Top 15 Nate Powell Quotes

#1. I love trying to forge a contract between creator and audience in which we are able to meet halfway, each injecting a part of our own experiences into a story that's being told.

Nate Powell

Nate Powell Quotes #58811
#2. As a visual storyteller, a lot is learning what to include so you're not being redundant between images and text.

Nate Powell

Nate Powell Quotes #187328
#3. The truth is, I don't sketch much at all. I have a very visual/spatial brain that retains a lot of information about maps, directions, positioning, and details, so I usually prefer working out those issues on the page itself.

Nate Powell

Nate Powell Quotes #360307
#4. We all accept the visual shorthand used throughout comics: if something's farther away, it'll be drawn with a thinner, simpler line, eventually leaving out most visual information and becoming a gesture, a skeletal representation of a thing.

Nate Powell

Nate Powell Quotes #606473
#5. Power, privilege, and violence are not, and never were, strictly Southern issues in America.

Nate Powell

Nate Powell Quotes #1017177
#6. The books that stuck with me most as a child were 'A Wrinkle In Time', 'Dracula', 'Hatchet', 'Bunnicula', 'White Fang', and this YA/kids' book called 'Nobody's Fault' where a kid drowns one weekend as friends play around a flooded ditch.

Nate Powell

Nate Powell Quotes #1048690
#7. 'Swallow Me Whole' is still the creation that's closest to my heart.

Nate Powell

Nate Powell Quotes #1142981
#8. Doing representations of real people is not my strongpoint as a visual artist, and I know that.

Nate Powell

Nate Powell Quotes #1243008
#9. In carrying on this hipster virus I live a locust-like existence, exhausting and shedding myself in ruination from one life to the next.

Nate Powell

Nate Powell Quotes #1279940
#10. There's nothing that compares with the time spent all by myself on a creation that is all my own. I still think of my solo work as my 'home planet' in comics, though I've learned to listen much more to editors and trusted friends for feedback.

Nate Powell

Nate Powell Quotes #1484778
#11. There are constant challenges in the drawing process, especially in a period piece, and therein lay the fun.

Nate Powell

Nate Powell Quotes #1722314
#12. The comics I made from 1990 to 1997 were largely based in vaguely urban, vaguely dystopic settings because that was my reference point for comics storytelling in general.

Nate Powell

Nate Powell Quotes #1754312
#13. Kids have always play-fought, but I think my generation had a particularly privileged cultural fantasy surrounding military violence.

Nate Powell

Nate Powell Quotes #1787737
#14. Comics creators are generally screwed in life: Most of us who are fortunate enough to do comics full time - which is very few of us - will literally draw until we die because we have no employment structures intact for retirement, much less insurance!

Nate Powell

Nate Powell Quotes #1789307
#15. I am filled with uncertainty and fear when thinking about how my two daughters will grow into this world as Hoosiers, as Americans, as women and free thinkers.

Nate Powell

Nate Powell Quotes #1828540

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