some money every day, as though they were working for regular wages.

Jesse Lauriston Livermore

Quotes About Constant #1730528
#86. Decades can pass,
You can move countries,
Wars can be fought,
People can die,
People can change,
But the stars stay the same.
They stay constant,
They are really the only reliable things in life


Quotes About Constant #1730856
#87. We need to keep a constant watch over our mind and learn to distinguish between the beneficial and harmful thoughts that are arising moment by moment. Those who are able to do this are truly wise.

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

Quotes About Constant #1730878
#88. The life of faith is a daily exploration of the constant and countless ways in which Gods grace and love are expereinced

Eugene H. Peterson

Quotes About Constant #1731390
#89. I'm one of the lucky actors in television. I don't make a lot of big waves, but there's constant activity, and that's the way I prefer to live my life.

Patrick Duffy

Quotes About Constant #1734709
#90. Basically, my problem was attributed to stress more than anything. I don't know what that does and I guess doctors can tell you that there's chemicals that build up in your system when you go through a lot of stress and constant stress.

Mike Ditka

Quotes About Constant #1737246
#91. There is no craving or demand of the human mind more constant and insatiable than that for exercise and employment, and this desire seems the foundation of most of our passions and pursuits.

David Hume

Quotes About Constant #1735629
#92. Either it is the fold of the infinite, or the constant folds [replis] of finitude which curve the outside and constitute the inside.

Gilles Deleuze

Quotes About Constant #1735570
#93. The devil is in constant conspiracy against a preacher who really prays, for it has been said that what a minister is in his prayer closet is what he is, no more, no less.

Vance Havner

Quotes About Constant #1735336
#94. Better than fame is still the wish for fame, the constant training for a glorious strife.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton

Quotes About Constant #1735084
#95. Like the sea, the Web is volatile: 70 percent of its communications last less than four months. Its virtue (its virtuality) entails a constant present-which for medieval scholars was one of the definitions of hell.23

Alberto Manguel

Quotes About Constant #1733362
#96. Idealizing life is surely quite unrealistic, however, it is much better than living in constant despair.

Eraldo Banovac

Quotes About Constant #1732525
#97. Constant rhythmical movement is necessary to health and harmony. Much ill health is due to emotional congestion.

Emmet Fox

Quotes About Constant #1732669
#98. What emerged, of course, was that the magnitude scale presupposed that all earthquakes were alike except for a constant scaling factor. And this proved to be closer to the truth than we expected.

Charles Francis Richter

Quotes About Constant #1692308
#99. The specific media my change, but the principles of human nature have remained fairly constant over the millenia.

Randal Marlin

Quotes About Constant #1734181
#100. Life has a much bigger plan for you. Happiness is part of that plan. Health is part of that plan. Stability is part of that plan. Constant struggle is not.

Kris Carr

Quotes About Constant #1734548

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